A Palestinian child in 1970
Ukraine – what you’re not told
Palestine – the background to the US-backed Zionist settler state
On this page we present an eclectic group of pamphlets, journals and reports that were published from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s. These are reproduced in the hope of providing an historical background to the situation that we are witnessing in Palestine (in 2021) more than a couple of generations later.
What is striking in many of the images presented here is that the situation in Palestine has been dire, with the fascist Israeli forces implementing ‘ethnic cleaning’ in all their dealings with the Palestinian population from the very beginning and consistently ever since. (Note the date of the image at the head of this post.)
The situation before 1967
Israel – according to Theodore Herzl (1904) and Rabbi Fischmann (1947), nd.
Do you know – Twenty basic facts about the Palestine Problem, Facts and Figures Series, No 1, Research Centre, Palestine Liberation Organisation, Beirut, April 1966, 5 pages.
The UN and the Palestine Question, April 1947 – April 1965, Fayez A Sayegh, Facts and Figures Series, No 2, Research Centre, Palestine Liberation Organisation, Beirut, September 1966, 24 pages.
United States and West German Aid to Israel, Facts and Figures Series No 6, Asa’d Abdul-Rahman, Research Centre, Palestine Liberation Organisation, Beirut, October 1966, 53 pages.
The Partition of Palestine, Institute for Palestine Studies, Monograph Series No 9, Beirut, 1967, 55 pages.
Edwin Montagu and The Balfour Declaration, Arab League, London, 1969, 23 pages.
Deir Yassin, 1948 Zeita, Beit Nuba and Yalu, 1967, Palestine National Liberation Movement, Fateh, 1970, 18 pages. A twenty year span and the rise of terrorist gangs to statehood cannot change the Israeli-Zionist mentality, bent on destruction and terror.
Soviet motives in the Partition of Palestine – 1947-1948, Arnold Krammer, Journal of Palestine Studies, Winter, 1973, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 102-119, University of California Press, 1973, 19 pages.
The Soviet Union and the creation of the state of Israel, Prof. Gabriel Gorodetsky, Social Science Open Access Repository, December 2001, 28 pages.
Who saved Israel in 1947? Martin Kramer, Mosaic – advancing Jewish Thought, 2017, 21 pages. Criticism of the role of the Stalin and the Soviet Union in the foundation of the Zionist Settler State.
What we did – the American Jewish Communist Left and the Establishment of the State of Israel, Dorothy M. Zellner, 2019, 40 pages.
The situation after 1967
Imperialism and the Middle East Conflict – Some Left Wing Viewpoints, No 1, Ad Hoc Committee for Peace in the Middle East, London, 1967, 34 pages.
Raphael’s ‘Virgin and Child’, Jerusalem Committee, London, 1969, 4 pages.
River without Bridges – A study of The Exodus of the 1967 Palestinian Refugees, Peter Dodd and Halim Barakat, Institute for Palestinian Studies, Monograph Series No 10, Beirut, 1969, 107 pages.
The June War – In the Light of its Aftermath, June 1967-Summer 1969, Vada Hart Nabky – Morssett Press, London, 1969, 32 pages.
To whom does Palestine belong? Henry Cattan, Institute for Palestine Studies, Monograph Series No 8, Beirut, 1969, 18 pages.
What if it happened to you? Jerusalem Committee, London, 1969, 15 pages.
World Public Opinion and the current aggression in the Middle East, No 4, United Arab Republic Ministry of National Guidance State Information Service, 1969, 34 pages.
World Public Opinion and Israel, No 5, United Arab Republic Ministry of National Guidance State Information Service, 1969, 75 pages.
World Public Opinion and the current aggression in the Middle East, No 7, United Arab Republic Ministry of National Guidance State Information Service, 1969, 18 pages.
World Public Opinion and the current aggression in the Middle East, No 15, United Arab Republic Ministry of National Guidance State Information Service, 1969, 25 pages.
Background Notes on Palestine, Report No 3, An Eyewitness in Jerusalem Spring 1969, John Carter, Jerusalem Committee, London, 1969, 21 pages.
Background Notes on Palestine, Report No 4, Visit to Palestine Summer 1969, Tom Fielding, Jerusalem Committee, London, 1969, 16 pages.
The Tragedy of Palestine from the Balfour Declaration to today, Anthony Nutting, The Arab League, London, 1969, 15 pages.
Tragedy of the Palestine Arab Refugees, 1969, 32 pages.
Israeli air attack on the National Metal Products Factory at Abu Zaabal, Cairo, February 12 1970, United Arab Republic Ministry of National Guidance State Information Service, 20 pages.
Israeli air raid on the Bahr El-Backar Primary School, Sharkia Governorate, UAR, April 8 1970, United Arab Republic Ministry of National Guidance State Information Service, 16 pages.
The Jarring Mission, The Arab League, London, 1970, 24 pages.
