Karl Marx – pamphlets, books and commentaries

Karl Marx - circa 1850
Karl Marx – circa 1850

The Great ‘Marxist-Leninist’ Theoreticians

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Collected Works

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels – Writings, compilations and analyses

Frederick Engels – pamphlets, books and commentaries

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Karl Marx – pamphlets, books and commentaries

Virtually everything that has been published by Karl Marx is included in the 50 volume Collected Works of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.

However, his contribution to the world revolutionary movement has meant that many of his most significant works have been produced as individual pamphlets/books. The intention is to post as many of those as possible on this page.

Those works that he produced in collaboration with his close comrade-in-arms, Frederick Engels are also available here.

Selected Works

Karl Marx, Selected Works in two volumes, Volume 1, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1947, 447 pages.

Karl Marx, Selected Works in two volumes, Volume 2, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1945, 694 pages.

Selected Works in One Volume, Progress, Moscow, 7th printing, 1986, 788 pages.

Selected Works in Three Volumes, Progress, Moscow,

Volume 1, 3rd printing, 1976, 596 pages.
Volume 2, 4th printing, 1977, 502 pages.
Volume 3, 3rd printing, 1976, 577 pages.

Selected Writings in sociology and social philosophy, edited by TB Bottomore and Maximilien Rubel, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964, 268 pages.

Selected Writings, 2nd edition, edited by David McLellan, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, 687 pages.

Collected Works of Karl Marx, illustrated, Delphi Classics, Hastings, 2016, 3561 pages.


Capital, Volume 1, edited by Frederick Engels, William Glaisher, London, 1912, 816 pages.

Capital, Volume 1, a critical analysis of Capitalist Production, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1974, 767 pages.

Capital, Volume 2, the process of circulation of capital, original English language edition, 319 pages.

Capital, Volume 3, the process of capitalist production as a whole, original English language edition, 645 pages.

Theories of Surplus Value, (Volume IV of Capital), Part 1, Karl Marx, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1969, 506 pages.

Theories of Surplus Value, (Volume IV of Capital), Part 2, Karl Marx, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1968, 661 pages.

Theories of Surplus Value, (Volume IV of Capital), Part 3, Karl Marx, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1971, 637 pages.

Grundrisse, foundations of the critique of political economy (rough draft), written in 1857-1861, English translation by Martin Nicolaus, 862 pages.

Capital, Volume 2, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1986, 551 pages.

Capital, Volume 3, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1984, 948 pages.

Individual pamphlets and books

The Poverty of Philosophy, with an introduction by Frederick Engels, Martin Lawrence, London, ND, 1930s?, 214 pages.

The Civil War in France, with an introduction by Frederick Engels, Martin Lawrence, London, 1933, 92 pages.

The Class Struggles in France, 1848-50, Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR, Moscow, 1934, 159 pages.

Value, Price and Profit, Allen and Unwin, London, 1935, 94 pages.

A Handbook of Marxism, with selections from the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, International Publishers, New York, 1935, 1082 pages,

Wage, Labour and Capital, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1942, 48 pages.

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Allen and Unwin, London, 1943, 192 pages.

Critique of the Gotha Programme, Lawrence and Wishart, London, ND, late 1940s?, 110 pages.

Marx on China – 1853-1860, articles from the New York Daily Tribune, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1951, 98 pages.

The Paris Commune, New York Labor News Company, New York, 1954, 117 pages.

Notes on Indian history, 664-1858, FLPH, Moscow, 1960, 206 pages.

Wages, Price and Profit, FLP, Peking, 1965, 83 pages.

Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations, mostly being a section of the Grundrisse, circa 1857-1858 (as translated by Jack Cohen) and also of few letters by Marx, International Publishers, New York, 1965, 158 pages.

The Civil War in France, FLP, Peking, 1966, 287 pages.

The Communist Manifesto, with Frederick Engels, introduction by AJP Taylor, Pelican, London, 1967, 124 pages.

The Civil War in France, Progress, Moscow, 1968, 91 pages.

The class struggles in France 1848 to 1850, Progress, Moscow, 1968, 143 pages.

Genesis of Capital, Progress, Moscow, 1969, 70 pages.

Manifesto of the Communist Party, with Frederick Engels, FLP, Peking 1970, digital version by From Marx to Mao, 47 pages.

