Partisan Vow – Guri Madhi
History of the Party of Labour of Albania
The most complete, official, history of the Albanian Communist Party/Party of Labour of Albania available. We don’t believe the history of the Party after 1980 was ever published, in Albanian let alone English.
Ten years of the Albanian Party of Labour 1941-1951, Orbis, Prague, 1951, 105 pages. A very early book on the history of the Party of Labour of Albania, published in Prague in 1951. It has text in three languages, Albanian, Russian and English. Interesting especially for its collection of photos from the National Liberation War and the first years of Socialist Construction.
History of the Party of Labour of Albania – Chapters 1 and 2, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, 1969, 326 pages.
Chapter 1 – The struggle to found the Albanian Communist Party (1929-1941)
Chapter 2 – The Communist Party of Albania – organizer and leader of the War for the Liberation of the Country and for the establishment of the People’s Power (1941-1944)
History of the Party of Labour of Albania – Chapters 3, 4 and 5, Naim Frashëri Publishing House, Tirana, 1970, 308 pages.
Chapter 3 – The Communist Party of Albania in its struggle to rebuild the country and promote Socialist Revolution (December 1944-1948)
Chapter 4 – The struggle of the Party to turn Albania from a backward agrarian country into an agrarian-industrial one (1948-1955)
Chapter 5 – The Party of Labour of Albania and its struggle to complete the building of the economic basis of Socialism (1956-1960)
History of the Party of Labour of Albania, 8 Nëntori Publishing House, Tirana, 1982, 2nd edition, 632 pages. The second edition of the ‘History of the PLA’ covers the activity of the Party up to 1980. Apart from this, the first edition has been re-edited, making a number of minor alterations which do not affect its structure or general content. The changes comprise some abridgements and corrections made on the basis of documents.
As well as the same 5 chapters listed above this volume includes;
Chapter 6 – The PLA in struggle for the complete construction of Socialist society in the conditions of the imperialist-revisionist blockade (1961-1965)
Chapter 7 – The struggle of the PLA for the further revolutionization of the Party and the life of the country (1966-1971)
Chapter 8 – The struggle of the Party for the deepening of the Socialist revolution in all fields through stern class struggle (1971-1976)
Chapter 9 – The PLA leads the people resolutely on the Marxist-Leninist road of the complete construction of Socialist society (1976-1980)
The history of the building of a Communist Party in Albania – according to the modern revisionists
Georgi Dimitrov and the Albanian Democratic and Communist Movement, 1920-1939, Elena Atanassova, Sofia Press, 1979, 62 pages. An approach, not withstanding the outstanding figure of Georgi Dimitrov, that attempts to denigrate the struggle of the Albanians to create their own Communist Party.