Albania Today 1976

Steel Mill - Elbasan

Steel Mill – Elbasan

More on Albania ….

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Albania Today 1976

Albania Today was a political and informative review produced bi-monthly from the first issue that appeared in November/December at the end of 1971 until everything hit the fan in 1990.

For 20 years it was one way to keep up with the political developments within the country, including its relationship with The People’s Republic of China.

Although there is an emphasis on political statements and speeches there are also insights into the changes, developments and ideas existing within Albanian society during the 1970s and 1980s.

Thanks to the comrades of bannedthought for most of the scans on this page.

Albania Today: Index 1971 – 1979, Index 1980 – 1984, Index 1985 – 1990

Albania Today: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979 (missing), 1980 (missing), 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 (missing), 1988, 1989, 1990.

Albania Today No 1 (26) 1976

Albania Today No 1 (26) 1976


Contents include:

Important step for perfecting the state of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat – Hysni Kapo

The role of the socialist state in the communist training and education of the working people

Peasant art and artistic crafts in Albania


Albania Today No 2 (27) March-April 1976

Albania Today No 2 (27) March-April 1976




Contents include:

Report delivered to activists of the Party by Enver Hoxha

The principles of socialist realism in Albanian art

French Revisionists in open fight against Revolution and Communism


Albania Today No 3 (28) 1976

Albania Today No 3 (28) 1976



Contents include:

Decision of the CC of the PLA and the Council of Ministers of the PR of Albania on the reduction of high salaries, on some improvements in the pay system of working people and the further narrowing of differences between the country and the town



Albania Today No 4 (29) 1976

Albania Today No 4 (29) 1976



Contents include:

Almost exclusively devoted to the publication of Vols 20, 21 and 22 of Enver Hoxha’s Works (in Albanian). They cover the year 1961 – the year which saw the intensification of the ideological struggle with Soviet revisionism.



Albania Today No 5 (30) 1976

Albania Today No 5 (30) 1976


Contents include:

A great event for the further development of the revolution in Albania 

The relations between the cadres and the mosses and the struggle against bureaucracy 

The economic crisis and the sharpening of contradictions in the capitalist-revisionist world 

Albania Today No 6 (31) 1976

Albania Today No 6 (31) 1976


Contents include:

The report ‘On the activity of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour’ submitted by Enver Hoxha

The report ‘On the directives of the 7th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania for the 6th Five-year Plan for the development of the economy and culture of the People’s Republic of Albania for the years 1976-1980′ submitted by Mehmet Shehu

The Closing Speech of the Congress by comrade Enver Hoxha

More on Albania …..

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Albania Today 1975

People's Militia

People’s Militia

More on Albania ….

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Albania Today 1975

Albania Today was a political and informative review produced bi-monthly from the first issue that appeared in November/December at the end of 1971 until everything hit the fan in 1990.

For 20 years it was one way to keep up with the political developments within the country, including its relationship with The People’s Republic of China.

Although there is an emphasis on political statements and speeches there are also insights into the changes, developments and ideas existing within Albanian society during the 1970s and 1980s.

Thanks to the comrades of bannedthought for the majority of scans on this page.

(We do not have access to No 3 (22) 1975. If anyone could scan that issue and send it to us, or lend it so we could do the scanning, that would be greatly appreciated.)

Albania Today: Index 1971 – 1979, Index 1980 – 1984, Index 1985 – 1990

Albania Today: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 (missing), 1980 (missing), 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 (missing), 1988, 1989, 1990.

