Moscow Metro – Partizanskaya – Line 3

Partizanskaya - by A Savin

Partizanskaya – by A Savin

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Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery

Moscow Metro – Partizanskaya – Line 3

Partizanskaya (Партизанская), known until 2005 as Izmailovsky Park (Измайловский парк), is a station on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line of the Moscow Metro. It was built during World War II, opened in 1944 and is dedicated to the Soviet partisans who resisted the Nazis. The name was changed on the 60th anniversary of the Soviet victory to reflect the theme of the station better. The station’s design was the work of the architect Vilenskiy.

Partizanskaya - Line 3 - 01

Partizanskaya – Line 3 – 01

Partizanskaya is an unusual three-track layout, with two island platforms. The rarely-used centre track was built to handle crowds from a nearby stadium that was planned but never built because of the war. There is one row of pillars per platform. Both the walls and pillars of the station are faced with white marble and decorated with bas-reliefs honouring the partisans. The two pillars closest to the exit stairs are adorned with statues: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya on the left and Matvey Kuzmin on the right.

Partizanskaya - Line 3 - 03

Partizanskaya – Line 3 – 03

The circular ceiling niche at the foot of the stairs originally contained a fresco by A.D. Goncharov, but it has since been painted over. At the top of the stairs is a sculptural group by Matvey Manizer entitled ‘Partisans’ and bearing the inscription ‘To partisans and partisan glory!’.

Partizanskaya - Line 3 - 02

Partizanskaya – Line 3 – 02

The station’s original name was ‘Izmailovsky park kul’tury i otdyha imeni Stalina’ (English: Stalin Ismailovsky Park of Culture and Leisure). It was changed to ‘Izmailovskaya’ in 1948. In 1961, new station, named ‘Izmailovsky Park’ at the time of its opening, was introduced. And in 1963, names of stations ‘Izmailovskaya’ and ‘Izmailovsky Park’ were switched, the reason being which station was closer to the actual park’s main entrance.

Partizanskaya - Line 3 - 04

Partizanskaya – Line 3 – 04

The 2005’s rename to ‘Partizanskaya’ has been mentioned in the open letter of a resigning Moscow’s toponymy commission member, as one of a number of then-recent renames with political causes rather than the historical toponymy upholding ones.

Text from Wikipedia.






9 metres (30 ft)


18 January 1944

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Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery

Moscow Metro – Park Kultury – Line 5

Park Kultury - Line 5 - by Alex 'Florstein' Fedorov

Park Kultury – Line 5 – by Alex ‘Florstein’ Fedorov

More on the USSR

Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery

Moscow Metro – Park Kultury – Line 5

Park Kultury (Парк культу́ры) is a Moscow Metro station in the Khamovniki District, Central Administrative Okrug, Moscow. It is on the Koltsevaya line (Circle line), between Oktyabrskaya and Kievskaya stations. Park Kultury opened on 1 January 1950.

Park Kultury - Line 5 - 02

Park Kultury – Line 5 – 02

The station is a standard pylon tri-vault, that was built in the flamboyance of the 1950s. Architect Igor Rozhin (who would then design the Luzhniki Stadium) applied a classic sport recreational theme to match the connotation with the ancient-Greek inspired transfer station. This includes large and imposing pylons faced with grey marble that came directly from Georgia. The floor is laid with black and grey granite tiles imitating a carpet. The walls are faced with white marble and labradorite. Decoratively the station contains 26 circular bas-reliefs by Iosif Rabinovich which depict sporting and other leisure activities of the Soviet youth.

Park Kultury - Line 5 - 03

Park Kultury – Line 5 – 03

The white vault of the station contains complex geometry which repeats that of the arches, and along the apex are suspended a set of intricate hexagonal chandeliers. Rozhin later admitted that he made a grave error in choosing to place the chandeliers amid the arches, not between them, that way he would have avoided giving the bas-reliefs a double shadow. At the end of the station is a massive marble wall with a small profile bas-relief of Maxim Gorky. The station was initially called ‘Park Kultury imeni Gorkogo’ (Парк Культуры имени Горького) but during the 1980 Moscow Olympics this was shortened as the Russian announcements were repeated in English and French during the games. After the Olympics, the shorter name was retained. The original long form appears in bronze letters next to Gorky’s image.

Park Kultury - Line 5 - 01

Park Kultury – Line 5 – 01

The station has a large imposing vestibule located on the corner of Komsomolsky Avenue and Garden Ring next to the Krymsky Bridge which was co-designed with Rozhin by Yelena Markova. Originally Rozhin planned for an extended arcade modelled after Russian trading rows, but this was rejected in favour of a more traditional design. The large building features a central dome, and inside has four bas-reliefs of sportsmen, and another one on its portico outside (all by G. Motovilov). The vestibule also doubles as a transfer to the Sokolnicheskaya line.

