The Countryside and Collectivization

Farming pigs for the Revolution

Farming pigs for the Revolution

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The Countryside and Collectivization

The Agrarian Reform Law of the People’s Republic of China – Together with other relevant documents. Includes On the Agrarian Reform Law by Liu Shao-chi. (Peking: FLP, 1950), 115 pages.

Co-operative Farming in China, Decisions on the Development of Agricultural Producers’ Co-operatives Adopted by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. (Peking: FLP, 1954), 43 pages.

Decisions on Agricultural Co-operation, adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session (Enlarged) of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Oct. 11, 1955. Includes also Explanatory Notes to the Draft Decisions on Agricultural Co-operation, by Chen Po-ta, a speech delivered on Oct. 4, 1955 at Sixth Plenary Session. (Peking: FLP, 1956), 57 pages.

The Socialist Upsurge in China’s Countryside, edited by Mao Tse-tung and comrades, (Peking: FLP, 1957), 516 pages. A large book containing 44 articles describing the socialist transformation of rural China, with important editorial introductions.

People’s Communes in China, six resolutions and articles from August-September 1958 about the establishment of people’s communes in the Chinese countryside. (Peking: FLP, 1958), 100 pages.

The Rise of the Chinese People’s Communes, Anna Louise Strong, New World Press, Peking, 1959, 133 pages.

Agricultural Co-operation in China, Tung Ta-lin, FLP, Peking, 1959, 179 pages.

The Whole Party and the Whole People Go in for Agricultural in a Big Way, by Liao Lu-yen. (Peking: FLP, 1960), 27 pages.

China’s Fight for Grain, by Anna Louise Strong, (Peking: New World Press, 1963), 59 pages.

The Rise of the Chinese People’s Communes—And Six Years After, by Anna Louise Strong, (Peking: New World Press, 1964), 258 pages.

Tachai — Standard Bearer in China’s Agriculture, (Peking: FLP, 1972), 52 pages.

Inside a People’s Commune, by Chu Li and Tien Chieh-yun. (Peking: FLP, 1974), 258 pages.

Sandstone Hollow — Transformation of a Mountain Village, by Tang Feng-chang. (Peking: FLP, 1975), 159 pages.

Report From Tungting — A People’s Commune on Taihu Lake, by Wu Chou, (Peking: FLP, 1975), 88 pages.

Let the Whole Party Mobilize for a Vast Effort to Develop Agriculture and Build Tachai-type Counties Throughout the Country — Summing-Up Report at the National Conference on Learning from Tachai in Agriculture (Oct. 15, 1975), by Hua Kuo-feng. (Peking: FLP, 1975), 84 pages.

Speech at the Second National Conference on Learning from Tachai in Agriculture, by Hua Kuo-feng, December 25, 1976. (Peking: FLP, 1977), 51 pages.

Tachai — The Red Banner, by Wen Yin and Liang Hua. (Peking: FLP, 1977), 229 pages.

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General Information about Chinese Society

Setting up a new home in a mountain village

Setting up a new home in a mountain village

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General Information about Chinese Society

Complete and Consolidate the Victory, New China Library Series No. 1; 8 articles from early 1950 about developments in China as well as on international affairs. (Peking: FLP, May 1950), 59 pages.

China’s Youth March Forward, FLP, Peking, 1950, 70 pages.

China’s Feet Unbound, by Wilfred G. Burchette, (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1952), 196 pages. About the rapid changes in China during the first couple years of the People’s Republic.

China’s New Creative Age, by Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury, (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1953), 208 pages.

Education Must Be Combined With Productive Labour, Lu Ting-yi, FLP, Peking, 1958, 32 pages.

Changing China, Michael Shapiro, Lawrence and Wishart, London, 1958, 182 pages.

A Great Decade, by Chou En-lai, 1959. Summing up the achievements of the country in the decade since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. (Peking: FLP, 1959), 45 pages.

An outline history of China, Tung Chi-ming FLP, Peking, 1959, 469 pages.

