Albania Today 1984

With Spring - Nexhat Hajellari

With Spring – Nexhat Hajellari

More on Albania …..

Albania Today 1984

Albania Today was a political and informative review produced bi-monthly from the first issue that appeared in November/December at the end of 1971 until everything hit the fan in 1990.

For 20 years it was one way to keep up with the political developments within the country, including its relationship with The People’s Republic of China.

Although there is an emphasis on political statements and speeches there are also insights into the changes, developments and ideas existing within Albanian society during the 1970s and 1980s.

Albania Today: Index 1971 – 1979, Index 1980 – 1984, Index 1985 – 1990

Albania Today: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 (missing), 1980 (missing), 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987 (missing), 1988, 1989, 1990.

Albania Today No 1 (74) 1984

Albania Today No 1 (74) 1984


Contents include:

Concern for the health of man

The development of national culture is a vital problem, an imperative for the defence of the freedom and independence of every country

Post-modernism – a new expression of decadence in aesthetics and art


Albania Today No 2 (75) 1984

Albania Today No 2 (75) 1984



Contents include:

The problems of the woman are problems of a profoundly political and social character

PSRA – a state of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

The new Albanian literature and the tradition


Albania Today No 3 (76) 1984

Albania Today No 3 (76) 1984


Contents include:

The 3rd Congress of the Writers and Artists’ League of Albania

Science and technique developing production and raising well-being

The Socialist order is the most democratic order 

Windows on the history and culture of the Albanian people

Albania Today, No 4 (77) 1984

Albania Today, No 4 (77) 1984



Contents include:

The youth is a great revolutionary progressive force

Albanian agriculture on the road of its ceaseless development and intensification

Achievements of Albanian ethnography and folklore


Albania Today No 5 (78) 1984

Albania Today No 5 (78) 1984



Contents include:

Socialist industrialisation – a magnificent deed of the Party

Socialist culture – a weapon in the struggle for unbroken progress

About some problems of the struggle of the Party against modern revisionism over the questions of present world development

Albania Today No 6 (79) 1984

Albania Today No 6 (79) 1984



Contents include:

The correct line of the Party – the source of our victories – Ramiz Alia

In defence of freedom and the gains of Socialism

Socialism – a really humane order

Socialist Realism – art of great possibilities

More on Albania ……

Albania Today – Index – 1971-1979

Qemal Stafa Stadium

Qemal Stafa Stadium

More on Albania ….

Albania Today – Index – 1971-1979

Here you will find the list of contents from the issues of Albania Today already posted, or about to be published, on this blog. Where the complete issue is not yet available the intention is to post some of the most important, individual articles.

Albania Today: Index 1980 – 1984, Index 1985 – 1990

Albania Today: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 (missing), 1980 (missing), 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 (missing), 1988, 1989, 1990.

(C) = the complete edition is available on the blog


No 1 (01) (C)

Forward towards new victories for the happiness and prosperity of the People and Socialist Homeland – From Comrade Enver Hoxha‘s Report at the 6th Congress of the PLA

For the further and continued development of the Revolution for the successful construction of Socialism in Albania – From Comrade Mehmet Shehu‘s Report at the 6th Congress of the PLA

Elections to the Leading organs of the PLA

Resolution of the 6th Congress of the PLA in support of the Liberation Struggle of the Vietnamese People

Our common road is the road of Revolution, of Socialism and Communism – Comrade Enver Hoxha‘s speech at the reception given in the Palace of Brigades

Report from the 6th Congress of the PLA


No 1 (02) (C)

  1. Aspects of Albanian Life

The Vanguard of the Revolution and Socialist Construction – Ndreçi Plasari

Dynamic and flourishing economy – Abdyl Backa

Problems of Socialist Construction in the Albanian countryside – Hasan Banja

Our school on the road to its further revolutionisation – Mumtaz Shehu

Albania – A State free of taxes and dues – Fejo Babaramo

Impressions from the Exhibition of the Economic and Cultural Development of the PLA – Likurg Roshi

  1. Problems of International Life

The demarcation line between the Marxist-Leninists and the Modern Revisionists cannot be liquidated – Editorial of Zëri i Popullit

Instigators of and apologists for aggression – Editorial of Zëri i Popullit

The Monetary Crisis of Capitalism – Veniamin Toçi

‘United Europe’ – A counter-revolutionary offspring of Capital – Shaban Murati

No 2 (03) (C)

The Working Class and its World Historic Mission – Foto Çami

The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and the fight against bureaucracy – Luan Omari

Our industrial march – Vangjush Gambeta

Our higher school and its role in the scientific research work – Jorhji Sota

Treasures of Ancient Culture – Aleks buda

Hands off the Balkans – Zëri i Popullit

‘European Security’ and Revisionist-Imperialist interests – Shaban Murati

Revolted generation – Arqile Semini

Through the pages of the Albanian Press

No 3 (04) (C)

The Seventh Congress of Albanian Trade Unions

  • The Speech of Comrade Enver Hoxha
  • Summary of the Report by President of the Trade Unions Rita Marko

On the Transformation of Agriculture into an Industrial-Agricultural Country – Hekuran Mara

The intelligentsia and its present-day role – Bajram Abdiu

From the History of the Albanian Language – problems and results – Prof. Eqrem Çabej

Resolutely expose and oppose with all forces the counter-revolutionary Soviet-US Alliance – Zëri i Popullit

Progressive Peoples and States – Zëri i Popullit

The Theory of ‘Limited Sovereignty’ – Agim Popa


  • 7th Congress of Albanian Trade Unions Convened

Through the pages of the Albanian Press

No 4 (05) (C)

For the strengthening of the leading role of the working class and the perfecting of the Party-Class-Mass relations – Nexhmie Hoxha

Right to Pension – A victory for the co-operativist peasantry – Teodor Sterjo

Revolutionisation of teaching methods in school – Hamit Beqja

Folklore science in Albania – Prof. Zihni Sako

The Albanian cities and towns – Osman Allkja

Class struggle is an actual and inevitable fact in every developed capitalist country – Thanas Leci

‘Leninist’ phraseology cannot camouflage Anti-Leninism

People fight against Colonialism and Neo-Colonialism – Paskal Milo

Albanian Chronicle

  • Conference on Albanian Folklore
  • Second National Conference of Social Studies
  • Plenum of the CC of the PLA
  • Decision of the Second Plenum of the Central Committee of the PLA ‘On the creation of the Academy of Sciences of the PR of Albania’
  • From the Proceedings of the People’s Assembly

Through the pages of the Albanian Press

No. 5 (06) (C)

Youth – Active force in the revolutionisation of the country’s life – Rudi Monari

The working class and Socialist Construction in the countryside – Hekuran Mara

Socialist Trade in the service of the people – Kiço Ngjela

Illyrian studies at the present stage – Skënder Anamali

The New Albanian Literature and Ismail Kadare – Spiro Mitrojorgji

Present day revolutionary movement and Trotskyism – Agim Popa

The Peace-loving peoples and countries reject the hegemonistic concepts of the two imperialist superpowers – Nesti Nase


  • 30th Anniversary of the historic Peza Conference
  • First convention of Illyrian studies
  • Plenary Session of the organising commission of the Congress of Orthography of the Albanian language
  • At the Youth Congress

Press review

No 6 (07) (C)

The Albanian People fight, work and live in the Party epoch – Enver Hoxha

Great Victory of our National Culture – Androki Kostallari

State Social Insurances – Feti Gjilani

The product and the export – Qemal Shehu

Memorandum of the Government of the People’s republic of Albania handed to the Government of the Republic of Finland

Identical Imperialist political concepts – Shaban Murati

Modern revisionism and religion – Hulusi Hako


  • 60th Anniversary of Independence and 28th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Homeland
  • Reception at the Central Committee of the PLA
  • The Congress of the Orthography of the Albanian Language

Press Review


No 1 (08) (C)

Development of sciences in Socialism is a necessity and indispensibility – Hysni Kapo

