The song of friendship
People’s China
People’s China was an English language magazine, first published on 1st January 1950. It’s aim was stated in the first paragraph of the first page;
‘This is a journal dedicated to cementing unity and friendship between the Chinese people and the progressive people of all lands and to the cause of lasting peace and people’s democracy. Through its pages, we intend to inform our readers, twice a month, off the thought and life of the China that has free herself from the clutches of domestic reactionaries and the yoke of foreign imperialists – that is, the people’s China.’
It should be remembered that this first issue was published a mere three months after Chairman Mao declared the foundation of the People’s Republic of China on 1st October 1949 – thereby demonstrating the importance the Communist Party of China placed on the worldwide dissemination of information about the efforts of the Chinese workers and peasants in the construction of Socialism.
As well as English the magazine was also published in Russian, Japanese, Chinese, French and Indonesian.
People’s China magazine was eventually replace by Peking Review, which served the same purpose but which was published weekly. The other magazines which were produced for the foreign reader were China Reconstructs and China Pictorial.
As this magazine started publication so soon after the success of the Chinese Revolution there were still those in a senior position within the Party who were later to be exposed as traitors and reactionary ‘capitalist roaders’, such as Liu Shao-chi ( Liu Shaoqi) and Teng Tsiao-ping ( Deng Xiaoping). At times they promoted the revolutionary, Socialist ideas of the Party at others they were already developing their pernicious and counter-revolutionary thoughts. These were later exposed and their ideas challenged during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
Vol. I, 1 – January 1, 1950, 32 pages.
Vol. I, 2 – January 16, 1950, 32 pages.
Vol. I, 3 – February 1, 1950, 28 pages.
Vol. I, 4 – February 16, 1950, 28 pages.
Vol. I, 5 – March 1, 1950, 32 pages.
Vol. I, 6 – March 16, 1950, 28 pages.
Vol. I, 7 – April 1, 1950, 28 pages.
Vol. I, 8 – April 16, 1950, 28 pages.
Vol. I, 9 – May 1, 1950, 28 pages.
Vol. I, 10 – May 16, 1950, 28 pages.
Supplement: ‘May Day address by Liu Shao-chi’, 12 pages.
Vol. I, 11 – June 1, 1950, 28 pages.
Vol. I, 12 – June 16, 1950, 32 pages, including Vol. I index (for first half of 1950).
Vol. II, 1 – July 1, 1950, 32 pages.
Vol. II, 2 – July 16, 1950, 32 pages.
Supplement: ‘The Agrarian Law’ and ‘The Trade Union Law’, 16 pages.
Vol. II, 3 – August 1, 1950, 32 pages.
Vol. II, 4 – August 16, 1950, 32 pages.
Vol. II, 5 – September 1, 1950, 32 pages.
Vol. II, 6 – September 16, 1950, 32 pages.
Vol. II, 11 – December 1, 1950, 32 pages. (This is a black-and-white reproduction by the U.S. CIA.)
Supplement: ‘China’s Statement to the U.N. on the illegal MacArthur Report‘, 15 pages.
Vol. II, 12 – December 16, 1950, 32 pages. (This is a black-and-white reproduction by the U.S. CIA.)
Supplement: ‘The speeches of China’s Representative at the U.N Security Council’, ‘Chou En-lai’s statement on the Peace Treaty with Japan’, and Index for Volume 2 (second half of 1950), 20 pages.
Vol. III, 2 – January 16, 1951, 32 pages.
Supplement: ‘China and the Second World Peace Congress’, 20 pages.
Vol. III, 4 – February 16, 1951, 32 pages.
Supplement: ‘Foreign Minister Chou En-lai’s statement on the illegal U.N. Resolution’, 4 pages.
Vol. III, 5 – March 1, 1951, 32 pages.
Vol. III, 6 – March 16, 1951, 32 pages.
Supplement: ‘World Peace Council resolutions and speech by Kuo Mo-jo’, 12 pages.
Vol. III, 7 – April 1, 1951, 32 pages.
Vol. III, 8 – April 16, 1951, 32 pages.
Vol. III, 9 – May 1, 1951, 44 pages.
Supplement: ‘The Manifesto and Platform of the Vietnam Lao Dong Party’, 8 pages.
Vol. III, 10 – May 16, 1951, 32 pages.
Vol. III, 11 – June 1, 1951, 36 pages.
Supplement: ‘On Practice’, by Mao Tse-tung. [This supplement is not available, but this work is available here.]
Supplement: ‘Chinese and Soviet notes on the U.S. Draft Peace Treaty with Japan’, 8 pages.
Vol. III, 12 – June 16, 1951, 36 pages.
Supplement: ‘Documents and speeches on the peaceful liberation of Tibet’, 16 pages. Also includes the Index to Volume III (the first half of 1951).
Vol. IV, 1 – July 1, 1951, Special issue on the 30th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, 48 pages.
Vol. IV, 2 – July 16, 1951, 36 pages.
