Three main rules of discipline
Peking Review – 1974
Peking Review was the weekly political and informative magazine published between 1958 and 1978. With issue No 1 of 1979 the magazine was renamed Beijing Review, the new name bringing with it a new direction in the People’s Republic of China and was an open statement of the reintroduction of capitalism in the erstwhile Socialist Republic.
The issues and topics included in 1974:
- All-round rich harvests in China
- A forceful criticism of Lin Piao’s Right-deviationist Pessimism
- Programme for consolidation of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
- World in great disorder: excellent situation
- ‘Upside Down’ Philosophy and Capitalist Restoration
- Saigon authorities invade China’s Hsisha Islands and provoke armed conflicts
- Deepening criticism of Lin Piao through repudiating Confucius
- A vicious motive, despicable tricks – a criticism on M Antonioni’s anti-China film ‘China’
- Carry the struggle to criticise Lin Piao and Confucius through to the end
- Workers, peasants and soldiers are the main force in criticising Lin Piao and Confucius
- Thriving ‘Chollima’ Korea
- Has absolute music no class character?
- Women’s Liberation is a component part of the Proletarian Revolution
- Behind the so-called ‘Energy Crisis’
- Third World awakening and growing strong in United Struggle
- China lodges strong protest with Soviet Government – against sending Soviet aircraft to intrude into China for espionage and disruptive activities
- Support the struggle of developing countries in Asia and the Far east against Imperialism and Hegomonism
- Resolute support for the Third World’s just demands
- Warmly greet Lao people’s new victory
- Chairman of Delegation of People’s Republic of China Teng Hsiao-ping’s speech at Special Session of UN General Assembly
- Representatives of Third World countries condemn superpower plunder at UN
- Mighty ideological weapon in the struggle against Revisionism – a study of Lenin’s ‘Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism’
- Historical experience in the struggle to criticise Confucius during the May 4th Period – commemorating the 55th anniversary of the May 4th Movement
- Keep to the correct orientation and uphold the philosophy of struggle – notes on studying chairman Mao’s ‘Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art’
- Deepen the criticism of the bourgeois theory of human nature
- Strengthen the ranks of Marxist Theorists
- The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is fine – workers, peasants and soldiers criticise Lin Piao and Confucius
- China successfully conducts new nuclear test
- Struggle between opposing and worshipping Confucius over the last 100 years
- The Party exercises overall leadership
- The cause of Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea will surely triumph
- Emancipated Tibetan serfs will never tolerate restoration
- Grasping ideological weapon by studying the ‘Manifesto of the Communist Party’ – workers criticise Lin Piao
- A decade of Revolution in Peking Opera
- A good way to settle educated youth in the countryside
- Heroic proletarian images occupy the screen – comments on China’s new feature films
- Report on People’s Communes
- China’s views on major issues of world population
- The working class rejects the ‘Doctrine of the Mean’
- Strongly denounce India’s shameful act of annexing Sikkim
- Mencius – a trumpeter for restoring the Slave System
- Conscientiously study Chairman Mao’s Military Writings
- Socialist China marches on – a special pictorial section
- Big dam across the Yellow River
- Forward along the Great Road of Socialism
- Shanghai develop industry by self-reliance
- The bankruptcy of Lin Piao’s counter-revolutionary tactics
- Dire consequences of Soviet Revisionists’ all-round capitalist restoration
- History develops in spirals
- Sovereignty and independence of Balkan countries brook no encroachment
- Third World: great motive force in advancing world history
- A great practice of hundreds of millions of people in opposing and preventing Revisionism
- Accent on environmental protection
- China’s views on solving world food problem
- Message greeting 11th Congress of Romanian Communist Party
- Striking contrast between two different economic systems
- Greeting 30th anniversary of Albania’s Liberation
- Strategically despise the enemy, tactically take him seriously
- No reason for US forces to hang on in South Korea
- Concentrate a superior force to destroy the enemy forces one by one
Available issues of Peking Review:
1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978
There’s an index for the first part of the year in issue No. 26 and one for issues 27 – 52 in No. 52.
Beijing Review
From issue No. 1 of 1979 the weekly political and informative magazine Peking Review changed its name to Beijing Review. On page 3 of that number the editors made the open declaration of the change in the direction of the erstwhile ‘People’s Republic of China’.
By stating that the Communist Party of China (under the control then of Teng Hsiao-Ping/Deng Xiaoping ) sought
‘to accomplish socialist modernisation by the end of the century and turn China …. into an economically developed and fully democratic socialist country’
the CPC was openly declaring the rejection of the revolutionary path, which the country had been following since 1949, and the adoption of the road that would inevitably lead to the full scale establishment of capitalism.
For those who would like to follow this downward spiral into the murky depths of capitalism and imperialism in the issues of Beijing Review (complete for the years 1979-1990 – intermittently thereafter) you can do so by going to bannedthought – which also serves as an invaluable resource for more material about China during its revolutionary phase.