Early lessons from the Liverpool, city wide, covid testing pilot

More on covid pandemic 2020-2?

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Early lessons from the Liverpool, city wide, covid testing pilot

Friday 6th November 2020 was the first day of the all city wide, no symptoms testing pilot (as of the eveing of 13th November – there’s now no need to book a test – which makes some of the comments below redundant but asks the question why this way of testing was changed) in the chosen city of Liverpool. As the country enters the eighth month of so-called ‘pandemic measures’ this is the first time in the country something has been introduced that displays a modicum of imagination and approximates what might be considered a strategic approach to dealing with the virus. Everything tried so far has merely been a reaction to events, often resembling a panic, or just a plain and simple knee jerk, reaction to events or various pressures.

This Liverpool testing pilot might lead to a way out of what is becoming a cycle of lock downs (of various intensity) with the same tactics – and slogans – being used in November as were used in March. Society, not just in Britain, hasn’t learnt a great deal from historic plagues of the past 700 years and it was probably asking too much for anything to have been learnt in the last seven months.

But will this new approach make any difference? Obviously it’s too soon to say but at least it is different and has the feel of attacking the virus rather than just running from it in the hope a miracle vaccine will arrive in the not too distant future.

For that reason – and as this is supposed to be a pilot where lessons, both positive and negative are learnt – I thought it would be useful to document the experience surrounding a test taken on the first day to see how it did work, with both a few pluses as well as a number of negatives. How those lessons are evaluated by those concerned for running the test in the early days will be even more crucial than the testing itself, especially as success in Liverpool could entail such an approach being applied throughout the country.

Accessing the Government’s test booking site the day before the test was due to begin didn’t bode too well when there was a line saying that test slots ‘would be available soon’. With the memory of failed testing ‘experiments’ in the last seven months (whether they be the actual testing itself or the use of the test-trace-track mobile phone app) not to be able to book a test less than 24 hours before the programme was due to begin didn’t inspire confidence. That was a bad thing.

Although an earlier visit to that website showed the test centres opening between 09.00 and 19.00 on the Friday 6th November by late on the 5th the opening time had been shifted to 12.00. This seemed to indicate that the announcement had been made before the actual logistics had been fully worked out. This was reminiscent of the wild and woolly promises by the Buffoon earlier in the year about the numbers of tests that would take place each day as well as the speed of the return of the results. So that was another bad thing.

However, by 09.30 on the morning of the 6th November (when I again went online) it was possible to book a slot for the same day. I thought the official site was overly complicated. There was a lot of personal information that had to be entered before there was any chance of choosing an actual time slot. Wouldn’t it be better for people to first pick the test centre and time slot best for them and only then enter the information needed to be able to process the test results?

This is not least because the system considers you are applying for a same day appointment but if you are late in the day, when appointments are starting to run out, then you are possibly offered a test in another, more distant centre, or the option of a test sent to your home. If that’s not what you want to do you have to start from the beginning. There may be a logic in the way the questions are ordered but I can’t quite see it.

(Here I’m describing the booking of a walk in test – those with vehicles are probably slightly different and the request for a home test would, obviously, follow another route.)

So you have to put in quite a bit of information about yourself, some of it quite personal – such as an NHS Number – and this should be ringing some alarm bells for those in authority as hackers would love to get hold of such information and the NHS doesn’t have a great record in being able to defend itself against outside attacks.

You don’t get a designated time, as I expected, but a 30 minutes time slot when you should arrive at the centre. Whether this will change is another matter. On the first day there would have been some question as to how many people would arrive and as we are dealing with a whole city (of about 500,000 people) a certain amount of flexibility would be necessary, at least at the beginning. This made sense on thinking about it but didn’t when you consider how the process played out.

There is a logic of having a more exact time for arrival. The naysayers are already complaining that the process means many people are standing together for a longer time than is desirable. That might be true but the answer to that is not to ditch the pilot but to speed people through the process so that they are together for as short a time as possible. As a recent example of how a more specific time slot works an appointment for the annual flu jab at a nearby general practice a couple of weeks ago meant that no big queues developed whereas a 30 minutes slot means that everyone in that section of time arrives at the beginning of the slot.

After going through the process of entering all the personal information you are sent (depending upon what information you had supplied) a confirmation via text to a mobile and/or an email. You were asked to show the text message (or printout) as proof you had made a booking and would be able to present the QR code on arrival. I was able to print out the email but when I tried to go to the Print page on the Government’s website (at the end of entering all the information) the page didn’t have the necessary link – just an empty page with an official heading. That issue should be addressed – why have a website with broken links – especially in such circumstances as a pandemic? But then again, this is a pilot so, hopefully, these matters will be continually monitored to see what is working and what is not.

On the print out it asked that you arrive at the test centre with a face mask and also a photo ID, such as a passport.