Vol. IV, 3 – August 1, 1951, 36 pages.
Supplement: ‘Documents on the cease-fire and armistice negotiations in Korea’, 12 pages.
Vol. IV, 4 – August 16, 1951, 36 pages.
Supplement: ‘Documents and commentaries on the cease-fire and armistice negotiations in Korea (II)’, 20 pages.
Vol. IV, 5 – September 1, 1951, 36 pages.
Supplement: ‘Foreign Minister Chou En-lai’s statement on the US-British Draft Peace Treaty with Japan’, 8 pages.
Supplement: ‘The trial and conviction of U.S. spies in Peking’, 16 pages.
Vol. IV, 6 – September 16, 1951, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘On the indictment and punishment of war criminals’, 8 pages.
Supplement: ‘Documents on the cease-fire and armistice negotiations in Korea (III)’, 24 pages.
Vol. IV, 7 – October 1, 1951, 41 pages (including tipped-in photo of Mao).
Supplement: ‘Presentation of the International Stalin Peace Prize to Soong Ching Ling’, 8 pages.
Vol. IV, 8 – October 16, 1951, 36 pages.
Supplement: ‘Documents on the cease-fire and armistice negotiations in Korea (IV)’, 8 pages.
Vol. IV, 9 – November 1, 1951, 36 pages.
Vol. IV, 10 – November 16, 1951, 36 pages.
Supplement: ‘Premier Chou En-lai’s Political Report to 3rd Session of the CPPCC’, 12 pages.
Vol. IV, 11 – December 1, 1951, 40 pages.
Vol. IV, 12 – December 16, 1951, 32 pages. [Includes index for Volume IV (second half of 1951).]
1 – January 1, 1952, 42 pages.
2 – January 16, 1952, 32 pages.
3 – February 1, 1952, 28 pages.
4 – February 16, 1952, 32 pages.
5 – March 1, 1952, 36 pages. [Missing pages 24-25. Pages 32-33 out of order.]
6 – March 16, 1952, 36 pages.
7 – April 1, 1952, 36 pages.
8 – April 16, 1952, 32 pages.
Supplement: ‘Statements and reports on the American crime of waging bacteriological warfare in China and Korea’, 16 pages.
9 – May Day (May 1) 1952, 41 pages (including tipped-in paper-cut of Mao).
10 – May 16, 1952, issue itself not yet available.
Supplement: ‘Statements by two American Air Force Officers, Kenneth Lloyd Enoch and John Quinn, admitting their participation in germ warfare in Korea and other documents’, 16 pages.
Index for issues 1-12 in 1952, 3 pages.
14 – July 16 1952, 40 pages.
15 – August 1, 1952, 40 pages (plus errata page).
16 – August 16, 1952, 44 pages.
17 – September 1, 1952, 32 pages.
18 – September 17, 1952, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Report of the International Scientific Commission for the investigation of the facts concerning bacterial warfare in Korea and China’, 28 pages.
19 – October 1, 1952, 49 pages (including tipped-in photo of Mao).
20 – October 16, 1952, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘The Peace Conference of the Asian and Pacific Regions: Reports and Speeches’, 40 pages.
21 – November 1, 1952, 48 pages.
Supplement: ‘Documents of the Peace Conference of the Asian and Pacific Regions’, 12 pages.
Supplement: ‘The Draft Korean Armistice Agreement and other documents’, 16 pages.
22 – November 16, 1952, 40 pages.
23 – December 1, 1952, 32 pages.
Season’s Greeting Card from Guozi Shudian, 3 pages.
24 – December 16, 1952, 28 pages. [Includes index for second half of 1952 (issues 13-24).]
1 – January 1, 1953, 36 pages.
Supplement: ‘Foreign Minister Chou En-lai’s Reply to Lester B. Pearson’, and two other foreign policy documents, 8 pages.
2 – January 16, 1953, 36 pages.
Supplement: ‘Appeal of the Congress of the Peoples for Peace’, and one other short statement, 2 pages.
3 – February 1, 1953, 36 pages, but missing pages 17-20 (photo insert).
4 – February 16, 1953, 32 pages.
Supplement: ‘A Political Report by Chou En-lai’, and ‘Three documents concerning the Congress of the Peoples for Peace’, 16 pages.
5 – March 1, 1953, 32 pages.
Supplement: ‘An address on the third anniversary of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance’, by Liu Shao-chi, 8 pages.
6 – March 16, 1953 – Memorial issue on the death of Stalin: Note: This copy is missing pages 15-18. Includes two supplements, ‘New facts on US germ warfare in Korea and China’, 16 pages and ‘The 1953 State Budget of the P.R.C.’, 16 pages.
7 – April 1, 1953, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Electoral Law of the PRC’, and ‘An explanation of the Electoral Law’, by Teng Hsiao-ping, 16 pages.
8 – April 16, 1953, 40 pages.
9 – May 1, 1953.
