Enver Hoxha – The need for a Cultural Revolution in Albania

Enver Hoxha

Enver Hoxha

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Enver Hoxha – The need for a Cultural Revolution in Albania


The section below entitled ‘The further deepening of the ideological and cultural revolution’ comes from the Report of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania presented by Enver Hoxha at the Fifth Congress of the Party, held at the beginning of November 1966.

It’s presented here to remind people that the concept of an ‘ideological and cultural revolution’ had existed since (and even before) the October Revolution in Russia in 1917. The works of both VI Lenin and JV Stalin make reference to the need to change the way people think and act as an integral component in the construction of Socialism. The development of the economy to suit the needs of the vast majority of the population, the taking of the means of production by the people from private owners with the collectivisation (and nationalisation when collectives were further developed to the situation of State owned farms) of agriculture and the building of a modern industry would not automatically lead to Socialism. What needed to change were people’s ideas.

This was the role of the development of the Socialist Realist movement in the arts and was demonstrated in an Albanian context with the construction of the lapidars (which commemorated the past victories and sacrifices of the working people of the country against foreign invaders for national liberation as well as the achievements in the construction of Socialism).

Although the thinking in the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania was the same as that in the People’s Republic of China the way the cultural revolution manifested itself in the late 1960s was not the same – due to the different experiences in both countries.

Many people will be aware of The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (under the leadership of Chairman Mao) and the mass demonstrations and movements that took place in China from 1966 but that doesn’t mean to say the struggle didn’t exist in Albania. The same enemies, both internal and external, had to be confronted in both countries. Those countries, and parties worldwide, that aligned themselves with the Communist Party of the Soviet Union – after the success of Revisionism following the death of Comrade Stalin in 1953 – had failed to initiate this ‘cultural revolution’ and therefore started to follow the capitalist road. They had failed to learn from what Lenin and Stalin had taught.

All Marxist-Leninists who are seeking to established a Socialist state (under the dictatorship of the proletariat) need to study the writings of all the great Marxist theoreticians to ensure that any gains they might make in the future don’t get squandered amongst the euphoria that accompanies the success of the revolution. Capitalism never will rest to regain what it might have lost.

You might also be intested in The Socialist Cultural Revolution and the People’s National Culture.

Report to the Fifth Congress – 1st November 1966


The further revolutionisation of life in our country is inconceivable without the further development and deepening of the ideological and cultural revolution. It is accomplished precisely on the basis of this revolution, the fundamental aim of which is to instil and ensure the complete triumph of the proletarian socialist ideology in the consciousness of all the working people, while thoroughly eradicating the bourgeois ideology, to ensure the all-round revolutionary, communist education and tempering of the new man – the decisive factor in solving all the big, complicated problems of the construction of socialism and the defence of the Homeland.

Throughout its whole existence, our Party has devoted special care and attention to the all-round revolutionary education of the communists and all the working people. Especially since the 4th Congress [Report delivered on 13th February 1961, Enver Hoxha, Selected Works, Volume 3, pp192-283] and on the basis of its directives, our Party has done more persistent work in this direction.


In our country the proletarian socialist ideology is the ideology in power which sets the general tone for all the life and activity of our working people. Despite the successes achieved, however, we are conscious that the struggle in this field is protracted and difficult. V.I. Lenin said;

‘Our task is to overcome all the resistance of the capitalists, not only their military and political resistance but also their ideological resistance, which is the strongest and most deeply entrenched.’ VI Lenin, Collected Works, Volume 29.

The old idealist ideology of the exploiting society still has deep roots and exerts a powerful and continuous influence. When we speak of this influence, it is not just a matter of ‘a few remnants and alien manifestations that appear here and there’, as it is often wrongly described in our propaganda, but the influence of a whole alien ideology which is expressed in all sorts of alien concepts, customs and attitudes, which are retained for a long time as a heritage from the past, have social support in the former exploiting classes and their remnants, in the tendencies to petty-bourgeois spontaneity, and are nurtured in various forms by the capitalist and revisionist world which surrounds us.

As long as the complete victory of the socialist revolution in the field of ideology and culture has not been ensured, the achievements of the socialist revolution in the political and economic fields cannot be secure and guaranteed, either. Therefore, in the final analysis, the struggle on the ideological front for the complete defeat of bourgeois and revisionist ideology has to do with the question: will socialism and communism be built and the restoration of capitalism be avoided, or will the door be opened to the spread of bourgeois and revisionist ideology and the return to capitalism be permitted.

The ideological and cultural revolution is a part of the general class struggle to carry the socialist revolution through to the end in all fields. Contrary to the views of the modem revisionists, who have declared the class struggle in socialism outdated and a thing of the past, our Party holds that class struggle remains one of the main motive forces of society, even after the exploiting classes have been eliminated. This struggle includes all fields of life. It has its ebbs and flows and zigzags, sometimes it surges up, sometimes it falls back, sometimes becomes fierce, at other times more ‘mild’, but it never ceases and dies right away.

As the experience of our country shows, this struggle is an objective and inevitable phenomenon in socialism. It is waged against the remnants of the exploiting classes, overthrown and expropriated, but who continue to resist and exert pressure by every means, first and foremost, through their reactionary ideology, as well as against new bourgeois elements, degenerate revisionist and anti-Party elements, who inevitably emerge within our society. It is also waged against bourgeois and revisionist ideology which is retained and expressed in various forms and degrees of intensity, as well as against the external pressure of imperialism. Thus the internal and external fronts of class struggle are interconnected, now merging into one single front, now operating separately, but always linked by the same objective: to overthrow the dictatorship of the proletariat and restore capitalism.

Acceptance or non-acceptance of the class struggle in socialism is a question of principle, it is a line of demarcation between Marxist-Leninists and revisionists, between revolutionaries and betrayers of the revolution. Any deviation from the class struggle has fatal consequences for the future of socialism. Therefore, along with the struggle to increase production, to develop education and culture, along with the struggle against foreign enemies – the imperialists and revisionists, we must not neglect, must never overlook the class struggle within the country, for otherwise history will punish us severely.

The duty of the Party is not to shut its eyes to this necessity, not to benumb the revolutionary vigilance of the communists and masses, but to wage this class struggle vigorously and unwaveringly until final victory. The progress of our society and the revolutionary education of the working people are inconceivable and cannot be achieved outside the class struggle.

In practice we often come across a narrow concept on the class struggle and class enemy, which regards only the kulaks and other elements of the former exploiting classes, or the imperialists and Titoite and Khrushchevite revisionists abroad as class enemies, and only the struggle against their anti-socialist activities as class struggle. The struggle against these enemies remains, as always, a primary task for our Party, our state and our working people. But we should take a broader view of the class struggle. It is a many-sided struggle which is, first and foremost, an ideological struggle today, a struggle for the minds and hearts of people, a struggle against bourgeois and revisionist degeneration, against all alien remnants and phenomena which still exist and manifest themselves in various degrees among all our people – it is a struggle for the triumph of our communist ideology and morality.

The struggle against theft and misuse of socialist property, against parasitic and speculative tendencies to take as much as possible from society and to contribute to it as little as possible, against putting personal ease, the personal interest and glory above the general interest, against bureaucratic manifestations and distortions, religious ideology, prejudices, superstitions and backward customs, against underestimation of women and failure to respect their equal rights in society, against fashion and the bourgeois way of life, against idealism and metaphysics, against various ‘isms’ of the decadent bourgeois and revisionist art and culture, against the political and ideological influence of external enemies, etc., etc., all these things are parts of the class struggle.

Thus, the class struggle is not only directed against external and internal enemies, but is also waged within the ranks of the working people, against any alien manifestation observed in the consciousness, the thinking, the behaviour and the attitude of each individual. No one should think that he is proof against any evil and has nothing to fight against within himself. A stern struggle between socialist ideology and bourgeois ideology takes place in the consciousness of each person. Everybody ought to look at himself as though in a mirror and clean his consciousness every day, just as he washes his face every day, by taking a communist attitude towards himself.

Class struggle is reflected within the Party, too, because, on the one hand, people from different social strata come into the Party, bringing with them all kinds of alien remnants and manifestations, and on the other hand, the party members, like all the working people, encounter the pressure of the class enemy, especially of the enemy ideology, from inside and outside the country. Consequently, in the party ranks as well as in the ranks of the working people there may and do emerge people who degenerate and go over to alien anti-Party and anti-socialist positions. Moreover, in all their activities our enemies give particular importance to the degeneration of party members in order to bring about the degeneration of the Party as a whole, because only thus can the way be opened to the restoration of capitalism. It should be clear that without contradictions of various kinds and without a struggle to overcome them, the life and development of the Party would not be possible. This struggle should not he covered up under the pretext of preserving unity, but should be waged and carried through to the end, thus strengthening the true unity of the Party, its revolutionary spirit, its militancy and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

It is a primary task of all the ideological work of the Party to form a correct concept about class struggle in our country in all the communists and working people, to educate them in the spirit of irreconcilable class struggle, to instil in them the method of class analysis which is the only method by which to know and correctly solve all the problems, to teach them not only to accept the need for class struggle in words, but to wage it in all fields of life every day. This is not something new. Our Party has always stressed the need to wage the class struggle and carry out class education and has done a great deal of work in this direction.

We must fight indifference and formalism in our political work for the education of the Party and the masses and always link it properly with the active class struggle. We must resolutely combat alien concepts and manifestations opposed to the line of the Party and the interests of people and socialism, combat the tendency to avoid calling things by their true names, but to soften them and smooth them over, concealing their class essence and their social danger.

These shortcomings in the work of party organizations account for the fact that some cadres and party members do not always give priority to the common interests represented by the party policy, but often look at things from the angle of personal, local or departmental interest, look at various problems with the eye of a technocrat and bureaucrat, with the eye of a narrow-minded specialist and neglect the political and ideological aspects. They do not understand that there is politics everywhere, in every work and sector, because there are no cadres or economic, administrative, cultural or military work divorced from politics or outside the policy of the dictatorship of the proletariat. All things are interconnected and interdependent and in this unity politics occupies the main place, and likewise all our cadres, in every sector where they work, should be, first and foremost, political people, should put the policy of the Party first and always guide themselves by it.

Our Party has always been characterized by its stern irreconcilability with the enemies of the people, socialism and Marxism-Leninism and its love for and boundless loyalty to the working people and their revolutionary cause, its wisdom and patience with all those who commit mistakes but can be corrected. Narrow, sectarian attitudes have always been alien to it. Therefore, the party organizations must resolutely combat any manifestation of sectarianism in their work because this damages the links of the Party with the masses, confuses the dividing line between us and our enemies and leads to the use of wrong methods in resolving contradictions among the people, which affect the working people themselves.

The ideological work of the Party must make the nature of the contradictions in socialist society thoroughly clear, as well as the ways to resolve them correctly … Any mixing up of the two kinds of contradictions leads to opportunist and sectarian errors.

It must always be borne in mind that the carriers and spreaders of the bourgeois ideology are not only elements from former exploiting classes but also our own people who are working for the cause of socialism. In these cases, while fighting mercilessly against the disease, the alien ideology, we must strive with all our might to cure the patient, the carrier of that ideology. Only in the case when the carrier and spreader of the alien ideology is or becomes our conscious enemy, only then is the contradiction handled and resolved as an antagonistic contradiction and the method of persuasion replaced by that of compulsion. The Party must do a great prophylactic, educational and political work, patiently and systematically, to prevent anyone from falling into grave blunders, going from blunders to culpable faults and then to anti-state and anti-socialist crimes subject to severe punishment by the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Another very important direction of the ideological work of the Party is the inculcation of the new socialist attitude towards work, so that our people will work as revolutionaries and fight resolutely to put the revolutionary ideals into practice. Only in work and through work is the new man educated and tempered, because work is the greatest school of communist education.

