What does this monument stand for? The Mushqeta Monument

Mushqeta Monument

Mushqeta Monument

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Ukraine – what you’re not told


This article first appeared in New Albania, No 4, 1976. It is reproduced here to give more information about this crucial battle against Hitlerite Fascism in the final days of the National Liberation War – and only a matter of days before the liberation of Tirana and the effective end of hostilities in Albania. Hopefully this will assist in the greater understanding of the analysis of the elements of the lapidar described in Mushqete Monument – Berzhite.

This article is further interesting as it provides a Socialist Albanian view of how they saw this battle against the German invaders.

Contrast this to those reactionaries and counter-revolutionaries who took control of the country in the 1990s. There reaction was to allow the creation of a monument to the German fascist dead and its installation in the hills of Tirana Park. To add salt to the wound this paean to fascism is only a matter of metres away from the original location of the National Martyrs’ Cemetery before it was moved to its present location and the inauguration of the statue of Mother Albania in 1972.

What does this monument stand for? The Mushqeta Monument

This monument has been raised at the village of Mushqeta, some ten kilometres south-east of Tirana. It has been raised in memory of the battle waged in this village on the 14th and 15th of November 1944 against the German forces of occupation.

The forces of the Albanian National Liberation Army were waging the decisive battle for the liberation of the capital. The entire garrison of the Hitlerite troops in Tirana had been surrounded from all sides. To avoid total disaster the German command sent a contingent of 2,000 soldiers, tanks, artillery and other armoured means from Elbasan (a city 50 kilometres south of Tirana) which were to attack the partisan detachments from the rear and, together with the forces of another German column which would come from Durrës (in the west), were to surround and liquidate the partisan forces fighting for the liberation of the capital.

On November 14th the enemy column is attacked by the detachments of the National Liberation Army lying in ambush at Mushqeta. The fighting continued fiercely all through the night. In the morning of the 15th the Nazi column is completely surrounded with the exception of a small part which managed to break the siege during the night with the aid of tanks. Seeing that they had no way out, the Germans launch a desparate counter offensive using their artillery, tanks and all other means of warfare. Bloody attacks and counter attacks continue during the whole day. By 5.99 p.m. that day, the Nazi column had been completely liquidated. The enemy left on the battlefield over 1,500 dead, many wounded and prisoners together with all their military equipment.

On November 17, 1944, Tirana, the capital of Albania, was completely liberated by the Albanian National Liberation Army. The victory at Mushqeta was the forewarning and forerunner of the liberation of the capital.

To give a better idea of what happened during that battle, we are reproducing a description by a military correspondent of the First Division of the National Liberation Army, who passed over the field of battle straight after the fighting had ended. Here is what he writes:

‘From the New Palace on the outskirts of Tirana to the village of Berzhite one can imagine that this great defeat of which so much is being spoken, especially when you see, besides the wrecked vehicles, the quintals of dynamite the enemy had abandoned on the Erzeni and Farka bridges because they had no time to blow them up. Here you can see destroyed vehicles, carts, horses and corpses. You say to yourself that this must have been the greatest defeat of the enemy. After passing this zone, you are faced with a pile of dead horses and overturned wagons, vehicles upturned in ditches, others in good order, wagons loaded with booty the Hitlerites had plundered in Greece and Albania, and armaments you had never seen before. You can count the equipment and corpses as far as Berzishta, but from here on it is impossible to count them even if you walk slowly.

Wherever you look, from right to left, you see real rivulets of blood, decaying flesh, very heavy armaments hurled off the highway as if by some extraordinary physical force, almost impossible to imagine.

You think this slaughter will continue as far as the corner of the road, no matter how great the battle had been fought. It could not possibly continue any further. But on rounding the bend, the heaps become more numerous. It seems as if the vehicles and wagons had wanted to push one another. Overturned material lying all over the place in complete disorder as if there had been a particularly heavy earthquake.

Further away from the road, on the side of the small hills on the banks of the river, 4 high calibre field guns have been abandoned facing each other even though they were used against our army. Further away, there are the number of mobile cooking houses enough for a whole division. Transport trucks complete with trailer, long wagons, vehicles carrying anti-aircraft guns directed towards the sky, small cannons, light and heavy machine-guns, cars, rifles, medical supplies and a pile of other things of every colour and kind. Among them is a baby’s pillow undoubtedly stolen by the army from some family at Elbasan.