So I’m down for the first time slot of the first day (12.00-12.30). I arrive at the centre (the sports centre in Liverpool 8) exactly at 12.00. But I’m far from being the first in the queue. There are a lot of people (which is a good thing) but it seemed that some had booked but others had not as there were two queues, one inside the perimeter and one outside, those with a booking being allowed through the gate first. However, those standing outside started to get somewhat annoyed seeing those people ‘jump the queue’ – or so they thought – and soon the two queues became one.

But it must have been about 30 minutes before there was any movement at all with people entering the building. The delayed start from 09.00 to 12.00 therefore seemed to have a reason – and that seems to have been because they were not fully prepared, which is a bad thing.

Now an aside, but possibly an important one. The 6th November in Liverpool was a bright and sunny, but cool, autumn day. The rest of the days of this pilot are unlikely to be be the same pleasant experience as people wait out in a queue that isn’t moving. To help make this pilot a success there will need to be shelter from the elements provided, especially the rain, if the number of covid deaths are not replaced by pneumonia caused by standing and getting soaked and frozen. Just putting some temporary protection in place to make it as ‘inviting’ as possible is all that’s needed, especially if the aim is to get people making regular visits to a test centre as we go through the winter. If the process gets speeded up (which it should do) then there will be less need for this temporary shelter but the pilot could fail if people are asked to stand for an hour subject to the elements.

At about 12.55 I reach the entrance, staffed by a young soldier in uniform. This is where the system started to fall down. There was no request for the form with the QR code you are told to bring and which connects you to the information already entered on the Government’s website when making the appointment. Neither was I asked for any photo identification. So why were we told to bring photo ID?

Instead every one was given a card with it’s own QR code – plus 4 bar codes stickers with an identical number. This small card is professionally produced and it is hoped that they exist (under normal circumstances) for those occasions when people don’t bring what they have been told to bring. There was not a sign of a QR reader on site at the test centre – was that the reason for the issuing of yet another QR code?

Everyone was told that they should scan the QR code on the card with their Smartphones and then fill in the details asked for – which were the very same details that were asked for and which took some time to enter in the comfort of your own home. Now if you don’t have a Smartphone you are snookered. The young soldier at the entrance, when informed of this, stated that someone at the end of the corridor (just before going into the room where the tests actually take place) would have an iPad and the necessary information could be entered there.

That turned out not to be the case. At the end of the corridor was another young squadie who wasn’t expecting this sort of request and certainly didn’t have an issued iPad to hand. The ubiquity of Smartphones meant it took some time for the first people without one to arrive. So a lack of communication here between the soldiers staffing the centre, a lack of initiative from their officers or City Council in not foreseeing such a situation and a lack of provision of the hardware necessary to deal with such a circumstance.

This young squadie then used his own Smartphone to take a picture of both the QR and the bar code followed by entering all personal details – as I said, the very ones that were already in the system. So the whole process that everyone had to go through to book a slot was just a waste of time – and when you want to get people on board with something like the Liverpool pilot you don’t want that. And it should not be for some young soldier whose task is just to process people through the system, to have to use his own personal phone for something that should have been foreseen once it was decided that the registration cards were to be given to everyone entering the centre.

So something that should be looked at there. It would obviously be better to be accessing this information which is already on the system by providing those at the entrance with a QR reader. Was this one of the things that were not in place on the 6th November in L8 and the card was a fall back? This is something that should be rectified soon (if it has not already been so). Apart from anything else a reader would speed up the processing of people.

Then it was in to a room (one of the gyms) where a number of temporary booths had been constructed – about 12, I think, although not all being used. Again why? Was it because there was a doubt of the ability to process more people? Was it just getting into the swing of things? Shouldn’t the process have been tested somewhere, at some time before the centres were even opened? All questions which should now, into the fourth day of the pilot, have been answered with a positive resolution.

At the entrance to the gym you are given a long, thin swab in a sealed bag and directed to one of the booths where you carry out the test yourself. There’s an instruction leaflet attached to the wall. You carry out the test and then poke your head and hand through a cut out window into the centre of the room and a soldier will take the swab – and one of the bar codes – and that’s it.

The card is not taken off you – it’s yours as a souvenir, together with two of the bar code strips – so why give out four? Then its out through the back door.

The test itself took just three or four minutes but I had been on site for one hour and a quarter, leaving the building at 13.15.

Given that the 6th was the first day then a little bit of leeway can be allowed. I would hope, however, that the system in the next few days gets more streamlined and processes people much quicker. For the length of the time it took to take the test the people should have been going through that centre much quicker.

So what about the result? A number of times 40-45 minutes was mentioned as the time that would lapse before receiving a text message on the mobile phone (an email is also sent at the same time if supplied) However, my result didn’t arrive until 15.23. Much quicker than we have heard about with tests taking place in the last few months but still a lot longer than the 40 minutes ‘promised’. If we have learnt nothing from the Buffoon in the last eight months is that you don’t promise what you can’t deliver.