Economy and scientific socialist planning – Abdyl Këllezi

The objective and subjective factors in the revolution – Fotq Çami

Working class control and party organisations – Peçi Orgocka

Philosophy and art – Alfred Uçi

Grave defeat for US Imperialism – Zëri i Popullit

Neo-colonialism in Africa – Paskal Milo


  • National Conference of the Physical Culture and Sports Union of Albania
  • First meeting of the Academy of Sciences
  • Reception at the CC of the PLA
  • Relations of the University extended
  • To the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brazil
  • Third plenum of the CC of the PLA
  • New Publications

Press Review

No 2 (09) (C)

The women and their complete emancipation – Vito Kapo

Resolute fight against ideological foreign influences – ‘Rruga e Partisë’

Self reliance – Hekuran Mara

Rise of the people’s wellbeing – Abdyl Backa

On Albanian Diaspora in the middle ages – Zija Shkodra

An enduringly relevant work – Zija Xholi

JV Stalin – great revolutionary and Marxist-Leninist – Zëri i Popullit

The Vatican – centre of anti-Albanian diversion – Zëri i Popullit

Social democracy in the service of the bourgeoisie and reaction – Adem Mezini


  • 20th anniversary of the death of JV Stalin
  • On the occasion of March 8
  • Diplomatic relations established [with Malta]
  • Presentation of credential letters [Iran]
  • Festive meeting [30th anniversary of state security service]
  • Telegram [to Cambodia]
  • At the Embassy of the Kingdom of Cambodia
  • Meeting [Cambodia]
  • Plenum [of the CC of the PLA]
  • Reception [Vietnam]
  • The Shanghai Acrobatic troupe began its tour of Albania in March
  • Greeting the creation of the Academy of Sciences
  • First Symposium [palaeontology]

Press Review

No 3 (10) (C)

Albanian women – determined builder of Socialism, loyal to revolution – Mehmet Shehu

Strategy and tactics of the ACP in the period of the National Liberation Struggle – Ndreçi Plasari

People’s Army – Army of Revolution – Arif Hasko

Panorama of the economic-social development of Socialist Albania – Aristotel Pano

The intelligentsia in Socialism – Fiqret Spahiu

Anarchism as counter-revolutionary theory and practice – Bujar Hoxha

Diplomatic counter-revolution – Shaban Murati


  • May Day in Socialist Albania
  • The Martyrs’ Day
  • Among the working people
  • Diplomatic relations Albania-Nigeria
  • Scientific symposium on literature
  • A good will delegation from Somalia
  • May Decade
  • Samdech Norodom Sihanouk in Albania

7th Congress of the Albanian Women’s Union

Press review

No 4 (11) (C)

Army of the soldier people

Intensive fight against alien ideological manifestations and liberal stands towards them

Possibilities of building Socialism without passing through the stage of developed capitalism – Hekuran Mara

Neo-freudianism – one of the most reactionary trends of bourgeois ideology – Viktor Riska and Kleanthi Zoto

Soviet working class deprived of the means of production – Veniamin Toçi and Kiço Kapetani

Apologists and spokesmen of capital – Paskal Milo

Documents – (Memorandum of the Government of the People’s Republic of Albania to the Government of the Republic of Finland

New Soviet-US agreements – a grave challenge to all the peoples of the world


  • Communique
  • Decision [of CC of the PLA]
  • Glorious 30th Anniversary [People’s Army]
  • Festive Meeting [People’s Army]
  • Message of the younger generation
  • Another of Comrade Hoxha’s Works published in France
  • Friendship delegation [China]
  • Diplomatic relations [Cameroon]

Press Review

No 4 also included a special supplement entitled ‘The tragic events in Chile – A lesson for revolutionaries the world over’. This was reprinted from the Editorial of the newspaper Zëri i Popullit, the official publication of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania following the Fascist coup in Chile on 21st September 1973.

No 5 (12) (C)

CC of the PLA greets the 10th Congress of the CP of China

Democracy and dictatorship in Socialism – Agim Popa

Culture – property of the entire people – Thimi Tase

The anti-Albanian activity of the reactionary clergy – Viron Koka

Falsifications and theoretical speculations – Liman Daci

Pacifist demagogy and the objectives of the superpowers – Sofokli Lazri

Organised leadership of the revolution – an historic necessity

The wave of anger and opposition to UDS and Soviet Imperialism has risen still higher – Nesti Nase


  • 688 titles of text-books
  • Products of the ‘New Albania’ film studio
  • The port extended [Durres]
  • Archaeological excavations of historic importance
  • The Fascist coup in Chile condemned with great indignation
  • 6th Session of the 7th legislature of the People’s assembly
  • Energetic protest [Italy]
  • Activities on the occasion of the 24th Anniversary of the proclamation of the PR of China
  • Tirana – city of 370 construction sites

Press Review

No 6 (13) (C)

29 years of Socialist Albania – Petro Dode

Problems of improving relations of production in the socialist economy – Hasan Bania

The people express the great creative talent

From the life of the country

‘It is our factory’

The 1973 Archaeological season

The Heroic Albanian Spirit in world music

The currency crisis in extremis – Aleko Haxhi

About the Middle East crisis

Hegemonistic plans of Soviet Social Imperialism in Asia – Zëri i Popullit


  • A friendly visit [Vietnam]
  • November 7 and 8 celebrated with enthusiasm
  • National meeting of vanguard workers
  • National conference of young talents
  • An Albanian friendship military delegation visits China
  • A delegation of technical scientific collaboration of the PR of China in Albania
  • November 28 and 29 holidays celebrated with joy
  • A brilliant victory of the Albanian Democratic Front

Press Review

Issue No 6 also included a supplement to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Tse-tung, the leader of the Communist Party of China and the People’s Republic of China.


No 1 (14) (C)

Socialist Albania – country of a new reality and of a new man – Adil Çarçani

Stability and reduction of prices – a distinctive feature of the Socialist economy – Priamo Bollano

Modern agriculture, extended Socialist production – Kozma Skarço

Socialist Realism – Great art of the Revolution – Ismail Kadare

From the life of the country

  • Fresh air, clear water and greenery everywhere
  • 70th Anniversary of people’s Sculptor Odhise Paskali
  • Exhibition of Satire in Sculpture

Lenin’s ideas and work are immortal – Zëri i Popullit

A meeting against Revolution and Communism – Zëri i Popullit

Press review

  • The neo-colonialist objectives of the Soviet Social Imperialists towards Latin America – Zëri i Popullit
  • Sham poses and real anti-socialism – Drita
  • The Albanian people will always support the just struggle of the Palestinian people – Zëri i Popullit
  • A great blow to the anti-China activity of the Soviet Social Imperialists – Bashkimi
  • The spiral of the currency crisis – Zëri i Popullit
  • The reformist leaders of the Italian trade unions sabotage the strike struggle of the working class – Puna
  • The struggle to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius – A great revolutionary movement – Zëri i Popullit

No 2 (15) (C)

The veterans are the living embodiment of partisan heroism

New work by our heroic youth

Education in the service of Socialism and Revolution – Thoma Deliana

Rates of development of Socialist Albania – Aleko Haxhi

Freedom of conscience – Hulusi Hakq

The counter-revolutionary alliance – Omer Hashorva

The real nature of the theatre of the absurd – Arqile Semini

Savage enemy of the revolution, socialism and the peoples of the world – Zëri i Popullit

Press Review

  • US ‘Aid’ for Africa in the service of Washington’s neo-colonialist Policy – Zëri i Popullit
  • The youth of the capitalist world in the grip of unemployment – Zëri i Rinese
  • Expansion of the two imperialist powers in the Indian Ocean – Zëri i Popullit
  • Another stride in strengthening the solidarity and unity of the developing countries – Zëri i Popullit
  • Foreign workers – victims of capitalist oppression and exploitation – Puna
  • The Chilean People resist oppression and terror – Zëri i Popullit

No 3 (16) (C)

Socialist industrialization in Albania – Koço Theodhosi

The progress of public health at present – Llambi Ziçishti

The June 1924 Revolution in Albania – Stefanaq Pollo

From the life of the country

  • May Day in Albania
  • New contribution to the strengthening of Albanian-Cambodian Friendship
  • From wooden boats to transoceanic ships
  • 6,000 scientific experiments in agriculture within a year
  • Third meeting of the Assembly of the Academy of Sciences
  • Scientific Educational Session

