Election Fraud – 1970 General Election
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Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) – CPB(ML)
The Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) was formed on April 14th 1968. It arose out of the British anti-revisionist movement which had taken a long time to re-establish a formal party structure following Nikita Khrushchev’s repudiation of Joseph Stalin (but fundamentally Marxism-Leninism) at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1956. It was the closest the British working class have, so far, come to establishing a Marxist-Leninist Party in Britain.
However, come 1982 the Party had started to lose direction (principally in relation to the Labour Party/elections and the attitude towards the Soviet Union). It still maintains a somewhat confusing stance on international issues and now treats the issues surrounding Britain’s departure from the European Union almost as an obsession.
From the beginning of 1969 the Party published its newspaper, The Worker. This began as a monthly and then progressed to a fortnightly before becoming weekly towards the end of 1977.
Most of the documents below come from the period of the 1970s and early 1980s. Many were not dated and so the dates given are (sometimes) an approximation. The originals of these documents have been deposited in the Labour History Archive of the People’s History Museum in Manchester. Also to be found in the Archive are most of the issues of The Worker, the Party’s newspaper, for the first 13 or 14 years of the Party’s existence. Some other copies of The Worker can also be found in the Working Class Movement Library in Salford.
Finally, also included below are some documents that are (or have been) available on the Party’s website.
Fundamental documents
Bulletin of the CPB(ML), No. 4, 8 pages. Announcement of the formation of the Party.
Burning Questions for our Party, 1971, 5 pages.
The British Working Class and its Party, 1971, adopted at the Second Party Congress April 9-12 1971, 10 pages, duplicated version.
The British Working Class and its Party, the Party Programme, 1971, 13 pages. Adopted at the Second Party Congress April 9-12 1971.
Constitution of the Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist), with Application Form and Candidate Letter, adopted at the Second Party Congress April 9-12 1971. 11 pages.
The Definitive Statement on the Internal Polemic 1972-74, 1974, 16 pages.
Party structure and organisation
Branch Formation and Conduct, 1970?, 3 pages.
Discussion Documents, the Central Committee, Branch Functioning, 197?, 4 pages.
Party Building; organisation and Party building, Party building – practice and theory, Party building and work in industry, the role of the Party in the current situation, the Party in the present situation. Pre-Congress documents – but not sure which, probably 1976, 20 pages.
Discussion Documents
Draft action programme and analysis of the student movement, 1970, 25 pages.
Writing for The Worker, 1970, 5 pages.
Worker Distribution Committee, 1970, 2 pages.
Student National Advisory Committee, 1971, 8 pages.
Teachers Committee, Orientation of our work, 1971?, 2 pages.
The Struggle for Wages and the Current Situation, 1970?, 6 pages.
The Struggle of Ideas, 197?, 6 pages.
The Working Class, Past, Present and Future, 197?, 11 pages.
Student National Committee; Launch an offensive against ruling class repression, housing – the collective battle, EEC – a question of class, grants and education cuts, executive elections, 1971-1981, 14 pages.
Facts about the Industrial Revolution, 197?, 7 pages.
Internationalism, 197?, 3 pages.
Graduate Unemployment, discussion document for weekend school on students, October 28 and 29th 1972, 1972, 8 pages.
Dialectics, 1973?, 3 pages.
Motor Industry School, 1974?, 7 pages.
The Struggle for Ideas, 1974, 6 pages.
Revolution, Social Democracy, Class and Party, 197?, 6 pages.
Class in Britain, 197?, 9 pages.
Pre-Fourth Congress 1976, notes on organisation and Party growth, propaganda report, report on the Worker, Teachers Committee, world crisis of capitalism, economic situation, 1975, 31 pages.
Pre-5th Congress documents; the Worker (the Party newspaper), the question of discipline in a Marxist-Leninist Party, organisation, propaganda, the conduct of the Party under more difficult conditions, Soviet Revisionism, British Imperialism, 1979, 10 pages.
Draft 5th Congress Report, 1979, 13 pages.
Pre-1982 (Sixth) Congress Papers; Further and Higher Education Committee, Health Committee, National Teachers Committee, Media Committee, Workers in Public Service Sub-Committee, Civil Service Sub-Committee, Professional and Technical Sub-Committee, Revolution and the Soviet Union, Britain, Worker Distribution, Worker Editorial, The Party, 1981, 19 pages.
Party and Central Committee Statements
Central Committee statement on War and Peace, 1980?, 1 page.
Education Courses
The Bolshevik Revolution 1905-1953, 197?, 6 pages.
Study List and Bibliography, Liverpool, 1971?, 3 pages.
Study Programme, 1974, 15 pages.
