Museum of Socialist Art – Sofia, Bulgaria

Museum of Socialist Art - Sofia

Museum of Socialist Art – Sofia

Museum of Socialist Art – Sofia, Bulgaria

The Museum is in two parts; the internal gallery and the garden with the collection of statues (almost certainly the most interesting part of the site). The internal gallery has an exhibition that might change. I don’t know how regularly. When I visited in April 2024 there was an exhibition of cartoons, both pro-Socialist and (mostly) anti.

The sculpture garden doesn’t seem to change, There’s probably much more in store than is possible to put on display. And some of the sculptures may not have been designed to deal with outside conditions and will never be put on show if not in the internal gallery.

Sculpture Garden - 01

Sculpture Garden – 01

In the garden you will find;

some fine (and sometimes very large) statues/busts of Comrade VI Lenin. There seems (to my non-expert eye) to be a ‘chunkiness’ – no doubt not an artistic term – to Balkan statues, especially when compared with what would have been produced at the same time in the Soviet Union. As an illustration of that see the two version of JV Stalin in the (now closed, as far as I know) ‘sculpture park’ at the rear of the National Art Gallery in Tirana, Albania;

a number of busts and full length statues of GM Dimitrov. I’ve nothing to compare them to but they also demonstrate that solidity of Balkan sculpture;

a couple of very fine busts of Felix Dzerzhinsky (‘Iron Felix’), the first leader of what started out as the Cheka (and which eventually became the KGB), the organisation Comrade Stalin described as ‘the bared sword of the working class’. For reasons which I admire, but don’t totally understand, Iron Felix was admired throughout the Socialist world, probably due to his steadfast defence of the interests of the working class and peasantry – even though his personal background was that of a minor Polish aristocrat. However, the image of Iron Felix closest to the entrance of the garden is erroneously signed as being VI Lenin. How so called ‘curators’ can allow that error to go unchallenged just goes to show the depths to which education has gone in capitalist Bulgaria;

Sculpture Garden - 02

Sculpture Garden – 02

some quite delicate and beautiful images of female co-operative/collective farm workers;

a number of statues which celebrate/commemorate the struggle of the Partisans against the Nazis in the Great Patriotic War. There’s one that reminds me of a number of groups of Albanian lapidars and another which, with its religious reference to a trinity and the deposition from the cross, with Paskali’s statue in the Martyrs Cemetery in Permet;

a bust of Che Guevara;

a very gentle and moving statue of two Korean children being subjected to the carpet bombing of the ‘United Nations’ (read the US and its lackeys) armed forces during the Victorious Fatherland National Liberation War of the early 1950s. The older boy has his left arm in a sling and he his sheltering his younger sister with his right arm – something that will be happening all the time in Gaza now and which Socialist Bulgaria would have been condemning as opposed to slavishly supporting as a member of NATO;

a couple of group sculptures whose original orientation can present a different idea once that orientation is altered;

a strangely androgynous representation of ‘The Republic’ which has the body of a female but the facial features of a male;

but no ‘Uncle Joe’. Joe and Georgi were like two peas in a pod but after the revisionists took control in the Soviet Union, all the other countries of Eastern Europe (apart from Albania) quickly followed and any statues of JV Stalin would have been taken down in the 1960s. I’m sure they must still exist somewhere. Perhaps one day they will emerge from the darkness;

Sculpture Garden - 03

Sculpture Garden – 03

also (which I almost missed) those statures not considered worth anything, left in a back yard, just left to decay, one even showing how the statues were given their bulk and weight – through its sacrifice of destruction – including a rare ‘classic’ nude female;

and a number of statues that can only have been considered unacceptable due to the sculptor and not the content – unless I missed something.

There’s obviously a lot more Socialist realist artworks still in storage somewhere in Sofia. In recent years the internal art gallery hosted a selection of paintings of the Socialist leaders and also another exhibition of those Socialist Realist paintings that celebrated the working class and peasantry. There were a couple of catalogues of these exhibitions available in the book stall of the National Art Gallery.

The principal aspect of the Monument to the Soviet Army, which used to stand on the top of the pedestal and which was removed in December 2023, is supposed to be coming to this gallery at some time in the future. Whether the delay is political or if the statue is undergoing restoration and cleaning I don’t know. This consists of a trio, a Red army solder, a Bulgarian woman holding her baby, and a Bulgarian man. However, I see at least three problems with this installation in the museum garden.

The first is that something that was designed to be seen from more than 30 metres below will look very strange at ground level. Secondly, I can see very serious problems on getting such a structure physically through the entrance to the museum garden. Even if it is in three parts it will be a major logistical task to lower the statue into position. Thirdly, where would it go? There’s not a lot of space available.

