Albania Today 1983

Karl Marx

Karl Marx

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Albania Today 1983

Albania Today was a political and informative review produced bi-monthly from the first issue that appeared in November/December at the end of 1971 until everything hit the fan in 1990.

For 20 years it was one way to keep up with the political developments within the country, including its relationship with The People’s Republic of China.

Although there is an emphasis on political statements and speeches there are also insights into the changes, developments and ideas existing within Albanian society during the 1970s and 1980s.

Albania Today: Index 1971 – 1979, Index 1980 – 1984, Index 1985 – 1990

Albania Today: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 (missing), 1980 (missing), 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 (missing), 1988, 1989, 1990.

Albania Today, No 1 (68), 1983

Albania Today, No 1 (68), 1983



Contents include:

Development of the power industry in the PSR of Albania

The construction of Socialism in the countryside and the narrowing down of distinctions between city and country



Albania Today No 2 (69) 1983

Albania Today No 2 (69) 1983



Contents include:

Commemorative meeting on the 100th Anniversary of the death of Karl Marx

A principled consistent struggle from Marxist-Leninist positions

Fresh testimony of the anti-Albanian policy of the Yugoslav leadership


Albania Today No 3 (70) 1983

Albania Today No 3 (70) 1983


Contents include:

The 9th Congress of the Women’s Union of Albania

Karl Marx and the world revolutionary process

The literature for children – a great achievement of our art of socialist realism



albania today no 4 (71) 1983

Albania Today no 4 (71) 1983



Contents include:

The 40th Anniversary of the creation of the People’s Army

The Marxist doctrine of socialism and the ideological struggle today

Inequality and oppression – features of the present day Soviet state


albania today no 5 (72) 1983

albania today no 5 (72) 1983



Contents include:

The PSR of Albania pursues an open, principled and consistent foreign policy

Superiority of Socialist Agriculture

Constant improvement of housing conditions


Albania Today, No 6 (73), 1983

Albania Today, No 6 (73), 1983



This issue is devoted to the Scientific Conference on the Marxist-Leninist Theoretical Thought of the Party of Labour of Albania and Comrade Enver Hoxha, held in Tirana on October 3-4, 1983




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Albania Today 1982

Albania Today 1982

Albania Today 1982

More on Albania …..

Albania Today 1982

Albania Today was a political and informative review produced bi-monthly from the first issue that appeared in November/December at the end of 1971 until everything hit the fan in 1990.

For 20 years it was one way to keep up with the political developments within the country, including its relationship with The People’s Republic of China.

Although there is an emphasis on political statements and speeches there are also insights into the changes, developments and ideas existing within Albanian society during the 1970s and 1980s.

Albania Today: Index 1971 – 1979, Index 1980 – 1984, Index 1985 – 1990

Albania Today: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 (missing), 1980 (missing), 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 (missing), 1988, 1989, 1990.

albania today no 1 (62) 1982

albania today no 1 (62) 1982


Contents include:

Socialist Albania will always remain loyal to the great cause of socialism and the revolution

Outstanding enrichment of the history of the National Liberation War – a source of lessons for the future

The progress of culture and the general progress of the nation


Albania Today No 2 (63) 1982

Albania Today No 2 (63) 1982


Contents include:

Emancipation of women – emancipation of the whole society

Peopling the countryside and extending the working class to the whole territory of Albania

The process of strengthening the socialist psychology of property and work



Albania Today, No 3 (64) 1982

Albania Today, No 3 (64) 1982


Contents include:

Relations of distribution in Albania

International monopolies – tools of economic and political expansion

The army and the people – one inseparable whole



Albania Today No 4 (65) 1982

Albania Today No 4 (65) 1982



Contents include:

The 9th Congress of the Trade Unions of Albania

The revolutionary work of George Dimitrov is immortal

Biology in the service of the intensification of agriculture


Albania Today, No 5 (66) 1982

Albania Today, No 5 (66) 1982



Contents include:

The 8th Congress of the Labour Youth Union of Albania

The new Family Code of the PSR of Albania

Achievements in land reclamation and irrigation


Albania Today No 6 (67) 1982

Albania Today No 6 (67) 1982



Contents include:

The PSR of Albania Consistently Pursues and Independent and Principled Foreign Policy

With the Party at the head, let us make Socialist Albania stronger and happier



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Albania Today 1981

Enver Hoxha in Tirana

Enver Hoxha in Tirana




More on Albania …..

Albania Today 1981

Albania Today was a political and informative review produced bi-monthly from the first issue that appeared in November/December at the end of 1971 until everything hit the fan in 1990.

For 20 years it was one way to keep up with the political developments within the country, including its relationship with The People’s Republic of China.

Although there is an emphasis on political statements and speeches there are also insights into the changes, developments and ideas existing within Albanian society during the 1970s and 1980s.

Albania Today: Index 1971 – 1979, Index 1980 – 1984, Index 1985 – 1990

Albania Today: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 (missing), 1980 (missing), 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 (missing), 1988, 1989, 1990.

Albania Today No 1 1981

Albania Today No 1 1981


Contents include:

The 20th Congress of the CPSU and the Evolution of Modern Revisionism

The Socialist Legislation in the PSR of Albania in Defence of Women’s Rights

F Engels – a Great Proletarian Thinker and Revolutionary



Albania Today No 2 1981

Albania Today No 2 1981


Contents include:

The state of the dictatorship of the proletariat is the most complete democracy

Only the working class of the country can save Poland

Another expression of the fierce struggle for power between the revisionist clans in China


Albania Today No 3 (58) 1981

Albania Today No 3 (58) 1981


Contents include:

The narrowing of distinctions between mental and physical work

The status of a republic for Kosova is a just demand

The ideological and organizational degeneration of Eurocommunist parties



Albania Today No 4 (59) 1981

Albania Today No 4 (59) 1981



Contents include:

The Communist Party of Albania – the Glorious Work of the Albanian Communists

The Industrialization of the Country – a Great Victory of the PLA



Albania Today No 5 (60) 1981

Albania Today No 5 (60) 1981


Contents include:

The CPA was founded on sound ideological and organizational foundations

The ‘new international economic order’ and the deepening of the gap between the ‘North’ and the ‘South’

Resolution of the 1st Conference of the Communist Party of Albania


Albania Today No 6 (61) 1981

Albania Today No 6 (61) 1981



Contents include:

The report ‘On the activity of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania’, submitted to the 8th Congress of the PLA by the First Secretary of the CC of the PLA, Comrade Enver Hoxha




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