Against Imperialist interference and control – Nesti Nase

Revisionist economic integration and its contradictions – Kiço Kapitani and Veniamin Toçi

‘The transition from confrontation to talks’ – a counter-revolutionary theory – Shaban Murati

Pages from ‘The History of the Party of Labour of Albania’

Press Review

  • German Imperialism – a real threat in Europe – Zëri i Popullit
  • Military manoeuvres – a means of pressure, blackmail and threat – Luftetari
  • The Solzhenitsyn farce – Drita
  • The Vatican in the service of the two Imperialist superpowers – Zëri i Popullit
  • NATO – an alliance for war and aggression against the freedom and independence of the European peoples – Bashkimi
  • The struggle against reformism in the trade unions – an important task for the working class – Puna
  • The enemies of the Vietnamese people will always suffer defeat – Zëri i Popullit

No 4 (17) (C)

The working class of Albania – a leading force of socialist society – Rita Marko

The leading role of the Party in the national Liberation Army – Hito Çako

Wellbeing for all the working people – Dervish Gjiriti

Some problems of contemporary foreign literature

From the life of the countryside

  • 8th Session of the 7th Legislature of the People’s Assembly
  • 50th Anniversary of the 1924 Revolution
  • Protest by the Government of the PR of Albania addressed to the Government of the Italian Republic
  • Asdren’s Mortal remains return to the Motherland
  • Reservoirs and artificial lakes for irrigation
  • Compilation of new texts concluded in Tirana University
  • 30 research projects in the field of Veterinary Medicine
  • After ten years of work
  • From screws to agricultural machines

The national question and revisionism – Bujar Hoxha

‘Deidologisation’ or ”reidologisation’ – Servet Pëllumbi

Further evidence of the expansionist and hegemonistic aims of the two superpowers

Press Review

  • Steps towards strengthening the national sovereignty of the developing countries – Zëri i Popullit
  • Racism is still a major evil in American society – Bashkimi
  • Strengthening Dictatorship of the new Czechoslovak bourgeoisie – Zëri i Popullit
  • Every dollar or rouble of ‘aid’ – a link in the neocolonialist chain – Zëri i Popullit
  • The degeneration of youth – a logical consequence of social degeneration in the Revisionist countries – Zëri i Rinese
  • Nixon’s visit to the Middle East – a new expression of the anti-Arab aims of US imperialism – Zëri i Popullit
  • Activation of fascist criminals – a grave new danger to the Italian people – Zëri i Popullit

No 5 (18) (C)

The policy of the People’s Republic of Albania is open, a policy of Proletarian Principles – Enver Hoxha (Available in Enver Hoxha, Works Vol 4, p866-887.)

The Democratic Front – a militant union of the Albanian people in the struggle for Socialism – Ramiz Alia

What are the higher types of cooperatives – Pirro Dodbiba

Foreign trade in the service of the economy – Kiço Ngjela

Revolutionary education of youth with the spirit of mass undertakings – Jovan Bardhi

The revolutionary national teaching – Bedri Dedja

From the life of the country

  • Communique on the Meeting of the 5th Plenum of the Central Committee of the PLA
  • Brilliant victory of the Albanian People on their Triumphant Socialist Road
  • 25th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the PR of China
  • A delegation of the Republic of South Vietnam in Albania
  • The new school year begins

Tirana – the lovely capital of socialist Albania – Sabri Pilkati

Press Review

  • The hegemonistic aims of the superpowers underlie ‘European Security’ – Zëri i Popullit
  • A sure defender of the Revolution and Socialism – Luftëtari
  • Six years after the barbarous aggression by the Soviet Social Imperialists against Czechoslovakia – Bashkimi
  • Ideological diversion aims at disrupting and subverting the youth – Zëri i Popullit
  • The Fascist Pinochet clique makes haste to reward its American bosses – Bashkimi
  • The Revisionist Bourgeoisie – owner of the means of production – Zëri i Popullit
  • Nixon’s departure – a serious exposure for the US ruling class – Zëri i Popullit

No 6 (19) (C)

Time works for us and the future belongs to Socialism and Communism – Mehmet Shehu

Glorious jubilee of the Albanian People – Hysni Kapo

The PLA – forger of the historic victories of the Albanian people – Petro Dode

Taxation policy in Albania – Pjetër Kosta

From the life of the country

  • Communique on the convening of the 6th Plenum of the Central Committee of the PLA
  • First Session of the 8th Legislature of the People’s Assembly
  • Albanian people celebrate with joy the 30th Anniversary of Liberation
  • Albanian-Chinese Talks
  • National Conference of Studies about the Antifascist National Liberation War
  • Third National Games

The great Socialist Revolution and the renegades to it – Zëri i Popullit

The economic and financial crisis in the capitalist world – Kiçq Kapetani

Press Review

  • Triumphant march of the great People’s China on the road of the Revolution and Socialism – Zëri i Popullit
  • Irresistible explosion of economic crisis in the capitalist world – Zëri i Popullit
  • By their determined struggle the working people of the capitalist countries refute the preachings of the Revisionist and Trade Union scabs – Zëri i Popullit
  • A counter-revolutionary meeting in the service of Social Imperialism – Zëri i Popullit
  • Soviet Social Imperialism again stabs the arab people in the back – Bashkimi
  • The Mediterranean – an arena for the feverish race between the two Superpowers to expand – Zëri i Popullit


No 1 (20) (C)

The anti-Fascist national liberation war – a great people’s revolution led by the Communist Party of Albania – Nexhmije Hoxha

Albania’s example in socialist construction – Aristotel Pano

Development of productive forces in agriculture – Vangjush Gambeta

From the life of the country

  • Second Session of the 8th Legislature of the People’s Assembly
  • A reflection of great victories
  • An art reflecting the militant spirit of our revolutionary reality

Foreign essays on the national liberation war in Albania – Stefanaq Pollo

Reformist and revisionist trade unions in the service of the bourgeoisie – Filip Kota

The working class in capitalist society today – Harilla Papajorgji

The Kremlin neo-colonialists oppress and plunder the peoples – Zëri i Popullit

Press Review

  • The time works for the peoples, for the revolution, against the hegemonism of the two superpowers – Zëri i Popullit
  • The threats of the Israeli Zionists in the service of the policy of the two superpowers – Bashkimi
  • ‘Asian Security’ is a trap to get the peoples of Asia under the domination of the Soviet Social Imperialists – Bashkimi
  • Further expansion of religious activity in the revisionist countries – Zëri i Rinise
  • Espionage, diversion and aggression – in the service of the hegemonistic aims of the US and Russian imperialists – Bashkimi
  • Degeneration and dissolution in the mass of youth – a direct consequence of the capitalist system – Zëri i Rinise

No 2 (21) (C)

Writers and Artists are aids of the Party for the Communist education of our men and women – Enver Hoxha (Speech December 20, 1974, 4th Plenum of CC) (Available in Enver Hoxha, Works Vol 4 p888-917.)

Great success, brilliant prospects – Abdyl Këllezi

Powerful lever of the Party in its revolutionary struggle – Rita Marko

The leading role of the Party grows with the development and consolidation of Socialism – Rruga e Partisë

From the life of the country

  • March 8 in Albania
  • A new railway line
  • National Conference on Agricultural Sciences
  • Meeting of the Plenum of the Steering Committee of the Albanian Writers’ and Artists’ League
  • Underground Museum of Durrës

A necessary condition for the defence of the freedom and independence of the people – Zëri i Popullit

[Documents] The unity of the people around the CPA in the National liberation Front – Ndreçi Plasari

Press Review

  • Full sovereignty over their national riches – indisputable right of the peoples – Zëri i Popullit
  • Socialist China is forging ahead every day towards ever higher peaks – Bashkimi
  • Great Renaissance Artist – Drita
  • ATU resolutely struggle for the triumph of the Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary class line in the World Trade Union Movement – Puna
  • A memorable event in the fraternal relations between Albanian and Vietnamese peoples – Bashkimi
  • The Soviet army – an army of occupation and oppression of the peoples – Zëri i Popullit
  • Spiritual alliance and practical collaboration between the Vatican and the Revisionist cliques – Zëri i Popullit

No 3 (22)

The road of Socialist construction – Adil Çarçani

On the class struggle in Socialism – Fiqret Shehu

A free woman can only live in a free society – Vito Kapo

Outstanding figures of our culture

From the life of the country

  • Communique on the Meeting of the 7th Plenum of the Central Committee of the PLA
  • The Albanian people enthusiastically welcome the historic victory of the Vietnamese and Cambodian people
  • The 31st May Day in Socialist Albania
  • With respect we remember the fallen
  • Albanian people celebrate the 30th anniversary of the victory over Fascism

May 9 calls on the peoples for vigilance – Zëri i Popullit

In the service of the Soviet plans for expansion and domination – Zëri i Popullit

‘Historic compromise’ or ‘historic treachery’ – Agim Popa

[Documents] The questions of state power in the anti-Fascist National Liberation War of the Albanian people – Luan Omari

Press Review

  • Great example for all the peoples of the world fighting for their freedom and rights – Bashkimi
  • Revolutionary and fraternal greetings to the Heroic Cambodian people – Zëri i Popullit
  • The Soviet Social Imperialists are more and more inculcating the spirit of the Great Russian Chauvinism in the Soviet youth – Zëri i Rinise
  • The European peoples cannot leave their security in the hands of the two Imperialist Superpowers – Zëri i Popullit
  • Revival of fascism – a real danger – Zëri i Popullit
  • Increase of opposition to domination of the seas by the two Imperialist Superpowers – Zëri i Popullit

No 4 (23) (C)

The strength of our army is based on its revolutionary popular character – Rruga e Partise

Bureaucratism – a dangerous enemy of Socialism – Foto Çami

Great driving and inspiring force – Dritëro Agolli

To contribute to society the maximum of our energies and take from it what is due to us – Abdyl Backa

Judicial institutions in the PR of Albania – Grigor Gjika

The pressures and flatteries of the revisionists do not work in Albania – Zëri i Popullit

From the life of the country

  • Close fraternal friendship [Cambodia]
  • Manifestation of the fraternal and unbreakable Albanian-Chinese friendship
  • 32nd anniversary of our people’s army
  • Diplomatic relations of the PRA with other countries extended
  • Tens of thousands of school pupils and students in national and local actions
  • An about 6,000 year old culture
  • Beautiful manifestations of Chinese and Albanian gymnasts

The Soviet economy – a completely and definitely capitalist economy – Aristotel Pano

[Documents] The armed uprising of the Albanian People in the anti-Fascist National Liberation War – Vehbi Hoxha and Ndreçi Plasari

Press Review

  • The Korean people will smash the aggressive plans of the Washington and the Seoul clique – Zëri i Popullit
  • Victory of the Liberation Struggle of the valiant people of Mozambique – Bashkimi
  • Israel’s aggressive acts cannot suppress the Palestinian resistance – Zëri i Popullit
  • The peoples are determined not to submit to the threats of US Imperialism – Bashkimi
  • ‘Military Integration’ – is conscription of vassals by the Soviet boss – Luftëtari
  • The struggle for complete sovereignty over national riches – an important phenomenon of the present day international situation – Zëri i Popullit

No 5 (24) (C)

A reflection of the Marxist-Leninist thinking and revolutionary practice of the Party of Labour of Albania [The Works of Enver Hoxha]

Socialist State – organised proletariat as a ruling class – Luan Omari

Vigorous development of the Socialist economy in the PRA – Hasan Banja

Intellectualism – a totality of counter-revolutionary concepts and practices – Muzafer Ahmati

The place of folklore and its role in the socialist artistic culture – Alfred Uçi

From the life of the country

  • Communique on the meeting of the 8th Plenum of the CC of the PLA
  • Close ties between Party and People
  • The 26th Anniversary of the PR of China marked in Albania
  • The 30th anniversary of the DR of Vietnam marked in Albania
  • New successes in the education sector
  • The Albanian-China Friendship Association
  • The Albanian people remember with respect our Comrade PL Arboleda
  • The Albanian people solidarize with the just struggle of the Spanish revolutionary patriots

The Conference of insecurity of Europe – Zëri i Popullit

The two superpowers – the greatest arms dealers in the world – Veniamin Toçi

[Documents] The National Liberation Movement of the Albanian people and the Anti Fascist World War – Shyqyri Ballvora and Sotir Manushi

[Documents] The Government of the PR of Albania supports the just demands of the developing countries – Reiz Malile

Press Review

  • ‘Economic emigration’ – incurable ulcer of the capitalist world – Zëri i Popullit
  • The Spanish people are fighting the Fascist dictatorship – Bashkimi
  • The diplomacy of the two superpowers – a diplomacy of aggression and war – Zëri i Popullit
  • ‘… the cause of the Revolution lives on and is beautifying the world’ – Drita
  • Revisionist cinematography – a poisonous weapon in the service of the new Soviet bourgeoisie – Zëri i Rinise
  • ‘A filthy trade in human beings’ – Bashkimi

Issue No 5 contained a special supplement entitled ‘Time is working in favour of the People’s Liberation and the Revolution’, the speech given by Nesti Nase at the 30th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

No 6 (25)

Most of the issue devoted to the publication and selected articles from Vol 19 of Hoxha’s works (in Albanian), which was published in November 1975. Includes, as a supplement, his speech at the Meeting of the 81 Communist and Workers Parties in Moscow November 16, 1960. This speech, one of the most principled speeches presented by any Marxist-Leninist, can be found on pages 93-163 of Vol 3 of Enver Hoxha’s Selected Works on this blog.

The Road of struggle and victory over Khrushchevite Revisionism – Ramiz Alia

From the life of the country

  • The November 7 and 8 holidays celebrated with joy
  • Important centre of education of the Cadres with the teachings of Marxism-Leninism
  • The 3rd Session of the 8th Legislature of the people’s Assembly
  • November 28 and 29 celebrated with joy

Issue No 6 contained a special supplement. This is a reprint of a speech given by Enver Hoxha entitled ‘Speech delivered at the Meeting of the 81 Communist and Workers’ Parties in Moscow’. This was delivered in November 1960 and was the occasion that Hoxha attacked the revisionists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union for their betrayal of the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism. In a sense this was the first shot in the war against modern revisionism.


No 1 (26) (C)

Important step for perfecting the state of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat – Hysni Kapo

The role of the socialist state in the communist training and education of the working people – Zija Xholi

The time has completely confirmed the predictions of the PLA – Sofokli Lazri

Stability and vitality – distinctive features of the economic and social development of Albania

The antipode of creative attitude towards things and phenomena – Lili Zhamo

Peasant art and artistic crafts in Albania – Andromaqi Gjergji

From the life of the country

  • 30th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the People’s Republic of Albania
  • Deep gratitude and respect for the martyrs who fell outside the fatherland
  • The Albanian people honour the memory of Comrade Chou En-lai
  • All for one and one for all
  • The 70th anniversary of the publication of Lenin’s article ‘Party organisation and party literature’

The revolution determines the course and opens the way to the development of present day human society – Zëri i Popullit

[Documents] Draft Constitution of the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania

Press review

  • Stalin was a great Marxist-Leninist – Zëri i Popullit
  • The peoples of northern Europe follow with vigilance the aggressive and expansionist plans of the two Imperialist Superpowers – Bashkimi
  • The aggressive activity of the two superpowers refutes the propaganda about the relaxation of tension in Europe – Zëri i Popullit
  • The struggles of the broad peasant masses in Latin America is on the upsurge – Zëri i Popullit
  • The people of Northern Ireland are fighting for their just cause – Bashkimi
  • Efforts to divert the struggle of the developing countries into compromises and bargainings – Zëri i Popullit
  • Feverish preparations for war by the two Imperialist Superpowers – Luftëtari
  • The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming ever wider – Bashkimi

No 2 (27) (C)

Documents – Report delivered to the 1st Consultative Meeting of the activists of the Communist Party of Albania – Enver Hoxha

Clear reflection of the self-acting capacity and stability of the economy of the PR of Albania – Petro Dode

A document of extraordinary value for the present and the future of Socialism in Albania

The economy of the PRA is successfully coping with every imperialist-revisionist blockade – Kiço Kapetani

The vitality of the principles of Socialist realism in present day Albanian art – Dalan Shapllo

From the life of the country

  • The 20th volume of the Works of Comrade Enver Hoxha came off the press
  • 23rd Anniversary of JV Stalin’s death commemorated
  • The Teacher’s Day
  • March 8 in Albania
  • One of the most ancient mosaics of the world of antiquity

A congress of demagogy and social imperialist expansion – Zëri i Popullit

The French Revisionists in the positions of the open fight against Revolution and Communism – Zëri i Popullit

Press Review

  • Victory of the Marxist-Leninist and Revolutionary forces in Germany – Zëri i Popullit
  • Instruments of the gangster policy of the US Imperialists and Soviet Social Imperialists – Bashkimi
  • In struggle against Capital, the working class is tempering its revolutionary features – Puna
  • Nothing can conceal the preparations of Soviet Social Imperialism for aggression – Zëri i Popullit
  • Nuclear explosions serve the preparations for war of the two superpowers – Luftëtari
  • What helps and what does not help the true security and collaboration of the Balkans – Zëri i Popullit
  • Always vigilance and ready to defend the freedom won with so much bloodshed and sacrifice – Bashkimi

No 3 (28) (C)

Decision of the CC of the PLA and the Council of Ministers of the PR of Albania on the reduction of high salaries, on some improvements in the pay system of working people and the further narrowing of differences between the country and the town

A new victory of the policy of the PLA in the uplift of the general wellbeing of the people – Zëri i Popullit

The worker-peasant control – an important factor for the strengthening of the socialist order – Hekuran Isai

A document of extraordinary value for the present and the future of socialist Albania

The deepening of the class struggle on the ideological and cultural front – Hamit Beqja

From the life of the country

  • The first pig iron of Albanian brand
  • The great holiday of the workers
  • We commemorate the martyrs with respect
  • A living example of militant spirit, revolutionary optimism and socialist solidarity

Plunderers of the peoples of the developing countries – Niko Ketri

Press Review

  • Why does Federal Germany refuse to pay war reparations? – Zëri i Popullit
  • The expulsion of the fleets of the Superpowers from the Mediterranean – an important action for the strengthening of independence and general security – Zëri i Popullit
  • The men of bourgeois governments are ready to sell anything for money – Bashkimi
  • The Soviet bourgeoisie ensures high incomes from oppression and exploitation of the working people – Puna

No 4 (29) (C)

Almost exclusively devoted to the publication of Vols 20, 21 and 22 of Enver Hoxha‘s Works (in Albanian).

From the life of the country

  • Communique on the meeting of the 9th Plenum of the Central Committee of the PLA
  • Decision on summoning the 7th regular Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania
  • Decision on the approval of the draft directives of the 7th Congress of the PLA for the Sixth Five Year Plan for the years 1976-1980
  • The 55th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in Albania
  • A marked event in the scientific life of the PR of Albania
  • The 33rd anniversary of the creation of the Albanian Peoples Army

A meeting that sealed Revisionist betrayal – Zëri i Popullit

No 5 (30) (C)

A great event for the further development of the revolution in Albania 

important steps forward in the complete construction of the socialist society – Aristotel Pano

The relations between the cadres and the masses and the struggle against bureaucracy – Agim Popa

Albanian ethnography and some of its problems – Aleks Buda

From the life of the country 

  • The second volume of works selected of comrade Enver Hoxha – in English – has come off the press
  • Atmosphere of joy and revolutionary enthusiasm
  • The traditional festival of the education-loving people
  • New archaeological discoveries in Durrës
  • The state folk song and dance ensemble of the PR of Albania made a tour of Sweden and Norway

The economic crisis and the sharpening of contradictions in the capitalist-revisionist world – Hekuran Mara

(Documents) The resolution of the meeting of the main communist group of Albania on the creation of the Party 

Press review 

  • The two superpowers – greatest practitioners of discrimination in international trade – Zëri i Popullit
  • Falsity of Bourgeois Democracy – Bashkimi
  • The working masses are suffering the consequences of the grave crisis in the capitalist world – Puna
  • The plot of ‘Internationalisation’ of culture – Drita
  •  Demogogy and violence  – cards of the bourgeoisie in crisis – Zëri i Popullit
  • Aggression and war – principal means to secure positions of political, economic and military domination of the two Superpowers – Luftëtari
  • From integration towards complete assimilation – Zëri i Popullit
  • Dangerous conspiracies of US Imperialism at the expense of the Zimbabwean people – Bashkimi 

No 6 (31) (C)

This issue dedicated exclusively to the 7th Congress of the PLA held from 1st to 7th November 1976 in Tirana.


The report ‘On the activity of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour’ submitted by Enver Hoxha

The report ‘On the directives of the 7th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania for the 6th Five-year Plan for the development of the economy and culture of the People’s republic of Albania for the years 1976-1980’ submitted by Mehmet Shehu

The Closing Speech of the Congress by comrade Enver Hoxha


No 1 (32) (C)

The Constitution of the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania

The Constitution that embodies the true features of Scientific Socialism – Enver Hoxha

The great role and force of the peasantry in Socialist society – Lenka Çuko

From the life of the country

  • The 5th Session of the 8th Legislature of the People’s Assembly
  • A year of successes, a year of perspectives
  • An important event in the history of the Albanian people
  • Radiant beacons of the struggle for national and Social Liberation
  • A Revolutionary centre for training artists
  • Scientific session on the Protection, Study and Restoration of Monuments of Culture
  • Thousands of specialists for Agriculture and animal husbandry

Imperialism and Social Imperialism in crisis and under the Revolutionary blows of the peoples – Zëri i Popullit

The modern distortions in contemporary bourgeois-revisionist music – Simon Gjoni

Press Review

  • The name and work of Comrade Mao Tse-tung are immortal – Zëri i Popullit
  • While the millionaires multiply their millions, the masses of the people are living in poverty and want – Bashkimi
  • The reformist and Revisionist Trade Unions – saboteurs of the struggle of the working class against capital – Puna
  • The tentacles of the two superpowers on the African continent – Zëri i Popullit
  • The consequences of the crisis for the peasantry of the capitalist countries – Albanian Telegraphic Agency

No 2 (33) (C)

In struggle and Revolution the Marxist-Leninists become strong and indomitable (from Comrade Enver Hoxha’s conversation with Comrade Pedro Pomar)

The PLA has always followed one Marxist-Leninist line – Ndreçi Plasari

Principle of universal value for the Revolution and the construction of socialism – Harilla Papajorgji and Kiço Kapetani

Marriage and the family in the PSR of Albania – Ksanthipi Begeja

From the life of the country

  • The 24th Anniversary of Stalin’s death commemorated
  • Teachers day in Albania
  • The Day of Women’s International Solidarity
  • The vigorous development of Albanian science

A document which strengthens the revolutionary unity among Marxist-Leninist Communist Parties

Militant Internationalist Solidarity in struggle against common enemies

The 3rd Congress of the CP of Germany (M-L) is held

The Socialist International – an instrument of the Imperialist Bourgeoisie – Adem Mezini

Press Review

  • The present day Soviet union – a Social-Fascist country, an imperialist superpower – Zëri i Popullit
  • The US imperialists and the Soviet Social-Imperialists stir up strife, disruption and conflict everywhere in the world – Bashkimi
  • Further sharpening of class conflicts in the capitalist world – Puna
  • The expansionist and hegemonist policy of the Bonn Revanchists – Zëri i Popullit
  • The Mediterranean – an arena of the rivalry between the two superpower – Luftëtari

No 3 (34) (C)

[Documents] The line of our Party is a correct, revolutionary line, in conformity with the teachings of Marxism-Leninism – Enver Hoxha (Letter to Basic Party Organisations, May 9th 1962)

[Documents] Our intelligentsia is raised and developed in the bosom of the people – Enver Hoxha (speech October 25 1962) (Available in Enver Hoxha, Works, Vol 3 p358-401.)