So some minor problems on the first day. Not perfect – and not really needing much to make it so. Just connecting together the information already entered and the individual – and perhaps making the process faster and providing some sort of shelter if the queues are going tp develop outside in the bad weather.

Just a few more thoughts.

I wasn’t aware of anyone, either from the Army or the Council, who seemed to be monitoring what was going on or how easy matters were processed. All the people in the centre seemed to be there to move people through the system and not looking to see what could be improved.

There is no method where (as far as I can see) those attending the test centres can give ‘feedback’. It’s possible to make a comment about the gov.uk site but not the experience of the individual test centres. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to understand if some centres are managing better than others. After all they are all very distinctly different buildings and will have their own peculiarities.

There’s no information about the process of a repeat test. When the Liverpool pilot was first announced it was suggested that people would go for a retest after a period to make sure they hadn’t been infected in the meantime. Is that the case? Will people be called back as a matter of course. After all, the system now has the contact details (mobile number and/or email address) of an increasing proportion of the city’s population. Would it also be an idea for the Council to use the paperless system that is related to Council tax to send out a general email to encourage those who have not taken the test to do so?

More on covid pandemic 2020-2?

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Lock downs (under various guises) spread like a virus across the United Kingdom

More on covid pandemic 2020-2?

Lock downs (under various guises) spread like a virus across the United Kingdom

Although it’s still unclear what the figures are really telling us (numbers mean nothing unless they are unpicked and put into the context of a particular situation) the chances are that Britain might well be moving into a ‘second wave’ of the covid-19 pandemic.

The problem with the figures is it appears that if anyone dies with symptoms of covid-19 then they are part of the number used to frighten people into accepting all the (increasing) restrictions under which a significant proportion of the population now have to live. What is not being clarified (at least as far as I can discover) is how many of these fatalities would have been classified as caused by other causes in previous years.

How may people are dying of influenza or pneumonia? We don’t know as those figures seem to have totally disappeared from the statistics. At the beginning of the pandemic many people, who might well have died as a consequence of covid-19 weren’t counted as such in the statistics as no one was available to state the actual cause of death. This was especially the case in care homes were the numbers of deaths started to overwhelm the system and covid appeared on fewer death certificates than might have been the case if staffing levels had been able to cope.

Now there might be a situation where covid is blamed for all such respiratory causes of death. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) mentioned this in one of their reports just over a week ago but I haven’t seen anything since (see below).

So ‘second wave’ or not? Perhaps the jury is still out on that one.

At the same time the very actions of the Governments of the 4 nations of the United Kingdom (as well as in most countries of the world) will have contributed to the ‘second wave’ if it ever does arrive.

They are following the science – then they’re not. They are introducing a lock down – and then they’re not. They have an effective test, track and trace regime – and then they don’t. They clarify matters – but people are still confused. They talk about following a similar and coordinated policy – then they go their own way. They make policies – and then they make so many U-turns that we all become dizzy. They say they have a strategy – but they don’t. Still, seven months since they started doing ‘something’.

As ‘something’ is all they have been doing. Just reacting to events as they have failed to have a proper strategy which will lead to certain actions that will have a real effect on the course of the virus but also to actions that will take society back to some semblance of normality.

Governments throughout the world resemble chickens with their heads cut off running around aimlessly rather than the sophisticated, modern leaders they constantly portray themselves as being.

But if the British Government, with the Buffoon at its head, has been inconsistent in its approach to the pandemic they have remained steadfast when it comes to its attitude to the poorest in society.

The way many Tory ministers and others have flocked to support the Government’s official position (notwithstanding the opportunist stance of some Conservative Members of Parliament who had gained their seats in last Decembers General Election in what was considered Labour’s heartland) over the issue of free school meals shows the true colours of these staunch representatives of wealth, privilege and guardians of the capitalist system.

After providing unimaginable amounts to private industry in the last seven months (and for how long in the future at the moment it’s impossible to say) they fight like a dog with a bone to not provide mere pocket change to provide meals to children in those times when they are not actually in school.

It’s their attitude and the way they fight to maintain what they see as a ‘principle’ which demonstrates the sort of people they are.

‘Scum’ is not a strong enough word to describe them.

Preparedness for the pandemic

Government did not have exact measures‘ for tackling Covid crisis. And blames Cummins’s interference for it.

How the State controls us

Scapegoats to frighten the masses – whilst the rich and powerful are never held to account.

Test, track and trace

Covid ‘test-and-release’ system for airlines ‘in place by December’ – if you believe that you’ll believe anything.

Test and trace forced to bring in untrained workers as system is overwhelmed.

The effectiveness of contact tracing apps – not just in Britain.

The ‘world beating’ test, track and race system? Buffoon admits failings as England’s covid contact-tracing system hits new low.

We may be living in ‘unprecedented and challenging’ times but the Government should still be following the rules – although they would love people to forget them. This time it’s all about privacy and the retention of personal information.

Instead of ‘everyone working together’ to ensure the country has a testing regime that works (let alone be ‘world beating’, the cretinous Buffoon’s boast way back in June) capitalism always looks to make money out of a crisis. This time it’s a high street chemist chain. A snip at £120 a time!

Test and trace workers report new problems with troubled service.

Patients discharged from hospitals without covid test results. Considered one of the contributory factors in the deaths in care homes in the spring some people don’t seemed to have learnt from that experience.

Nightingale Hospitals

They’ve been sitting there costing the State money – but doing nothing. Not even making sure they are prepared for a potential ‘second wave’.

Poverty in the UK

I can’t remember a time when so many people have been so concerned about ‘the poor’ in Britain. Barely a day goes by without someone – from millionaire footballers to Pantomime Dames – saying that the poor are suffering disproportionately due to the pandemic and they should be given assistance of one kind of another.

But the problem that underlies all of these concerned interventions is the acceptance that ‘the poor will always be with us’, as if it’s a natural phenomenon about which we can do nothing. This acceptance of a social ill is clearly displayed in the language and words used when discussing the poor – always in the third person as if what they want doesn’t really matter. (In fact, the main thing the poor want is not to be poor.)

The buzzword in Britain in the seven (long, long) months of the ineptly managed covid-19 pandemic has been ‘disadvantaged’. This also demonstrates the patronising attitude of those ‘comfortably well off’ when referring to those who work in insecure, low wage jobs, can’ pay their rent and have problems feeding, heating and clothing themselves and their children adequately.

They are not ‘disadvantaged’ as a specific group, they are just members of the working class who have been forced into a condition by the pressures of circumstance, not being able or wanting to organise to improve their condition collectively. Those other members of that same class, who (again by sheer luck in the main) have managed to secure a decent life for themselves have often forgotten about the less well off members of society and turn their back on what they fear might one day be their fate.

But it’s the very fate of the working class that however secure they might think they are, accepting the limitations of capitalism, everything can collapse at any time without warning. The uncertainty that accompanies the anarchy of capitalism means that any crisis can push those who were relatively content into conditions of extreme penury. The periodic crisis that are the corollary of capitalism have proven this time and time again.

But it’s not just the economic crises that can cause this drop from dizzy heights to the gutter. War, natural disasters and, as we see now, medical pandemics can also be the final push.

And this pandemic has opened the flood gates for do-gooders to spout their condescending and patronising claptrap. The most recent insult I have heard (although she is probably too stupid to realise it) is from Dame Louise Casey – with a background in ‘helping’ the poor in various organisations – who said (in an interview on Radio 4’s, World at One programme on the 20th October) she was concerned about ‘families at the bottom of the pile’. She was also concerned about ‘lone households, often women’ (you have to get your concerns for women in these debates to maintain credibility) without understanding that many in ‘lone households, often women’ work hard to provide for their children and manage (just) but don’t deserve to be talked down to.

The solution to poverty is not more stale crumbs from the rich man’s (and woman’s) table it is the poor getting off their knees and turning that pile up-side-down.

We should remember it’s not always the cream that rises to the top – the shit does as well.

There’s definitely nothing like a Dame.

Alternatives to unproven lock downs

It sticks in the craw to agree with a Tory Life Peer (and a Fund manager to boot) but one of that kind was interviewed on Radio 4’s World at One on 20th October (I’m sorry, yet another Dame and on the same day as the patronising one). Helena Morrissey was arguing that an endless cycle of lock downs (or whatever they may be called) hasn’t, isn’t and won’t really get us any closer to dealing with the covid-19 pandemic.

Using the argument of the Barrington Declaration (highlighted in a post a few weeks ago) she said we have to get used to living with the virus and that those, of all ages, who are classified as ‘vulnerable’ should be protected and the rest of us carry on in a slightly modified ‘normal’. Apart from her brown-nosing of the Buffoon there is little with which I disagree.

Now to wash my hands in pure lye after typing that.

Another establishment figure has a critical view of the use of restrictions on freedoms and the feeding of ‘mass hysteria’ by the Government to achieve its aims of control of the population. That can be seen in the growing idiocy about ‘Christmas being stolen’.

What do the statistics say?

‘No sign of second wave’ as ONS data shows normal level of deaths for time of year.

Most of the country’s major university towns are now past the peak of the virus.

Wales is living through a ‘fire break’ (another new term that has little meaning) at the moment but do the statistics of infections and deaths really warrant it?

A potential vaccine

The limits of vaccine trials – if we are after a vaccine to be the miracle about to happen.

‘The sooner we get a vaccine the sooner we can get back to normal’ is the mantra. But it may not be as easy as that.

Do you want the good news or the bad news?

The bad news, antibodies ‘fall rapidly after infection’ – although that sounds more problematic than it might be. A cold is a coronavirus and that keeps coming around all the time. Covid-19 is different as there hasn’t been enough time for society to build up much natural resistance. And even in this study they suggested that any second infection would normally be much milder than the first.

