Onward, towards an even higher goal
Peking Review – 1960
Peking Review was the weekly political and informative magazine published between 1958 and 1978. With issue No 1 of 1979 the magazine was renamed Beijing Review, the new name bringing with it a new direction in the People’s Republic of China and was an open statement of the reintroduction of capitalism in the erstwhile Socialist Republic.
Topics and issues addressed throughout 1960 included:
- fulfilment of the 2nd Five Year Plan
- US-Japan military build-up
- the National People’s Congress
- ‘Long Live Leninism’ – an important statement of revolutionary principles published on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of VI Lenin’s birth
- more on the People’s Communes
- reform in educational work
- Chairman Mao Tse-tung‘s ‘Talks with guests from Asia, Africa and Latin America’
- Chou En-lai condemns US aggression and provocation against the USSR
- Teng Hsiao-ping: China supports just Soviet stand against US aggression
- Chinese climbers reach the summit of Mount Jolmo Lungma (Mount Everest)
- China supports new Soviet Disarmament proposals
- China vows to liberate Taiwan
- Holding High the Marxist Revolutionary Banner of the Moscow Declaration
- Tasks of the World Peace Movement
- Congress of Literary and Art Workers
- From Slavery to Socialism – the story of the Yi People
- friendship between the Cuban and Chinese peoples
- Raise High the Red Flag of the General Line
- China’s home market aids industrialisation
- Sino-Vietnamese Friendship
- Socialist Literature and Art in China
- Mechanisation of Chinese agriculture
- growing Sino-Albanian friendship
- March along the path of the Great October Revolution
- Dialectics – the algebra of Revolution
- revolutionary spirit of the 1957 Moscow Declarations
- the meeting of representatives of Communist and Workers’ Parties
- stop US intervention in Laos
Available issues of Peking Review:
1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978
(In No 26 there’s an index for the articles in issues 1-26 of 1960. Likewise in No 52 there’s an index for articles in numbers 27-52.)
Beijing Review
From issue No. 1 of 1979 the weekly political and informative magazine Peking Review changed its name to Beijing Review. On page 3 of that number the editors made the open declaration of the change in the direction of the erstwhile ‘People’s Republic of China’.
By stating that the Communist Party of China (under the control then of Teng Hsiao-Ping/Deng Xiaoping ) sought
‘to accomplish socialist modernisation by the end of the century and turn China …. into an economically developed and fully democratic socialist country’
the CPC was openly declaring the rejection of the revolutionary path, which the country had been following since 1949, and the adoption of the road that would inevitably lead to the full scale establishment of capitalism.
For those who would like to follow this downward spiral into the murky depths of capitalism and imperialism in the issues of Beijing Review (complete for the years 1979-1990 – intermittently thereafter) you can do so by going to bannedthought – which also serves as an invaluable resource for more material about China during its revolutionary phase.