The Stalin Society – publications

Stalin and the people of the Soviet Union

Stalin and the people of the Soviet Union

More on the USSR

The Great ‘Marxist-Leninist’ Theoreticians

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

The Stalin Society – publications

The Stalin Society was formed in 1991 and for many years had regular meetings which often involved a formal presentation related to the life and work of JV Stalin but also topics about the history, social and economic aspects of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Some of those presentations, which were published in a printed format, are reproduced below.

It is not clear what the current situation is with the Society. There does not seem to have be any activity, either on the website or with public meetings, since 2020.

The pamphlets are listed in order of when they were presented to the Society.

The truth about the so-called ‘Hitler-Stalin Pact’ of 1939, translated from Roter Morgen, No 9, September 1989, Roter Morgen is the organ of the KPD (Communist Party of Germany). Published by the Stalin Society, 5 pages.

The German-Soviet Non-aggression Pact of 1939, Bill Bland, presented in London in February 1990, 14 pages.

The Spanish Civil War, Ella Rule, London, March 1991, 44 pages.

Lenin and Stalin on Opportunism, C and K Majid, London, January 1993, 15 pages.

Nikita Khrushchev – his role in the anti-Stalin campaign, Cathie Majid, London, June 1993, 18 pages.

The origin and development of Revisionism in the CPGB, Part 1, London, September 1993, 23 pages.

The enlightenment’s roots in Socialist Realist Theory and aspects of Revisionism in the late twentieth century, Helena Stevens, London, November 1993, 24 pages.

Let us salute the Soviet workers, translated from the Iraqi Review ‘Al-Marxi’, No. 30, November 1993, distributed by the Stalin Society, London, 8 pages.

The origin and development of Revisionism in the CPGB, Part 2, London, February 1994, 24 pages.

The truth about Stalin, Wilf Dixon, a talk given to the Secular Society in Leicester, October 1994, 12 pages.

Albania and China, Kamal Majid, London, April 1995, 35 pages.

The importance of forming a Party, Kamal Majid, London, July 1995, 26 pages.

The role of the revolutionary newspaper in the struggle today, John Green, London, July 1995, 10 pages.

Education in the Soviet Union, Ella Rule, London, June 1996, 8 pages.

George Orwell – anti-Communist, champion of Trotskyism and State informer, Joti Brar, London, February 1998, 16 pages.

Women in the USSR, Ella Rule, London, March 1998, 16 pages.

Lies concerning the history of the Soviet Union, Mario Sousa, translated and presented by Ella Rule, London, March 1999, 31 pages.

Marxism-Leninism and the arts, Bill Bland, London, September 1999, 14 pages.

Health in the USSR, Carlos Rule, London, February 2000, 15 pages.

Marxism and law, the struggle over jurisprudence in the Soviet Union, Bill Bland, London, March 2000, 22 pages.

Bourgeois democracy and Fascism, ‘Social democracy objectively represents the moderate wing of Fascism’. JV Stalin, ‘Concerning the International Situation’, September 1924, Harpal Brar, London, May 2000, 37 pages.

The Soviet novel, Ella Rule, London, July 2000, 26 pages.

The role of the individual in history, Ivor Kenna, London, October 2000, 11 pages.

The fight against bureaucracy in the Soviet Union, Carlos Rule, London, September 2001, 48 pages.

Imperialism’s interest in Afghanistan, Ella Rule, London, October 2001, 19 pages.

The Ukrainian famine-genocide myth, John Puntis, London, June 2002, 27 pages.

The Katyn Massacre, Ella Rule, London, July 2002, 25 pages.

A brief history of the Working-class Internationals, Ella Rule, London, October 2002, 37 pages.

A personal account of experiences in the German Panzers at the Battle of Stalingrad, Henry Metelmann, 60 years after the Soviet victory at Stalingrad – the turning point in the war against Nazi fascism, London, February 2003, 20 pages.

The purges of the CPSU in the 1930s, edited by Ella Rule from ‘The class struggle during the thirties in the Soviet Union’, 2005, 20 pages.

Robert Conquest dies – but his lies live on! Grover Furr, August 2015, reproduced by the Stalin Society, 4 pages.

Housing in the USSR, Katt Cremer, London, October 2016, 10 pages.

More on the USSR

The Great ‘Marxist-Leninist’ Theoreticians

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

The Great Patriotic War

Nazism in defeat

Nazism in defeat

More on the USSR

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

The Great Patriotic War

The war where the army of the workers, the Soviet Red Army, defeated the Nazi beast and chased it back to its lair.