A decisive condition for the triumph of the Revolution and the construction of Socialism – Fiqret Shehu

The literature of socialist realism is developing in struggle against the bourgeois and revisionist pressure – Ismail Kadare

On the Contradictions in Socialist society – Alfred Uçi

From the life of our country

  • May Day in Albania
  • The Martyrs’ Day
  • Enlarged meeting of the Assembly of the Academy of Sciences of the PSR of Albania
  • The festival of Albanian cinematography
  • Another expression of fraternal solidarity
  • Permanent centres for the Patriotic Education of the masses

The Party of Labour of Albania and the problems of War and Peace – A Tomorri

The 2nd Congress of the Portuguese Communist Party (Reconstructed)

From Gramsci and the resistance to the present day struggle for Marxism-Leninism and Proletarian Internationalism

Press Review

  • The two imperialist superpowers – the greatest enemies of the peoples, the most dangerous aggressors – Luftëtari
  • The African peoples will give the proper reply to the intrigues of the two superpower against them – Bashkimi
  • The working class in struggle against capitalist oppression and exploitation – Puna
  • Fascism – a real danger to mankind – Zëri i Popullit
  • The military protection of the superpowers is intended to turn the ‘defended’ country into a US or Soviet protectorate – Bashkimi

No 4 (35) (C)

Youth gives life and animation to the country, new blood to the Party – Enver Hoxha (Speech at Politburo of CC June 2nd 1977)

The 8th Congress of the Albanian Trade Unions

The theory and practice of Revolution – Zëri i Popullit

We must fight, to the last beat of our hearts, for the triumph of Marxism-Leninism – Piro Bita

The economy of the PSRA is developing at rapid and stable rates – Abdyl Backa

From the life of the country

  • Communique on the meeting of the 2nd Plenum of the CC of the PLA
  • 6th Session of the 8th Legislature of People’s Assembly of the PSR of Albania
  • 7th Congress of Albanian Labour Youth union will convene on September 26
  • The Albanian People’s Army Day

Powerful weapon of the world proletariat for the triumph of the revolution and the victory of Communism – Sotir Manushi

The present economic crisis and the sharpening of the general crisis of capitalism – Hekuran Mara

Press Review

  • The European Common Market – a tangle of inter-imperialist interests and rivalries – Bashkimi
  • Working masses resolutely oppose capitalist oppression and exploitation – Puna
  • The Arab peoples must fight to realise their aspirations – Zëri i Popullit
  • Consistent neocolonialist policies of US imperialism towards Latin America – Bashkimi
  • Rhodesian racist aggression against Mozambique at the service of imperialist plans – Bashkimi
  • Spiritual and Physical poisoning with drugs – Albanian News Agency

No 5 (36) (C)

The Word and Deed of Our Party Are not Divorced from the Glorious Past of Our People – Enver Hoxha

Khrushchev kneeling before Tito

Conversation with Chou En-lai

The Revisionist Parties – typically Bourgeois, Counter-revolutionary Parties – Fiqet Shehu

Socialist Revolution – The Only Road of Social Progress – Zija Xholi

 From the life of the Country

  • People’s press day
  • The new school year
  • The 35th Anniversary of the historic Conference of Peza

The Second Congress of the Communist Party of Spain (M-L)

Hold High the invincible Banner of Marxism-Leninism

Press Review

  • Class struggle of the proletariat is driving the world revolution – Zëri i Popullit
  • Growing discrimination of women in the Capitalist countries – Puna 
  • ‘Preservation of the balance’ – a theory to mask and legalize aggressions – Zëri i Popullit
  • Multinational companies – Levers of imperialism for the enslavement of the peoples – ATA
  • Fruit of ‘Democratization’ – Zëri i Popullit
  • The bourgeois education system – a barricade to the children of common working people – Zëri i Popullit

No 6 (37) (C)

The 7th Congress of the LYUA (Labour Youth Union of Albania)

  • Comrade Enver Hoxha’s message of greeting addressed to the Congress on behalf of the CC of the Party
  • Comrade Enver Hoxha’s Speech
  • Excerpts from Comrade Lumturi Rexha’s report
  • Message to the Central Committee of the PLA

Commemorative meeting on the 60th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

  • The opening speech of Comrade Mehmet Shehu
  • Comrade Hysni Kapo’s speech

From the life of the country

  • The book ‘Enver Hoxha – Speeches, talks and articles, 1965-66’ is off the press
  • Communique of the meeting of the 3rd Plenum of the Central Committee of the PLA
  • The 7th and 8th November celebrated
  • The month of literature and arts
  • Twenty years that challenged the centuries
  • Delegations of  Marxist-Leninist parties in the PSR of Albania

Constitution of the revisionist betrayal

Joint statement of the Communist Party of Germany (M-L), the Communist Party of Spain (M-L), the Communist Party of Greece (M-L), the Communist Party of Italy (M-L), and the Portuguese Communist Party (Reconstructed)

  • An important document in defence of Marxism-Leninism and the correct revolutionary strategy – Zëri i Popullit

Press review

  • The fury of the Neo-Nazis does not intimidate or daunt the German Marxist-Leninists – Zëri i Popullit
  • The proletariat in the Capitalist countries is fighting hard against oppression and exploitation – Puna
  • An event if great historic importance – Zëri i Popullit
  • The Spanish working class in struggle against the Monarchic-Fascist dictatorship
  • The bourgeois detective novel today – Drita 


No 1 (38) (C)

[Document] The Peza Conference – an event of great historic importance – Enver Hoxha

The history of the Albanian people is written in blood – Mehmet Shehu

The class struggle within the Party – a guarantee that the Party will always remain a Revolutionary Party of the working class – Ndreçi Plasari

Mythology in modern aesthetics – Alfred Uçi

From the life of the country

  • New Year celebrations in Albania
  • Volume 25 of comrade Enver Hoxha’s Works is of the press
  • Delegations of Marxist-Leninist Communist Parties in the PSR of Albania
  • Twenty-five years of the geological service in Albania
  • Dignified works dedicated to the peasantry
  • Success of the pharmaceutical industry
  • The 6th Conference of the Union of the Journalists of Albania and voluntary correspondents
  • Anniversary of the Republic

‘Eurocommunism’ or disguised revisionism – Zëri i Popullit

Press Review

  • The burden of the crisis is weighing ever more heavily on the British workers – Zëri i Popullit
  • The unrelenting anti-Imperialist Liberation struggle of the African peoples continues – Bashkimi
  • A conflict alien to the lofty interests of the peoples of Vietnam and Cambodia – Zëri i Popullit
  • Emigration – grave tragedy for millions of youth in the Bourgeois-revisionist world – Zëri i Rinise
  • Savage exploitation of Latin American peasants by capitalist monopolies – Albanian Telegraphic Agency
  • The just cause of the Arab peoples is invincible – Zëri i Popullit (Available in Enver Hoxha, Works, Vol 5, p186-194.)

No 2 (39) (C)

The first centenary of the Albanian League of Prizren – a marked event in the glorious history of the Albanian people – Zëri i Popullit

A class struggle in the political field in the period of Socialism – Vahim lama and Gramos Hysi

A majestic program of the struggle of the proletariat for the triumph of Communism – Bujar Hoxha

JV Stalin’s work will live on through the centuries – Sotir Manushi

The Party of Labour of Albania pursues a correct policy for the raising of the people’s wellbeing – Nezhdet Hoxha and Burim Hysi

From the life of the country

  • The 8th session of the 8th Legislature of the People’s Assembly of the PSRA
  • The excellent example
  • The 8th march in Albania
  • High rates of the increase and distribution of our publications

The 3rd Congress of the Communist Party of Italy (M-L)

The anti-Marxist content of ‘self-administrative socialism’ – Omer Hashorva

The class essence of the inflation in the capitalist and revisionist world – Dhimitër and Lulzim Hana

Press review

  • Ever stronger crisis and shocks in the capitalist currency system – Zëri i Popullit
  • Further arming of the West German Bundeswher – Luftëtari
  • The game of ‘European Security’ and the unaltered aggressive and hegemonistic aims of the two superpowers – Bashkimi
  • The struggle of the Nicaraguan people is invincible – Zëri i Popullit
  • Further ruination of the countryside – Bashkimi
  • A weapon of American Imperialist espionage – Zëri i Popullit
  • Determined to eradicate racism from the African continent – Zëri i Popullit

No 3 (40) (C)

Cheek by jowl with the people

A broad and complicated front of the class struggle in Socialist society – Raqi Mahdi

