Moscow Metro – Novokuznetskaya – Line 2

Novokuznetskaya - Line 2 - by Alex 'Flostein' Fedorov

Novokuznetskaya – Line 2 – by Alex ‘Flostein’ Fedorov

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Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery

Moscow Metro – Novokuznetskaya – Line 2

Novokuznetskaya - Line 2 - 01

Novokuznetskaya – Line 2 – 01

Novokuznetskaya (Новокузнецкая) is a Moscow Metro station on the Zamoskvoretskaya Line. The station was opened on 20 November 1943.

Novokuznetskaya - Line 2 - 02

Novokuznetskaya – Line 2 – 02

Construction of the station began shortly after the launch of the second stage in 1938. Despite World War II the station was opened on time. Later in 1978 the platform was lengthened. This part is in a more modern style than the rest of the station.

Novokuznetskaya - Line 2 - 03

Novokuznetskaya – Line 2 – 03

The station honours the Soviet fighting men with its heavy ornamentation. The architects, I. Taranov and N. Bykova, won a USSR State Prize for their design.

Novokuznetskaya - Line 2 - 04

Novokuznetskaya – Line 2 – 04

The decorations include seven octagonal ceiling mosaics by Vladimir Frolov on the theme of wartime industry and bas-reliefs running along the base of the ceiling (by artists N.V. Tomsky, A.E. Zelensky, S.M. Rabinovich, and N.M. Shtamm) depicting the soldiers of the Red Army in combat.

Novokuznetskaya - Line 2 - 05

Novokuznetskaya – Line 2 – 05

The pink and white marble pylons are also decorated with cast-bronze portraits of Russian war heroes like Mikhail Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky. Floor lamps, long since replaced with more up-to-date lighting in other Metro stations, still give Novokuznetskaya an atmosphere of brooding shadow.

Novokuznetskaya - Line 2 - 06

Novokuznetskaya – Line 2 – 06

There is an urban legend that the station’s ornate benches were made of Carrara marble taken from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour just before it was demolished (in 1931), but it is not true, and the marble was from Ural, not Italy.

Text above from Wikipedia.


Date of opening;

1st January 1943

Construction of the station;

deep, pier, three-span

Architects of the underground part;

N. Bykova and I. Taranov

Architects of the ground pavilion;

V. Gelfreih and I. Rozhin


A. Zelensky, S. Rabinovich, N. Tomsky and N. Shtamm

Transit to Stations Tretiakovskaya of the Circle Line and Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya Line

Novokuznetskaya was opened when the Soviet Army beat completely the leavings of the 6th German Army in Stalingrad. However the present-day look of the station was formed in 1971, when the central hall was made much longer during the construction of the transit to the new Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya Line (now station Tretiakovskaya).

The pylons of the old part of Novokuznetskaya are massive. There are marvellous marble benches in the niches of the pylons on the sides of the hall and platforms. They were proposed by academician I. Zholtovsky who consulted the young authors of the project. There is a story that the benches were made of Carrara marble taken from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, just before it was demolished. The story is nice but hardly true. In any case, marble is from the Ural not Italy.

There are metal shields above each bench on the side of the central hall rounded with banners and legends ‘Glory to Heroic Defenders of Leningrad’, ‘… Sevastopol , ‘… Odessa’, ‘… Stalingrad’. On the platform sides the shields have the profiles of great Russian military commanders: Alexander Nevsky, Michael Kutuzov, Alexander Suvorov, Minin and Pozharsky, Dmitry Donskoy. The gypsum frieze runs through the whole central hall between the pylons and the vault with figures of soldiers and officers of different forces of the Red Army. There are signalmen, pilots, tank men, infantrymen, marines, and cavalrymen. They all either plan operations or attack and no one retreats. The sculpture groups are separated with Orders of the Great Patriotic War. There is a shield wording ‘Glory to Brave Soldiers of the Great Patriotic War’ above the exit to the city.

