The Party of Labour of Albania against Russian, Yugoslav and Chinese Revisionism

Enver at 81 Communist Parties Meeting 1961

Enver at 81 Communist Parties Meeting 1961

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The Party of Labour of Albania against Russian, Yugoslav and Chinese Revisionism

A collection of articles taken from Albanian magazines and periodicals from the 1970s and 1980s.

The theory of ‘Limited Sovereignty’ – A flagrant expression of the imperialist policy of the Soviet Revisionists, Agim Popa, professor, specialist in the field of Marxist philosophy, from Albania Today, 1972, No. 3, 8 pages.

Soviet working class – deprived of the means of production, Veniamin Toçi and Kiço Kapetani, economists, from Albania Today, 1973, No. 4, 7 pages.

Revisionist economic integration and its contradictions, Kiço Kapetani and Veniamin Toçi, journalists, specialists in economic affairs, from Albania Today, 1974, No. 3, 8 pages.

The National Question and Revisionism, Bujar Hoxha, professor, titular of the chair of historic materialism at the State University of Tirana, from Albania Today, 1974, No. 4, 10 pages.

The Kremlin neo-colonialists oppress and plunder the peoples, article from ‘Zeri I Populitt’, from Albania Today, 1975, No. 1, 4 pages.

The Soviet economy – a completely and definitely capitalist economy, Aristotel Pano, economist, lecturer at the Tirana University, from Albania Today, 1975, No. 4, 8 pages.

The Revisionist Parties – typically bourgeois, counter-revolutionary parties, Fiqret Shehu, Member of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, Director of the ‘V. I. Lenin’ Party School. Co-paper read at the scientific sessions on Class Struggle in the Party, organized by the Institute of Marxist-Leninist Studies at the CC of the PLA, from Albania Today, 1977, No. 5, 15 pages.

‘Eurocommunism’ or Undisguised Revisionism, from Zëri i Popullit, organ of the CC of the PLA, dated December 4, 1977, from Albania Today, 1978, No. 1, 9 pages.

Revisionist ‘theories’ of restored capitalism, Hekuran Mara – Professor, member of the Academy of Sciences of the PSR of Albania, from Albania Today, 1978, No. 3, 10 pages.

The organizational degeneration of the Revisionist Parties and its consequences, Petro Ciruna and Pandi Tase, Pedagogues at the ‘V.I. Lenin’ Party School, from Albania Today, 1978, No. 3, 4 pages.

The capitalist character of the relations of production in the Soviet Union, Aristotel Pano and Kiço Kapetani, economists, from Albania Today, 1978, No. 5, 10 pages.

Broadening and deepening of the struggle against all the currents of Modern Revisionism – an historical necessity, Fiqret Shehu – Member of the CC of the PLA and Directress of the ‘V. I. Lenin’ High Party School, from Albania Today, 1978, No. 6, 18 pages.

Soviet Revisionism – The most complete theory of Modern Revisionism, Omer Hashorva – Chief of the Department of Philosophy at the ‘V. I. Lenin’ High Party School, from Albania Today, 1979, No. 3, 3 pages.

The processes of capitalist development of the Chinese economy, Tomor Cerova, Docent, Professor at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tirana, from Albania Today, 1980, No. 2, 12 pages.

COMECON – an instrument of Soviet Social-imperialism for the exploitation and domination of the member countries, Gene Xhuvani and Lulezim Hana, ND (but after 1980), 4 pages.

The capitalist degeneration of the collective farms in the Soviet Union today, Nexhmedin Luari, Senior Scientific Worker, ND (but after 1980), 3 pages.

Complete integration of the Soviet economy into the world capitalist economy, Fatos Nano, from Soviet Revisionism and the struggle of the PLA to unmask it, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1981, 4 pages.

Some characteristics of state monopoly capitalism in the Soviet Union, Priamo Bollano, Senior Scientific Worker, from Soviet Revisionism and the struggle of the PLA to unmask it, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1981, 4 pages.

The mechanism of the Soviet economic machine, Hekuran Mara, from Soviet Revisionism and the struggle of the PLA to unmask it, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1981, 3 pages.

The present socio-economic order in the Soviet Union – a capitalist order, Omer Hashorva, Candidate of Sciences, from Soviet Revisionism and the struggle of the PLA to unmask it, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1981, 9 pages.