The Albanians confronted with the Eastern Crisis 1878-1881 – Alexs Buda

The technical-scientific revolution and its special features in Albania – Vladimir Misja

From the life of the country

  • The Albanian people on the Workers’ International Solidarity Day
  • A marked day for the Albanian people
  • The 108th anniversary of the birth of JV Stalin in Albania
  • Telegram to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Britain (M-L)
  • Telegram to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada (M-L)
  • Telegram to the Central Committee of the Party of labour of Albania
  • Achievements of the Institute of Language and Literature

Revisionist ‘theories’ of restored capitalism – Hekuran Mara

The Organisational Degeneration of the Revisionist Parties and its consequences – Petro Cirunna and Pandi Tase

Press Review

  • The tentacles of US monopolies in Europe – Zëri i Popullit
  • The ‘Green Revolution’ increases neocolonial dependence – Albanian Telegraphic Agency
  • The demagogy about disarmament – a cover for militarism and war preparations – Bashkimi
  • The European Common market – an instrument of the expansionist policy of Americam Imperialism – Puna
  • The Soviet Social-imperialists – robbers of the people – Bashkimi
  • Pseudo-culture in the service of Revanchist aims – Drita
  • The aggressive activity of the two imperialist superpowers in the Mediterranean – a danger to the freedom and independence of the peoples of the region – Bashkimi

No 4 (41) (C)

The 35th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Army

  • Comrade Enver Hoxha’s Speech
  • Opening speech by Comrade Mehmet Shehu
  • From the speech of Comrade Veli Llakaj

The Centenary of the Albanian League of Prizren

  • The work of our men of Renaissance lives on and is honoured in new Socialist Albania
  • The Albanian League of Prizren – a brilliant page of our history written in blood

The 8th Congress of the Women’s Union of Albania

  • Message of greeting of Comrade Enver Hoxha to the 8th Congress of the Women’s Union of Albania on behalf of the CC of the Party of Labour of Albania
  • From the Report of Comrade Vito Kapo to the 8th Congress of WUA

Communique of the meeting of the 5th Plenum of the Central Committee of the PLA

Announcement of the Albanian Telegraphic Agency

To the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile

The Communist Party of Dahomey founded

The Communist Party of New Zealand reaffirms its basic line and policy

Important Marxist-Leninist document of the Communist Party of New Zealand – Zëri i Popullit

International rally in Canada

Imperialists hands off Vietnam – Zëri i Popullit

The ‘Theory of the Non-Aligned World’ and the ‘Theory of Three Worlds’ united in defence of the Imperialist status quo – Zëri i Popullit

[Document] People aspire to real disarmament

Press review

  • The broad working masses of Latin America oppose their exploitation by the local capitalists and foreign monopolies – Puna
  • The two superpower – chief supporters of reactionary regimes – Albanian Telegraphic Agency
  • ‘Enrichment’ of the Brezhnev doctrine of ‘limited sovereignty’ – Zëri i Popullit
  • ANZUS – military pact which opposes the interests of the Asian peoples – Luftëtari
  • The children – victims of savage capitalist exploitation – Puna

Supplement to No 4/78

Letter of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania and the Government of Albania to the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Government of China – July 29th 1978

No 5 (42) (C)

Proletarian democracy is genuine democracy – Enver Hoxha (Available in Enver Hoxha, Works, Vol 5, p233-264.)

Unshaken stand on the positions of Marxism-Leninism – Zëri i Popullit

Powerful solidarity with the unshakeable Marxist-Leninist stand of the PLA and the Albanian people

Comrade Enver Hoxha on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat – Agim Popa

Chinese warmongering policy of Hua Kuo-feng’s visit to the Balkans – Zëri i Popullit

Savage enemy of the Revolution, the freedom and independence of the peoples – Zëri i Popullit

The capitalist character of the relations of production in the Soviet Union – Aristotel Pano and Kiço Kapetani

The proletariat tempers its class consciousness in fierce battles – Idriz Dhrami

Press Review

  • Jimmy Carter’s words and the racist reality in the USA – Bashkimi
  • Capitalist co-operation for joint exploitation of workers and peoples – Zëri i Popullit
  • The flames of the Liberation War extend in Southern Africa – Luftëtari
  • What lies behind the military take-over in Bolivia? – Zëri i Popullit
  • Warmongering activity of the two superpowers – ATA
  • Manifestation of Bourgeois-Revisionist degeneration and corruption – Zëri i Rinise

No 6 (43)

The first six pages of the magazine I was able to consult had been torn out. Not knowing what was there it’s impossible to speculate why or what the article/s on those pages were about.

Albania is forging ahead confidently and unafraid – Enver Hoxha

Scientific Session on Problems of Current World Development

  • Opening speech by Nexhmije Hoxha
  • The Revolution – a question put forward for solution – Ramiz Alia
  • Broadening and deepening of the struggle against all the currents of modern revisionism – an historical necessity – Fiqret Shehu
  • The Marxist-Leninist Parties – the leading force of the revolutionary movement today – Agim Popa
  • The Foreign Policy of the PLA and the Albanian Socialist State is the policy of Proletarian Principles – Sofokli Lazri
  • Closing speech – Ramiz Alia

From the life of the country

  • Brilliant victory of the Albanian People on their glorious Socialist road
  • The monumental work of the Party and the heroic Working Class of Albania
  • ‘The Light of the Party’ Hydro-power plant at Fierza is inaugarated
  • A great occasion for the ‘Enver Hoxha’ automobile and tractor combine

Press Review

  • The ideas of the Great October – a banner for the cause of revolution put forward for solution – Zëri i Popullit
  • The further deepening of inter-imperialist contradictions between Bonn and Washington – Zëri i Popullit
  • ‘Freedom of the press’ – a fraud of Bourgeois democracy – ATA
  • ‘Responsible’ trade unions – tools in the service of the bourgeoisie – Puna
  • Violence and terror cannot stamp out the struggle of the Guatemalan people – Zëri i Popullit


No 1 (44)

Yugoslav Self Administration – a capitalist theory and practice – Enver Hoxha (Available in Enver Hoxha, Works, Vol V, p265-356.)

Albania forges ahead non-stop on the bright road of Socialism – Mehmet Shehu

Comrade Enver Hoxha’s Work ‘ Imperialism and the Revolution’ – a powerful revolutionary weapon – Zëri i Popullit

From the life of the country

  • The first session of the 9th Legislature of the People’s Assembly of the PSRA
  • Scientific session on the problems of the protection of the environment
  • Achievements by the new Albanian archaeology
  • Twenty five years of the Tirana Opera and ballet Theatre

The Counter-revolutionary Theory of the ‘Three Worlds’

Press Review

  • Japanese Military Expansion – Zëri i Popullit
  • Spain and Portugal in the aggressive plans of Washington – ATA
  • Nationalisation under capitalism serves to step up the exploitation of the proletariat and the working masses – Puna
  • Scientific research in the service of plans of aggression – Luftetari
  • Revanchists and Nazis in full activity in the Federal German Republic – Bashkimi

No 2 (45)

The Marxist-Leninist stand of the PLA on the problems of war and peace – Foto Çami

Outstanding contribution to the exposure of the strategy of imperialism and modern revisionism – Agim Popa

The revolution and national liberation – the reliable road for the working class and the peoples – Zija Xholi

Leninism – an ever triumphant theory – Shyqri Ballvora

Proletarian partisanship and some of the aspects of the waging of class struggle – Dritëro Agolli

A pedestal of social justice – Aleko Haxhi and Thimi Nika

From the life of the country

  • The 2nd Session of the 9th Legislature of the People’s Assembly concluded its work with success

The anti-Marxist-Leninist essence of ‘ideological pluralism’ – Servet Pëllumbi

The theory of three worlds – an opportunist variant of the class struggle of the proletariat – Joao Amazonas

Sino-American alliance – a great threat to the peoples’ freedom, independence and security – Zëri i Popullit

A great historic victory for the Iranian people – Zëri i Popullit

The Chinese leadership with Deng Xiaoping at the head has launched a military attack against Vietnam – Zëri i Popullit (Available in Enver Hoxha, Works, Vol 5, p720-728.)