Karl Marx – Notebook on the Paris Commune, Press excerpts and notes, edited by Hal Draper, Independent Socialist Clippingbooks No. 8, Independent Socialist Press, Berkeley, 1971, 108 pages.

The Unknown Karl Marx, edited by Robert Payne, New York University Press, New York, 1971, 339 pages.

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Karl Marx, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1972, 132 pages.

Critique of the Gotha Programme, FLP, Peking, 1972, 91 pages.

The Poverty of Philosophy, Progress, Moscow, 1973, 205 pages.

Preface and Introduction to ‘A contribution to the Critique of Political Economy’, FLP, Peking, 1976, 63 pages.

A contribution of the Critique of Political Economy, Progress, Moscow, 1977, 262 pages.

Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, 1844, Progress, Moscow, 1977, 226 pages.

A contribution to the critique of political economy, Progress, Moscow/Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1981, 264 pages.

Herr Vogt, a spy in the Workers Movement, New Park, London, 1982, 336 pages.

Wage, Labour and Capital, lecture by Marx, 1847, as edited by Engels in 1891, 25 pages.

Value, Price and Profit, lecture by Marx, 1865, 32 pages.

Marx-Engels Correspondence, from the Marxist Internet Archive, 608 pages.

Wage-Labour and Capital and Value, Price, and Profit, International Publishers, New York, 2006, 110 pages.

The first writings of Karl Marx, edited by Paul M. Schafer, Ig Publishing, New York, 2006, 223 pages.

Dispatches for the New York Tribune – Selected Journalism of Karl Marx, selected by James Ledbetter, Penguin, London, 2007, 322 pages.

Manifesto of the Communist Party, with Friedrich Engels, International Publishers, New York, 2007, 48 pages.

The Communist Manifesto, with Frederick Engels, introduction by Yanis Varoufakis, Vintage, London, 2018, 63 pages.

Wage Labour, and Capital and Value, Price and Profit, Foreign Languages Press, Paris 2020, 128 pages.

Compilations with other great Marxists

Ten Classics of Marxism, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, International Publishers, New York, 1940, 785 pages.

Marx, Engels and Lenin on the Irish Revolution, Ralph Fox, The Cork Workers Club, Cork, 1974, 36 pages.

Marx, Engels and Lenin – On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1975, 41 pages.

On Scientific Communism, Marx, Engels and Lenin, Progress, Moscow, 1976, 537 pages.

On Dialectical Materialism, Marx, Engels and Lenin, Progress, Moscow, 1977, 422 pages.

The Woman Question, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, International Publishers, New York, 1977, 96 pages.

Marxism and the Liberation of Women, Quotations from Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, VI Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-tung, Union of Women for Liberation, London, n.d., mid-1970s?, 64 pages. Includes a statement of aims of the Union of Women for Liberation.

The Civil War in France: The Paris Commune, Karl Marx and VI Lenin, International Publishers, New York, 1988, 182 pages.


Karl Marx, the story of his life, Franz Mehring, Covici Friede, New York, 1935, 608 pages.

Karl Marx, 1818-1883, for the anniversary of his death March 14, 1883, includes the speech given by Frederick Engels at Marx’s graveside, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1941, 29 pages.

Karl Marx, his life and work, reminiscences by Paul Lafargue and Wilhelm Liebknecht, International Publishers, New York, 1943, 64 pages.

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, D Riazanov, International Publishers, New York, n.d., 1940s, 224 pages.

Karl Marx, a biography, Heinrich Gemkow, Verlag Zeit im Bild, Dresden, 1968, 427 pages.

Marx comes to India, earliest Indian biographies of Karl Marx by Lala Hardayal and Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai, with critical Introduction, edited by PC Joshi and K Damodoran, Manohar Book Service, Delhi, 1975, 133 pages.

Karl Marx, a biography, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1977, 694 pages.

Marx – Life and Works, Maximilien Rubel, MacMillan, London, 1980, 140 pages.

The daughters of Karl Marx, family correspondence, 1866-1898, Andre Deutsch, London, 1982, 342 pages.

Karl Marx, Beacon for Our Times, Gus Hall, International Publishers, New York, 1983, 94 pages.

