Chinese Revolutionary Art – 1975

Chairman Mao Tse-tung

Chairman Mao Tse-tung

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Chinese Revolutionary Art – 1975

So far the emphasis on this blog has been on those examples of Socialist Realist art that I have encountered on various visits to Albania in the past few years – especially the ‘lapidars’ (public monuments and sculptures). One of the drivers for starting this project was the fear that due to both active political vandalism and simple lack of care many of these unique works of socialist art were likely to disappear in the near future and would be lost to posterity.

The Albanian Lapidar Survey of 2014 meant that, at least, those monuments that still existed and were identified at the time would be recorded in as much detail as possible, including a comprehensive photographic record of their condition in 2014. The fate of those lapidars has varied in the intervening years, some suffering further decay others suffering inappropriate (if at times well meaning) and destructive ‘renovation’.

With many of the lapidars I have visited I have attempted to carry out a deep reading of what they represent and have tried to put them in their historical context. I don’t even try to maintain that I have always got it right but in lieu of any other such record (much information about the more than 650 lapidars covered in the ALS investigation – and many other works of art, such as bas reliefs, mosaics, etc. – having been destroyed or lost in the chaotic years of the 1990s) I hope my efforts can help in reconstructing a comprehensive data base for the future. Although many have already been written about on this blog there are still many to follow.

Travelling quite extensively around the country I have encountered artistic elements of the socialist past that were outside the remit of the ALS. That includes the likes of the mosaics (Bestrove, Tirana Historical Museum and on the Bashkia in Ura Vajgurore – to name a few) and bas reliefs (for example, the Durres Tobacco Factory and Radio Kukesi) already mention as well as paintings (in the National Art Gallery in Tirana), statues (including the ‘Sculpture Park‘ behind the National Art Gallery and the 68 Girls of Fier), stand alone structures (such as the Party Emblem in Peshkopia) and murals (such as the Traditional Wedding Mural in the hotel restaurant also in Peshkopia), exhibits in museums and a number of other works that have (sometimes) miraculously survived the 30 years following the success of the counter-revolution.

By the time the Party of Labour of Albania had achieved victory over the fascist invaders in November 1944 the idea of Socialist Realist Art as something Socialist countries should encourage had become entrenched in the thinking of revolutionary Marxist-Leninists. I presented my interpretation of this when discussing art in Albania but the same arguments would suit the use of art in the other major Socialist countries, especially the Soviet Union and China.

I intend to look at Soviet Socialist Realist Art, initially, by reading the stories being told in the Metro stations, principally of Leningrad (now St Petersburg) and Moscow.

When it comes to the People’s Republic of China there are already examples of the use of art in the struggle to establish Socialism in the pages of Chinese Literature. Various issues of that magazine are available from 1953 to 1981 (the final 5 years an example of how literature and art can be used to turn back Socialism in a similar way it was used to promote Socialism from 1949 till just after the death of Chairman Mao in 1976).

The Chinese approach to literature and art can also be gleaned from the works of the writer and cultural theorist Lu Hsun.

Here I present a slide show of a collection of posters from the last, full revolutionary year of the People’s Republic of China (1975) to give an idea of how Chinese poster art had developed to that date.

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International Relations

Unite for Greater Victory

Unite for Greater Victory

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International relations

The Socialist People’s Republic of China, under the leadership of Chairman Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong), was a staunch supporter of the many national liberation movements throughout the world. This all changed very soon after the death of the Chairman as the ‘capitalist-roaders’, under the leadership of Teng Hsiao-ping (Deng Xiaoping), moved the direction of the country towards one of a nationalistic, capitalist power and eventually a new imperialist force on the world stage.

However, in the years up to 1976 it was not easy for China to support the revolutionary and liberation movements int he way it would have liked. The split with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in the mid-1960s – following the International Polemic – meant that China had to contend with an increasingly hostile force on its borders. 

At the same time hostility from the capitalist/imperialist powers, especially the United States, meant that the People’s Republic had to steer a course through extremely dangerous waters. It wasn’t until 1971 that China was able to take its rightful place as ‘China’ in the United Nations Security Council, a battle for which China owed a great deal to the Socialist Republic of Albania, the Party of Labour of Albania and its leader Enver Hoxha.

Much was published in support of revolutionary movements throughout the world in the pages of the weekly magazine Peking Review, but material was also published in pamphlet format, some examples of which can be found below.

Friction Aids Japan, Documents of instances of friction, 1939-1940, Bulletin No 14, New China Information Committee, Chungking, 1940, 70 pages.

Documents concerning Premier Chou En-lai’s visit to India and Burma. Published as a supplement to People’s China, July 16th 1954, 7 pages.