Four stages in the Zionist usurpation of the land of Palestine – map showing the evolution of Zionist intentions about the land of the US-backed settler state – following the war in 1967.
Life in a Palestinian refugee camp, Grace Halsell, If Americans knew, 1981, 12 pages.
Gaza in crisis – reflections on the US-Israeli war on the Palestinians, Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé, Haymarket Books, Chicago, 2010, 212 pages.
Gaza – an inquest into its martyrdom, Norman Finkelstein, University of California Press, 2018, 663 pages.
The Hundred Years War on Palestine – a history of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017, Rashid Khalidi, Metropolitan Books, New York, 2020, 352 pages.
The right to resist, Yasser Arafat, two speeches at the United Nations General Assembly (1974 and 1988), November 8th Publishing House, Ottawa 2023, 70 pages.
Zionism – the obstacle to peace, Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, London?, ND., late 1960’s?, 6 pages.
Zionism and Racism – a case to answer, European Co-ordinating Committee of Friendship Societies with the Arab World, Paris, 1976, 26 pages.
Zionist Relations with Nazi Germany, Faris Yahya, Palestine Research Center, Beirut, 1978, 85 pages.
Zionist relations with Nazi Germany, Faris Yahya, Palestine Research Centre, Beirut 1978, November 8th Publishing House, Ottawa 2023, 101 pages.
Zionism from the standpoint of its victims, Edward Said, 1979, from The Edward Said Reader, published by Vintage, 11 pages.
Jews, Zionism and South Africa, David Herman, Union of Jewish Students, London, 1989, 16 pages.
Zionist Colonialism in Palestine, Fayez A. Sayegh, Research Centre of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Beirut 1965, November 8th Publishing House, Ottawa 2023, 74 pages.
51 Documents Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis, Lenni Brenner, Published in Britain by BAZO-Palestine Solidarity and AZAN (Anti-Zionists Against the Nazis) in co-operation with JAZA (Jews Against Zionism and Anti-Semitism) in Australia, originally 1983, AAARGH Internet 2006, 103 pages.
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators – a reappraisal, Lenni Brenner, originally 1983, AAARGH Reprints Internet, 2004, 236 pages.
Caution Zionism, essays on the ideology, organisation and practice of Zionism, Yuri Ivanov, originally Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1970, reprint November 8th Publishing House, Toronto, 2024, 211 pages.
The Arab League, London
The Arab, Volume 2, Nos 31/32, The Arab League, London, August/September1969, 16 pages.
The Arab, Volume 2, No 33, The Arab League, London, October 1969, 12 pages.
The Arab, Volume 4, No 30, The Arab League, London, April 1970, 12 pages.
Jerusalem – El kuds al Sharif – The Rock of Faith, The Arab League, London, 1969, 8 pages.
A letter to the Holy Sees, The Arab League, Morssett Press, London, 1970, 24 pages.
Israelis versus Israel, The Arab League, London, 1970, 32 pages. The treatment of Arab Israelis – fifty years ago.
Solidarity with Palestine in Britain
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Fedayeen, Volume 1, No 2, October 1969, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, London, 1969, 8 pages.
Fedayeen, Volume 2, No 1, January 1970, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, London, 1970, 8 pages.
Fedayeen, Volume 2, No 2, March 1970, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, London, 1970, 10 pages.
Fedayeen, Volume 2, No 3, May 1970, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, London, 1970, 8 pages.
Fedayeen, Volume 3, No 1, February 1971, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, London, 1971, 6 pages.
American Imperialism – Palestine to Vietnam, Palestine Solidarity No 1, Liverpool University Palestine Solidarity Campaign, early 1970s, 12 pages.
Revolution – journal of the London Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation
Palestine, Special ‘Revolution’ Supplement, 1969, 4 pages.
Committees for Solidarity with the Palestinian Revolution
Palestinian Revolution, Committees for Solidarity with the Palestinian Revolution, Manchester University Students Union, March 1970, 16 pages.
Israel Palestine Socialist Action Group (UK)
I don’t know how long this publication (or the organisation) lasted after issue No 5/6. It’s possible it lived and died when a small group were in university at the beginning of the 1970s.
Flashpoint, No 3, Autumn 1970, Israel Palestine Socialist Action Group (UK), Reading, 13 pages.
Flashpoint, No 4, Spring 1971, Israel Palestine Socialist Action Group (UK), Reading, 20 pages.
Flashpoint, double issue Nos 5 and 6, Summer 1971/Winter 1971/2, Israel Palestine Socialist Action Group (UK), Reading, 23 pages.
American Solidarity with Palestine
The Middle East Newsletter was the journal of the Americans for Justice in the Middle East.
Middle East Newsletter, Volume 2, No 9, November 1968, Beirut, 1968, 12 pages.