The good news?

New understanding of the neuropilin-1 protein could speed vaccine research. I don’t understand what it means either but I assume that someone involved in vaccine research does.

Zero cases?

Why chase after the impossible? All countries seem to be aiming to eliminate the virus which is considered by virtually all scientists to be an impossibility – at least for many years. That means we will have to learn to live with the virus and adapt to its presence in society worldwide.

Care homes

Care staff ordered to work in one home only. This might be easier said than done. As part of the cuts in funding to care home full time staff were reduced and most homes depend upon part time agency workers to fill busy times. That will not be easy to just switch off like a tap. In a way it could make the situation worse and not better.

Will care homes be ready to face the winter if the country gets hit by a so-called ‘second wave’? Not if early indications are anything to go by. If inspectors can’t get tests what chance anyone else?

If there’s a problem in one sector you can always trust the Tories to make matters worse. Nothing whatsoever has been learnt from mistakes from earlier in the year, with patients being sent from hospital to care homes without being tested negative first. It shows a total disrespect for people in general (as this risks spreading the infection in the community) – but especially the most vulnerable.

Is it corruption?

Somebody has to pay for all those empty trains we have been told not to use. What about the public? If the the State has to pick up the bills then that’s a nationalised industry to me. £50 million in just a weekend.

They might sound cheap but all the adverts from the last seven months haven’t come from a bargain basement. The pounds in their millions were being spent even before the first lock down.

The virus that sticks like glue

Coronavirus can survive on skin for nine hours.

The Nationalists

If there isn’t enough confusion nationwide the Scottish Nationalist are now proposing to introduce a 5 tier system in Scotland – whilst there’s a 3 tier system in England. For no other reason than being different and ‘in control’.

Scots told to prepare for ‘digital Christmas’.

But in Wales the ‘fire break’ was to protect Christmas – or at least the businesses.

The World at One on 23rd October gave a break down on what the Scottish ‘5 tier’ system was all about.

In the last post we looked at the situation of the annual vaccinations against influenza (flu jabs) in England. It’s not much better in Scotland. You and Yours, on Radio 4 on 23rd October, had a look at the issue.

Making money out of a crisis

We knew there would be abuses of the system where the Government was giving out money to companies hand over fist without any oversight – but that much? £2 billion in the hands of gangsters.

The Army gets involved for the first time

Supposedly only in a logistics role but the Army is starting to be deployed.

‘Collateral damage’

It’s been said may times here that the brunt of the effects of the pandemic – but more especially the manner in which it has been approached by the Buffoon and his Government (just as in other parts of the world) – will be felt by the young, those who are just about to start work as well as those who have been working for just a few years (and school children will be effected in ways we won’t understand for some time). However it does no harm to re-iterate the issue by reference to the unemployment figures.

The background to the deaths

There are many reasons for the high numbers of deaths in the UK since the start of the pandemic. Decades of underfunding of the NHS and the general health of the population being just two. To the list can now be added air pollution.

More on covid pandemic 2020-2?

Seven months into the pandemic – yet back to square one

More on covid pandemic 2020-2?

Seven months into the pandemic – yet back to square one

When I posted the first article under the heading ‘Journal of the Plague Year 2020’ on 23rd March of this year I didn’t (in my most fearsome nightmares) think I would still be posting about the crass incompetence of the Buffoon and his Government just under seven months later.

In that first post I bemoaned the fact that it seemed that society (or at least those who are in charge of its present day capitalist manifestation of it) hadn’t seemed to have learnt anything over the seven hundred years since the Black Death took with it at least a third of the population of Europe before it eventually fizzled out in 1351.

If the feudalists and the capitalists hadn’t been able to learn anything in 700 years I suppose it was foolish to believe they would learn anything in seven months.

The oppressors and exploiters haven’t moved on – there’s no incentive for then to do so as they consider they are masters of the universe and even if a few of them die their system will carry on without them. However, the rest of society is very different from what it was all those centuries ago.

Science, technology and education have all moved ahead in leaps and bounds. Even though there are still fundamentalist sects (which can include mainstream religions) that still live in an ideological past the majority of society – at least in the more established capitalist societies where workers have been able to extract a few concessions, including education, from the exploiters – looks at the world in a very different way from the subsistence farming peasant of the 14th century. Or so I would like to believe.

In Britain (without looking at the experience of other countries throughout the world) there are countless examples where working people have stood up against the failings of the ruling class. In Britain one of those examples was the Peasant’s Revolt of 1381 which had a direct connection to the consequences of the plague of 30 years before.

The capabilities, opportunities, knowledge and potential to make sure we never have to live through such chaos are there in a abundance. However, alongside those positives we still have the disease of subservience and a culture of parliamentary cretinism which prevents too many people from taking direct action outside of the electoral process.