Albania Today No 1 (20) 1975

Albania Today No 1 (20) 1975


Contents include:

The anti-Fascist national liberation war – a great people’s revolution led by the Communist Party of Albania – Nexhmije Hoxha

Albania’s example in socialist construction

Reformist and revisionist trade unions in the service of the bourgeoisie


Albania Today No 2 (21) 1975

Albania Today No 2 (21) 1975



Contents include:

Writers and Artists are aids of the Party for the Communist education of our men and women – Enver Hoxha

The leading role of the Party grows with the development and consolidation of Socialism



Albania Today No 4 (23) 1975

Albania Today No 4 (23) 1975


Contents include:

The strength of our army is based on its revolutionary popular character

Bureaucratism – a dangerous enemy of Socialism

To contribute to society the maximum of our energies and take from it what is due to us


Albania Today No 5 (24) 1975

Albania Today No 5 (24) 1975



Contents include:

Socialist State – organised proletariat as a ruling class

Vigorous development of the Socialist economy in the PRA

Intellectualism – a totality of counter-revolutionary concepts and practices

The place of folklore and its role in the socialist artistic culture

Albania Today No 5 ( 24) 1975 - Supplement - People's Liberation

Albania Today No 5 ( 24) 1975 – Supplement – People’s Liberation




Speech delivered at the 30th Session of U.N. General Assembly by Nesti Nase  






Albania Today No 6 (25) 1975

Albania Today No 6 (25) 1975



Contents include:

The whole issue is devoted to Volume 19 (in Albanian) of Enver Hoxha’s Collected Works. This includes the heroic speech that he made at the Meeting of the 81 Communist Parties in Moscow in November 1960.



Albania Today No 6 (25) 1975 - Supplement - Hoxha 1960 Moscow Speech

Albania Today No 6 (25) 1975 – Supplement – Hoxha 1960 Moscow Speech




This is Enver Hoxha‘s famous speech at the meeting in Moscow in November 1960 when he denounced the Soviet Revisionists in their own home. Probably the finest declaration of principle in the history of Marxism-Leninism. 




More on Albania …..

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Albania Today 1974

'Partisan leisure' by Isuf Sulovari

‘Partisan leisure’ by Isuf Sulovari

More on Albania ….

Albania Today 1974

Albania Today was a political and informative review produced bi-monthly from the first issue that appeared in November/December at the end of 1971 until everything hit the fan in 1990.

For 20 years it was one way to keep up with the political developments within the country, including its relationship with The People’s Republic of China.

Although there is an emphasis on political statements and speeches there are also insights into the changes, developments and ideas existing within Albanian society during the 1970s and 1980s.

Thanks to the comrades of bannedthought for the majority of scans on this page.

Albania Today: Index 1971 – 1979, Index 1980 – 1984, Index 1985 – 1990

Albania Today: 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 (missing), 1980 (missing), 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 (missing), 1988, 1989, 1990.

Albania Today No 1 (14) 1974 January-February

Albania Today No 1 (14) 1974 January-February



Contents include:

Stability of prices: a distinctive feature of a socialist economy

Socialist Realism by Ismail Kadare

Modern agriculture



Albania Today, No 2 (15) 1974

Albania Today, No 2 (15) 1974



Contents include:

The veterans are the living embodiment of partisan heroism

Freedom of conscience

The real nature of the theatre of the absurd



Albania Today No 3 (16) 1974

Albania Today No 3 (16) 1974



Contents include:

Socialist industrialization in Albania

The June 1924 Revolution

Pages from The History of the Party of Labour of Albania



Albania Today, No 4 (17) 1974

Albania Today, No 4 (17) 1974



Contents include:

The working class of Albania – a leading force of socialist society

Some problems of contemporary foreign literature

The national question and revisionism



Albania Today, No 5 (18) 1974

Albania Today, No 5 (18) 1974



Contents include:

The policy of the People’s Republic of Albania is open, a policy of Proletarian Principles – Enver Hoxha

What are the higher types of cooperatives

Revolutionary education of youth with the spirit of mass undertakings


Albania Today No 6 (19) 1974

Albania Today No 6 (19) 1974



Contents include:

Time works for us and the future belongs to Socialism and Communism – Mehmet Shehu

Glorious jubilee of the Albanian People – Hysni Kapo

Taxation policy in Albania


More on Albania …..