Park Kultury - Line 5 - 04

Park Kultury – Line 5 – 04

As the station was initially terminus, a set of reversal sidings exist in front of it, also from them runs a service branch to the Sokolnicheskaya line which was used initially as the primary way of transferring rolling stock to the station before the opening of the Koltsevaya line’s depot in 1954.

Park Kultury - Line 5 - 05

Park Kultury – Line 5 – 05

On 14 January 2011, Moscow Metro authorities announced their plans to close the station on 5 February 2011 so as to replace the ageing escalators. Park Kultury was supposed to open in December 2011 but the date was shifted to 30 March 2012 due to delays in shipping new escalators and opened the station on 28 April.

Text above from Wikipedia.

Park Kultury, Circle Line

Date of opening;

1st January 1950

Construction of the station;

deep, pier, three-span

Architect of the underground part;

I. Rozhin

Transit to Station Park Kultury of the Sokolnicheskaya Line

On the face of it, Park Kultury seems to be a dark station, particularly compared with bright mosaic and festive Kievskaya. The massive pylons are faced with very original marble from the Fominskoye Deposit of the Middle Ural, first used in the Moscow Metro. It is very decorative stone but of moderate and subdued shade. It has a streaky, spotted, and folded pattern of grey, dark grey, and greyish-yellow colours. The parts of walls with doors to technical facilities are faced with the same marble. The upper parts of the walls are faced with dark grey marble from the Ural Karkodinskoye Deposit with inserts of mat black marble of the Armenian Davalu Deposit, while the socles are decorated with deep black labradorite with sparkles of southern-night-sky colour from the Volynskoye Deposit.

The floor of the platform is covered with grey granite and that of the central hall is with black diabase. It is also decorated with six squares of white and black marble with meanders.

The station is illuminated with chandeliers in the form of large ‘Chinese lamps’ suspended from the ceiling and four torchieres of the Empire style. The small metal bas-relief of A. Gorky and inscription ‘Gorky Park of Culture and Rest’ made of metal letters are on the blind end of the station. The letters are regularly stolen. There are three long wooden benches with the legs and massive elbow-rests of white marble at the ends of each platform.

Although the station has restrained and chamber architecture, it is rather cosy, and the abundance of black marble in the decoration of the walls and ceiling does not spurn or make it cold. On the contrary, this creates the feeling of a warm summer evening in the Gorky Park.

The round marble medallions (sculptor S. Rabinovich) in metal frames are put in the niches of the pylons on the sides of the central hall and platforms tell how one can have a good time in the park. There are totally 26 medallions on 14 different subjects. It is needed to look over the platforms to observe all of them because the central hall has not all of them – no ‘Skiers’ and ‘Music lessons’.

Let’s go from the last carriage in the direction of station Kievskaya, reach the end of the platform, then transit to the other platform, and go backward.

‘Music lessons’ – A young girl violinist is before a music stand and a female teacher analyses what she has played.

‘Chamber concert’ – A female singer plays music by score. There are flowers at her legs.

‘Flower-growing’ – A little girl (with a pioneer tie and a basket in her hand] and a girl admire flowers.

‘Chess playing’ – A father and his son play chess. The mother watches them playing. The boy is engrossed in thoughts and the father moves pawn.

‘Aircraft modelling’ – Two boys, one with pliers in his hand, the other with a plane-table, admire the model they’ve just made.

‘Ballet’ – Ballerina dances on the stage. Flowers are at her legs.

‘Lovers’ – A young boy leans on a tree and, holding a book in his hands, reads poems to his girlfriend who sits in a wicker chair. Such chairs were in the alleys of the Gorky Park until the end of the 1960’s.

‘ Mode1ling’ – Two boys are carried away with the construction of a working model of a lifting crane.

‘Football-players’ – A sportsman stands with a ball in his hands.

‘Dances’ – A sailor waltzes with a girl. He puts his arm round her waist but keeps a distance. A girl gracefully holds the lap of her dress with her finger tips.

‘Folk dances’ – A man, sitting on a stump, plays accordion and two women sing and dance.

‘Skating rink’ – A young boy and girl are evidently quite skilled in skating based on fancy poses they have stiffened. Pay attention to their dress – the girl’s skirt and ribbons in her hair and the boy’s baggy trousers put in spats.