Again corpses and dead horses and larger streams of blood. In the distance on the edge of the fields bordering the river bank, one sees horses which have escaped from this slaughter. They say there are also a number of hidden enemies who are giving themselves up to the surrounding villages. Further on, a colonel killed inside a car, the vehicle is completely wrecked, motor cycles abandoned on the road and the same scene as before.

You still walk through trails blocked by material, transport vehicles, dead horses and so on. You walk along the trails of the clearing, and then you are stuck on a sharp bend, below your right, where a small stream flows, the material and bodies are piled up in disorder. The horses lying prostrate on the ground and the bodies give the impression as if they had been knifed rather than killed by bullets. The stream looks like the channel of a slaughterhouse, the body of an enemy has fallen into the water.

Further across, the same scene over and over again. Horses, bodies, innumerable motor vehicles and wagons, war material and stolen booty in one great mess. The road looks as if the garbage of the city has been strewn along it.

Further on, guns, armaments and ammunition. The flag with the swastika lies hidden inside a wagon like some stolen article barely distinguishable. It reflects the present situation of Nazi Germany which tries to hide its criminal objectives now that the onslaught let loose against the peaceful and innocent peoples is rebounding on its own head.

Two kilometres on the other side of Ibe, two wrecked tanks give the impression as if the enemy column was not heading towards Tirana but towards Elbasan.

When you walk through the place you can’t believe that there had been only 2 to 3 thousand enemy troops. On the basis of the war material and the means of transport, it is calculated that there must have been at least a German division. The booty is so big that it gives the impression not of an army but of a savage horde of barbarians. This is a complicated scene, which reflects the character of the Nazi bands, pirates with modern means.

The destruction of these forces saved Tirana from the peril of devastation and mass massacres.

When comparing the numerous and heavy means of the enemy, their huge army on the march, the ruggedness of the terrain and their fortified positions with our armaments and positions, one wonders how it was possible to smash up and liquidate more than 2 to 3 thousand Germans by only 1,200 partisans.’

More on Albania ……

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

The Socialist Cultural Revolution and the People’s National Culture

Myrteza Fushekati - Before the demonstration

Myrteza Fushekati – Before the demonstration

More on Albania ……

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

The reproduction of this article is part of an ongoing, occasional series of arguments in support of the Cultural Revolution in the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania from the late 1960s through the 1970s. A previous article was an excerpt from a report by Enver Hoxha.

The Socialist Cultural Revolution and the People’s National Culture

by Professor Zija Xholi

The creation of a new culture, the spreading of it among the broad masses, the revolutionary ideological formation of the working people, is one of the most fundamental tasks of the construction of socialism and, at the same time, one of the greatest achievements following the people’s revolution.

More than three decades have passed since the day when our people, led by the Party of Labour of Albania, embarked on the road of the cultural revolution – sufficient time to draw up some conclusions and to discover some of its distinctive characteristics.

The first characteristic of our cultural revolution, that which immediately strikes the eye from analysis of the factors which have conditioned its success, is that it began and developed as a consequence of the socialist revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat led by the Communist Party.

Second, a characteristic of the cultural revolution, one brilliant result of it, is the free participation, in ever growing proportions of the broad masses of the people in the frontal progress of technology, science, art and culture in general. The creative capacities, the talents of the people, once hampered and stifled, are now able to express themselves and develop freely. Through their efforts and talent, the masses have become the decisive factor of the cultural revolution which is taking place in our country.

The ultimate reason for the unprecedented extension of the decisive role of the masses in the development of culture too, should be sought in the elimination of oppression and the exploitation of man by man, as well as in the place the masses occupy in the system of socialist material production, where they are not only the decisive productive force but also the decisive responsible, organizing and directing force as well. Socialism stripped work of its drudgery once and for all and restored to it all its intrinsic moral and intellectual values. The creative activity in the most varied fields of art, in song, dance, theatre, variety, in which thousands of workers and peasants, young men and young women take part, most of them without training in art schools is evidence of the great art latent in the bosom of the people, of the marvellous artistic talents of our people which were waiting for the moment when they could burst free and pour out in a torrent.

At all times our people have been creative and they continue to create today, but in the conditions of the socialist construction, their creative works are radically different from those of the past. Freed from oppression and exploitation, today, our people enjoy ever increasing well-being, have more free time at their disposal, and this allows them to concern themselves more and more with the problems of culture. The principle that before you can philosophize you must have food and drink, is of special importance in this field. Besides this, the participation of the masses in cultural work enjoys the aid, support and organization of many specialized institutions and of the whole society in general. And finally, our culture is no longer created by masses who had never been inside a school but by masses who have an ever higher educational and cultural’ level. This brings about that, with the transition to socialism, the decisive creative role of the masses in the field of culture increases and manifests itself in broad proportions. This means that in socialism the people’s culture is raised to new, high levels never seen before.

Third, another characteristic of the cultural revolution, another of its brilliant results, is the elimination of the cultural monopoly of the feudal-bourgeoisie, the changing of culture from the monopoly of a select minority, a limited elite, into the property of the broad masses. It is a fact that in antagonistic society the working masses have developed themselves intellectually mainly through their work and productive activity, while they have received just as much schooling, theory and science as the exploiting ruling classes have needed to exploit them more thoroughly. The socialist revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat put an end to this situation once and for all. Education, theory and science have been returned to the working masses, to those who, with their efforts and talents, keep socialist society alive and carry it forward in all directions.

The years of our People’s State Power have been years of a real offensive by an entire people, young and old, men and women to master technology, to conquer the bastions of knowledge, of arts and science, to turn our whole life into culture. The stages of the ceaseless march towards culture, expressions of its successes are the total elimination of illiteracy, the compulsory eight-year schooling, the abolition of religious teaching, the creation of higher education, the flowering of art in all its variety, song and dance, painting and sculpture, comedy and drama. The educational and cultural reality of our society is expressed by the following significant figures: whereas in 1938, the total number of pupils and students attending school was 56,000, today that number has risen to 700,000 which means that one-third of the population attend school.

Fourth, the cultural revolution does not aim at the educational and intellectual development or at the rejuvenation and progress of the life of only a minority of the population, of only one social stratum, to the detriment of the broad masses, or of only the cities to the detriment of the countryside. Its task is to ensure that education becomes the property of all, that the cultured life is taken up by everybody and enters every household, not only in the cities but also in the countryside, without creating special positions and privileges for any individual or stratum, a task which it is accomplishing better and better every day.

But the most fundamental characteristic of our cultural revolution, that which sets the tone for our education and culture and which marks a real revolution in them is their socialist content, their frankly Marxist- Leninist socialist tendentiousness.

Our socialist culture, like every other culture closely linked with classes and in the service of their struggle, cannot stand aloof from ideology and not be inspired by ideology. There is not, and never can be, any culture standing aloof from or above ideology. Culture for culture’s sake, pure culture, is simply a fraud which the bourgeoisie and the revisionists perpetrate in order to create that culture which best serves their selfish class interests. Therefore, the whole problem is not that culture should be divorced from ideology, for this is impossible, but that it must be based on the revolutionary ideology of the proletariat in opposition to the reactionary ideology of the bourgeoisie.

The Party of Labour of Albania strives to have no culture which is divorced from the mission of developing and perfecting the revolutionary ideological outlook of the working people and, on the other hand, to have no revolutionary ideological formation which is not based on the broadest and most accurate knowledge. This makes the cultural revolution part and parcel of the ideological revolution, makes them two sides of a single process, the process of the revolutionary education and re-education of the working people, the process of the formation of the new man of socialist society.

Naturally, the creation of the new socialist culture, the revolutionary ideological formation, immediately raised the problem of what to do about classical culture, the world culture heritage and, first and foremost, the culture of our own people, with their customs and traditions.

In the cultural revolution, the Party of Labour of Albania has faithfully followed the teachings of Lenin, who stressed that one can emerge from darkness only by utilizing the whole treasury of world culture, all the valuable achievements which mankind has created under the yoke of capitalist society, of the society of landlords and of bureaucrats. From its very first steps, our culture has striven consistently to take from world culture whatever is revolutionary and scientifically sound, whatever responds best to the requirements of the stage of development of our country. Consistently adhering to this orientation, our culture has maintained and continues to maintain a critical, stand towards world culture, taking from it only its scientific, materialist, democratic and popular ideas, and discarding its clerical, mystical idealist ideas, and any others which implant lack of confidence in life and man, which look down upon work and the working masses, which justify oppression, exploitation and obscurantism.

No matter how valuable the world cultural heritage may be, it is insufficient for the education and formation of the man of our society. In this, the first place is, and should be, occupied by the cultural heritage and traditions of our own people. In culture, too, the communists combine, the most consistent internationalism (they prize the progressive culture created by every people) with the purest of patriotism (they are the most ardent champions of the culture and traditions of their own people).

In place of the nihilist policy of denigration towards the culture and tradition of our people pursued by the reactionary ruling classes of the old, overthrown feudal-bourgeois order, the working class and its Marxist-Leninist Party have worked out a new policy, the policy of defending, preserving, and further enriching the popular culture and the first traditions of our people. At the foundation of this policy and the rich experience of our people in this field, are the Marxist-Leninist ideas of comrade Enver Hoxha, that our people have created a culture and art of a clear national character which constitutes a priceless heritage which must be kept pure and developed further; that the new socialist culture is linked with a thousand threads with the culture of the people; that the revolutionary content of the new socialist culture has not dropped like manna from heaven, nor has it been brought in a suitcase from abroad, but it has been inherited from our forefathers, its foundations are deep in the people; that the study of the cultural traditions of our people is not done simply for the purpose of knowing the past of our people but also for the purpose of learning from the experience of our forefathers in conformity with the new conditions and requirements of our socialist society; and finally, that a critical class attitude should be maintained towards the culture and traditions of our people from the past, on the basis of the idea that every creative work of every epoch has been tendentious, is inspired by the ideas of the time, bears the brand of the class struggle and of the ideology of its own time, therefore, it cannot be taken as a whole and inserted into the new life and culture just as it is.

Socialist culture is not something in itself, created apart from the people and handed to them from outside, but a culture indissolubly linked with them, which responds to their requirements, their spirit, and their traditions. There is no socialist culture in general, no culture created by someone which can be served up ready to any nation which is building socialism, but a socialist culture of a given nation which gives it its richness and this does not consist simply of its form, but enters deep into the content of this culture. Socialist culture, taken in its broadest sense, has emerged and developed in close collaboration with the culture of the people. In its essence it is a socialist and a national culture.

Guided by the teachings of comrade Enver Hoxha, our socialist culture is proving in practice that proletarian partisanship, which requires that every cultural manifestation must be viewed from the angle of the interests of the working class and analyzed from the standpoint of Marxist-Leninist ideology, and the national tradition, which requires that everything good and valuable, everything close to the aspirations of the workers, created by the people in the past, must be preserved, far from opposing each other, are, on the contrary complementary arid dialectically linked with each other. Our socialist culture is enriched by the great artistic, ideo-philosophic values which our people have brought to culture, while through the socialist culture, the rational tradition is cleansed of negative elements which may have penetrated it under the influence of negative economic and social factors of the past, and is further enriched with the new experience which has emerged under socialism.

Our concern to discover, uphold and evaluate the best traditions of one’s own people’s culture also stems from a political demand, from the demand to ensure the free development of the people, which is the first premise of any genuine socialist construction. The attempts, which the two super-powers are making today in one way or another, to impose their own language, as allegedly the best language, their own culture, as allegedly the richest culture, their pretensions that culture today is moving towards its ‘internationalization’, towards the disappearance of specific cultures, implying the Americanization or Russification of the cultures of the other peoples, are in essence, expressions of the national egotism and great state chauvinism of the two super-powers, their favorite means for the conquest of the peoples and establishing their hegemony. Therefore, under these circumstances, faced with the imperialist designs of the two superpowers, the revolutionary Leninist principle must be stressed and applied that for the life and existence of each nation, political vigilance and ensuring its defence from any armed aggression and the preservation of its cultural identity and mother tongue are equally important. If a people loses its cultural physiognomy, if it does not hold on to its traditions, if it allows its mother tongue to be forgotten, it has ceased to be a nation in itself.

If we oppose the ideological and cultural aggression of the bourgeois-revisionist world, we do this in the name of freedom and independence, in the name of the correct and rapid development of our socialist culture, but by no means in the name of national exclusiveness. National narrowness and xenophobia are alien to our revolutionary ideology and our new culture. Our socialist culture has utilized and continues to utilize the progressive culture of all peoples, but not by sacrificing our mother tongue, the best traditions, and the cultural heritage of our own people, but while emphasizing and prizing them. With this heritage our people will take their place in world culture. Any other assimilation of the culture of one people by another, made to the detriment of the national language and finest national traditions, under whatever name it is called, is, in reality, a chauvinist design to impose the domination and hegemony of one nation over other nations, whether they live within a multi-national state or are separated by national boundaries.

What does the traditional culture of the people, with which the new socialist culture is linked, represent? What has our nation contributed in the field of culture?

Our people came to power and to real freedom with a rich material, social and spiritual cultural heritage. In it are expressed the people’s capacity to live on, indomitable in any circumstances, no matter how difficult, their talent and inextinguishable desire for a free and independent life without oppression and exploitation. But the extremely difficult historical circumstances under which they had to fight for their very existence, the anti-national and anti-popular ideological pressure and influence of the invaders and the reactionary classes, on the background of the great backwardness and poverty, are also expressed in it. These circumstances make the culture we have inherited from the past a mixture of progressive and reactionary elements, with light and darkness. However, the progressive values exceed the non-progressive ones in force and breadth, the elements of light greatly predominate over those of darkness. It is the progressive values which give the culture of our people its characteristic tone. This distinctive characteristic of the culture of our people has its own explanation which is, as comrade Enver Hoxha stresses, ‘through the centuries, the people of our small country have always been guided by the progressive ideas of liberty and the defence of liberty, by the ideas of just wars against oppressors, against the rapacious imperialist ideologies of foreigners’.

Our people have been obliged to lead an intensive life in their struggle for existence and self-defense, have had to face up all sorts of events. Naturally they have had to act and think, to create a definite concept about many phenomena of nature and life, about griefs and joys. For well-known reasons they have not done this in writing, have not fixed it in books or treatises, but have formulated it by word of mouth, transmitting and enriching it from one district to another, from one generation to another for centuries on end. This has made up our wealth of folklore, which is our unwritten encyclopedia, a living testimony of the talent and wisdom of our people. The historian and philosopher, the anonymous writer and artist, speak collectively through hundreds of legends and songs of heroes, through thousands of aphorisms and proverbs, through thousands upon thousands of songs of valour and love, of work and exile, of weddings and deaths. This remains an immortal monument of the culture of our people, a source of learning and inspiration for the artist and the writer, for the philosopher and thinker of our own days, for the new socialist culture as a whole.

At the present time, when anti-communist ideology has swamped the book market and audiences in the bourgeois-revisionist world, when hideous fashions and decadent trends in art and literature are assailing the tastes of the youth and the masses from all sides, the reality of the new culture of our people assumes a special value and significance. By its existence and flowering it is showing that the present decadent and degenerate culture is not an inevitable evil from which no one can escape. Meanwhile, in its practice, our culture shows how the bourgeois revisionist ideological aggression can be coped with, how a culture in the service of the liberation of the working people from oppression and exploitation, a culture which will preserve the real values of the people and raise them to a higher level and oppose everything which degrades man morally, aesthetically and philosophically, can be created.

The national features, the national background of socialist culture, the appreciation of the cultural heritage created by our people, are that force which in culture facilitates and accelerates the cultural revolution, while in politics it helps the people get a better appreciation of their own value and strength, to cope better with any aggression from whatever direction it may come. Indeed, this is the most important function and the most profound meaning of every genuine culture – to help the people to recognise their own worth, to multiply their efforts in their struggle for a better and more just life, in their struggle for socialism and communism.

This article is reproduced from New Albania, No 3, 1977.

All emphasis is from the original.

Zija Xholi, Albanian philosopher. Member Academy of Science, Albanian Trade Union (member General Council 1967-1972, member Presidium 1972-1976, Chairman Culture Department 1977-1990), Albanian Philosophical Association (Chairman 1991).

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View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Sculptors and Architects of Albanian Lapidars

Albanian Socialist Sculptors

Albanian Socialist Sculptors

More on Albania …..

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Sculptors and Architects of Albanian Lapidars

‘Signatures’ of the artists weren’t always added to the sculptures associated with Albanian Lapidars before the middle of the 1980s. All the information about the structures would have been held in the offices of the Albanian League of Writers and Artists, as well as in the National Archives – but they might not be that accessible in the present post-Communist environment.

So the information below might be patchy but as I accumulate more I will attempt to create as full a picture as possible of the artists involved in the nationwide project.

The list is primarily one of sculptors, unless stated otherwise, in alphabetical order.