Middle East Newsletter, Volume 3, No 4, May-June 1969, Beirut, 1969, 12 pages.
Middle East Newsletter, Volume 3, Nos 5-6, September 1969, Beirut, 1969, 16 pages.
Middle East Newsletter, Volume 4, Nos 1-2, March 1970, Beirut, 1970, 16 pages.
Middle East Newsletter, Volume 4, No 3, April 1970, Beirut, 1970, 16 pages.
Middle East Newsletter, Volume 4, Nos 4-5 July 1970, Beirut, 1970, 16 pages.
Middle East Newsletter, Volume 4, Nos 4-5 July 1970 – Supplement, Beirut, 1970, 4 pages.
Butting in, butting out, The National Observer, Monday June 22, 1970, Supplement to Middle East Newsletter Volume 4, Nos 4-5, 1970, 1 page.
Middle East Newsletter, Volume 4, Nos 6-7 August-September 1970, Beirut, 1970, 12 pages.
Middle East Newsletter, Volume 5, No 1, January 1971, Beirut, 1971, 16 pages.
Information Bulletin, No 10, 1968, Communist Party of Israel Central Committee – Tel Aviv, October 1968, 44 pages. Theses for the Sixteenth Congress of the Communist Party of Israel: Communism – Democracy – The Jewish People by Moshe Sneh.
Grim reports of repression in Israel-occupied lands, EC Hodgkin, 1969, 4 pages. This article was first published in ‘The Times’ on October 1968. It was then reproduced as an official document of the United Nations Security Council (number 5/9501, dated November 10 1969).
Hands off our people in Jordan, Committee for the Defence of the Rights of the Palestinian People, London, 1970, 1 page.
Israel’s Threat to Judaism – In Palestine, Zionism v Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Rabbi Elmer Berger, A speech delivered to the Irish Arab Society, Dublin, 5th February 1970, Irish Arab Society, Dublin, 1970, 22 pages.
Nayef Hawatmeh, General Secretary of the Democratic Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Interview with the Lebanese newspaper Al-Beiraq on 17th April 1974, Committee for the Defence of the Rights of the Palestinian People, London, 1974, 28 pages.
Palestine, Yusef Sayegh, Free Palestine, London, nd, 22 pages.
Programme for National Palestinian Unity, Naim Ashhab, Political Bureau Member of the Central Committee of the Jordanian Communist Party, early 1970s, 8 pages.
The question of Palestine, Edward W. Said, Vintage Books, New York, 1980, 292 pages.
One Jerusalem, Yael Guiladi, Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem, 1983, 75 pages.
Israel – The Political System, Israel Information Centre, Jerusalem, 1988, 31 pages. How Israel saw itself at the end of the 1980s.
Peace and its discontents: essays on Palestine and the Middle East peace process’, Edward W. Said, Vintage Books, New York, 1996, 226 pages.
The origin of the Palestine-Israel conflict, Third Edition (including Intifada 2000), published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East, distributed by If Americans Knew, 2000?,40 pages.
The ethnic cleansing of Palestine, Ilan Pappe, Oneworld Publications, Oxford, 2006), 384 pages.
The Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries, Rosemary Sayigh, Zed Books, London, 2008, 257 pages.
Our vision for Liberation: engaged Palestinian leaders and intellectuals speak out, edited by Ramzy Baroud and Ilan Pappe, Clarity Press, 2022, 426 pages.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP, originally published in 1969. This edition, (Utrecht: Foreign Languages Press, 2017), 160 pages, includes a new introduction by the PFLP, and also the brief Founding Document of the PFLP (December 11, 1967).
The decline of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: A Historical Analysis, by Terry James Buck, n.d. but from about 2012, 121 pages. This interesting volume appears to be a thesis for an advanced degree, but the school and other information is not included here.
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
Three Essays by the Democratic Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [Original name for the organization]: On Terrorism; Role of the Party; and, Leninism vs. Zionism. In a single pamphlet, c. 1970, 17 pages.
May 12, 2021 Statement: DFLP condemns the heinous Israeli crime that targeted unarmed citizens, including children, and mourns the martyrs of the aggression on Gaza, 1 page.
Statement by Fouad Baker on October 3, 2023: Full [U.N.] Membership of the State of Palestine: Problems and Solutions, 4 pages.
September 12, 2023 Statement: What is happening in Ain al-Hilweh Camp? [in Lebanon], by Fouad Baker, 2 pages.
Statement from Mid-2023 (not dated): Forced and Mass Displacement of the Palestinian People; an Essential Pillar of the Zionist Project, 2 pages.
On Israeli Fascism
Einstein Letter on Israel, a public letter from Albert Einstein and others to the New York Times, published December 4, 1948, 3 pages.
Palestinian Refugees
Palestinian refugees right to return and repatriation, Mazin Qumsiyeh, n.d. (but 2002 or a bit later), 40 pages.