In the last seven months the Tories have shown themselves incompetent and incapable of coming up with an effective strategy to deal with the issue at hand. But not for the first time and like the proverbial ‘bad penny’ they keep on bouncing back. The Parliamentary opposition in the form of the Labour Party is no different – and have constantly failed to deliver when they have been in the position to change society for the benefit of the majority. None of these groupings will ever change.

As we in Britain (as in many other countries worldwide) start to face another sequence of lock downs – whatever they may be called; local, partial, national, ‘fire break’, ‘circuit breakers’, or any other meaningless term some bright spark will invent – if we stick to the present system the future will just be a succession of ‘Groundhog Days’ where the future only offers us more of what has gone before. But probably worse.

I have little doubt that I’ll have to change the name of this collection of posts to Journal of the Plague Years 2020-2021 – if we are lucky.

Preparedness for a pandemic

In the last post I stated that there didn’t seem to be any specific plans for a pandemic in Britain – although in past years and even in the early days of he covid-19 outbreak we were ‘reassured’ that the Government had a considered plan in place. But I was wrong. However, you wouldn’t think so with the chaotic and uncoordinated manner in which policy has been made since the end of March.

I don’t know what’s worse, having a strategy and ignoring it or not having a strategy at all. It’s all about crimes of commission or omission.

The theory, and a few guidelines, can be read in an article entitled ‘How to prepare for a pandemic’.

For a detailed (very detailed) strategy was produced by Public Health England in 2014. Specifically two documents, the Pandemic Influenza Response Plan and the Pandemic Influenza Strategic Framework. The first is a very long document, with suggestions of who, what, when where and why at the different stages of any pandemic. The second is a much shorter overview of what should happen. (It has to be remembered that these documents where designed for a hypothetical outbreak and recognise that actions and decisions would be subject to change and alteration in the event the hypothetical becoming the reality.)

Annotated versions, where I’ve picked out the items I thought were the most important, are also available of the Plan and the Framework.

The problem is that the Government doesn’t seem to have read, or at least understood, documents which have been published in their own name. Public Health England (PHE) seems to have been marginalised from the start – not least because it places an emphasis on matters being dealt with at a local level – and has now been abolished because it was considered (probably by the puppet master Cummins) to be ‘not fit for purpose’. That’s why everything has been pushed into the hands of private companies and we can all see the pig’s ear they have made of everything they were paid a huge amount to do.

One matter that is stressed in the Plan is the necessity and infrastructure needed for testing, which has become such a contentious topic in the present pandemic. Again, if the Buffoon or his acolytes read that they don’t seem to have understood what were the implications.

Whitehall told to release secret 2016 files on UK pandemic risks. The Government has until the 23rd October to accede to the Information Commissioner’s Office request – or explain way not.

Protests against restrictions

There have been plenty of complaints about some of the lock down measures but little actual action. One minor one was the dumping of ice from the bars that were closed down in Central Scotland earlier in the month.

Students aren’t too happy about the food they’re being given when forced to self isolate, saying they are being given cheap junk food instead of decent, nutritious food.

This was announced, but little seems to have moved forward. England’s hospitality bosses prepare legal challenge to covid lock downs.

Deaths in the UK 2020

A report that looked into the total number of deaths in the UK in 2020, most of which would have been under the time of the lock down due to the pandemic, found that Britain didn’t fare too well in comparison with 20 other countries. This was mainly due to the manner in which the NHS had been run down, attacked as a social structure and starved of investment in terms of both materials and staff in the last few decades. In a sense, whatever the Buffoon had done we, in Britain, were on a hiding to nothing. This was highlighted in an interview on Radio 4’s World at One on 14th October with Professor Majid Ezzati, from Imperial College, London.

The ‘herd immunity’ argument

Life can go back to normal if we make it our common goal to achieve herd immunity.

Consequences of covid-19

Another to add to the list – covid may cause sudden, permanent hearing loss.

Protests that there should be more restrictions

Scientists want much stricter measures to curb what they consider is the infection rates getting out of hand – and have been saying so for some time;

Planned new rules for north of England are not enough.

UK at ‘tipping point’.

Sage scientists called for short lock down weeks ago

Two-week circuit breaker ‘may halve deaths’.

Covid the new Scrooge

First your holidays now covid has its sight on Christmas.

Fear used to ensure ‘compliance’

Man gets covid twice and second hit ‘more severe’. Even though of the millions who have caught the infection only twenty or so have been recorded as having been infected twice. Isn’t that statistically insignificant? If so, why does this make the headlines?

University of East Anglia party students fined £10,000.

More on ‘collateral damage’

Although it’s been mentioned before, as time goes by more details start to emerge. Three million patients have missed cancer screenings since start of pandemic. With a lcak of any strategy and with a possible ‘second lock down’ on the way these figures are not going to get any smaller. This could end up causing more suffering and deaths without any real advantage being achieved by the Government’s ‘response’ to the situation in the country.

‘Protect the NHS’ message led to 90 per cent drop in hospital admissions.