Albanian Lapidar Survey

Description and photos of the Lapidars (Monuments), statues, bas reliefs and mosaics

H Beqiri

ALS 324 – Lapidar dedicated to the delivery of the land deeds – Gorrë

L Berhami

ALS 34 – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Librazhd, with M Turkeshi

Avni Bilbili

ALS 121 – Korca Martyrs’ Cemetery

Maksim Bushi (1948-present)

ALS 194 – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Lushnjë (1984)

Perikli Çuli

ALS 38 – Monument to the First Attack Brigade – Pishkash (1978), with Agim Rada

ALS 195 – Our Land – Lushnjë (1987)

ALS 476 – Lapidar dedicated to the wars of Skanderbeg – Kaninë (1968)

Piro Dollaku

ALS 121 – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Korça, with Ilia Xhano

ALS 262 – First bas relief – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Borovë, with Ilia Xhano

ALS 263 – Partisan and Child – Borovë, with Ilia Xhano

Muntaz Dhrami

ALS 12 – Mother Albania – National Martyrs’ Cemetery – Tirana (1972), with Shaban Hadëri and Kristaq Rama

ALS 13 – Monument to the Artillery – Sauk – (1968), with Shaban Hadëri and Kristaq Rama

ALS 17 – Monument to Heroic Peze – Pezë e Vogël – (1977), with Kristo Krisiko

ALS 19 – Monument to the 22nd Brigade – Pezë e Madhe, with Kristo Krisiko

ALS 20 – Long Live the Fallen of Peze – Pezë e Madhe (1977), with Kristo Krisiko and Nina Mitrogjorgi (architect)

ALS 147 – Long Live the First Brigade – Makërzë (1969), with Shaban Hadëri and Kristaq Rama

ALS 192 – Bust of Shkurte Pal Vates – Dushk (1968) (destroyed)

Shkurte Pal Vata by Muntaz Dhrami

Shkurte Pal Vata by Muntaz Dhrami

ALS 395 – Obelisk to the Albanian Language – Gjirokastra, with Ksenofon Kostaqi and Stefan Papamihali

ALS 438 – Drashovice Arch 1920-1943 – Drashovice

ALS 460 – Independence Monument – Vlora – (1972), with Shaban Hadëri and Kristaq Rama

ALS 464 – 1920 – Memorial to the events of 1920 (1970), with Shaban Hadëri and Kristaq Rama

ALS 510 – Priske Monument – Priske e Madhe (1978), with Sofokli Koci

‘Keep high the revolutionary spirit’ (bronze) 1966.

You can get an idea of Dhrami’s work, both during the period of Socialist construction and in subsequent years by taking a look at Muntaz Dhrami – Sculpture over the years 1956-2011. It’s also possible to see here that once Dhrami is ‘released’ from the ‘confines’ of figurative art he rapidly drifts into abstraction and displays elements of despair which dominates bourgeois art in capitalist countries. Whether his work progressed after 1990 is debatable.

Q Dono

ALS 307 – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Fier, with GJ Toska

Hector Dule

ALS 10 – On the road to war – Tirana

ALS 166 – Monument to Resistance – Durrës, with Fuat Dushku

ALS 394 – Monument to Skenderbeu’s Wars – Gjirokastra (1968)

ALS 504 – Monument to Mushqeta – Bërzhitë – (1969), with K Miho (architect)

‘The pick in one hand and the rifle in the other’ (bronze statue) 1966. Last seen at the back of the National Art Gallery in Tirana.

Pickaxe in one hand and a rifle in the other

Pickaxe in one hand and a rifle in the other

Fuat Dushka (1934-2007)

ALS 166 – Monument to Resistance – Durrës, with Hector Dule

ALS 675 – Bas relief and statue of Bajam Curri– Bajam Curri

Four Heroines of Mirdita, Rreshen

Four Heroines of Mirdita, Rreshen

‘Four Heroines of Mirdita’ (bronze) 1971. It was purposely destroyed by reactionary political forces in Mirdita. This was one of the very first large and complex statues made during the Albanian Socialist Cultural Revolution and was a challenge for the sculptor and foundry workers. With Dh. Gogollari, Perikli Çuli, Andrea Mano and architects S Mosko and B Ferra.