10 – May 16, 1953, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘China supports a five-power Peace Pact’, and ‘The Chinese Women’s Movement since 1949’, 8 pages.
11 – June 1, 1953, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Documents of the Seventh All-China Congress of Trade Unions’, 16 pages.
12 – June 15, 1953, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘The Agreement on the ‘Terms of Reference for the Neutral Nations Reparation Commission’, 4 pages.
Supplement: Index for issues 1-12 in 1953, 4 pages.
13 – July 1, 1953, 41 pages (including tipped-in photo of Mao).
Supplement: ‘Decisions on Mutual Aid and Co-operation in Agricultural Production adopted by the C.C. of the CCP’, 8 pages.
14 – July 16, 1953, 40 pages.
15 – August 1, 1953, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Korean Armistice Agreement and other documents’, 32 pages.
16 – August 16, 1953, 40 pages.
17 – September 1, 1953, 40 pages.
18 – September 16, 1953, 40 pages.
19 – October 1, 1953, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘A Report on the Chinese People’s Volunteers in Korea’, by General Peng Teh-huai, 32 pages.
20 – October 16, 1953, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Communique on national economic, cultural and educational rehabilitation and development in 1952’, by the State Statistical Bureau, 8 pages.
21 – November 1, 1953, 40 pages.
22 – November 16, 1953, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Text of the Sino-Japanese Trade Agreement’, 2 pages.
23 – December 1, 1953, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Depositions of nineteen captured US airmen on their participation in germ warfare in Korea’, 68 pages.
24 – December 16, 1953, includes index for issues 13-24 in 1953, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Chou En-lai’s statement on the illegal UN resolution on ‘Atrocities’ in Korea’, and ‘Kuo Mo-jo’s Interview on US ‘Atrocities’ slander’, 6 pages.
Supplement: ‘The Sino-Korean agreement on economic and cultural co-operation and other documents’, 8 pages.
1 – January 1, 1954, 40 pages.
2 – January 16, 1954, 40 pages.
1954 Calendar with painting of Mao proclaiming the PRC in 1949, 2 pages.
3 – February 1, 1954, 44 pages.
4 – February 16, 1954.
5 – March 1, 1954, 40 pages.
6 – March 16, 1954.
7 – April 1, 1954, 42 pages.
Supplement: ‘Decisions on the Development of Agricultural Producers’ Cooperatives’, by the Central Committee of the CCP, 12 pages.
8 – April 16, 1954.
9 – May 1, 1954, 42 pages.
10 – May 16, 1954, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Foreign Minister Chou En-lai’s statements at the Geneva Conference’, 12 pages.
11 – June 1, 1954, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Foreign Minister Chou En-lai’s statement on the Korean Question at the Geneva Conference’, 4 pages.
12 – June 16, 1954, 44 pages, includes index for first half of 1954.
13 – July 1, 1954, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘The Draft Constitution of the People’s Republic of China’, 16 pages.
Supplement: ‘Foreign Minister Chou En-lai’s statements at the Geneva Conference’, 4 pages.
Letter to Readers (requesting feedback), 2 pages.
14 – July 16, 1954, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘Chou En-lai’s visit to India and Burma’, 8 pages.
15 – August 1, 1954, 40 pages.
Supplement: ‘The Final Declaration of the Geneva Conference on Indo-China’ and ‘Foreign Minister Chou En-lai’s Statement at the Final Session of the Geneva Conference’, 8 pages.
23 – December 1, 1954, 36 pages.
9 – May 1, 1955, 42 pages.
Supplement: ‘Resolutions and Appeal of the Conference of Asian Countries, New Delhi, April 10, 1955’, 8 pages.
Supplement: ‘Disaster strikes the Tachens – The report of a Red Cross investigation into crimes committed by Chiang Kai-shek’s troops during their withdrawal from the Tachens and other islands, April 7, 1955’, 20 pages.
23 – December 1, 1955. Issue itself not yet available.
Supplement: ‘Documents of the Sixth Plenary Session (Enlarged) of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China’, 24 pages.
1 – January 1, 1956, 48 pages.
2 – January 16, 1956, 48 pages.
Supplement: ‘Joint Statement of the Government of the PRC and the Government of the German Democratic Republic’, December 25, 1955, 4 pages.
3 – February 1, 1956, 44 pages.
Supplement: ‘Chinese Foreign Ministry Statement on Sino-American Talks’, January 18, 1956, 4 pages.
Supplement: ‘Chinese Foreign Ministry Statement on Sino-American Talks’, January 24, 1956, 4 pages.
4 – February 16, 1956 [Issue itself not yet available.]
Supplement: ‘Political Report by Chou Enlai at the Second Session of the Second National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference’, 16 pages.
14 – July 16, 1957. [Issue itself not yet available.]
Supplement: ‘Report on the Work of the Government’, by Chou En-lai, 40 pages. Delivered on June 26, 1957 at the Fourth Session of the First National People’s Congress.
16 – August 16, 1957, 44 pages.