The Marxist

The Marxist

The Marxist

More on Britain …

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

The Marxist

The first issues of The Marxist were published by a group of ex-members of the Communist Party of Great Britain who had left following that organisation’s total adoption of revisionism. This manifested itself very early on, in 1951, with the adoption of the Party Programme ‘The British Road to Socialism’. This revisionist stance even preceded that of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union which, from late 1956, had turned its back on the revolutionary ideology of Marxism-Leninism. The crucial event is this shift in policy in the Soviet Union was Nikita Khrushchev’s so-called ‘secret speech’ – where he attacked Comrade Stalin and all the achievements of the Soviet Union since the October Revolution of 1917 – at the Party’s 20th Congress in November of that year.

This caused confusion in most Communist Parties worldwide and it was no different in Britain. Many (both those still in the Revisionist CPGB and those who had left – or had been expelled) congregated in the Committee to Defeat Revisionism for Communist Unity (CDRCU) and the decision to publish The Marxist was a late manifestation of the work of that group.

As it says in the first article in issue No 1, Our Purpose;

‘This journal has come into being because of the urgent need to bring Marxist-Leninist thought and analysis back into the British political struggle.’ p3.

Amongst the early contributors were Reg Birch – who was later one of the principle founding members of the Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) CPB(ML) in 1968 – and William Ash – who was for many years the editor of The Worker, the newspaper of the CPB(ML).

In the early days it was produced by a group of like-minded anti-revisionists. However, it soon became evident that being anti wasn’t enough and if the British working class were to have any say in their future then a proper constituted Marxist-Leninist Communist party was necessary. Although there were quite a lot of areas where there was common ground among different individuals it seems that personalities got in the way. The result was a fractured anti-revisionist movement – and the formation of a number of groups. When unity was needed it was not provided.

Some of those wanted to be ‘big fish in little pools’ and refused to unite in the common battle against British capitalism and imperialism. As is always a risk of little pools they dried up and few organisations had any significant longevity. The Marxist lasted longer than most.

A number of other organisations claiming the title ‘Marxist-Leninist’ appeared – and disappeared through the 1980s and 1990s. Examples of some of their publications can be seen on the the page devoted to The Marxist-Leninist and Anti-Revisionist Movement in Britain. To the best of our knowledge the only Marxist-Leninist organisation that was formed in the late 1960s/early 1970s that still exists is the Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) – CPB(ML).

The group that produced The Marxist went through a number of manifestations until the last (available) issue was published in 1994. For the first three years it wasn’t associated with any specific grouping but from September 1969 the magazine became the mouthpiece of the Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist). However, sometime around 1977 the Federation must have dissolved and the publication came out under the name of the Marxist Industrial Group. After No. 44, at the end of 1985, there was a gap of more than five years before No. 45 was published. Here the name of the publisher became Marxist Publications – and that was the name it was published under until No. 52, (published at the end of 1994) the last in this list. Whether that was the very last issue we do not know, there’s no statement to the fact that it was.

[Many of these scans come originally from the Marxist Internet Archive, who we thank for their work.]

Volume 1, No. 1, November-December 1966, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1966, 29 pages.

Volume 1, No. 3, March-April 1967, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1967, 33 pages.

Volume 1, No. 4, May-June 1967, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1967, 33 pages.

Volume 1, No. 6, Spring 1968, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1968, 21 pages.

Volume 1, No. 7, Summer 1968, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1968, 25 pages.

Volume 1, No. 8, Autumn 1968, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1968, 21 pages.

Volume 1, No. 9, Spring 1969, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1969, 26 pages.

No. 10, April 1969, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1969, 21 pages.

No. 11, July 1969, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1969, 24 pages.

No. 12, Autumn 1969, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1969, 26 pages.

No. 13, Winter 1970, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1970, 21 pages.

No. 14, Spring 1970, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1970, 25 pages.

No. 15, Autumn 1970, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1970, 24 pages.

No. 16, January 1971, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1971, 22 pages.

No. 17, 1971, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1971, 34 pages.

No. 18, 1971, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1971, 32 pages.

No. 20, 1971/2? Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1971/2? 32 pages.

No. 21, 1973, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1973, 32 pages.

No. 24, 1973, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1973, 32 pages.

No. 28, 1975, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1975, 32 pages.

No. 30, 1976, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1976, 32 pages.

No. 31, 1976, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1976, 32 pages.

No. 32, 1977, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1977, 32 pages.

No. 33, 1978, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1978, 24 pages.

No. 34, 1979, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1979, 25 pages.

No. 35, 1980, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1980, 22 pages.

No. 36, 1980, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1980, 18 pages.

No. 37, 1981, Oasis Publishing Company, London, 1981, 25 pages.

No. 38, 1982, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1982, 18 pages.

No. 39, 1982, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1982, 22 pages.

No. 40, 1983, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1983, 32 pages.