Karl Marx and our time, articles and speeches by various revisionist leaders and commentators of the post-1956 Soviet Union, Progress, Moscow, 1983, 203 pages.

Karl Marx Remembered, 1893-1983, comments at the time of his death, edited by Philip Foner, Synthesis Publication, San Francisco, 1983, 304 pages.

Eleanor Marx, Family Life, 1855-1883, Volume 1, Yvonne Kapp, Virago, London, 1986, 319 pages.

Marx in London, an illustrated guide, Asa Briggs and John Callow, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 2008, 110 pages.

Analyses and Commentaries

Marx and the Trade Unions, A Lozovsky, International Publishers, New York, 1942, 188 pages.

Marx on Money, Suzanne de Brunhoff, Urizen Books, New York, 1973, 139 pages.

Karl Marx – Interviews and Recollections, edited by David McLellan, Macmillan, London, 1981, 186 pages.

Marx’s Theory of Commodity Surplus Value, Formalised exposition, KK Valtukh, Progress, Moscow, 1987, 360 pages.

How To Read Karl Marx, Ernst Fischer, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1996, 192 pages.

Rereading Capital, Ben Fine and Laurence Harris, Columbia University Press, New York, 1979, 184 pages.

Marx for Beginners, Rius, Pantheon Books, New York, 1976, 156 pages.

Karl Marx and World Literature, SS Prawer, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1978, 446 pages.

The Great ‘Marxist-Leninist’ Theoreticians

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Collected Works

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels – Writings, compilations and analyses

Frederick Engels – pamphlets, books and commentaries

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

British working class history

Collier, 1814

Collier, 1814

More on Britain …

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Working class history in Britain

This page will contain a mix of aspects of the History of the British Working Class. It will include items of class struggle; trade unions; significant strikes and militant action; certain key individuals; social conditions; reports and studies of different aspects of life that had an effect on the working class; some successes – and some failures; some specific to Merseyside; various other ‘political movements’, e.g. anarchism; so very much a hodgepodge. But, hopefully, it will be able to provide a broad picture of working class struggle of the period – as well as providing some historical context.

These will be from various political perspectives. And that’s because much of these documents date from the 1960s to the early/mid 1980s’. During that period the organised working class in Britain were getting off their knees and fighting against the injustices that existed throughout the United Kingdom. As there was activity this meant that many organisations were able to attract members and/or supporters and the result of that was an increase in the amount of material produced.

Most of those organisations never had any money and that had an impact upon the material they produced. Little money was often available to produce the material at the level of quality that would have been desired. What was most important was getting the information out – however amateur it might have looked to the reader. Modern readers will be more aware of the low quality – it wasn’t such an issue when these documents were produced and distributed.

All these stories should be seen in the context of the other political groups that are documented on the Britain page.

Working class history

The conditions of workers in Great Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union, 1932-38, J Kuczynski, Left Book Club, Gollanz, London, 1939, 92 pages.

A textbook of industrial history in wartime, including a record of the Shop Stewards Movement, Wal Hannington, The Marxist Textbook Series, No 5, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1940, 119 pages.

Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844, Frederick Engels, George Allen and Unwin, London, 1943, 149 pages. From Project Gutenberg website.

Russia is for Peace, DN Pritt, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1951, 106 pages.

Education and the Industrial Revolution, WD Morris, National Council of Labour Colleges, NCLC, Tillicoultry, 1951?, 24 pages.

Selections from William Morris, FLPH, Moscow, 1959, 519 pages.

What’s Wrong at Fords? Published by the Joint Ford Shop Stewards Committee for the information of their fellow trade unionists on the history of the disputes at Fords, London, 1963, 16 pages.

The matter of Britain, essays in a living culture, AL Morton, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1966, 166 pages.

Unity – Strength – Progress, The Story of the Transport and General Workers Union (T&GWU), T&GWU, London, June 1967, 40 pages.

Bill Feeley, Singer, Steel Erector, International Brigader, AUEW (Constructional), Progress Bookshop, Manchester, 1968, 32 pages.

Industry and Empire, an economic history of Britain since 1750, EJ Hobsbawm, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1968, 336 pages.

A Short History of the British Labour Movement, Logie Barrow, Sheed and Ward, London, 1969, 68 pages.

Re-Education, No 1 June-July 1969, no publisher, 14 pages.