On the mechanism of the extraction and appropriation of Surplus Value in the Soviet Society, Fatos Nano, Candidate of Economic Sciences, taken from No. 3 of the Albanian edition of the magazine Socio-Political Studies, ND (but after 1981), 13 pages.

The Marxist-Leninist theoretical thinking of the PLA and Comrade Enver Hoxha on the Socialist Development and Transformation of Agriculture, Nexhmedin Dumani and Zydi Pepa, economists, from Albania Today, 1984, No. 5, 15 pages.

Some manifestations of national oppression in the Soviet Union today, Natasha Iliriani, Lecturer, from Socio-Political Studies, No. 4, 1987, 15 pages.

The Titoite Revisionists’ anti-Marxist views on the nation – an expression of their idealist reactionary world outlook, Xhafer Dobrushi, Candidate of Sciences, Socio-Political Studies No. 4, 1987, 14 pages.

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Monument to Communist Guerrillas – Korça

To Communist Guerrillas

To Communist Guerrillas

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Monument to Communist Guerrillas – Korça

This lapidar consists of a bronze statue, half body, starting just below the waist, around about twice life size. The statue stands on a plinth, which is about one and half metres high. This plinth and statue are part of a general structure, the background of which is a huge, stylised flag – the dimensions of the backdrop are (very roughly) 4 metres high, 3 metres wide and ¾ metre deep. All the stonework will have a base of concrete and is faced with slabs of white-ish marble.

The statue is of a young man, who, by his posture, is moving towards his right, his head facing in that direction and with a determined look on his face. In his right hand he is holding a pistol. This could well be a Berretta M1915 (which was used by Vasil Laçi in 1941). His left arm is stretched out behind him, all the fingers on his hand spread wide, a stance to provide better balance for his intended action (which is an ambush on foot).

A Berretta M1915?

A Berretta M1915?

The gun in his right hand is not facing the target but is as if he has just pulled the gun from out of his clothing and it’s in the process of swinging around so that it will eventually make a straight line from the tip of the barrel, through both his arms to the tips of the fingers of his left hand.

There’s also the impression of movement from the fact that the scarf that he has around his neck is loose and it is flowing over his left shoulder. The left side of his jacket, which is unbuttoned, is also flowing out behind him providing the impression he’s rushing towards his right and the clothes are slightly lagging behind his body’s movement.

This is a statue of a young man with relatively short hair and of someone who’s living in the city as there are no elements of traditional Albanian dress in his clothing.

On ‘flag’, above its head and to the statue’s right, is a plaque which has the words;

Me mirnjohje njësitit gueril të Korçës të rinjve komunistë Midhi Kostani, Kiço Greço, që dhanë jetën për lirinë e atdheut.

which means

With gratitude to the guerrilla unit of Korça, the young communists Midhi Kostani and Kiço Greço, who gave their lives for the freedom of the homeland.

Not the original inscription

Not the original inscription

However, this does not look like the original inscription. Just above the marble plaque there are a number of holes as if this is where individual, metal letters would have been attached to the wall. This was the more usual method of attaching an inscription. So far there’s no way of knowing (destroyed records during the counter-revolution of the 1990s) what the original description might been.

This takes on a specific importance here as information from other sources indicates that this statue was created by Kristaq Rama, and that it is supposed to be that of Vasil Laçi, who attempted to assassinate Victor Emmanuel III, in Tirana, in 1941. No confirmed date for its creation but probably mid-1970s.

However, Vasil’s name is not one of the two that are inscribed on the plaque.

He did have a connection with Korçe – his brother lived there – which is possibly one of the reasons why he may have been placed in the city. There’s no other reason why he should be where he is because he came from area around Sarande, in the south of Albania, and he spent some time before the assassination attempt in Tirana.

(If this is, indeed, a statue of Vasil Laçi then it’s not a surprise that he has been ‘written out of history’. Albanian authorities, in some – but by no means all – towns and cities in Albania have been attempting to obliterate the Socialist past and a statue commemorating an assault on the life of the puppet monarch from Fascist Italy might not fit in with the brown nosing that takes place in Albania towards the capitalist European Union.)

This statue is in very condition, as is the stonework which is part of the lapidar and there is no obvious damage in the marble facing – which is a pleasant surprise.


In the main, pedestrianised street, Bulevardi Shen Gjergji, of Korca, next to the main city library.





40° 37′ 5.0952” N

20° 46′ 41.6785” E


868.1 metres

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27th May 1941 – Execution of Vasil Laçi …

Vasil Laçi

Vasil Laçi

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27th May – Execution of Vasil Laçi …

… for the failed assassination attempt on Victor Emanuel III of Italy in 1941

Below is a reproduction of an article that first appeared in New Albania, No 1, 1970. [There has been some correction of the translation and grammar – but with an attempt to capture the tone of the original.]

The Attempt Upon the King’s Life

‘We glance through the May 1941 issue of the fascist magazine ‘Tomorri’. In one of its articles we come across a photo of Victor Emanuel the Third, the then King of Italy, taken in an open car. Having paid a visit to Albania, which was then occupied by the Italian fascists, he was on his way back to Italy. Though beneath the photo the words ‘A royal smile’ are written his face expresses terror and anxiety. On looking at this photograph the question naturally arises in one’s mind – ‘What’s wrong with the King?’

This photo was taken immediately after the 18 year young man, Vasil Laçi, had attempted to assassinate the King. He had fired five shots, but none found their true mark, but they did there bit, Radios worldwide echoed the news. The world over learnt, through Vasil Laçi’s deed, the words and the will of the Albanian people who hated the fascist heel. Vasili carried out this heroic attempt and he also heroically faced horrible tortures. Ten days in succession he endured the tortures. The fascists had anticipated that the son of the people from Piqerrasi, in Himara, would give up his comrades. But it was all in vain. The only answer they got from him was; ‘I deeply regret I didn’t shot the King dead’.

The tortures continued repeatedly. When he was given a pencil and a piece of paper to write on all he wrote were insults to the occupiers. It was May 27th, 1941 when the prisoners of Tirana Gaol saw the young man walking to the gallows in the centre of the yard. A little later a long procession of guards was seen. The young man who had been bound hand and foot was singled out. The procession stopped in the front of the gallows. When the senior lieutenant was loudly reading out the death sentence the patriot cast a long look at his fellow prisoners and raised his head aloft. When the reading was over, the whole jail echoed with revolutionary songs. At this moment, the doctor and the priest approached him. He didn’t let either of them near him.

‘Have you anything to say?’ they asked.

‘Yes, I have a demand. Bring me a comb to brush, my hair.’ They where nonplussed. How strange! He is on the point of dying and wants to have his hair combed!

But when Vasili said it, he meant it. All he longed for at these moments was to carry on the tradition of Albanian heroes, who scorned death by combing their hair before breathing their last. But this last desire of his was not permitted. In spite of that, he despised death until the last moment. He climbed up the gibbet, to the gallows, casting a glance at the windows of the jail. The prisoners never forgot this. Everything was ready. The yard of the gaol echoed with the fair words of Vasil Laçi: ‘Long live free Albania!’ ‘Long live Stalin!’ ‘Down with the fascists’. As soon as he finished these words, he pushed himself off the gallows. The revolutionary songs of the prisoners followed.

In one of the main streets of the capital a slate plaque attracts the attention of the passers-by. It says that this is the place where the attempt on the King’s life was made by the young man, Vasil Laçi.’

Monument to Vasil Laçi - Thoma Thomaj

Monument to Vasil Laçi – Thoma Thomaj

The artist who created the plaque is Thoma Thomaj – who was also the sculptor for the Monument to Sixth Brigade – Përmet, Grenade Ambush – Barmash and the newer sculptures of the Martyrs’ Cemetery – Borovë.

On the plaque are the words;

Atentati i djaloshit Shqiptar qe qelloi Viktor Emanuelin e III ishte fillimi i nje kryengritjej e te madhe qe po pregatite

which translate as;

The execution of the Albanian boy, who shot at Victor Emmanuel III, was the beginning of a great uprising that was being prepared

Vasil Laçi in Socialist art

In 1974 Agim Zajmi made a painting of him

Vasil Laçi - Agim Zajmi - 1974

Vasil Laçi – Agim Zajmi – 1974

and Kristaq Rama created a statue

Vasil Laçi - Kristaq Rama

Vasil Laçi – Kristaq Rama

The statue that is supposed to be of Vasil Laçi by Kristaq Rama is on public dispaly, next to the main library, in the centre of Korça – however there is no reference to Vasil on that lapidar.

Location of the commemorative plaque

The corner of Rruga e Durrësit and Rruga Mihal Duri, Tirana.


N 41.32985

E 019.81366


41° 19′ 47.46” N

19° 48′ 49.176” E

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