No. 41, 1983, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1983, 22 pages.

No. 42, 1984, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1984, 29 pages.

Supplement to No. 42, 1984, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1984, 5 pages.

No. 43, 1985, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1985, 26 pages.

No. 44, 1985, Marxist Industrial Group, London, 1985, 26 pages.

No. 45, 1991, Marxist Publications, London, 1991, 22 pages.

No. 46, 1991, Marxist Publications, London, 1991, 26 pages.

No. 48, 1992, Marxist Publications, London, 1992, 22 pages.

No. 50, 1993, Marxist Publications, London, 1993, 22 pages.

No. 51, 1994, Marxist Publications, London, 1994, 30 pages.

No. 52, 1994, Marxist Publications, London, 1994, 26 pages.

More on Britain …

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

The Marxist-Leninist and Anti-Revisionist Movement in Britain

Condemned from the dock

Condemned from the dock

More on Britain …

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

The Marxist-Leninist and Anti-Revisionist Movement in Britain

Included on this page is an eclectic collection of documents produced in the two large islands on the western edge of Europe. They cover some of the revolutionary tracts that were produced before Britain had a ‘united’ Communist Party and other documents that were produced after the betrayal of the principles of Marxism-Leninism by Nikita Khrushchev at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in November 1956. Documents of the closest Party (so far in Britain) to be able claim the accolade of being Marxist-Leninist (the Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) – CPB(ML)) have their own page.

In 1920 VI Lenin published his seminal work on Party building, Left-wing Communism – an infantile disorder. Much of that pamphlet was devoted to the situation in Britain. Unfortunately, British workers and Marxist-Leninists are still to learn the lessons of the Bolshevik success.

John Maclean (24 August 1879 – 30 November 1923)

A Scottish Revolutionary, spoke out against the 1914-1919 war (the ‘First World War’) – unlike most social-democrats in Britain – the activity for which he was imprisoned.

Condemned from the dock, John Maclean, his famous speech against war and capitalism, introduction by Harry McShane, The John Maclean Society, Lothian, 1968, 7 pages.

The Irish Tragedy, Scotland’s Disgrace (1920), John Maclean, introduction by Harry McShane, The John Maclean Society, Lothian, 1970, 22 pages.

Remembering John Maclean, Portrait of a Scottish Revolutionary, Harry McShane, The John Maclean Society, Lothian, 197?, 7 pages.

Committee to Defeat Revisionism for Communist Unity (CDRCU)

The CDRCU was formed in 1963 by Marxist-Leninists who were previously members of the Communist Party of Great Britain who opposed the ‘modern revisionist’ line that the CPGB had been following since Khrushchev’s so-called ‘secret speech’ at the 20th Congress of the CPSU in 1956.

The Way Forward, The need to establish a Communist Party in England, Scotland and Wales, Michael McCreery, CDRCU, London, January 1964, 15 pages.

Notes on the Lower Middle Class and the Semi-Proletariat in Britain, Michael McCreery, CDRCU, London, January 1964, 8 pages.

The National Question in Britain, Origins of the British State, Michael McCreery, reproduced from Vanguard, periodical of the CDRCU, July 1964, Workers Party of Scotland, Glasgow, 1977, 9 pages.

Workers’ Party of Scotland

An Anti-Revisionist Marxist-Leninist party formed in 1966 which operated primarily in Scotland. The magazine, Scottish Vanguard was published until 1972.

Scottish Vanguard, Volume 4, No. 3, organ of the Workers’ Party of Scotland, 1970, 26 pages.

Scottish Vanguard, Volume 4, No. 4, organ of the Workers’ Party of Scotland, February 1971, 24 pages.

Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) – CPB(ML)

The Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) was formed on April 14th 1968. It arose out of the British anti-revisionist movement which had taken a long time to re-establish a formal party structure following Nikita Khrushchev’s repudiation of Joseph Stalin (but fundamentally Marxism-Leninism) at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1956. It was the closest the British working class have, so far, come to establishing a Marxist-Leninist Party in Britain.

Communist Federation of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) – CFB(ML)

The CFB(ML) was a small grouping of Communists who grew out of the Anti-Revisionist movement in Britain following the betrayal of the Communist Party of Great Britain to the principles of Marxism-Leninism. It ceased to exist in, about, 1977. They took control of the theoretical magazine, The Marxist, which was first published in 1966 by British anti-revisionists ‘in search of a Party’.

They also produced a more substantial magazine called The Marxist-Leninist Quarterly. Eleven issues were published between 1972 and 1976. From some of the articles in Nos 10 and 11 you can see how the organisation was destroying itself from the inside.

Marxist-Leninist Quarterly, No 1, Spring 1972, CFB(ML), London, 35 pages.

Marxist-Leninist Quarterly, No 2, Summer 1972, CFB(ML), London, 46 pages.

Marxist-Leninist Quarterly, No 3, Winter 1972-3, CFB(ML), London, 60 pages.