‘Metalworker’ (bronze),1979, statue in National Art Gallery, Tirana

Shaban Hadëri

ALS 12 – Mother Albania – National Martyrs’ Cemetery – Tirana (1972), with Muntaz Dhrami and Kristaq Rama

ALS 13 – Monument to the Artillery – Sauk – (1968), with Muntaz Dhrami and Kristaq Rama

ALS 147 – Long Live the First Brigade – Makërzë (1969), with Muntaz Dhrami and Kristaq Rama

ALS 460 – Independence Monument – Vlora – (1972), with Muntaz Dhrami and Kristaq Rama

ALS 464 – 1920 – Memorial to the events of 1920 (1970), with Muntaz Dhrami and Kristaq Rama

ALS 675 – Monument to the 5 Heroes of Vig – Shkodër (1969 – the original in plaster)

U Hajdari

ALS 86 – Monument to the Provocations of 2nd August 1949 – Bilisht (1969), with J Paço

Possibly Mother Albania expelling the priest and military in Gjirokastra

Sofokli Koci

ALS 510 – Priske Monumental Lapidar – Priskë e Madhe (1978), with Mumtaz Dhrami

Kristina Koljaca

Statue of VI Lenin in National Art Gallery ‘Sculpture Park’

Ksenofon Kostaqi

ALS 395 – Obelisk to the Albanian Language – Gjirokastra, with Muntaz Dhrami and Stefan Papamihali

ALS 407 – Monument to the Border Forces – Kakavijë, with Stefan Papamihali

Traditional Musicians and Dancers – Gjirokastra (1983), Kristo Krisiko

ALS 17 – Monument to Heroic Peze – Pezë e Vogël – (1977), with Muntaz Dhrami

ALS 19 – Monument to the 22nd Brigade – Pezë e Madhe, with Muntaz Dhrami

ALS 20 – Long Live the Fallen of Peze – Pezë e Madhe (1977), with Muntaz Dhrami and Nina Mitrojorgji (Architect)

R Kote (architect)

ALS 147 – Long Live the First Brigade – Makërzë (1969), with Muntaz Dhrami and Kristaq Rama

S Kraja

ALS 583 – Monument to the 1911 Uprisings – Hani i Hotit (1971), with H Kruja

H Kruja

ALS 580 – Bust of the Peoples’ Hero Vasil Shanto – Vrakë (1971)

ALS 583 – Monument to the 1911 Uprisings – Hani i Hotit (1971), with S Kraja

Andrea Mano (1919-2000)

ALS 1 – Monument to the Partisan – Tirana

‘The Chinese Peasant’, 1965, bronze head and shoulders in the National Art Gallery, Tirana

The large ‘Skenderberg’ statue (bronze), 1968, in Tirana main square, in collaboration with Odise Paskali and Janaq Paco

Skenderberg - Skenderbeu Square, Tirana

Skenderberg – Skenderbeu Square, Tirana

Todi Mato

ALS 49 – Sculpture at the Martyrs’ Cemetery – Pogradec

K Miho (architect)

ALS 504 – Monument to Mushqeta – Bërzhitë – (1969), with Hector Dule

Taqo Miho

ALS 9 – Monument to the anti-Fascist Group DEBATIK (1988), Nina Mitrojorgji (Architect)

ALS 20 – Long Live the Fallen of Peze – Pezë e Madhe (1977), with Kristo Krisiko and Muntaz Dhrami

Nina Mitrojorgji (architect)

ALS 20 – Peze War Memorial, at the Peze Conference Memorial Park. With sculptors Mumtaz Dhrami and Kristo Krisiko (1977).

Janaq Paço (1914-1991)

ALS 86 – Monument to the Provocations of 2nd August 1949 – Bilisht (1969), with U Hajdari

The large ‘Skenderberg’ statue (bronze), 1968, in Tirana main square, in collaboration with Odise Paskali and Andrea Mano.

Skenderberg - Skenderbeu Square, Tirana

Skenderberg – Skenderbeu Square, Tirana

The bronze head of a girl, 1966, in the National Art Gallery, Tirana.

Girl (bronze) - Janaq Paço

Girl (bronze) – Janaq Paço

Also, what was at the time, a controversial ‘Nude’ (bronze), 1963, in the National Art Gallery, Tirana. It was purchased 5th May 1964, and until 1974 was a full, seated nude. Paço was ordered to destroy all of his nudes as his word was ‘manifesting foreign influences and banned ideology’. What is in the gallery now is all that remains.