Women’s Struggle, Newsletter of the Women’s Liberation National Co-ordinating Committee, Volume 1 No 3, 1970, London, 36 pages.

Productivity Dealing and the Miners’ Next Step, John Charlton, International Socialists, Pluto, London, 1970?, 16 pages.

The Eight Hour Day, Trade Union Theory and History, Series 2, No. 1, Tom Mann, Workers’ Control, Nottingham, 1970, 10 pages.

Socialism and the Churches, Trade Union Theory and History, Series 2, No. 2, Tom Mann, Workers’ Control, Nottingham, 1970, 8 pages.

Democracy or Disruption, Trade Union Theory and History, Series 2, No. 7, Tom Mann, Workers’ Control, Nottingham, 1970, 2 pages.

The Great March, Trade Union Congress, London, 1971, 48 pages.

The Political Theory of the Student Movement – notes for a Marxist critique, Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation, London, 1971, 93 pages.

Bulletin 1, North West Group for the Study of Labour History, Liverpool, n.d., 1970s, 18 pages.

Children’s Strikes in 1911, Dave Marsden, History Workshop Pamphlets, No 9, Oxford?, 1973, 48 pages.

The Luddites, Machine-breakers of the Early Nineteenth Century, …. the most famous of the protests against the owners of the machines and their managers, Douglas Liversidge, Watts, London, 1973, 96 pages.

British Labour and the Russian Revolution, The Leeds Convention, Report from The Daily Herald, introduction by Ken Coates, Documents on Socialist History, No. 1, Spokesman Books, 1974?, 40 pages.

Industrial Democracy, Report by the Trade Union Congress (TUC) General Council to the 1974 Trades Union Congress, TUC, London, 1974, 52 pages.

Every One a Witness, The Norman Age, Commentaries of an era, AF Scott, Purnell, London, 1976, 336 pages. [Perhaps slightly out of place but has some interesting factual information.]

Liverpool 1921-1922, the classic account of life on the Dole and the struggle against the Means Test, George Garrett, introduction by Jerry Dawson, Whitechapel Press, Liverpool, n.d., 1976?, 38 pages.

The General Strike, 50th Anniversary Souvenir, New English Library, London, 1976, 32 pages.

The English Utopia, AL Morton, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1978, 295 pages.

The life and ideas of Robert Owen, AL Morton, International Publishers, New York, 1978, 239 pages.

The International Working Men’s Association and the Working Class Movement in Manchester 1865-85, Edmond and Ruth Frow, Working Class Movement Library (WCML), Manchester, 1979, 26 pages.

Towards press freedom, Campaign for Press Freedom, London, September 1979, 17 pages.

The Exploding Prison, prison riots and the case of Hull, JE Thomas and R Pooley, Junction Books, London, 1980, 150 pages.

The Soldiers’ Strikes of 1919, Andrew Rothstein, Macmillan, London, 1980, 114 pages.

The Match Girls Strike 1888, Reg Beer, Labour Museum Pamphlets, No 2, London?, 1980, 69 pages.

The Railwaymen, National Union of Railwaymen, (NUR), 1980?, 12 pages.

The Poplar Story, Teachers Notes No 5, Labour Museum, London?, 1980?, 17 pages.

When the People Arose, The Peasants Revolt of 1381, AL Morton, a Communist Party pamphlet, published to mark the 600th anniversary of the great peasant uprising in south-east England, CPGB, London, May 1981, 40 pages.

Lucas Aerospace Combine Shop Stewards Committee – plan to move away from armaments production, 1981;

Arms conversion Information Pack, July 1981, 30 pages.

Arms Conversion Planning – Theory and Practice, 16 pages.

Military spending, defence cuts and alternative employment, 10 pages.

The impact of military spending on the Machinists Union, 14 pages.

Liverpool, a brief history, Alan Brack, Liverpool PR Office, 1982, 6 pages.

Assault on the Unions, Counter Information Services, Report No. 34, Summer 1984, 36 pages.

Inside the myth, Orwell – views from the Left, edited by Christopher Norris, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1984, 287 pages.

‘New Realism’, the politics of fear, SO Davies Memorial Lecture, Arthur Scargill, Merthyr Tydfil Trades Union Council, 1987, 20 pages.