Marxist Leninist Quarterly, No 4, Spring 1973, CFB(ML), London, 44 pages.

Marxist-Leninist Quarterly, No 5, Summer 1973, CFB(ML), London, 38 pages.

Marxist-Leninist Quarterly, No 6, Spring 1974, CFB(ML), London, 53 pages.

Marxist-Leninist Quarterly, No 7, Summer 1974, CFB(ML), London, 51 pages.

Marxist-Leninist Quarterly, Nos 8-9, double issue, Autumn-Winter 1974-5, CFB(ML), London, 79 pages.

Marxist-Leninist Quarterly, No 10, 1975, CFB(ML), London, 48 pages.

Marxist-Leninist Quarterly, No 11, 1976, CFB(ML), London, 79 pages.

Next, being an indication of internal disputes and splits, the National Committee (this time) brings out, for just five issues, a ‘Theoretical Journal’ called Revolution. Here it is obvious how they were degenerating into opportunism as well as falling back on sectarian attacks on other Marxist-Leninists, whilst at the same time calling for unity.

Revolution, No 1, June 1976, National Committee of the CFB(ML), London, 43 pages.

Revolution, No 2, October 1976, National Committee of the CFB(ML), London, 40 pages.

Revolution, No 3, January 1977, National Committee of the CFB(ML), London, 42 pages.

Revolution, No 4, April 1977, National Committee of the CFB(ML), London, 28 pages.

Revolution, No 5, May 1977, National Committee of the CFB(ML), London, 42 pages.

Irish Communist Organisation (ICO)

The ICO was a group of Marxist-Leninists who operated in Ireland and developed from the Committee to Defeat Revisionism for Communist Unity (CDRCU) in the mid-1960s. It produced regular magazines (although only a few here) as well as commentaries on International issues and some articles by JV Stalin and Frederick Engels. In later years they went slightly haywire.

The Communist, No 23, 1969, 22 pages.

The Irish Communist, No 55, July 1970, Belfast, 38 pages.

On Stalin’s ‘Economic Problems’ – Part 1, (Dublin, ICO, 1969), 40 pages. Irish Communist Organisation Pamphlet.

Marxism and Market Socialism – On Stalin’s ‘Economic Problems’ – Part 2, (Dublin, ICO, 1969), 92 pages. Irish Communist Organisation Pamphlet No 16.

Notes and corrections to Marxism and Market Socialism.

Dialectical and Historical Materialism, (Dublin, Irish Communist Organisation, 1970), 44 pages.

On Lenin, (Dublin, ICO, 1970), 28 pages. 4 articles. The organiser and leader of the Russian Communist Party (On the Fiftieth Anniversary of Lenin’s Birth). Sketches (Comrade Lenin’s Convalescence). On the Death of Lenin (Speech delivered at the Second Congress of Soviets of the USSR, 26th January, 1924). On Lenin (Speech delivered at a Memorial Evening of Kremlin Military Students, 28th January, 1924). Irish Communist Organisation.

The Communist Party of China and the 20th Congress of the CPSU, Policy Statement No 3, ICO, Dublin, November 1970, 20 pages.

History of Ireland (to 1014), Frederick Engels, Irish Communist Organisation, Dublin, 1970, 68 pages.

On an Article by Engels, (Dublin, ICO, 1971), 23 pages.

On the Personality Cult, (Dublin, ICO, 1971), 12 pages.

Critique of the Erfurt Programme, Frederick Engels, British and Irish Communist Organisation, Glasgow, 1971, 20 pages.

Marxist-Leninist Organisation of Britain (MLOB)

I must admit I can’t remember anything about this organisation – and have only come across one document of theirs which tell you nothing about its formation.

On the origins of Modern Revisionism, report of the Central Committee of the MLOB, Red Vanguard 2, London, 1972, 40 pages.

Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

A party originally called the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) when it was formed in 1972. In 1979 it changed its name. Can’t remember much else about it.

Marxist-Leninist Journal, Theoretical Journal of the RCPB(ML).

Volume 3 No 2, Workers’ Publishing House, London, July 1990, 99 pages.

Revolutionary Communist Maoists

Conquer the World was the quarterly journal issued by the supporters of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) in Britain. Issue No 16 onward was issued by the Revolutionary Communist Maoists (RCM) in Britain.

Conquer the World, Issue 17, July 1993, Revolutionary Communist Maoists in Britain, London, 1993, 28 pages.

International Leninist Workers Party

‘The International Leninist Workers Party started in 1979 due to sectarian, reformist, or anti-communist political bankruptcy of the entire ‘left’ of the labour movement’. From the Bulletin, p8.

[Not too sure if it belongs here but can’t think where else to place it.]

Workers Party Bulletin, No 217, December 1983, International Leninist Workers Party, 1983, 12 pages.

More on Britain …

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told