Bykova and Taranov used the geometrical picture of the Roman Tomb of the Valeries as a model for decorating the vault of station (adopted by Zholtovsky) but placed six smalt mosaics along its main axis. They were designed by A. Deineka and made by Leningrad craftsman V. Frolov. After his death during the siege of Leningrad, the panels were brought from the city by the Road of Life. The mosaics present absolutely peaceful scenes on the background of the blue sky (only one panel has no sky at all). The first one, starting from the northern end, shows girls harvesting peaches. The second – foundry. The third – workers moving a tractor by an assembly line. It is interesting that the lamps in the panel are similar to those used in the first metro lines and that the ceiling of the workshop is made of glass. The forth panel – builders. The fifth – a pilot takes his place in an airplane. The last panel has the most dynamic scene. Early morning. A girl-skier looks at a blue steam locomotive running by a viaduct and a pink airplane flying in the sky.

All the mosaics are illuminated by the torchieres placed along the main axis of the central hall. Till 2005 the shades and lamps were not bright, so the station seemed dark and the panels were poorly seen. Now it is the past, so one, sitting on a bench, can admire the sky through upward ‘windows’. The idea to establish such lamps was also supported by Zholtovsky. Various stones were used for the decoration of the station, pylons, walls, and floors. The old part of the station was faced white, yellowish, and ivory-coloured marble of the Prokhorovsko-Balandinskoye Deposit (Sverdlovskaya Oblast).

There are inserts of very original marble from the Agvenarskoye Deposit (Armenia) in the niches of the pylons below the light backs of the benches shapes as half-unfolded rolls. This pink to delicate lilac and light violet stone is speckled with a dense network of thin but bright pink, violet, and brown veins. The walls of the new part of Novokuzhetskaya are entirely faced with this stone. The floor of the station is made of the same light and warm marble of the Prokhorovsko-Balandinskoye Deposit with geometrical inserts of dark grey Karkodinsky marble (Ural) and black Khorviransky marble (Armenia). The poles and pedestals of the torchieres are decorated with fancy dark limestone from the Uzbek Almalyk Deposit and red limestone from the Georgian Shrosha Deposit.

Ground pavilion

The pavilion of Novokuznetskaya is the first in Moscow rotunda with a massive flat Romanesque dome and colonnade around. The vault of the dome is adorned with Frolov’s seventh mosaic – ‘Parade of Athletes’.

Text from Moscow Metro 1935-2005, p74/5






37.5 metres (123 ft)


20 November 1943

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Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery

Moscow Metro – Mayakovskaya – Line 2

Mayakovskaya – Line 2

Mayakovskaya – Line 2

More on the USSR

Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery

Moscow Metro – Mayakovskaya – Line 2

Mayakovskaya (Маяковская), is a Moscow Metro station on the Zamoskvoretskaya Line, in the Tverskoy District of central Moscow.

Mayakovskaya - Line 2 - 01

Mayakovskaya – Line 2 – 01

The name as well as the design is a reference to Futurism and its prominent Russian exponent Vladimir Mayakovsky. Considered to be one of the most beautiful in the system, it is a fine example of pre-World War II Stalinist Architecture and one of the most famous Metro stations in the world. It is best known for its 34 ceiling mosaics depicting ’24 Hours in the Land of the Soviets’. During World War II, it was used as a command post for Moscow’s anti-aircraft regiment.

Mayakovskaya - Line 2 - 06

Mayakovskaya – Line 2 – 06

The station was built as part of the second stage of the Moscow Metro expansion, opening on 11 September 1938. If the first stage was more focused on the building of the system itself, both architecturally and in terms of the engineering, the stations appear modest in comparison to those that the second stage brought to the system. For the first time in the world, instead of having the traditional three-neath pylon station layout, the engineers were able to overlap the vault space and support it with two colonnades, one on each side. This gave birth to a new Deep column station type design, and Mayakovskaya was the first station to show this.

Mayakovskaya - Line 2 - 02

Mayakovskaya – Line 2 – 02

Located 33 meters beneath the surface, the station became famous during World War II when an air raid shelter was located in the station. On the anniversary of the October Revolution, on 7 November 1941, Joseph Stalin addressed a mass assembly of party leaders and ordinary Muscovites in the central hall of the station. During World War II, Stalin took residence in this place.