1688 – How Glorious was the Revolution, AL Morton, Our History, Pamphlet 79, London?, July 1988, 33 pages.

Thomas Paine, Citizen of the world, exhibition booklet, Working Class Movement Library, Manchester, 2020, 31 pages.

Poverty in Britain

Condemned, A Shelter Report on Housing and Poverty, Shelter, London, 1971, 88 pages.

Born to Fail, Peter Wedge and Hilary Prosser, Arrow, London, 1973, 68 pages.

Unequal Britain, A report on the cycle of Inequality, Frank Field, Arrow, London, 1973, 68 pages.

Down the Road, Unemployment and the Fight for the Right to Work, Sarah Cox and Robert Golden, Writers and Readers Publishing Co-operative, London, 1977, 128 pages.

Working class struggles

Claimant’s Handbook for Strikers, Claimant’s Union, London?, 1971, 52 pages.

The Postal Workers and the Tory Offensive, Paul Foot, Socialist Worker pamphlet, London, 1971, 28 pages.

The UCS Work-in, Foreword by Jimmy Reid, Willie Thompson and Finley Hart, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1972, 95 pages.

Lessons of the General Strike 1926, Bob Dent, Millennium, Liverpool, April 1973, 28 pages.

The Fine Tubes Strike, TGWU/AEUW Official Dispute, 15.6.70 – 15.6.73, Tony Beck, Stage 1, London, 1974, 128 pages.

The Shrewsbury Three, Strikes, Pickets and Conspiracy, Foreword by Bert Ramelson, Jim Arnison, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1974, 84 pages.

Shrewsbury, Whose Conspiracy, The need for an inquiry, Des Warren, New Park, London, 1976, 36 pages.

Who Profits from Coal? The Niclas Society, Cardiff, 1980?, 15 pages.

Unemployed Demonstrations, Salford and Manchester, October 1931, Wilf Gray, Mick Jenkins, Edmund and Ruth Frow, Working Class Movement Library (WCML), Manchester, 1981, 20 pages.

Going Private, The case against private medicine – a report from Fightback and the Politics of Health Group, London, 1981?, 52 pages.

Health Leaflets, a few examples of leaflets produced in the struggle to defend the National Health Service, 1981?, 4 pages.

Coal Not Dole, National Union of Mineworkers, Sheffield, 1984, 12 pages.

‘A strike-breaker is a traitor’, poster produced at the time of the 1984-85 Miners’ Strike in Britain. Reuses an image of blacklegs (scabs) from a mining dispute in the Garw Valley in South Wales in 1929. Together with Jack London’s definition of a scab. 1984/5?, 1 page.

The British Worker, May 5th – May 14th 1926, the daily newspaper produced by the Trades Union Congress during the General Strike of 1926. Reproduced by the Labour Museum, London, n.d., possibly in 1984/5 as a response to the Miners’ Strike taking place at the time, includes two version of issue No 8, 50 pages.

Response to the Lightman Inquiry, Arthur Scargill, Campaign to Defend Scargill and Heathfield, Women Against Pit Closures, 1990, 24 pages.

Industrial Revolution

Finch Brothers’ Foundry, Sticklepath, Okehampton, Devon, n.d., early 1970s, 16 pages.

Sticklepath Museum of Rural Industry, n.d., 1970s, 4 pages.

JB Dancer, HB Marton, North Western Museum of Science and Technology, Manchester, n.d., 1970s, 15 pages.

Papermaking, RL Hills, North Western Museum of Science and Technology, n.d., 1970s, 17 pages.

Lace-Making in Hamilton, Jessie Lochhead, Hamilton Handbooks, Public Libraries, 1971, 20 pages.

Hand-loom Weaving in Hamilton and District, G Walker, Hamilton District Museum, 1975, 28 pages.

Horse Drawn Transport in Hamilton Museum, G Walker, Hamilton District Museum, 1975, 36 pages.

The Coalbrookdale Ironworks, a short history, Ironbridge Gorge Trust, Telford, 1975, 22 pages.

Industrial Archaeology in Devon, Walter Minchinton, Tor Mark Press, Truro, 1976, 34 pages.

Industrial Archaeology of Cornwall, WH Curnow, Tor Mark Press, Truro, n.d, 1970s, 32 pages.

