Archaeological Museum – Campeche

Archaeological Museum – Campeche

Archaeological Museum – Campeche

More on the Maya

Archaeological Museum – Campeche

A small, yet very fine, museum containing artefacts uncovered at the Campeche Mayan sites of Calakmul, Edzna, Becan, Chicanna and Xpujil amongst others.

The collection includes various ceramics – of both daily use and as funereal offerings, jade masks, stelae and other stone sculptures.

The exhibits are laid out in such a way as to understand how the Mayans used these objects in various aspects of their daily, religious and after-life activities.

Getting there;

From Campeche. There is limited public transport along the road that heads west parallel to the coast. This is where the rich of Campeche live, with gated communities and 24 hour security. The museum is located in the Fuerte de San Miguel which sits on a high promontory looking down on the ocean.



More on the Maya

Museum of Mayan Architecture – Campeche

Museum of Mayan Architecture - Campeche

Museum of Mayan Architecture – Campeche

More on the Maya

Museum of Mayan Architecture – Campeche

This is a small (4 room) museum in the historic centre of Campeche.

There may not be a huge number of objects but what is there is worth the visit. Many of the stelae en situ in the ruins site have suffered from erosion – from time and the weather.

Here you will find carvings that are legible and help to understand how the Maya represented themselves and their culture.

Getting there;

The museum is inside the Baluarte de la Soledad, on the city wall, just down from the main square (Zocolo) where the cathedral is located, near Avenida 16 de Setiembre in the historic part of Campeche.



More on the Maya