Important documents concerning the question of Taiwan, FLP, Peking, 1955, 194 pages.

A victory for the Five Principals of Peaceful Coexistence – important documents on the Settlement of the Sino-Burmese Boundary Question through friendly negotiation and on the development of friendly relations between China and Burma, FLP, Peking, 1960, 57 pages.

Support the patriotic and just struggle of the Turkish People, FLP, Peking, 1960, 28 pages.

The Sino-Indian Boundary Question, FLP, Peking, 1962, 134 pages.

Map 1

Map 2

Map 3

Map 4

Map 5

Reference Map 1

Reference Map 2a

Reference Map 2b

Reference Map 3

Reference Map 4

Reference Map 5

Reference Map 6 – notes

Reference Map 6a

Reference Map 6b

Who will win in South Viet Nam? Nguyen Chi Thanh, FLP, Peking, 1963, 11 pages. This is a translation of an article written by Nguyen Chi Thanh, member of the Central Political Bureau of the Workers’ Party of Viet Nam. The original article appeared in the July 1963 issue of Hoc Tap (Study), the theoretical political journal of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Viet Nam.

Peace or Violence, Vietnam Workers’ Party, FLP, Peking, 1963, 33 pages.

Break Nuclear Monopoly – Eliminate Nuclear Weapons, FLP, Peking, 1965, 29 pages.

People of Vietnam will triumph, US Aggressors will be defeated, No 1, FLP, Peking, 1965, 56 pages.

People of Vietnam will triumph, US Aggressors will be defeated, No 3, FLP, Peking, 1966, 64 pages.

Advance along the road opened up by the October Socialist Revolution, in commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, FLP, Peking, 1967, 27 pages.

The Chinese People firmly support the Arab People’s struggle against aggression, FLP, Peking, 1967, 53 pages.

Opposing the Sanguinary Atrocities Perpetrated by the Portuguese Imperialists in Macao, Macao Daily News, 1st September 1967, 110 pages.

People of Indonesia Unite and Fight to Overthrow The Fascist Regime, FLP, Peking, 1968, 56 pages. This pamphlet contains the editorial of Hongqi (Red Flag) magazine, No 11, 1967 – ‘People of Indonesia unite and fight to overthrow the Fascist regime’ and excerpts from the Statement of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Indonesian Communist Party on August 17th 1966 and the Self-Criticism it endorsed in September. The two Indonesian documents were published respectively in the No. 1 and No 3 issues of Indonesian Tribune. The Hongqi editorial is a detailed commentary on the two documents.

Down with the New Tsars! Soviet Revisionists’ Anti-China atrocities on the Heilung and Wusuli Rivers, 1969, FLP, Peking, 1969, 76 pages.

Irresistible Historical Trend, FLP, Peking, 1971, 47 pages. Declarations, announcements and commentaries surrounding the People’s Republic of China being officially recognised as the true and only representative of the Chinese people in International fora such as the United Nations.

A New Page in the Annals of Sino-Japanese Relations, FLP, Peking, 1972, 26 pages. A celebration of a time when relations between Japan and the Socialist People’s Republic of China were developing on a basis of mutual respect and friendship, 1972.

Unite the Many, Defeat the Few, China’s revolutionary line in foreign affairs, Jack A Smith, a Guardian (USA) pamphlet, 1972, 38 pages. ‘The People’s Republic of China has become an important voice in international affairs in recent years. But it’s not just another voice or even another important voice. Because people’s China is the world’s most populous country, because it’s part of the undeveloped third world and because it is a revolutionary country. Peking’s entry into the world political arena is an event of historic magnitude.’

A view from the United States newspaper The Guardian, 1972

Speech by Chiao Kuan-hua of the PRC at the Plenary Meeting of the 27th Session of the UN General Assembly, FLP, Peking, 1972, 32 pages.

Expose the US and Japanese reactionaries’ plot to resurrect the dead past, FLP, Peking, 1972, 65 pages.

Welcome the Signing of the Paris Agreement on Viet Nam, FLP, Peking, 1973, 37 pages.

‘The Chinese people heartily rejoice at the victory of the Vietnamese people as they would at their own. The tenacious revolutionary spirit and dauntless heroism you displayed in your protracted war of resistance have won you the admiration and praise of the people of the whole world.’ Chairman Mao

Speech by Chiao Kuan-hua, Chairman of the Delegation of the PRC, at the Plenary Meeting of the 28th Session of the UN General Assembly, 1973, FLP, Peking, 1973, 32 pages.

Speech by the Chairman of the delegation of the People’s Republic of China, Teng Hsiao-Ping, at the special session of the UN General Assembly, FLP, Peking, 1974, 48 pages. (In both Chinese and English.)