Press Review

  • A Congress which raised the invincible banner of Marxism-Leninism still higher – Zëri i Popullit
  • The bourgeois educational system in crisis – Rinia
  • A dangerous agreement for the peoples and countries of Asia – Bashkimi

No 3 (46)

Decision of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania

JV Stalin’s work is immortal – Petro Lalaj

Neither ‘Self-isolation’ nor autarky – Aleko Haxhi

For a broader participation of the Student Youth in the Technical-Scientific Revolution – Valdete Sala

The new school in Albania is blazing new paths – Hamit Beqja

From the life of the country

  • May Day – the great popular celebration of the Albanian People
  • The Albanian people will turn their grief into great and indomitable revolutionary strength
  • Ferro-Chromium plant in Burrel inaugurated
  • The centenary of the birth of the great Albanian artist Alexsander Moisiu is commemorated

On alliances and compromises and the criticism of the theory of ‘Three Worlds’ – Xhelil Gjoni

Militant organisation of Revolutionary thought and action – Asim Bedalli

Soviet Revisionism – the most complete theory of modern revisionism – Omer Hashorva

‘Mao Tse-tung thought’ – an anti-Marxist, counter-revolutionary theory – Servet Pëllumbi

Telegram to the Central Committee of the Workers’ Communist Party of France

The Workers’ Communist Party of France is formed

From the message of the Workers’ Communist Party of France addressed to the CC of the PLA and Comrade Enver Hoxha

Press Review

  • The policy of oppression and discrimination of the nationalities in the social-imperialist Soviet Union – Zëri i Popullit
  • Growth of bureaucracy – an expression of the decay of the American Capitalist system – Bashkimi
  • The warmongering hysteria of German Revanchism – Luftetari
  • ‘Humanism’ which strengthens capitalist exploitation – Zëri i Popullit
  • The peoples are fed up with demagogical slogans about disarmament – Luftetari
  • Further penetration of American capital into the Soviet Union – ATA

No 4 (47)

The Democratic Front led by the Party is the great organisation which unites, organises and educates the people politically – Enver Hoxha

A brilliant manifestation of the unity of the Albanian people around the Party of Labour of Albania

Comrade Enver Hoxha’s closing speech

Report delivered by Comrade Ramiz Alia to the 5th Congress of the Democratic Front of Albania (excerpts)

Telegram to the 3rd Congress of the Portuguese Communist Party (reconstructed)

Proof of the unflinching struggle of the PLA against modern Revisionism – Zërii Popullit

The theory of the ‘Non-Aligned Countries’ serves the superpowers, the Bourgeoisie and reaction – Piro Vito

On the ‘United Europe’ of the monopolies – Arshi Ruçaj

The expropriation of the bourgeoisie of the principal means of production and their transformation into Socialist State Property (1944-46) – Iljaz Fishta and Veniamin Toçi

Press Review

  • Modern revisionism means division and bourgeois nationalism and chauvinism – Zëri i Popullit
  • New faces of the old scum – Drita
  • Belgrade’s Journal ‘Nin’ conceals the truth about the situation of the Albanian population in Yugoslavia – Ylli
  • Depression and inflation – typical phenomena of the Soviet economy – Zëri i Popullit
  • Children – the innocent victims of the bourgeois-revisionist order – Zëri i Rinise

No 5 (48)

Powerful manifestation of the correct line of the Party, the invincible strength of the people, the vitality of the socialist order – Enver Hoxha

‘Reflections on China’ – brilliant defence of Marxism-Leninism, scientific exposure of Chinese Revisionism – Fiqret Shehu

The economy of the PSR of Albania is stable and dynamic – it grows ceaselessly stringer – Harilla Papajorgji

Socialist social ownership in the PSR of Albania – Hasan Banja

Albanian archaeology – current problems

From the life of the country

  • Rapid developments of the energetics
  • Rapid development of transport
  • ‘Les lettres Albanaises’ – a new French magazine

Telegram to the 7th National Conference of the Communist Party of Brazil

The 7th National Conference of the Communist Party of Brazil

JV Stalin – an indomitable fighter against imperialism – Deko Rusi

Increased impoverishment and proletarianisation of the masses in capitalist society – Salaudin Kucaj

Press review

  • The Chinese Social-imperialists – supporting the reactionary and Fascist regimes – Zëri i Popullit
  • Polarisation of society – an expression of the anti-popular character of the bourgeois state – Bashkimi
  • Victory of the Nicaraguan people in their struggle for freedom and independence – Zëri i Popullit
  • Stepped up armaments race – ATA
  • The sell-out of the interests of the country to foreign capital sanctioned in China – Zëri i Popullit
  • Deep contradictions, fierce rivalry among imperialists – Zëri i Popullit
  • Racialist-imperialist plans and manoeuvres – Zëri i Popullit

No 6 (49)

Magnificent balance of victories in the course of 35 years of Socialist Albania – Mehmet Shehu

The Chinese revisionist leadership – an enemy of the Marxist-Leninist movement – Piro Bita

Radical changes in the way of life in the Albanian countryside today – Veniamin Toçi

From the life of the country

  • Messages of greetings to the 3rd Congress of the Communist Party of Spain (M-L)
  • Telegram to the central Committee of the Communist Party of Japan (Left)
  • To the central Committee of the Communist Party of Brazil
  • Socialist Albania celebrated with joy the 35th anniversary of the liberation of the homeland and the triumph of the people’s revolution
  • The National Conference of Problems of Socialist Construction

Socio-economic content of ‘self-administrative’ capitalist ownership – Hekuran Mara

The anti-scientific essence of the revisionist views on the alleged change of the nature of capitalism – Deko Rusi

Press Review

  • Counter-revolutionary collaboration between revisionist and social-democrat renegades – Zëri i Popullit
  • The policy of ‘detente’ and the economy of super-profits at the cost of the working people – Zëri i Popullit
  • Expansionist ambitions of West German capital – Zëri i Popullit
  • Nato on the road of strengthening its aggressive potential – Zëri i Popullit

More on Albania …..

Albania Today 1983

Karl Marx

Karl Marx

More on Albania …..

Albania Today 1983

Albania Today was a political and informative review produced bi-monthly from the first issue that appeared in November/December at the end of 1971 until everything hit the fan in 1990.

For 20 years it was one way to keep up with the political developments within the country, including its relationship with The People’s Republic of China.

Although there is an emphasis on political statements and speeches there are also insights into the changes, developments and ideas existing within Albanian society during the 1970s and 1980s.

Albania Today: Index 1971 – 1979, Index 1980 – 1984, Index 1985 – 1990

Albania Today: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 (missing), 1980 (missing), 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 (missing), 1988, 1989, 1990.

Albania Today, No 1 (68), 1983

Albania Today, No 1 (68), 1983



Contents include:

Development of the power industry in the PSR of Albania

The construction of Socialism in the countryside and the narrowing down of distinctions between city and country



Albania Today No 2 (69) 1983

Albania Today No 2 (69) 1983



Contents include:

Commemorative meeting on the 100th Anniversary of the death of Karl Marx

A principled consistent struggle from Marxist-Leninist positions

Fresh testimony of the anti-Albanian policy of the Yugoslav leadership


Albania Today No 3 (70) 1983

Albania Today No 3 (70) 1983


Contents include:

The 9th Congress of the Women’s Union of Albania

Karl Marx and the world revolutionary process

The literature for children – a great achievement of our art of socialist realism



albania today no 4 (71) 1983

Albania Today no 4 (71) 1983



Contents include:

The 40th Anniversary of the creation of the People’s Army

The Marxist doctrine of socialism and the ideological struggle today

Inequality and oppression – features of the present day Soviet state


albania today no 5 (72) 1983

albania today no 5 (72) 1983



Contents include:

The PSR of Albania pursues an open, principled and consistent foreign policy

Superiority of Socialist Agriculture

Constant improvement of housing conditions


Albania Today, No 6 (73), 1983

Albania Today, No 6 (73), 1983



This issue is devoted to the Scientific Conference on the Marxist-Leninist Theoretical Thought of the Party of Labour of Albania and Comrade Enver Hoxha, held in Tirana on October 3-4, 1983




More on Albania ……