Study Programme, 1975, Trade Unions, the Labour Movement, the struggle of the British Working Class, 12 pages.
Education courses; Party Study Syllabus 1976-77, Back to basics: Party education and the present situation, Education Syllabus: Revisionism and Social Democracy, Marxism – what it it? 1976-79, 10 pages.
Party Study Document, 1977-78, the need for study in the Party, Branch study, Syllabus 1 – 3, reading list, a study course for contacts. 7 pages.
Party Study Syllabus, 1978, 2 pages.
Congress ’76, Fourth Congress, 1976, 16 pages.
Congress 1979, Fifth Congress, 1979, 23 pages.
Congress ’82, Report of the Sixth Congress, 1982, 14 pages.
Congress ’85 – Report of Seventh Congress, 1985, 15 pages.
Congress ’88, Eighth Congress, 1988, 14 pages.
Congress 2012, Sixteenth Congress, 2012, 10 pages.
British Independence and the working class, Political statement from the 18th Congress, November 2018, 4 pages.
Real control for real independence. Political statement from the 19th Congress, November 2021, 4 pages.
Statement on Czechoslovakia, 1968, 8 pages.
British Imperialism Out of Ireland!, 1971, 14 pages.
Oil Imperialism Britain and the Middle East, 1971, 12 pages.
Songs of the Fedayeen – Songs of the Palestinian National Liberation Fighters, 1971, 24 pages.
Ireland – One Nation, 1974, 16 pages.
Britain in the World 1977, 1977, 12 pages.
Albania – the most successful country in Europe, New Albania Society, London, 1977, 36 pages.
Guerrilla Struggle and the working class, 197?, 16 pages.
Guerrilla Struggle and the working class, 2nd reprint, 1974?, 16 pages.
White Collar – A Myth Destroyed, a Class Made Stronger, 197?, 16 pages.
Protracted Struggle and the Working Class, May 1986, 20 pages.
Contemporary issues
Health – The Working Class Fight, 1970, first edition of the pamphlet, duplicated, 22 pages.
Teachers to the Front Line, 1970?, 12 pages.
Towards a Revolutionary Student Movement, London Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation, 1970, 28 pages.
Students into Class Struggle, 1971, 14 pages, duplicated version.
Students into Class Struggle, 1971, 10 pages.
Health – The Working Class Fight, 1971?, 16 pages.
Women in Class Struggle, 1971?, 14 pages.
Unemployment – War against the workers, 1972, 16 pages.
Education, 1973?, 18 pages.
Students into Class Struggle, 2nd Edition, 1974, 19 pages.
Grants Autonomy – Students and the Class War, 1974?, 15 pages.
London Murder, 1974?, 16 pages.
Higher Education – The struggle for the future, 1975?, 12 pages.
For Education – A Revolutionary Struggle, 1975, 16 pages.
For Health – A Revolutionary Struggle, 1976?, 16 pages.
Cuts – Brighton Fights Back, 1976?, 24 pages.
For an Industrial Revolution, 1976?, 16 pages.
Stop the Rundown – Seize our Heritage, 1977?, 26 pages.
Food for the people, January 1978, 16 pages.
Unity not Devolution, 1978?, 16 pages.
The Worker – Universities Special, 1981, 4 pages.
The Worker – Oil Industry Special, 1982?, 6 pages.
The Worker – Textile Special, 1982?, 4 pages.
Britain’s Finances – Treachery in the City, 1984, 28 pages.
Counter Attack – shop workers into struggle, 1986?, 20 pages (page 4 missing).
In the end who will defeat Thatcher?, 1988, 4 pages, leaflet.
Reclaim London, February 1990, 15 pages.
Out of the EU! Why Britain must vote Leave in the June Referendum, March 2016, 8 pages.
Take control. Red lines for Brexit – and an independent Britain, 2017, 8 pages.
Brexit – let’s get on with it. Six principles to put leaving back on track. September 2018, 8 pages.
Labour History
The Economics of Genocide, Part 1, An Historical Introduction, 1980, 16 pages.
The Economics of Genocide, Part 2, 1981, 16 pages.
The Economics of Genocide, Part 3, Genocide NO!, 1982, 22 pages.
Unemployment, 1983?, 16 pages.
A History of the Miners Struggle (Historical Reprint), 1986?, 16 pages.
Stalin on The October Revolution, Socialism and Industry, the Cold War, 1982, 24 pages.
Anti-party group, 1976
Anti-Party Group 1976, 5 pages.
Leaflets, a selection of leaflets from the 1970s and early 1980s. 97 pages.
Various short documents, unclassified, 14 pages.
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Ukraine – what you’re not told