In the atmosphere of great creative work full of selfless revolutionary enthusiasm, which is transforming nature and the consciousness of man, it becomes even more evident how alien and intolerable are the attitudes of those people who dodge work, who are afraid of difficulties and sacrifices, who do not want to disturb their personal ease and comfort, who try to occupy or hang on to some ‘soft spot’, who do their work carelessly and try to grab the maximum from society, who proceed in everything from their own personal interest and material benefit and, with a thousand pretexts and excuses, shirk the duty of working where the people and the country need them. All these are bourgeois attitudes.

The party organizations must carry on a resolute fight against such alien manifestations, incompatible with our communist morality. They must regard the struggle against such manifestations as an aspect of the class struggle, as a struggle against the seed of the bourgeois and revisionist degeneration of people. They must implant the revolutionary socialist concept and attitude towards work among all the working people of town and country, so that everybody regards work as a matter of honour and pride, as a lofty patriotic duty, without which life could not exist. Our people and, first and foremost, the cadres and party members must work with high consciousness and discipline, with military drive and tempo, boldly overcome every obstacle and difficulty, march steadily forward, place the interests of the people, the country and socialism above everything, spare nothing to promote these interests, and be ready even to lay down their lives for these interests. A modest son of our people, son of a family formerly oppressed and exploited by beys and landlords was Hekuran Zenuni, a soldier from the village of Tozhar in the Berat district. He made light of difficulties and sacrifices and went ahead to perform the duty with which he had been charged and, without hesitation, laid down his life in the flower of his youth, just as the 28,000 martyrs did to accomplish their tasks during the National Liberation War. Such are the new men which our Party has educated and tempered.

When we speak about the socialist attitude towards work, the correct understanding of physical work, work in production has first-rate importance. This is a great question of principle to which the organizations of the Party must give special attention in their educational work. The aristocratic concepts about work in production are completely alien to socialism and fraught with dangerous consequences. Any underestimation or deriding of physical work should be condemned as underestimation and deriding of the workers and peasants and the broad masses of the people – a thing that leads to isolation from the people and their work and life, and this isolation is the source of many evils. This should be taken into account especially by those engaged in mental work, the cadres, officials, the technical and artistic intelligentsia, the pupils and students. The overwhelming majority of them have been educated since the liberation of the country and have emerged from the ranks of the working masses, are closely linked with the people and the Party and have displayed and are demonstrating a high level of patriotic and socialist consciousness. Nevertheless, these features should not lead us to underestimate the danger of their becoming infected by bourgeois ideology and, especially, by revisionist views. This is not an imaginary danger, it has a real basis. It is connected with the very nature and conditions of the work and life of people engaged in mental work, and especially the creative, artistic and scientific intelligentsia, who are still very out of touch with physical work and, in many instances, with the working masses and their lives. Among the intelligentsia more favourable ground can be and is found for the spread of individualism and careerism, conceit and haughtiness, unjustified pretensions and an easy life, intellectualism and disdain for the masses.

Our people’s intelligentsia must link itself as closely as possible with the people, must work and live with the workers and peasants and blend themselves inseparably with them. They must reject the bourgeois idea inherited from the past which still has deep roots, that the intellectual knows everything and he alone is able to lead, to guide, to teach and instruct others – an idea which in fact expresses the negation of the role of the masses. It must be clear that the decisive role in all fields of life, including spiritual life, does not belong to particular individuals, no matter how outstanding they are, but to the broad masses of the people. Knowledge does not fall from heaven. All knowledge derives from life and practice and is a product of the struggle of the masses to transform nature and society. Therefore, the men of science, art and culture must listen with attention and deep respect to the opinions of the masses, sum up their experience, always be modest and humble pupils of the great and unmistakable teacher, the people, and make the judgement of the people the fundamental criterion in all their creative work. Some cadres in our scientific institutions are conceited and think that what they say is the last word of science, that any opinion opposed to theirs is worthless; incorrect, and must be rejected, No! Such concepts among the ranks of our scientists must be stigmatized. There is no advance in science or anywhere else without struggle, without clashes of opinions, without class struggle, without debate guided by the Marxist-Leninist principles, by the proletarian ideology, to discover the truth. The idea of the development and progress of science, and not personal glory, must guide each of our scientists in his own work.

The people of the intelligentsia must link their mental work as closely as possible with the physical work of workers and peasants and take part continually, in the proportions laid down, in work directly in production. This duty which has been put into practice widely for all the cadres, intelligentsia, pupils and students, has great theoretical and practical importance. It will help them to become better acquainted with life, to rid themselves of many alien remnants and manifestations and to temper themselves as genuine revolutionaries. This is an important step towards reducing the distinctions between mental and physical work, which, together with the reduction of distinctions between town and country and between the working class and the peasantry, constitutes a major problem which is closely linked with the prospects of our development towards communism. If we do not take measures now to narrow these differences and, willingly or not, allow them to deepen, then our country will not develop towards our final objective and these differences will also become the cause of many evils, of unfair relations between people of mental and physical work, between town and country and between the working class and the peasantry.

Our Party has big tasks to perform also in connection with the inculcation of correct concepts about life so that the moral figure of the communists and all the working people will be the same, not only at work and in society, but also in personal and family life. The cadres, the communists and every worker should live like revolutionaries, lead a modest life of real struggle, they should be the first in sacrifices and the last in pretensions. As the Open Letter reads:

‘… not empty idleness and concern only for oneself, but the ideal of socialism, the struggle to build our socialist Homeland and make it flower with our own hands, the joy of creative work for the good of the people and in their service and the continuous raising of the standard of living of the working masses must be the main objective of their life and struggle, their main preoccupation.’ Principal Documents of the Party of Labour of Albania, Volume 5, p. 38 (Albanian Edition).

The bourgeois and revisionist concept of life, putting money, pleasure, luxury, comfort, personal ease and well being above everything, is alien to our people. The consequences of such a concept have become catastrophic in the countries ruled by the revisionists. Political degeneration, moral corruption, running after money and material gain, selfishness and frenzied individualism, the bourgeois way of life and fashion, and hooliganism are what characterize the life of these countries today, a life which is almost indistinguishable from that of western capitalist countries.