How to get there:

Get to GM Dimitrov Metro station on the lines 1 and 4. After leaving the station and getting to street level follow the ‘tunnel’ of the Metro heading to the city centre. On the opposite side of the road is the office of Fibank. At the first road junction (still within sight of the Metro station) turn right. Within a few metres there’s a modern shopping/cafe complex on the right and immediately after this you’ll see an entrance controlled by a barrier. Go through this into a car park and you’ll notice a large red star amongst the shrubbery to your right. The entrance to the museum statue park is to the left of the star. The ticket office is in the small souvenir shop on the left.


g.k. Iztok, ulitsa Lachezar Stanchev 7, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria





Bulgarian Lev 6

Opening times:

10.00 – 18.00, Tuesday-Sunday, closed Monday

Critiques of Cuba

Guevara and Debray in Bolivia

Guevara and Debray in Bolivia

More on Cuba

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Critiques of Cuba

However much respect the Cuban government and people have earned by their refusal to back down to US imperialism’s pressure this does not mean they have all the answers for the oppressed and exploited of the planet.

Many of the policies pursued by the Castro government, from the very early days, were determined more by pragmatism (and not a certain level of opportunism) when reacting to the problems they faced. The relationship with the Soviet Union, the attitude towards the ‘Great Polemic’ in the International Communist Movement, the ‘theory’ of ‘focism’ and the country’s participation in the Non-Aligned Movement are all matters that display a lack of cohesive ideology in the country’s leadership.

The small number of articles below were produced by comrades in the United States. We may not agree with all the ideas contained in these documents but they are reproduced here as part of the necessary debate all Marxist-Leninist-Maoists must have.

Criticism of Castro and Cuba by Foreign Revolutionaries

Cuba – The Evaporation of a Myth – From Anti-Imperialist Revolution to Pawn of Social-Imperialism, by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. Originally an article published on February 15, 1976, in the RCP newspaper Revolution, then reissued as a pamphlet in 1976. This version is the second printing, slightly revised, June, 1977, 40 pages.

What is Socialism? by Scott Harrison – A letter on December 20, 2013 to Bob Weil about how one determines whether a country is a socialist one or not, and specifically focusing on Stalin’s USSR and Castro’s Cuba. 6 pages.

Criticism of Che Guevara and Focoism

Guevara, Debray and Armed Revisionism, by Lenny Wolff. This important 36-page article originally appeared in the RCP’s magazine Revolution, No. 53, Winter/Spring 1985.

More on Cuba

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Writings of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara

Fidel and Che

Fidel and Che

More on Cuba

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

Writings of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara

Writings of Fidel Castro (1926-2016)

History Will Absolve Me, the Moncada Trial Defense Speech by Fidel Castro, Santiago de Cuba, October 16, 1953, (London: 1967), 126 pages.

Those Who Are Not Revolutionary Fighters Cannot Be Called Communists, speech by Fidel Castro, March 13, 1967, Merit, New York, 1968, 76 pages.

A New Stage in the Advance of Cuban Socialism, speech by Fidel Castro, April 19, 1968, Merit, New York, N.D., 52 pages.

Fidel Castro Speaks, a collection of documents edited by Martin Kenner & James Petras, New York, 1969, 360 pages.

14th Congress of the Cuban Trade Unions, (CTC), Closing Speech, by Fidel Castro, December 2, 1978, Political Publishers, Havana, 1979, 60 pages.

34th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, Fidel Castro, October 12, 1979, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Havana, 1979, 40 pages.

68th Inter-Parliamentary Conference, Speech, Fidel Castro, September 15, 1981, Editora Politica, Havana, 1981, 45 pages.

Fidel Castro speaks to trade unionists – the US drive to war and the World Economic Crisis, Pathfinder, New York, 1982, 17 pages.

Fidel Castro, Speech, 29th Anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Garrison, Granma, 26th July, 1982, 27 pages.

The World Economic and Social Crisis – Its impact on the underdeveloped countries, its somber prospects and the need to struggle if we are to survive, report given by Fidel Castro at the Seventh Summit Conference of Non-Aligned Countries, Publishing Office of the Council of State, Havana, 1983, 232 pages.

The World Crisis – Its Economic and Social Impact on the Underdeveloped Countries, Zed Press, London, 1984, 228 pages.

Capitalism in Crisis – Globalization and World Politics Today, articles and speeches 1998-2000, edited by David Deutschmann, Ocean Press, Melbourne, 2000, 308 pages.

Fidel Castro Reader, edited by David Deutschmann & Deborah Shnookal, Ocean Press, Melbourne, 2007, 572 pages.

Writings of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara (1928-67)

Man and Socialism in Cuba, by Che Guevara, Guairas Book Institute, Havana, 1967, 118 pages. With an extensive collection of photographs of the Cuban Revolution.

Socialism and Man in Cuba and Other Works, by Che Guevara, Stage 1, London, 1968, 80 pages.

The Marxism of Che Guevara, Michael Lowy, Monthly Review Press, London, 1973, 67 pages.

More on Cuba

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told