The life story of Marshal Voroshilov, Geoffrey Trease, Pilot Press, London, n.d., 1940?, 92 pages.

Must the War Spread, DN Pritt, Penguin, London, 1940, 256 pages.

The Soviets expected it, Anna Louise Strong, Dial Press, New York, 1941, 279 pages.

Comrade Genia, the story of a victim of German bestiality in Russia, told by herself, with an introduction by Ronald Scarfe, this is a documentary of the rape of a young schoolmistress – no of an entire Russian village – by the Germans, August 1941, Nicolson and Watson, London, 1941, 128 pages.

Red Army Songs, Workers’ Music Association, London, 1942, 25 pages.

Russia’s Enemies in Britain, Reginald Bishop, Russia Today, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1942, 64 pages.

The Red Fleet and the Royal Navy, Mairin Mitchell, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1942, 98 pages.

Soviet Leaders – Timoshenko, Ivor Montagu, CPGB, London, 1942, 15 pages.

Soviet Leaders – Voroshilov, Ivor Montagu, CPGB, London, 1942, 16 pages.

Strategy and Tactics of the Soviet German War, by officers of the Red Army and Soviet War Correspondents, Soviet War News, Hutchinson, London, 1942, 148 pages.

The Soviet Fighting Forces, Major AS Hooper, Frederick Muller, London, 1942, 64 pages.

The Patriotic War of the Soviet People against the German invaders, M Kalinin, FLPH, Moscow, 1942, 32 pages.

Letter from Governor Shicai Sheng to Comrades Stalin, Molotov and Voroshilov, May 10 1942, 19 pages.

Soviet War News Weekly, No 1, January 22, 1942, reprint 1982, Soviet News, London, 1982, 8 pages.

‘We made a mistake .. ‘ Hitler, Russia’s amazing defence, Lucien Zacharoff, Bodley Head, London, 1942, 156 pages.

Soviet Jews at War, H Levy, Russia Today, London, April 1943, 31 pages.

The Defence of Leningrad, eye-witness accounts of the siege, Nikolai Tikhonov and others, Hutchison, London, 1943, 136 pages.

German Foreign Office Documents. German Policy in Turkey, 1941-1943, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, archives division, FLPH, Moscow, 1943, 127 pages.

Documents and materials relating to the eve of the Second World War, Volume 1, November 1937-1938, from the archives of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the USSR, FLPH, 1948, 314 pages.

Falsifiers of History – An historical document on the origins of World War II, with an introduction by Frederick Schuman, Committee for Promotion of Peace, New York, 1948, 64 pages.

The Underground Committee carries on, Alexei Fyodorov, FLPH, Moscow, 1952, 518 pages.

World War Two, a politico-military survey, G Deborin, Progress, Moscow, n.d., 1960s?, 560 pages.

British Foreign Policy during World War II, 1939-1945, V Trukhanovsky, Progress, Moscow, 1970, 494 pages.

Great Patriotic War of Soviet Union, 1941-1945, a general outline, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1974, 468 pages.

The Battle on the Kursk Salient – 1943, Boris Solovyov, Novosti Press Agency, Moscow, 1979, 64 pages.

The German-Soviet Non-aggression Pact of 1939, Bill Bland, presented to the Stalin Society in London in February 1990, 14 pages.

Armoured Trains of the Soviet Union 1917-1945, Wilfried Kopenhagen, Schiffer Publishing, Atglen, 1996, 50 pages.

Heroes of the Soviet Union 1941–45, Henry Sakaida, illustrations by Christa Hook, Osprey Publishing, Oxford, 2004, 64 pages.

Heroines of the Soviet Union 1941-45, Henry Sakaida, illustrations by Christa Hook, Osprey Publishing, Oxford, n.d., 2004?, 64 pages.

The Stalin and Molotov lines, Soviet western defences 1928-41, Neil Short, illustrations by Adam Hook, Osprey Publishing, Oxford, 2008, 64 pages.

The Mystery of the Katyn Massacre, the Evidence, the Solution, Grover Furr, Erythros Press and Media, Kettering, 2018, 268 pages.

The Katyn Massacre, a re-examination in the light of recent evidence, Grover Furr, Cultural Logic: Marxist Theory and Practice, Volume 24, 2020, pp37-49, 13 pages.

Falsificators of history, an historical note, text of a communique issued by the Soviet Information Bureau, Moscow, February 1948, November 8th Publishing House, Ottawa 2022, 93 pages.

See also some of the speeches, statement and articles by MI Molotov in the page on the Writings of the Soviet Leadership as well as the speeches and articles by Comrade Stalin.

More on the USSR

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told