Such alien views on life may and, in fact, do take root in some of our people who are exposed to the strong influence of bourgeois ideology and morality. The party organizations must always be vigilant and carry out a great educational work and struggle to create in the Party, in the collective, in the family and everywhere such an atmosphere as to stifle decadent concepts about the way and purpose of life, sternly condemning all liberal attitudes and laxity in this direction. Through its work the Party must inculcate, especially in the younger generation, our new revolutionary concept of life that is inspired by the lofty ideals of socialism and communism.

All the ideological work of the Party its propaganda and agitation, must be directed first and foremost at ideological and political education, the formation and tempering of people as genuine revolutionaries and communists so that they understand and put into practice the great slogan of the Party: ‘Think, work and live like revolutionaries’ – which constitutes the essence of communist education, the fundamental content of the educational work of the Party.


Our great objectives in the realm of the cultural and ideological revolution for the education of communists and all the working people in a high revolutionary spirit can not be achieved without further improving the entire content of our educational work and especially the method and style of this work.

It must be said that up to now this work has suffered and is still suffering from dogmatism and stereotypeism, from being out of touch with life, from verbosity, unexplained formulas and a heavy, boring style. Our workers of Marxist social sciences and propaganda have been trying to present our experience in the known terms of theory, reducing it, in the best instances, to examples for illustration, and not enough work has been done to make theoretical generalizations from the Albanian practice, to raise the wealth of factual material that the life of our country during all these years has provided, to the level of science. Therefore, the Party must make every effort to combat this serious shortcoming, and to enliven creative thinking in the field of Marxist social sciences, in our propaganda, and in all our ideological and cultural work.

In addition there are some other weaknesses that have been noticed in the organization and conduct of political and cultural educational activities. In many cases the forms of educational work are standardized and rigid, without spirit or life, little effort is made to adapt them to new conditions and circumstances and frequently nothing is altered until instructions come from above. The fact is that the revolutionary spirit of the Party and masses has far outstripped the propaganda and agitation of the Party. Communists and non-party workers, co-operativists, youth and women are making thousands of innovations and rationalizations which revolutionize their minds and production. However, the same cannot be said about the party workers engaged in propaganda and agitation, or about the workers of the ideological and cultural front, who should advance not alongside, but in the vanguard of all the other working people, to light the way for them, to organize and mobilize them for great deeds. What is the reason for this? Is it that the comrades of the ideological front are incapable, have no ideas and opinions? No. They are some of the best comrades, with a high ideological and political level and tireless workers. The trouble is that they find it difficult to break away from the old stereotyped forms of work and are not closely linked with the work and struggle of the masses.

In the field of ideology and propaganda the Party must struggle also against another serious shortcoming which is seen especially in the daily life of party organizations, as well as of state and economic organs. Here I am referring to the manifestations of empiricism and narrow practicism, the separation of practice from theory, becoming totally immersed in the swirl of daily life, facts and events, the failure to draw general conclusions from the experience of the masses, and the underestimation of theory, which leads to the loss of perspective and deviation from principles. It is regrettable, but a fact, that there are communists in the ranks of the Party who toil day and night but never open a book, that some leading cadres who have neglected their studies, have lagged behind and cannot respond to the great tasks with which life faces them. Some believe that since they have graduated from the University or the Party School they know everything and have nothing more to learn. Others are content with little and think that the study of theory is not necessary for the work they do. All these views must be condemned and sternly combated. The cadres, the communists and all the working people must learn all the time, must learn from life and from school, from practice and theory, from work and from books. This is a never-ending, unlimited job.

The Party has taken and will take measures to improve the work in this field of such importance, combating both dogmatism and empiricism, both lifeless theorizing and narrow practicism. However, these measures will never be sufficient and complete unless the organizations and committees of the Party and the workers on the ideological front use their brains, think and create with initiative, unless they elaborate and enrich the directives of the Party and apply them in a revolutionary way in conformity with the tasks and circumstances. The work of the Party and its ideological work, in particular, is a living and profoundly creative work, which does not tolerate ready-made schemes and stereotypes. The enlivenment of this work is one of the most important tasks of the Party today.

The revolutionizing of all the ideological work, of its content and style, linking it closely with life, must assist, first of all, the more profound and conscious assimilation of Marxism-Leninism by the communists and all the working people of our country. Such an assimilation of Marxist-Leninist ideas and their transformation into a weapon for our working people in their daily struggle is the fundamental distinguishing feature that marks the process of the further deepening of our ideological and cultural revolution. The Marxist-Leninist ideas are the red flag of our Party, its invincible and triumphant banner. They are the foundation of the general line of our Party, they are our guide to action, they light the way for our ideological and cultural revolution, of which they are the basis. Therefore, they must become, and are becoming more and more each day, the property and weapon of the working people.

In this connection we must strengthen and radically improve the study of Marxist-Leninist theory in the Party School, in all categories of our schools and especially in the University and other higher institutes, with the aim that the younger generation and our cadres are formed and tempered as genuine revolutionaries, with broad political and theoretical horizons, closely linked with life and practice. Our schools must give the youth and the cadres profound Marxist-Leninist theoretical knowledge, and give it to them not in a dogmatic way, but creatively, not as an ornament, but as a compass to guide them correctly in life and as a weapon for the revolutionary transformation of the world. The works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism and especially the documents, materials and experience of our Party, which are Marxism-Leninism in action in today’s national and international conditions, must be the basis for the study of our triumphant doctrine. At the same time, we must intensify and improve the propagation of Marxist-Leninist ideas through the press and publications, by printing and publishing more articles, books and pamphlets, works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism, not only complete works but also selections on specific themes, dealing with particular problems on which the cadres and workers need direct help.