Fighting Cambodia, Reports of the Chinese journalists delegation to Cambodia, FLP, Peking, 1975, 60 pages.

‘To win the independence and liberation of their motherland, the Cambodian people courageously took up arms and waged a protracted war against U.S. Imperialism and its lackey, the Lon Nol traitorous clique. In five years and one month of arduous fighting, they totally annihilated the enemy forces, scoring a historic victory. An independent, peaceful, neutral and flourishing new Cambodia has arisen.’

Great Victory of the Cambodian People, Warmly congratulating the Patriotic Cambodian Armed Forces and People on the Liberation of Phnom Phen and All Cambodia, FLP, Peking, 1975, 36 pages.

Chinese-Korean Friendship – deep-rooted and flourishing, The Party and Government Delegation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea visits China, 1975, FLP, Peking, 1975, 67 pages.

Speech by Chiao Kuan-hua, Chairman of the Delegation of the PRC, at the Plenary Meeting of the 30th Session of the UN General Assembly, 1975, FLP, Peking, 1975, 40 pages.

The Vietnamese People’s Great Victory, warm congratulations to the South Vietnamese people on the liberation of Saigon and all South Viet Nam, FLP, Peking, 1975, 52 pages.

A Brief History of the United States, Shih Chan, Chinese Translation Group, Berkeley, California, 1976, 43 pages. English translation of a group of pamphlets produced in China in 1972.

Chairman Mao’s Theory of the Differentiation of the Three Worlds is a Major Contribution to Marxism-Leninism, Editorial Department of Renmin Ribao (People’s Daily), November 1 1977, FLP, Peking, 1977, 79 pages. A very early attempt to strip Marxism-Leninism-Maoism of its revolutionary core.

Open letter of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile to the Communist Party of China, Norman Bethune Institute, Toronto, 1978, 49 pages. Digital reprint from 2004. An early attack upon the counter-revolutionary coup in China after the death of Chairman Mao.

On Vietnam’s Expulsion of Chinese Residents, FLP, Peking, 1978, 222 pages. The revisionist and capitalist-roaders excuse for their war of aggression against the people of Vietnam.

China’s Road to the Korean War, Chen Jian, Columbia University Press, New York, 1994, 339 pages. [A view from the ‘west’.]

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Peking Review – 1959

Wishing Chairman Mao a long life

Wishing Chairman Mao a long life

More on China …..

Peking Review – 1959

Peking Review was the weekly political and informative magazine published between 1958 and 1978. With issue No 1 of 1979 the magazine was renamed Beijing Review, the new name bringing with it a new direction in the People’s Republic of China and was an open statement of the reintroduction of capitalism in the erstwhile Socialist Republic.

Topics and issues addressed throughout 1959 included:

  • development of industry, agriculture and health
  • achievements in the Soviet Union (in 1959 the Communist Party of China had still not openly declared the Communist Party of the Soviet Union a Revisionist Party
  • the continuing lessons of the Great Leap Forward
  • developments in the rest of the ‘socialist world’
  • news on world revolutionary and national liberation movements
  • the strengthening of the People’s Communes
  • a report on the 21st Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  • references to Sino-Soviet ‘friendship’
  • China’s support for national liberation movements
  • condemnation of growing United States involvement in Vietnam
  • the emancipation of women
  • the situation in Tibet following the reactionary rebellion
  • calling for the withdrawal of US troops from South Korea
  • comments on the growing conflict along the Sino-Indian border
  • the 10th Anniversary of the Declaration of the People’s Republic of China

Available issues of Peking Review:

1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978

(In No 26 there’s an index for the articles in issues 1-26 of 1959. Likewise in No 52 there’s an index for articles in numbers 27-52.)

Peking Review 1959 - 01

Peking Review 1959 – 01

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Beijing Review

From issue No. 1 of 1979 the weekly political and informative magazine Peking Review changed its name to Beijing Review. On page 3 of that number the editors made the open declaration of the change in the direction of the erstwhile ‘People’s Republic of China’.

By stating that the Communist Party of China (under the control then of Teng Hsiao-Ping/Deng Xiaoping ) sought

‘to accomplish socialist modernisation by the end of the century and turn China …. into an economically developed and fully democratic socialist country’

the CPC was openly declaring the rejection of the revolutionary path, which the country had been following since 1949, and the adoption of the road that would inevitably lead to the full scale establishment of capitalism.

For those who would like to follow this downward spiral into the murky depths of capitalism and imperialism in the issues of Beijing Review (complete for the years 1979-1990 – intermittently thereafter) you can do so by going to bannedthought – which also serves as an invaluable resource for more material about China during its revolutionary phase.

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