Letters From China: Numbers 11-20, by Anna Louise Strong, (Peking: New World Press, 1964), 186 pages. (Missing interior title page; otherwise complete.)

Let A Hundred Flowers Blossom, Lu Ting-yi, Director of the Propaganda department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, FLP, Peking, 1964, 35 pages.

Revolutionize Our Youth, Hu Yao-pang, Report on the work of the Chinese Communist Youth League delivered at its Ninth Congress, june 11, 1964, FLP, Peking, 1964, 51 pages.

Political Work – Lifeline of all work, Hongqi (Red Flag) Commentator, FLP, Peking, 1964, 62 pages.

Fanshen, a documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village, William Hinton, Vintage Press, New York, 1966, 637 pages.

In Celebration of 21st Anniversary of Founding of the People’s Republic of China, Hsinhua News Agency press report, Sept. 30, 1970, 36 double pages with print in teletype font.

Capitalism will surely perish, Socialism will surely prosper, Yin Hang, People’s Daily, April 20, 1971, Peking, English translation in Chinese Economic Studies, Volume VI, No. 1, Fall 1972, 13 pages.

Geography of China, English language edition, (Peking: FLP, 1972), 68 pages.

Daily Life in Revolutionary China, Maria A. Macciocchi, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1972, 506 pages.

Prisoners of liberation – four years in a Chinese Communist prison, Allyn and Adele Rickett, Anchor Books, New York, 1973, 351 pages.

China – A Geographical Sketch, a revised and enlarged version of the above pamphlet, (Peking: FLP, 1974), 144 pages.

China’s Long Revolution, Edgar Snow, Pelican, London, 1974, 22 pages.

Some Basic Facts About China: Ten Questions and Answers, Supplement to China Reconstructs magazine, Jan. 1974, 95 pages. Includes sections on People’s Communes, Neighbourhood Life, the General Line for Socialist Construction, National Economic Development, the Policy of ‘Walking on Two Legs’, Women, Minorities, Education and Health.

Taching, a photo album with occasional brief captions in Chinese, Shanghai, 1974, 144 pages.

New China’s First Quarter Century, (Peking: FLP, 1975), 228 pages.

More Basic Facts About China, Supplement to China Reconstructs magazine, Jan. 1976, 105 pages. Includes sections on Socialist Economic Construction, How the Oil Industry was Developed, Tachai Commune and the Socialist Countryside, Education, Factories Run their own Colleges, Barefoot Doctors, Cadre Schools, etc.

Introduction to China, Innes Herdan, Modern Chine Series, No 7, Anglo-Chinese Educational Institute, London, 1976, 64 pages.

A history of the Modern Chinese Revolution – 1919-1956, Ho Kan-chih, Books and Periodicals, Calcutta, 1977, 329 pages.

Shenfan, William Hinton, Vintage Books, New York, 1984, 789 pages.

Now a couple of books produced under a restored capitalist China. Included here for general interest.

Memoirs of a Chinese Marshal, Peng Dehuai, FLP, Beijing, 1984, 523 pages.

KMT war criminal in New China, Shen Zui, FLP, Beijing, 1986, 374 pages.

An economic history of the major capitalist countries, a Chinese view, by Kang Fan, et al., 1973. Translated into English by Uldis Kruze, East Gate Books, New York, 1992, 334 pages.

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Communist Party of China (CPC) – history, resolutions and documents

In a Yenan cave house - Hsin Mang

In a Yenan cave house

More on China …..

Communist Party of China (CPC) – history, resolutions and documents

Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party, adopted by the Enlarged Seventh Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on April 20, 1945, 72 pages. This is the revised translation from the Appendix to the 3rd edition of the pamphlet Our Study and the Current Situation, by Mao Tse-tung. (Peking: FLP, 1962)

Thirty Years of the Communist Party of China: An Outline History, by Hu Chiao-mu, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1951), 100 pages.