Our struggle for the assimilation of Marxist-Leninist ideas, for the deepening of the ideological and cultural revolution, cannot be waged successfully unless the whole Party, the communists and all working masses are drawn into it, unless the line of the masses, the line of thorough socialist democratization, is implemented boldly and in a revolutionary way here, as everywhere else. To put such a line into practice, a stern struggle must be waged against the reactionary bourgeois intellectualist concept that theory, philosophy, science and art are too difficult to be grasped by the masses, that they can be understood only by the cadres and intelligentsia, because the masses have not reached the level necessary to understand them! This means to make theory and science a bugbear for the masses. This means to make Marxism-Leninism a bugbear for the masses, too, because Marxism-Leninism is a theory and science. We must declare relentless war on this concept. Marxism-Leninism is not a monopoly of a privileged few who ‘have the brains to understand it’. It is the scientific ideology of the working class and the working masses, and only when its ideas are grasped by the broad working masses does it cease to be something abstract and is turned into a great material force for the revolutionary transformation of the world. The historic task of our Party is to continually deepen the ideological and cultural revolution and carry it through to the end by relying on the masses of workers, peasants, soldiers, cadres and the intelligentsia and drawing them actively into creative revolutionary activity.

Enver Hoxha, Selected Works, Volume 4, pp 163-180

More on Albania …..

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Enver Hoxha – Speeches and articles

Enver Hoxha and the people of Tirana

Enver Hoxha and the people of Tirana

More on Albania …..

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Enver Hoxha – Speeches and articles

Enver Hoxha – Memoirs, Diary Selections and Compilations of Articles,

                        Selected Works

Speech Delivered on Independence Day and on the Arrival of the Democratic Government in Tirana, November 28, 1944. From Selected Works Volume I, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1974, pp 399-40. First published in the Bulletin of the National Liberation War, N° 52, November 30, 1944.

Report to the 4th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Albania, October 17, 1945. Published in Selected Works Volume I, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1974. pp. 428-462. First published in the Bulletin of the National Liberation War, N° 52, November 30, 1945.

Speech to the Constituent Assembly on the Presentation of the Resignation of the Government, January 11, 1946. First published in the newspaper Bashkimi, N° 320; republished in Selected Works Volume 1, pp 469-471.

Program of the First Government of the People’s Republic of Albania presented to the People’s Assembly of the PRA, March 24, 1946, published in Selected Works, Volume 1, pp 519-538, originally published in Bashkimi, N° 382.

Request to the Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Paris, April 17, 1946, Selected Works Volume 1, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1974, pp 539-542.

Speech Delivered at the Plenary Session of the Paris Peace Conference, August 21, 1946. From Selected Works Volume I, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1974, pp 593-614. First published in the newspaper Bashkimi, N° 540, September 22, 1946.

Telegram to Secretary General of United Nations Organisation in protest against the violation of the territorial waters of the PRA in the Corfu Channel by warships of Great Britain and against the entry of warships of the United States of America to the port of Durrës without the consent of the Government of the PRS, November 11 1946, Selected Works Volume 1, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1974, pp 656-657.

Speech delivered to the People’s Assembly on the opening of the 3rd Regular Session of the 1st Legislature, July 12, 1947. From Selected Works, Volume I, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1974, pp 661-695.

On the intellectuals, theses drafted for discussion at the meeting of the Bureau of the Party Committee for the city of Tirana which, on March 21, 1958, was to take up for consideration the report ‘On the work for the education of intellectuals’.

We shall go to Moscow not with ten banners, but with only one, with the Banner of Marxism-Leninism (Speech at the 18th Plenum of the CC of the PLA Concerning Liri Belishova’s Grave Mistakes in Line), September 6, 1960. Published in Albania Challenges Khrushchev Revisionism, 1976, pp 88-101.

The Revolutionary Communists expect China to come out openly against Khrushchevite Revisionism, April 3, 1962. Reflections on China, Volume 1, page 7, publisher The Institute of Marxist-Leninist Studies at the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, 8 Nentori Publishing House, Tirana, 1979.

The Modern Revisionists on the way to degenerating into Social-Democrats and to fusing with Social-Democracy. Reproduced from Zëri i Popullit dated April 7, 1964. Published in The Party of Labour of Albania in Battle with Modern Revisionism, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1972.

The Defence of the Marxist-Leninist Line is vital for our Party and People and for International Communism (Contribution to the Discussion at the 18th Plenum of the CC of the PLA). September 7, 1960 Published in Albania Challenges Khrushchev Revisionism, 1976.

Speech at Meeting of 81 Communist and Workers’ Parties in Moscow on behalf of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, November 16th 1960, Tirana, 1960, 71 pages. The speech where Enver Hoxha attacked the Revisionists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (and their hangers-on of the International Communist Movement) in Moscow in November 1960, one of the most important contributions in the struggle against modern revisionism.

Reject the Revisionist Theses of the XX Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Anti-Marxist Stand of Khrushchev’s Group! Speech delivered by Enver Hoxha as Head of the Delegation of the Party of Labour of Albania before the Meeting of 81 Communist and Workers Parties, Moscow, 16 November 1960. Different format of the speech above.

Speech at 81 Communist and Workers Parties Meeting, Moscow, 16 November 1960. Scanned from Selected Works Volume 3, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1980, pp 93-163.

Speech in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party of Labour of Albania and the 44th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Tirana, November 7 1961 (excerpts). Delivered on November 7, 1961, at the ‘Tirana Festive Meeting Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party of Labour of Albania and the 44th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.’ Published in The Party of Labour of Albania in Battle with Modern Revisionism, Naim Frasheri Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1972.

Marxism-Leninism is the guide and leader of every party and not Khrushchev’s conductor’s baton, from a conversation with a delegation of the Communist Party of Malaya, January 20, 1965.

Some Preliminary Ideas about the Chinese Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Speech to the 18th Plenum of the CC of the PLA, October 14, 1966. Text from Enver Hoxha. Selected Works Volume IV, 8 Nentori Publishing House, Tirana, 1982, pp 94-113.

Report on the activity of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, held at the 4th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania on February 13th 1961, Tirana, 1961, 193 pages.

Report to the 4th Congress of the PLA – On the activity of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, (extracts), February 13th 1961, Selected Works, Volume 3, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1989, pp 192-283. A cleaner version of the same report above.

For the Continuous Improvement of the Composition of the Party and its Growth — for the Protection of the Purity of its Ranks, Report of the Activities of the CC of the PLA, given at the 5th Party Congress of the PLA on 1st November 1966.

Report to the 5th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania, 1 November 1966, excerpt concerning membership.