Mayakovskaya - Line 2 - 04

Mayakovskaya – Line 2 – 04

At the 1939 New York World’s Fair the Soviet Pavilion included a life-size showcase copy of this station, whose designer Alexey Dushkin was awarded Grand Prize of the 1939 World’s Fair.

Mayakovskaya - Line 2 - 01

Mayakovskaya – Line 2 – 01

Alexey Dushkin’s Art Deco architecture was based on a Soviet future as envisioned by the poet Mayakovsky. The station features streamlined columns faced with stainless steel and pink rhodonite, white Ufaley and grey Diorite marble walls, a flooring pattern of white and pink marble, and 35 niches, one for each vault. Surrounded by filament lights there are a total of 34 ceiling mosaics by Alexander Deyneka with the theme ’24-Hour Soviet Sky’.

Mayakovskaya - Line 2 - 03

Mayakovskaya – Line 2 – 03

In 2005 a new second north exit was built, along with a new vestibule. Passengers leaving the station first descend on a short escalator ride into an underground vestibule, and then ascend the long way to the surface. The new exit also allows access to the 35th mosaic, which was previously hidden behind the service section. Other mosaic works were designed from scratch, accompanied by ample use of marble and stainless steel sculpturing. The bust of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky was moved to the new surface vestibule, whose ceiling was also decorated with a mosaic composition from Mayakovsky’s poem ‘Moscow Sky’.

Text above from Wikipedia.


Date of opening;

11th September 1938, known as Ploshchad Mayakovskogo in the project

Construction of the station;

deep, column, three-span

Architects of the underground part;

A. Dushkin in collaboration with engineer R. Sheinfan

Grand-prix of the World Industrial Exhibition of 1938 (New York)

Mayakovskaya became the second station, after Kropotkinskaya, among other outstanding projects of A. Dushkin. His wife remembers that when he projected the station in 1936-1937, he asked her to play him Bach or Prokofiev. The image of the station which he created can be named ‘steel’. There was a lot of worry when adopting the project – new material which has been never used in the architecture frightened many. Some people said that Dushkin with all his projects and ideas was crazy. However Dushkin asked aircraft designer A. Putilov to help him persuade the heads of the metro construction enterprise to use steel for decorating the station. Light well-proportioned columns of special sorts of steel were used instead of massive heavyset pylons for the first time in the USSR. Mayakovskaya was built at very complicated hydrogeological conditions. Jurassic clay is deposited near the station with a thick quicksand nearby. While mining calottes, langorines and standers crumbled from rock pressure. When the first vaults were concreted and timbering was removed, builders found that the vaults were covered with lengthwise cracks. The fate of the station hung by a thread. One of the Commission members, foreign expert J. Morgan, definitely said that all the finished part of the chamber had to be concreted immediately. Even the idea to build a column station had to be rejected. The only way out was to get several metres deeper and build a station similar to Krasnye Vorota. However workers and engineers found the solution. The three span ceiling was made of cast iron tubes. The vault of the middle passenger hall was 2.5m higher that the vaults of the tunnels. The station was built ahead of time without a single accident.