The Hay Inclined Plane, Ironbridge Gorge Trust, Telford, 1978, 12 pages.

Blists Hill Open Air Museum, Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, 1978, 16 pages.

The Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron, a guide to the Museum and the Old Furnace, Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, Telford, 1979. 16 pages.

The Iron Bridge, a short history of the first iron bridge in the world, Ironbridge Gorge Trust, Telford, 1979, 12 pages.


Who Controls Liverpool Industry? An analysis of profits and control of some large firms, Labour Research Department and the Liverpool Trades Council, Liverpool, November 1969

Government White Paper ‘In Place of Strife’ – OUT, North West [England] Shop Stewards Action Committee, Ellesmere Port, 1969, 12 pages.

Exposed, Commission on Industrial Relations, Big Flame, Birkenhead, 1970, 10 pages.

Kirkby Resistance, Fisher Bendix Occupation Special, Kirkby International Socialists, 1972, 14 pages.

Leo McCree, What a man, what a fighter, an account of Leo McCree’s part in the working class struggles in Liverpool, Jim Arnison, Union of Construction, Allies Trades and Technicians (UCATT), London, 1980, 118 pages.

50 Years On ‘Remember Birkenhead’ – 1932 The Unemployed Strike Back, Merseyside Socialist Research Group, Liverpool, 1982, 24 pages.

Campaigning for Jobs and Services, Liverpool – a Socialist Council, Liverpool’s Budget Crisis 1984: the story of the campaign, Liverpool City Council, Liverpool, 1984, 35 pages. Includes broadsheets and leaflets produced at the time of the campaign. Under the name of the city council but a document produced by the Trotskyite  ‘Militant Tendency’.

Liverpool – a city that dared to fight, Peter Taaffe and Tony Mulhearn, Socialist Party – formally Militant, digital version, n.d., 504 pages. A book by Trotskyites and about the Trotskyite ‘leadership’ of Liverpool City Council in the 1980s. Included here as whatever the ‘leadership’ or the outcome the conflict between local and national government is part of Liverpool’s history and the fight demonstrates one of the few occasions when there was a concerted struggle against Thatcherite policies.

Labour Research Department (LRD)

Wages, Prices and Profits, Preface by Sidney Webb, LRD, London, November 1921, 110 pages.

Printers, Press and Profits, W Fox, Labour Research Department, London, 1933, 30 pages.

The Case Against Beeching, Foreword by SF Greene, General Secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen (NUR), LRD, London, 1963, 16 pages.

Privatisation, Who Loses, Who Profits, LRD, London, 1983, 55 pages.

The Miners’ Case, LRD, London, 1984, 24 pages.

Privatisation – the great sellout, Labour Research Department, London, February 1985, 44 pages.

Women’s Pay, Claiming Equal Value, LRD, London, 1986, 41 pages.

Racism in Britain

Black Voice, Popular Paper of Black Unity and Freedom Party, Volume 1 No 2, Black Unity and Freedom Party, London, 1970, 12 pages.

Old Chancellors cast long shadows, Lord Salisbury, Liverpool University and Racialism – a report, Liverpool University Guild of Undergraduates, Liverpool, 1970, 20 pages.

Paper Tiger (Red Mole), October 1970, 8 pages. [A Trotskyite pamphlet but gives an idea of the anti-apartheid movement in Britain in the 1970s.]


On Law, William Godwin, Freedom Press, London, 1945, 16 pages.

About Anarchism, Nicolas Walter, Freedom Press, London, 1980, 32 pages.


A ‘libertarian socialist’ grouping that was formed in the early 1960s and which last until about 1992.

Capitalism and Class Consciousness, Solidarity (Glasgow), Pamphlet No 3, 1970, 30 pages.

Labour Government vs The Dockers 1945-1951, Solidarity, London, Pamphlet No 19, 1970?, 20 pages.

The Commune, Solidarity Pamphlet No 35, Solidarity, London, 1971, 14 pages.

Strategy for Industrial Struggle, Mark Fore, Solidarity Pamphlet No 37, Solidarity, London, 1972, 32 pages.

Under New Management? The Fisher Bendix occupation, Solidarity Pamphlet No 39, 1972, 16 pages.


British Society for Social Responsibility in Science Manifesto, BSSSR, London, 1970, 12 pages.

More on Britain …

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told