Speeches, 1969-1970, On the further revolutionization of the Party and the whole life of the country, Naim Frasheri Publishing House, Tirana, 1971, 343 pages.

The Demagogy of the Soviet Revisionists Cannot Conceal Their Traitorous Countenance, January 10, 1969. From Zëri i Popullit daily; from The Party of Labour of Albania in Battle with Modern Revisionism, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1972, pp 475-526.

Knowledge of the contradictions in the capitalist-revisionist world serves Marxist-Leninists in their struggle, from a conversation with a delegation of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) December 8, 1969.

Conversations with Chou En-lai, Tirana, March 27-28, 1965, Enver Hoxha, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1977, 37 pages.

Literature and the arts should serve to temper people with class consciousness for the construction of socialism, the closing speech delivered at the 15th Plenum of the CC of the PLA, October 26 1965. Published in Enver Hoxha, Selected Works, Volume 3, pp 832-859.

Our younger generation marches along the revolutionary road of The Party, Enver Hoxha, Tirana, 1968, 38 pages. Speech delivered at the mass rally at the Gradishta sector of the Rogozhina-Fieri railway under construction on June 28, 1968.

Our younger generation marches along the Revolutionary road of the Party, speech delivered at the mass rally at the Gradishta sector of the Rrogozhina-Fier railway under construction on June 28, 1968, November 8th Publishing House, Toronto, 2022, 40 pages.

Letter to Comrade Hysni Kapo, July 30, 1978.

The fist of the Marxist-Leninist Communists must also smash Left Adventurism, the offspring of Modern Revisionism. From a conversation with two leaders of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of Ecuador October 21, 1968. Selected Works Volume IV, pp 498-514.

Twenty-five years of struggles and victories on the road to Socialism, Enver Hoxha, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, 1969, 95 pages. Speech delivered at the solemn meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Liberation of the country and the Victory of the People’s Revolution.

On further revolutionising our Party and the life of our country as a whole, Speeches 1967-68, Enver Hoxha, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, 1969, 345 pages.

Letter to the Ninth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, April 29, 1969, published in Peking Review No. 19, May 5, 1969.

It is in the Party-People-State power unity that our strength lies, Enver Hoxha, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, 1970, 72 pages. Speech delivered to the voters of the Tirana 219 electoral district on September 18, 1970.

Information Bulletin of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, No 3 1970, (not the full issue), Enver Hoxha, Speech at the 10th Plenum of the CC of the PLA ‘On the theoretical and practical significance of work organization’, 26th June 1970, Tirana, 1970, 21 pages.

Report submitted to the 6th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania, Naim Frasheri, Tirana, 1971, 251 pages.

Summary Report to the 6th Congress of the Albanian Party of Labor, Albania Report, New York, 1972, 17 pages.

Intensify the ideological struggle against alien manifestations and liberal attitudes towards them, Enver Hoxha – from the Report submitted to the 4th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, June 26 1973, Selected Works, Volume 4, pp812-849.

Study Marxist-Leninist Theory – linking it closely with revolutionary practice, Enver Hoxha, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, 1971, 56 pages. Speech at the solemn meeting commemorating the 25th anniversary of the founding of the ‘VI Lenin’ Party school.

Study Marxist-Leninist theory linking it closely with Revolutionary Practice, speech delivered at the meeting commemorating the 25th anniversary of the founding of the ‘V.I. Lenin’ Party School, November 8, 1970, November 8th Publishing House, Toronto, 2024, 46 pages.

Report on the role and tasks of the Democratic Front for the complete triumph of Socialism in Albania, Enver Hoxha, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1974, 125 pages. Submitted at the 4th Congress of the Democratic Front of Albania, September 14 1967.

The Tragic Events in Chile. A Lesson for the Revolutionaries of the Whole World. Zeri i Popullit October 2, 1973.

On further revolutionising our Party and the life of our country as a whole, Speeches 1971-1973, Enver Hoxha, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, 1974, 408 pages.

Our policy is an open policy, the policy of proletarian principles, Enver Hoxha, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1974, 82 pages. Speech delivered at the meeting with the electors of the Tirana No 209 precinct on October 3rd, 1974.

Speech delivered to electors of the 209 Precinct in Tirana, Enver Hoxha, Norman Bethune Institute, Toronto, 1974, 37 pages. Speech delivered on October 3, 1974, at the meeting of electors of the No 209 Precinct in Tirana.

Writers and artists are assistants of the Party for the Communist education of our people, Enver Hoxha, Speech delivered at the meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania concerning the implementation to date of the tasks in literature and art set by the 4th Plenum of the CC of the PLA, December 20th 1974, from Enver Hoxha, Selected Works, Volume 4, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1982, pp888-917.

Report of 7th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania, November 1st, 1976 in Tirana, – Summary, Gamma Publishing, New York, 1976, 32 pages.

The crisis of Italian Modern Revisionism, Enver Hoxha, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1977, 64 pages. Contains two articles: an article first published in ‘Zeri i Popullit’ on November 13th 1964 and Comments on the Theses of the 10th Congress of the Communist Party of Italy, written in November 1962.

English abstract of Enver Hoxha’s The Theory and Practice of Revolution. A lengthy editorial published on July 7, 1977, in Zëri i Popullit (The Voice of the People), the official organ of the ruling Albanian Party of Labour, expressed indirect criticism of the basic policy orientation of China.

Khrushchev kneeling before Tito, Enver Hoxha, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1977, 64 pages. An article first published in the newspaper ‘Zeri i Popullit’, organ of the CC of the Party of Labour of Albania, on September 13th, 1963, under the title ‘Results of N Khrushchev’s Visit to Yugoslavia’, taken from the book Enver Hoxha – Speeches and articles (1963-1964), Tirana, 1977.

The line of our Party is a correct, revolutionary line, in conformity with the teachings of Marxism-Leninism, Enver Hoxha, Letter to all Party Basic Organizations, May 9, 1962, from Albania Today, 1977, No. 3 (34).

The PLA was formed in circumstances different from those of the other Communist Parties, Thursday, January 26, 1978. Published in Albania Today, No 5, 1987.