‘Tennis’ – A girl with a racket in her hand, a tennis-ball is at her legs.

‘Skiers’ – A man and a woman have prepared for skiing. The man ties up his boot, while the woman waits for him.

The long escalator serves for the transit to Station Park Kultury of the Sokolnicheskaya Line and exit to the city. It leads to the common ground entrance hall of both stations.

Text from Moscow Metro 1935-2005, p86/7






40 metres (130 ft)


1 January 1950

More on the USSR

Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery

Moscow Metro – Oktyabrskaya – Line 5

Oktyabrskaya - Line 5 - by Ludvig14

Oktyabrskaya – Line 5 – by Ludvig14

More on the USSR

Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery

Moscow Metro – Oktyabrskaya – Line 5

Oktyabrskaya (Октя́брьская) is a station on the Koltsevaya line of the Moscow Metro. Opened on 1 January 1950, Oktyabrskaya was part of the first segment of the fourth stage.

Oktyabrskaya - Line 5 - 01

Oktyabrskaya – Line 5 – 01

Designed by Leonid Polyakov, who took the mid-19th century Neoclassical triumphal Empire style as the basis, incorporated the themes of the 1812 Victory over Napoleon to match the 1945 Soviet victory in the Second World War, applying it to the standard pylon tri-vault design.

Oktyabrskaya - Line 5 - 03

Oktyabrskaya – Line 5 – 03

Both the central and platform vaults are divided by arches which have large medallions which contain bas-reliefs of Soviet Army soldiers surrounded by ornaments. The pylons contain bas-relief centred ventilation grilles which are flanked by two anodized aluminium torches that give the overall golden glow to the bright grey marble that faces them. The station walls are ceramic tiles and are decorated with relief images of gilded wreaths and stars. The end of a central hall contains a miniature triumphal arch with a metallic gate behind which there’s a small room with a blue ceiling, symbolising the time of a peaceful life. The floor of the station is laid with grey and red granite and the perimeter of the central hall is also bordered by a pattern of bright and dark marble.

Oktyabrskaya - Line 5 - 04

Oktyabrskaya – Line 5 – 04

The station has a large vestibule on the Octyabrskaya square (until 1922 – Kaluzhskaya square, named after the city of Kaluga) on the Garden Ring and hence the station’s original name Kaluzhskaya (Калужская), renamed on 6 June 1961 to its present name (though the square’s historic name was restored in 1992). The vestibule, on the exterior, contains large bas-reliefs of trumpeters that are lit by lamps concealed as columns underneath. Inside, the ticket and escalator halls are decorated with casts and bas-reliefs containing battle banners, weapons and figures of the Soviet Army and women symbolizing glory (work by G.Motovilov). In 1989 the stand-alone structure was built in the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys.

Oktyabrskaya - Line 5 - 02

Oktyabrskaya – Line 5 – 02

In 1962, a set of staircases were added to the central hall for a transfer to the newly opened Oktyabrskaya of the Kaluzhsko–Rizhskaya line.

Text above from Wikipedia.

Oktyabrskaya entrance

Oktyabrskaya entrance

More pictures of the entrance and the ticket hall have recently been added to the slide show below.


Date of opening;

1st January 1950

Construction of the station;

pier, three-span, deep

Former name;

Kaluzhskaya (before 6th June 1961)

Architect of the underground part;

L. Polyakov

Transit to Station Oktyabrskaya of the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya Line

The basis of the station is massive pylons with cornices, which support quite flat vaults. The pylons are faced with Ural ivory-coloured marble with dark inclusions. The walls are faced with light yellowish tiles and raised ceramic gilded stars and laurels. The floor is covered of red granite with light grey edging and laurels made of black gabbro on this background. Moulded belts stretch throughout the vaults with wreaths at the ends in which are side-views of warriors and plates as if for their names, but they are empty. Torch lamps illuminate the station with calm light; its atmosphere calls to be unhurried and do not disturb eternal peace of unknown heroes. The perspective of the hall opening from the escalators ends with a sky-blue arch with a lattice gate. The arch may be perceived either a sanctuary part of a church crypt or the midday sky or, maybe, Heaven.

Ground pavilion

The ground pavilion is a classic triumphant arch built in a constructivist building. Two sculptures of military buglers (sculptor G. Motovilov) are placed above the entrance. The architecture of the cash hall copies the Janus Arch (Rome) with four arched portals. The escalator is covered with a hip-roof; modelled girls with funeral wreaths in their hands are placed on the vault.

Text from Moscow Metro 1935-2005, p71






40 metres (130 ft)


1 January 1950

More on the USSR

Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery