Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – USSR

Lenin at the Smolny Institute

Lenin at the Smolny Institute

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – USSR

The world would never be the same after the events of 7th November (25th October in the Julian calendar that had been discarded by the rest of Europe centuries before) 1917. On that day the workers and peasants of Russia, under the leadership of the Revolutionary Bolshevik Party, itself led by Lenin and Stalin, challenged the old Tsarist order and lit a beacon which – even though dimmed at times – still shines for those who hope to see the end of exploitation and oppression.

This was not the first time workers had attempted to bring an end to their misery by taking matters, and state power, into their own hands.

The most notable, and from whose failure Lenin was to learn crucial lessons, was the Paris Commune of 1871. After less than 70 days the Parisian workers were fighting for their lives as the reaction entered the city and drowned any aspirations for a better future in a virtual sea of blood – ‘Bloody Week’.

In a sense the very fact that one of the causes of the revolution (the First World War and the needless slaughter of worker fighting worker for the benefit of the ruling class) allowed the Revolution to consolidate itself for about a year before all the previous belligerents forgot what they had been doing for the previous four years and united against a more dangerous and threatening foe – that is the armed revolutionary proletariat. 

Matters weren’t made any easier for the nascent workers state by the individualistic decision of Leon Trotsky, the anti-Bolshevik which Lenin had allowed into the Party, whose anti-Party activity at the Brest-Litovsk negotiations with the German High Command in 1918 – by refusing to sign an agreement which would end the German-Russo War – led to a loss of more Russian lives as well as substantial territorial losses in the west of the country.

The new Socialist State survived the military intervention of the 14 Nations – but at a huge financial and human cost – and set out to build the first Socialist country in the World. The aim of the pages associated with this one will be to tell that story through the writings of the leadership of the Bolshevik Party; material published in what was to eventually become the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) as well as reports and impressions published in different parts of the World by those who were avid to experience how this new society was achieving what many could just dream about.

November 2017 saw the Centenary of the October Revolution but it was celebrated in a once again capitalist country. This teaches us an important lesson. Despite the sacrifices and stupendous efforts of many millions of Soviet citizens, especially during, but no limited to, the Great Patriotic War, capitalism – both internally and externally – will never cease in its efforts to continue its domination over the peoples of the world.

In a small manner it is hoped the documents that will eventually be posted on these pages will be of aid to those who want to know about the successes of the past – but also to be able to see where the mistakes were made.

JV Stalin – Collected Works

JV Stalin – Biographies, Reminiscences and Appraisals

JV Stalin pamphlets, compilations, articles, correspondence and commentaries

J.V. Stalin – The Discussion with Sergei Eisenstein on the Film ‘Ivan the Terrible’

21st December – Anniversary of the birth of Comrade Stalin

5th March – anniversary of the death of Comrade Stalin

The Stalin Society – publications

VI Lenin – Collected Works – Volumes 1 – 47

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin – individual works, compilations and biographies – including  individual pamphlets of his works as well as a more information about his life and work.

The History of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

History of the USSR

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevik) – CPSU(B)

Writings of the Soviet Leadership

The Great Patriotic War

The struggle against saboteurs, traitors and Trotskyites

Foreign intervention

Soviet Society

Culture, literature and art

Leningrad (Saint Petersburg)

27th March 1886 – Birth of Sergei Mironovich Kirov

SM Kirov House and Museum

16th April 1917 – VI Lenin arrives at the Finland Station, Petrograd

The Cruiser Aurora – Leningrad (Saint Petersburg)



Moscow Metro – the world’s biggest Socialist Realist Art Gallery


Lubyanka Building

The ‘Seven Sisters’

The unimaginative name given to the seven skyscrapers built in Moscow in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Kudrinskaya Apartment Building

Kudrinskaya Apartment Building

The apartment building on Kotyelnicheskaya embankment in Moscow

The apartment building on Kotyelnicheskaya embankment in Moscow








Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya - Don-vip

Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya – Don-vip

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow - Frank Baulo

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow – Frank Baulo

Hotel Ukraina, Moscow - Gennady Grachev

Hotel Ukraina, Moscow – Gennady Grachev







Moscow State University - Dmitry A Motti

Moscow State University – Dmitry A Motti

Krasnye Vorota Transport Ministry Building - 04

Krasnye Vorota Transport Ministry Building – 04







Art and culture

New Tretyakov Gallery

Park of the Fallen/Muzeon Art Park

Park Pobeda – Victory Park

Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNKh)

Worker and Kolkhoz Woman

Ernst Thälmann – German Communist leader – statue in Moscow

Karl Marx monument, Moscow

Ho Chi Minh monument

Frederick Engels statue

Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute

Monument to the Heroes of the Revolution of 1905-1907

Lenin in Moscow

Lenin and October Revolution Monument in the Kaluga Square

Monument to VI Lenin on Tverskaya Square

VI Lenin statue – Dekabrskaya Vosstanya Park

VI Lenin statue and assassination attempt memorial stone

Mainline Railway Stations

Yaroslavsky station

Kievskya railway station

The Special Military Operation (SMO)

Special Military Operation – art and posters exhibition on a Moscow street

Stalingrad (Volgograd)


Mamayev Kurgan – The Motherland Calls!

Stalingrad (Volgograd) Railway Station

Children and crocodile fountain – Railway station square


The Communist Internationals

May 9th 1945 – Victory Day in the Soviet Union (Russia)

The Bomb didn’t beat Japan … Stalin did

7th November – The October Revolution

The Centenary of the October Revolution of 1917

Celebrate the 104th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

‘The path to Moscow through Red Madrid’: Why White Russians longed for the USSR