Albania is forging ahead confidently and unafraid, Enver Hoxha, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1978, 51 pages. Speech delivered at the meeting with the electors of constituency No 219, Tirana, November 8, 1978.

Yugoslav ‘Self-Administration’ – a capitalist theory and practice, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1978, 102 pages. An article written to counter the erroneous and anti-Socialist views of E Kardelj expressed in the book Directions of the Development of the Political System of Socialist Self-Administration.

Yugoslav ‘self-administration’ a capitalist theory and practice, against E. Kardelj’s anti-socialist views expressed in the book ‘Directions of the Development of the Political System of Socialist Self-Administration’, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 113 pages.

With Stalin – Memoirs, Enver Hoxha, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1979, 224 pages. On the occasion of the Centenary of the Birth of the Great Marxist-Leninist Joseph Stalin.

With Stalin – memoirs, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2022, 177 pages.

The Democratic Front led by the Party is the great organization which unites, organizes and educates the people politically, article published in the newspaper Bashkimi, June 3, 1979. Republished in Albania Today, No 4, 1979.

The Marxist –Leninist Movement and the World Crisis of Capitalism. This material was prepared in August 1979, at Pogradec, published by the Institute of Marxist –Leninist Studies at the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albanian, 1986-3, Socio-Political Studies, Tirana – published for the first time as a document of the PLA.

The experience of Marxist-Leninist Parties should be studied and utilized to strengthen our common struggle, from the talk with Joao Amazonas, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brazil, September 8 1979, 13 pages.

We must firmly oppose the reactionary tactics of the capitalist and revisionist bourgeoisie with our revolutionary tactics, Enver Hoxha, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin Institute, Toronto, 1980, 32 pages. From the talk with a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), November 14, 1970.

The great world economic crisis is intensifying, Tuesday July 1 1980, extracts from the political diary The Superpowers, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1986, pp. 560 -572.

Eurocommunism is Anti-Communism, Workers’ Publishing House, London, 1980, 291 pages. Reformist ideology and Political Opportunism – Fundamental Characteristics of the Eurocommunist Parties.

Eurocommunism is Anti-Communism, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 205 pages.

What lies behind the workers’ strikes at the Polish Baltic ports? Monday September 1 1980. Extracts from the political diary, The Superpowers, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1986, pp. 579 – 597.

The events which are taking place in the Moslem countries must be seen in the light of dialectical and historical materialism, from Reflections on the Middle East, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana; 1984; pp 355-392.

Report to the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania, Enver Hoxha, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1981, 281 pages. Submitted to the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania on November 1, 1981.

REFLECTIONS – Diary on International Questions, Pogradec, Wednesday July 15, 1981, from Socio-Political Studies 2, 1985, pp 49-66, The Institute of Marxist-Leninist Studies at The Central Committee of The Party of Labour of Albania.

Enver Hoxha on Mehmet Shehu, from The Titoites, Historical Notes, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana 1982 (extracts) pp581-633.

Comrade Enver Hoxha received a group of workers and had a cordial talk with them, published in Albania Today, No 5, 1983, pp5-7.

To the Congress of the Communist Party of Brazil. This document was first published in Albania Today, No 3, 1983.

Comrade Enver Hoxha’s message of greetings to the participants in the Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Congress of Përmet. First published in Albania Today, No 3, 1984.

The Albanian Anti-Fascist women found their road of salvation through the National Liberation War – Enver Hoxha, Speech delivered to the 1st Congress of the Albanian Anti-Fascist Women’s Union, November 4, 1944, Published in Albania Today No 5 (78) 1984, pp 43-44.

The 40th Anniversary of the 1st Congress of the Anti-fascist Women’s Union of Albania. Message of greetings of Comrade Enver Hoxha addressed to the former delegates to the 1st Congress of the AWUA, November 3, 1984, published in Albania Today, No 6, 1984, pp30-31.

The State Power we are building is the future of our country and people – Enver Hoxha, from the report submitted to the 2nd Meeting of the Anti-Fascist National Liberation Council of Albania, October 20, 1944. Published in Albania Today No 5 (78) 1984, pp 39-42.

The Khrushchevites – Memoirs, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1984, 492 pages.

Message of greetings on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Liberation of Albania, 29 November 1984, published in Albania Today, No 6, 1984.

Comrade Enver Hoxha’s message of greetings addressed to the participants in the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the 2nd Meeting of the Anti-fascist National Liberation Council. First published in Albania Today, No 6, 1984.

Profound Marxist-Leninist analyses of the situation of classes and social strata, the positive and negative influences within Albanian society during the years of the National Liberation War. Reprinted from Laying the foundations of the New Albania (Memoirs and Historical Notes), 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1974, 30 pages.

Excerpts from the Political Diary and other documents on Albanian – Greek Relations, 1941-1984, Tirana, 1985, Two friendly peoples, pp 431-444, December 30, 1984. One of the last things Enver wrote before his death in April 1985.

About the international situation in the light of current events, extracts from the political diary The Superpowers, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, Albania, 1986.

Our party will continue to wage the class struggle as it has always done — consistently, courageously and with maturity, from a conversation with Zhou Enlai, June 24, 1966, November 8th Publishing House, Toronto, 2022, 65 pages.

Proletarian democracy is genuine democracy, speech delivered at the meeting of the General Council of the Democratic Front of Albania, September 20, 1978, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2022, 40 pages.

Can the Chinese Revolution be called a Proletarian Revolution? November 8th Publishing House, Toronto, 2022, 67 pages.

On the Liberation of Women in Albania, speeches delivered to the 2nd Plenum of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania in June 1967 by Comrade Enver Hoxha and Ramiz Alia, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 110 pages.

By way of a Testament, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 98 pages.

Mission of friendship, speeches, documents and accounts from the visit of the DPRK government delegation to the People’s Republic of Albania, June 29-July 2, 1956, with Kim Il Sung, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2022, 59 pages.

On the death of the Great Stalin, November 8th Publishing House, Toronto, 2024, 64 pages.

More on Albania …..

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Enver Hoxha – Memoirs, Diary Selections and Compilations of Articles

Enver Hoxha
Enver Hoxha

More on Albania …..