Nude - Janaq Paço - 1963

Nude – Janaq Paço – 1963

Stefan Papamihali

ALS 395 – Obelisk to the Albanian Language – Gjirokastra, with Kristo Krisiko and Muntaz Dhrami

ALS 398 – Partisan – Gjirokastra

ALS 407 – Monument to the Border Forces – Kakavijë, with Ksenofon Kostaqi

Odhise Paskali (1903-1985)

ALS 123 – Nationalist Fighter – Korça (1937)

ALS 244 – Comrades – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Përmet (1964)

ALS 246 – Monument dedicated to the creation of peoples’ power – Përmet (1964)

ALS 276 – Monument to the Martyr of Kolonje – Ersekë (1938)

ALS 590 – Monument dedicated to the Assembly of Lezha – Lezha (1968)

Bust to Vojo Kushi in Tirana

The statue of Cerciz Topulli (1932, bronze) which stands in the square that bears his name in Gjirokaster Old Town.

The large ‘Skenderberg’ statue (bronze), 1968, in Tirana main square, in collaboration with Janaq Paço and Andrea Mano.

Skenderberg - Skanderbeu Square, Tirana

Skenderberg – Skanderbeu Square, Tirana

The bust of ‘The Two Heroines‘ – being two young women, Bule Naipi and Persefoni Kokëdhima, who were publicly executed for their Partisan activity in 1944 in Gjirokastra.

The Two Heroines - Odhise Paskali

The Two Heroines – Odhise Paskali

He also created ‘The Triumphant Partisan’ (1968). This depicts a Nazi soldier being forced to the ground by an Albanian Communist Partisan. The original is at the Mauthausan Concentration Camp in Austria – where many Albanians were taken if captured – but there’s a copy in the Castle Museum in Gjirokastra.

The Triumphant Partisan - Gjirokastra

The Triumphant Partisan – Gjirokastra

Agim Rada

ALS 38 – Monument to the First Attack Brigade – Pishkash (1978), with Perikli Çuli

Kristaq Rama (1932-1998)

Biographical Note: Born in Durrës. Father of Edi Rama (also trained as an artist), who was first Mayor of Tirana and then leader of the Socialist Party and Prime Minister from 2013 to the present.

ALS 12 – Mother Albania – National Martyrs’ Cemetery – Tirana (1972), with Shaban Hadëri and Muntaz Dhrami

ALS 13 – Monument to the Artillery – Sauk – (1968), with Shaban Hadëri and Muntaz Dhrami

ALS 141 – Monument to Communist Guerrillas – Korça

ALS 147 – Long Live the First Brigade – Makërzë (1969), with Shaban Hadëri and Muntaz Dhrami, with R Kote (architect)

ALS 167 – Ulqinaku Mujo – Durrës

ALS 327 – Monument to Agrarian Reform – Krutje e Sipërme (1966)

ALS 460 – Independence Monument – Vlora – (1972), with Shaban Hadëri and Muntaz Dhrami

ALS 464 – 1920 – Memorial to the events of 1920 (1970), with Shaban Hadëri and Muntaz Dhrami

ALS 547 – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Bajram Curri (Kushtrimtari)

ALS 554 – Bust of the Peoples’ Heroine Qerime Shota Galicia – Kukës (1968)

Relief on Government Building, ‘Family’, 1974, concrete, Tirana.

The bronze sculpture of a worker (Republic’s Contemporary), 1964, in the National Art Gallery, Tirana.

Republic's Contemporary 1964 - Kristaq Rama

Republic’s Contemporary 1964 – Kristaq Rama

Kristo Sitiris (1870-1953) (architect)

ALS 168 – Durrës War Memorial mosaic. Artists Nikolet Vasia, Gavril Priftuli and F SH.

Thoma Thomai

ALS 245 – Monument to Sixth Brigade – Përmet

ALS 260 – Grenade Ambush – Barmash

ALS 262 – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Borovë

ALS 594 – Monument dedicated to the wars of Skanderbeg or The Battle of Zidolli Obelisk (April 24, 1467) – Fushë Krujë (1968) – reconstructed in 2012 by the architect Enea Papa

27th May 1941 – Execution of Vasil Laçi for the failed assassination attempt on Victor Emanuel III of Italy in 1941

GJ Toska

ALS 307 – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Fier, with Q Dono

M Turkeshi

ALS 34 – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Librazhd, with L Berhami

Ilia Xhano

ALS 121 – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Korça, with Piro Dollaku

ALS 262 – First bas relief – Martyrs’ Cemetery – Borovë, with Piro Dollaku

ALS 263 – Partisan and Child – Borovë, with Piro Dollaku

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