Builders had also much trouble by facing the arches with wide banded stainless steel. There was only one wide-banded shaping mill which could corrugate steel bands of required shape in the USSR at that time. It was located in the town of Direzhablestroy (now Dolgoprudny] where it was planned to manufacture non-rigid Tsiolkovsky’s airships. Airship builders made steel bands of the required shape in time and assembled them on the arcades of Mayakovskaya. So 35 hip-roof sections appeared in the central hall of the station. They are divided by ribs radiating from the columns caps. The sections grow from two opposite columns. They are oval and extend crosswise the hall. The central part of each section has an additional oval deepening with a flat bottom. There are mosaic medallions depicting ‘A Day of the Soviet country’ (made by V. Frolov by the cartoons of A. Deineka). They are sequenced to evoke a day. Coming from the escalator passengers see early morning, cherry-trees in blossom, and two planes in the sky. The next panel – divers plunge into water head first on the background of the sky. Next – ripe peaches, signalman on a ship mast and a seaplane, parachutist, and avia-parade. In this medallion the clock of the Spasskaya Tower shows noon. The morning has ended. The afternoon has started. The first afternoon panel shows a girl driving a combine harvester. Grains are in the ear. Wind blows about red flags. The second one – a pole-vaulter clearing a crossbar. Next – three gliders in the sky, four parachutists with many-coloured parachutes and a plane flying away, ski jumping, brazen reflection of sunset on pines and a flying plane, sculpture ‘A Girl with an Oar’ in Gorky Park, a red plane in the sunset sky. Here the night starts. The first night panel shows two planes on the background on sunset clouds. Then, the planes but at night. The plane lights are switched on. Next – an airship over the Spasskaya Tower (the clock shows midnight), night parachute jump, a biplane in searchlight, two planes in false dawn. Early morning. Fuming chimneys and tail cones of chemical mills. Beyond the chimneys – a stratoplane starts, pioneers launch air models, three guys play volleyball, morning parachute jump, airplane flies above semicircle colonnade, a steeplejack takes load, seagulls are above a ship with a flag, a woman with an infant in arms, two red airplanes, a plane above a transmission line pole, sunflowers. Two last medallions are closed now because the second exit is under construction. Going from panel to panel, plunging by perception in imaginary pictures, which, like Byzantium mosaics, pull a person out of the objective reality, a passenger seems to appear in the mysterious world. Lamps fixed by the outline of the internal ovals illuminate the mosaic medallions as well as the station itself.

The steel cover of the numerous columns of Mayakovskaya nicknamed the whole station – ‘Mayakovsky’s Steel Jacket’ (analogue of the well-known jacket of the poet). The column edges are adorned up to the human height with strips of rare, good-looking, pink-purple stone with delicate silky glance – Ural rhodonite. It is a decorative stone, i.e. precious and expensive, such as jasper, onyx, agate, or amber. In some places the rhodonite of Mayakovskaya even includes precious materials. Unfortunately, nowadays most unique adornments are lost and replaced with marble of similar colours or painted gypsum patches.

The walls below are faced with red marble with intricate white impregnations. It is from the Georgian Saliety Deposit. Above the walls are decorated with grey-white-bluish Ural marble from the Ufaleyskoye Deposit.The floor of the station is covered with white, yellow, and sugar-like marble from the Uzbek Gazgan Deposit, which is famous of its abrasion resistance, with decorative inserts of pink and grey granite and narrow strips of black diabase.

Text from Moscow Metro 1935-2005, p42-45






33 metres (108 ft)


11 September 1938

More on the USSR

Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery

Moscow Metro – Dinamo – Line 2

Dinamo platform - by A. Savin

Dinamo platform – by A. Savin

More on the USSR

Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery

Moscow Metro – Dinamo – Line 2

Dinamo - gymnastics - ribbon close-up

Dinamo – gymnastics – ribbon close-up

Dinamo (Дина́мо) is a Moscow Metro station on the Zamoskvoretskaya Line. It is located under Leningradsky Avenue, and named after the nearby Dinamo Stadium. The station was opened in 1938 as part of the second stage of the system. The station is situated at the depth of 39.6 metres (130 ft) and follows a tri-vaulted deep-level pylon design. Designed by Ya. Likhtenberg and Yury Revkovsky, the station features a sport-themed decoration with bas-reliefs designed by Ye. Yason-Manzer depicting sportsmen in various practices in the vestibules and the central hall.

Dinamo - tennis

Dinamo – tennis

The pylons, faced with red tagilian marble and onyx have porcelain medallions also showing sportsmen. The walls are faced with onyx, white and grey marble, neatly tiled together. The floor is reveted with black marble, although the platforms were initially covered with asphalt.

Dinamo - rock climbing

Dinamo – rock climbing

The station has two identical vestibules, each on the northern side of the Leningradsky Avenue, and the architect for the vestibules was Dmitry Chechulin.

Dinamo - ice dancing

Dinamo – ice dancing

The station daily passenger traffic is 52,500 although this is an annual average and is subject to heavy changes depending on events taking place at the nearby stadium.

Text from Wikipedia.

Dinamo Station Building

Dinamo Station Building

More images of the vestibule and the outside of Dinamo Metro station can be seen in the second slide show below. 






39.6 metres (130ft)


11 September 1938

More on the USSR

Moscow Metro – a Socialist Realist Art Gallery