The Great ‘Marxist-Leninist’ Theoreticians

Enver Hoxha – Memoirs, Diary Selections and Compilations of Articles

On this page I propose to make available for download a series of books that were produced (mainly in the late 70s or early 80s of the last century) containing some of Enver Hoxha’s Memoirs, Diary Selections and Compilations of Articles. Many of these would not have been published widely at the time they were written. This is especially the case with those matters that are directly related to the Communist Party of China and the acrimonious break between Albania and China after the death of Chairman Mao Zedong. There are also some publications which may not have an obvious home on any of the other Enver Hoxha pages on this blog. Many have been scanned by the comrades at Enver Hoxha – His Life and Works and I am, again, very grateful for their work.

Enver Hoxha – Selected Works, Speeches and articles

The Party of Labour of Albania in battle with Modern Revisionism, Speeches and articles, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, 1972, 528 pages. Covering the period from 1960 to 1969 this volume demonstrates the consistent approach taken by the Party of Labour of Albania in the struggle against modern revisionism, including the famous speech at the Meeting of the 81 Communist and Workers Parties in Moscow on 16th November 1960.

Albania Challenges Khrushchev Revisionism, Speeches, reports, letters and radiogrammes from the period June – December 1960, in relation to the Moscow Conference of the 81 Communist and Workers Parties., Gamma Publishing, New York, 1976, 295 pages.

Reflections on China Volume 1, 1962 – 1972 Extracts from the political diary, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1979, 783 pages. In this volume Hoxha expresses his frustration at the reluctance of the Communist Party of China to denounce, in public, the revisionism of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (and most of the world’s established Communist Parties).

Reflections on China, volume I, 1962 – 1972, extracts from the political diary, November 8th Publishing House, Toronto, 2022, 658 pages.

Reflections on China Volume 2, 1973 – 1977 Extracts from the political diary, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1979, 810 pages. The relationship between Albania and China deteriorates (even before the death of Chairman Mao Zedong) and gets worse as the Chinese Revisionists, under the leadership of Deng Xioaping, carry out their coup d’etat.

Imperialism and the Revolution, World View Publications, Chicago, 1979, 461 pages. Enver Hoxha’s analysis of the situation in the People’s Republic of China after the death of Chairman Mao and the restoration of capitalism in the one time workers’ state. This includes criticisms of Chairman Mao when the two countries, and leaders, were supposed to have had good fraternal relationships.

Imperialism and the revolution, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 339 pages.

The Titoites, Historical notes, Workers Publishing House, London, ND (original, published in Tirana, dated 1982), 643 pages. Articles where Comrade Enver Hoxha analyses and exposes the inherent revisionist and capitalist nature of the Yugoslavian version of socialism, posed by the renegade Josip Broz Tito. Most of the analysis is of the situation that developed in the 1940s.

The Titoites, historical notes, November 8th Publishing House, Toronto, 2022, 532 pages.

The Anglo-American Threat to Albania, Memoirs of the National Liberation War, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1982, 446 pages. How the British and American Imperialists tried to determine that ‘friendly’ and ‘pro-western’ forces would triumph during the National Liberation War against Fascism and deny the Albanian People the fruits of their own struggle and sacrifices. This includes the so-called ‘Corfu Channel Incident‘.

The Anglo-American threat to Albania, memoirs of the National Liberation War, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 366 pages.

Laying the Foundations of the New Albania, Memoirs and historical notes, Workers Publishing House, London, ND (original, published in Tirana, dated 1984), 584 pages. Memoirs covering the period from the foundation of the National Liberation Front in 1942 to the Proclamation of the People’s Republic of Albania in 1946.

Reflections on the Middle East, 1958 – 1983, Extracts from the political diary, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1984, 550 pages. Extracts from the Political Diary of Enver Hoxha, covering the period 1958 – 1983, where he makes an analysis of the events the Middle East and how both the imperialists and the Soviet Revisionists tried to maintain their influence at the expense of the Arab peoples.

Reflections on the Middle East, 1958 – 1983, extracts from the political diary, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 473 pages.

The Khrushchevites – Memoirs, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1984, 492 pages. This work, written in 1976, comprises the author’s memoirs and personal impressions of his direct meetings and other various contacts with leaders of the CPSU and other Communist and Workers’ Parties during the years 1953-1961.

The Khrushchevites, memoirs, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 403 pages.

Two Friendly Peoples, Excerpts from the political diary and other documents on Albanian-Greek relations, 1941-1984, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin Institute, Toronto, 1985, 455 pages.

Two friendly peoples, excerpts from the political diary and other documents on Albanian-Greek relations, 1941-1984, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2024, 342 pages.

The Superpowers, 1959 – 1984, Extracts from the political diary, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1986, 245 pages. Comrade Enver Hoxha‘s analysis of the struggle for world hegemony between the two ‘so-called’ Superpowers, the United States of America (USA) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

The Superpowers, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2024, 645 pages.

Among simple people, Excerpts from the Memoirs, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 73 pages.

Congress of betrayal, November 8th Publishing House, Toronto, 2022, 545 pages.

Kosova is Albania, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 383 pages.

On literature and art – 1949-1980, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 219 pages.

Palestine belongs to Palestinians, conversations, reflections and articles, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 145 pages.

When the Party was born, excerpts from the Reminiscences, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 100 pages.

Years of my youth, reminiscences, November 8th Publishing House, Toronto, 2024, 321 pages.

Through the pages of Volume 19 of the Works of Comrade Enver Hoxha, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, Articles, Radiograms, Letters and Speeches, June-December 1960, Editorials and Commentaries from PCDN and ATA, November 8th Publishing House, Ottowa, 2023, 368 pages.


Me Popullin mes Shokeve – Enver with the people, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1983, 210 pages. In Albanian. Picture album.

The house in which Comrade Enver Hoxha lived, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1984, 43 pages. In Albanian, French and English.

Udheheqes i dashur e i shtrenjte i Partise e i Popullit tone – The Party of the people, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, 1968, 89 pages. In Albanian. Picture album.

More on Albania …..

The Great ‘Marxist-Leninist’ Theoreticians