More than 26,000 extra deaths this year, mainly in their own homes. A statistic which cries out for a more strategic approach to dealing with the pandemic – not just in the UK but other parts of the world as such figures will be duplicated in many countries.

Nightingale Hospitals

What has happened to England’s seven Nightingale hospitals? A good question as these have cost a fortune and most have never been used.

A few days later, as part of the campaign to create a climate of fear and aid compliance it was announced that those in the north locations were being brought up to a state of readiness.

Earlier in the pandemic some scientists were calling for the establishment of ‘fever hospitals’. If the number of infections is putting a strain on the normal hospitals, and reducing capacity due to distancing measures, wouldn’t it be a good idea to send all covid cases to these temporary hospitals from now on and create specialist teams which only deal with covid cases? If there were fears of a heightened risk of infection amongst staff (or other possible psychological pressures) then surely it’s not outside of the bounds of possibility to rotate those working there? Always the emphasis is on the problem and not the potential solution.

The shortage of nursing staff in the UK

There’s been a crisis in the NHS for years – and the way successive governments have sought to deal with staff shortages (and to save money by not training nursing staff in the UK) is by stealing valuable staff from the poorer countries of the world. This has been a disgrace and is a continuation of colonial exploitation by taking resources from the poor and giving them to the rich – although here (as with slavery) human resources. Self-sufficiency is the answer.

Hospitals battle coronavirus outbreaks as workforce shortages drive cancellation fears.


This issue continues to be problematic, aspirations not being matched by capabilities.

Used coronavirus tests handed out by mistake.

Trailblazing’ plans to cut travel quarantine.

Health and safety breaches at testing lab.

Test and Trace records worst week yet.

Boris Johnson promised a ‘world-beating’ system – but Government’s Sage committee says all three pillars aren’t working.

Buffoon ‘won’t hit target of 500,000 Covid tests a day by end of month’.

The Government can’t get the test, track and trace regime working but they can find time to give PC Plod more powers as they are to be given access to NHS self-isolation data.

The Buffoon promised a ‘world beating’ test, track and trace system. A report compared the UK with five other countries throughout the world. Britain didn’t come out to well. The results of this study were presented on Radio 4’s Inside Science on 15th October.

There are many conclusions from this study which should have an impact upon pandemic preparations in the UK in the future (that is, assuming we all don’t die due to the incompetence of our ‘leaders’). But what is obvious is that the majority of the problems that have arisen in the last seven months have been down to policy decisions of the last couple of decades (where both major political parties have been in control) which have basically decided that everything should be determined by the ‘market’, that economic liberalisation – which has been accepted as given by far too many people, including the working class – should decide what happens. Such an approach was questionable in the past but the pandemic has shown that such an approach is totally incapable of dealing with a medical, economic and political crisis.

People with suspected covid sent to non-existent test centre.

What was most interesting about this news is the way the Department of Health and Social Care reacted to this;

‘We are aware of an issue with an incorrect testing location in Sevenoaks. This issue has now been resolved and people are being redirected to the correct site. … NHS Test and Trace is providing tests at the unprecedented scale of more than 270,000 tests per day nationally and we are on track to achieve capacity for 500,000 tests a day by the end of October.’

In place of responding to the chaos all we are given is more spin, more smoke and mirrors.

Annual influenza vaccination

The Government extended the coverage of those it recommends should have a flu jab to those above 50 (and not 65 as is generally the case). However, this statement was made without the Government making sure enough of the vaccine was available and also establishing the infrastructure that would deal with a doubling of the numbers of those eligible for the injection. It also came across problems due to the virtual privatisation of this task with private chemists being able to provide the service. This matter was covered in a Radio 4, You and Yours item on 16th October.

Poverty in the United Kingdom

Two recent reports illustrate the level of poverty in the United Kingdom. The covid-19 pandemic hasn’t caused these problems – only exacerbated already existing issues. The level, depth and widespread nature of poverty in Britain has been a disgrace for decades. For that to exist in the fifth or sixth richest country in the world just goes to show the lies of capitalism that it is the best system for the majority of people.

In the 1970s there was a phrase that most people in Britain ‘were only one pay packet from destitution’. The truth of that has been demonstrated innumerable times in the past 50 years. The pandemic, by concentrating matters in weeks when it would normally show itself over years, has only made this dire situation more obvious – both to those who are losing their jobs and the rest of the ostrich population who have been happy to continue turning their backs on a situation which they might have found distasteful. Also those who thought they might have been immune from this particular disease of capitalism are now beginning to realise that no one who doesn’t have a private income and depends on their standard of living by their employment is entirely immune.

The first report, by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, entitled Poverty in Scotland 2020, concentrates its focus on the northern part of the United Kingdom. The situation in Scotland hasn’t improved significantly with the growth of the Scottish Nationalist movement in the country – no surprise as all nationalist movements devoid of Marxism-Leninism are bound to only benefit the local capitalist and not the majority of the population.