Documents of the National Conference of the Communist Party of China, held in March 1955. Includes: the Communiqué, the resolution on the draft of the first 5-year plan, the resolution on the anti-Party bloc of Kao Kang and Jao Shu-shih, and the resolution on the establishment of central and local control committees. (Peking: Oct. 1955), 68 pages.

Documents of the Sixth Plenary Session (Enlarged) of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a supplement to People’s China, Dec. 1, 1955, 24 pages.

Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of China, Volume 1: Documents, (Peking: FLP, 1956), 332 pages.

Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of China, Volume 2: Speeches, (Peking: FLP, 1956), 388 pages.

Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of China, Volume 3: Greetings From Fraternal Parties, (Peking: FLP, 1956), 266 pages.

Constitution of the Communist Party of China and Report on the Revision of the Constitution of the CPC by Teng Hsiao-ping. This is the Party Constitution adopted by the Eighth National Congress on Sept. 26, 1956. The report of the the revision of the Constitution was delivered by Teng Hsiao-ping [Deng Xiaoping] at that Congress on Sept. 16, 1956. (Peking: FLP, 1956), 118 pp.

Documentos del VIII Congreso National del Partido Comunista de China, ELE, Pekin, 1957, 342 pages. Spanish version.

Second Session of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, seven reports and resolutions, including Report on the Work of the Central Committee of the CCP to the Second Session of the Eighth National Congress by Liu Shao-chi. (Peking: FLP, 1958), 99 pages.

The historical experience of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, FLP, Peking, 1959, 64 pages.

Training Successors for the Revolution is the Party’s Strategic Task, 3 articles on this topic including the title article by An Tzu-wen from Hongqi, Nos. 17-18, 1964. (Peking: FLP, 1965), 68 pages.

Absorb Proletarian Fresh Blood – An Important Question in Party Consolidation, Hongqi [Red Flag] editorial, #4, Oct. 14, 1968. (Peking: FLP, 1968), 34 pages.

Communique of the Enlarged Twelfth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, adopted on Oct. 31, 1968. (Peking: FLP, 1968), 32 pages.

The Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (Documents), including the Report to the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China delivered by Lin Piao; The Constitution of the Communist Party of China; lists of members of the Central Committee and the Politburo; and several press communiques. (Peking: FLP, 1969), 206 pages. Lin Piao’s Report issued as a separate small pamphlet, 112 pages.

The Constitution of the Communist Party of China, adopted by the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, April 4, 1969. (Peking: FLP, 1969), 52 pages.

Hold Aloft the Banner of Unity of the Party’s Ninth Congress and Win Still Greater Victories, editorial of Renmin Ribao, Hongqi and Jifangjun Bao, June 9, 1969. (Peking: FLP, 1969), 26 pages.

Communists Should Be the Advanced Elements of the Proletariat – In Commemoration of the 49th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China. (Peking: FLP, 1970), 20 pages.

Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China: 1921-1971, (Peking: FLP, 1971), 60 pages.

The Tenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (Documents), (Peking: FLP, 1973), 138 pages.

A basic understanding of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai 1974, Norman Bethune Institute, Toronto, 1976, 222 pages.

The Eleventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China (Documents), (Peking: FLP, 1977), 270 pages.

Documents of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee – September 1956-April 1969, Union Research Institute, Hong Kong, 1974

A collection of documents (not complete) covering an important period of the development of Socialism in the People’s Republic of China. Large files hence divided into a number of parts.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Resolutions of the Tsunyi Conference, Jerome Ch’en, The China Quarterly, No 40, October-December, 1969, pp 1-38, SOAS, London.

History of the Chinese Communist Party, a chronology of events, 1919-1990, FLP, Beijing, 1991, 524 pages.

A concise history of the Communist Party of China, (Seventy years of the CPC.), Hu Sheng (chief editor) Party History Research Centre of the CPC Central Committee, FLP, Beijing, 1994, 873 pages. A Revisionist interpretation of history. Too big to download to WordPress 2024

Commentaries on the Communist Party of China

The Communist Party of China and the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Irish Communist Organisation, Cork, 1970, 20 pages. Policy statement No. 3.

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