Although focussing on Scotland there’s no reason to believe the situation is not similar (if not worse) in the other parts of the UK.

The second is by Save the Children and is entitled Winter plan for children. It would more appropriately be entitled No winter plan for children. This report predicts severe problems for even more children and their families this coming winter with the pandemic only (again) exacerbating and already well entrenched and almost institutionalised system of child poverty.

This obscene reality should make any right thinking person in Britain angry but it sometimes becomes difficult when people were interviewed pre-December 2019 General Election leaving food banks and making positive comments about the Tory Buffoon for whom the same cretins were going to re-elect in a matter of days. Chickens coming home to roost?

Poverty campaigners estimate 1 million pupils have recently signed up free school meals for first time.

Again from Scotland – but applicable in the the rest of the UK – a warning about bad living conditions, poor housing and inadequate heating leading to a disproportionate amount of suffering being dumped on the poor.

A footballer campaigns for the extension of free school meals but he doesn’t realise that he is merely perpetuating poverty and is nowhere closer to eliminating it. His reward in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List only confirms the uselessness of his campaign – and how it is appreciated by the State.

Is re-infection a real issue?

Not really. A little over 20 people have been recorded as having been re-infected after an initial dose of the virus – out of the millions who had contracted the disease worldwide. That makes the numbers statistically insignificant so why are these few cases given such prominence in the media? A rhetorical question – it’s obviously designed to maintain the ‘fear of death’ level.

Peter Openshaw, from Imperial College London put this matter into perspective in an interview on Radio 4’s World at One on 13th October.

All in this together!

It’s just a sign of their insensitivity. Members of Parliament could be due a £3,000 pay rise. Will it make those who are being made redundant or put on short time angry? It should, but the British have accepted more in the past so no reason for the politicians to have too many fears of the gates of Westminster being stormed ala Petrograd in 1917.

Dominic Cummings continues to use the system to his advantage – this time by avoiding council tax.

Care Homes – and the re-writing of history

Jeremy Hunt, who a few years ago was the Health Secretary and oversaw the break down of the NHS and the care system, continues to attempt to re-write history. Following on from his attempts highlighted in the last post he continues to paint himself as reasonable and caring whilst at the same time trying to divert criticisms away from the Buffoon’s Government. Hunt may resent being pushed to the sidelines but his loyalty is still to the Tory Party and his class.

In an interview on Radio 4’s World at One on 13th October he claimed that the reasons the percentage of deaths in care homes was so high (an estimated 40%) during the outbreak earlier in the year was due to causes which have now been rectified. Those were: agency workers transmitting the disease from one home to another; patients not being tested on leaving hospital and being sent to a care home; and a shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

He approaches these problems as if they were not identified at the time (which is a lie) and that the Government was the entity to sort the issues (which is another lie). A drop in infections generally and not as many old and vulnerable people to kill pulled the Tories out of their mire. The most recent pronouncements by care home providers (let alone those who care for people in their own homes) don’t paint too promising a picture for the coming winter months.

The panic-mongers

It never does any harm to introduce a bit of peripheral ‘research’ to increase the fear levels and introduce a bit more baseless panic. Your mobile phone and cash in your pocket might be out to kill you! If certain circumstances are manipulated you can prove anything. However, they are only ‘infectious’ when kept in the dark – a bit like the population of the country.

Corruption accompanies any crisis

The issue of corruption and contracts being awarded without proper process have come up a number of times in the last seven months. The only difference is that the numbers keep on getting bigger. At the moment there’s a legal case being brought by some Members of Parliament against the Government (doesn’t that illustrate the failings of the British ‘democratic system’ not its strengths?) for Ministers ‘keeping the public in the dark’ over private contracts.

Consultants’ fees ‘up to £6,250 a day‘ for work on covid test system – and they still can’t get it right.

Government pays BA and Virgin £70 million to fly PPE from China – PPE travels in First Class.


In the (rejected) pandemic strategy adopted in 2014 (illustrated above) it was hoped that the four ‘nations’ that comprise the UK would act in concert. In your dreams! The nationalists, whichever their variety, will always seek to make their own decisions – whether it is for the benefit of the whole island or not. The latest example if the so-called ‘three tier’ lock down system.

There are still things going on behind the scenes

Obviously it’s the pandemic that’s hogging the headlines but we should not forget that government still carries on. And in the UK we have a government of self-seeking Tories with a huge Parliamentary majority. In such a circumstance so-called ‘rebels’ can make a lot of noise but they know that their future is secure as there will always be enough toadies (not wanting to risk their lucrative positions) to ensure the Government gets its way. That was the case of maintaining food health standards after Britain leaves the European Union at the end of this year. (Start dipping your chicken in the local municipal swimming pool – if it’s still open – to know what it will taste like in a year or so.) Under normal circumstances there would have been much more noise and the outcome could have been very different. Almost certainly there are other matters just going through on the nod which will come back to bite the British population in the not too distant future.

More on covid pandemic 2020-2?