October 2023 – Palestine’s ‘Tet’? – from October 2023 to end of February 2024

Star of David - carved into Gazan soil - Daniel Hagari

Star of David – carved into Gazan soil – Daniel Hagari

More on Palestine

The war in the Ukraine – what you’re not told – 2024

October 2023 – Palestine’s ‘Tet’?

October 2023 – Palestine’s ‘Tet’? – from March to end of May 2024

October 2023 – Palestine’s ‘Tet’? – from October 2023 to end of February 2024

It might be considered an example of hyperbole to consider the events that took place on the 7th October 2023 to be Palestine’s ‘Tet’ but I still think, now as we are into the fourth week of the settler state’s genocidal attack upon Gaza, that the comparison holds water.

The comparison stems through two strands of thought. The first is that, in the most heavily ‘surveilled’ place in the world, a group of armed fighters were able to carry out the organisation and execution of a concerted military raid that took the oppressor state of Israel by surprise. And, it seems, one of the main reasons for their success was the NOT using of technology, i.e., mobile phones and computers – an object lesson for all future revolutionaries.

Also, that attack, made by people whose only weapons were AK47s and a few grenades, travelling to their targets on motorbikes and beat-up pick-up trucks, were able to overrun up to 15 armed position of the the Israeli Defence Forces.

The fact they were able to carry out this attack following many weeks of preparation without notice of this getting out very much mirrors the success of the Vietnamese in their attack upon the US invading forces and their lackeys of the South Vietnamese Army in January 1968. Due to their greater sophistication and organisation the Vietnamese were able to carry this out over a vast area of Southern Vietnam and in multiple locations.

As in Palestine the Vietnamese liberation forces were attacking an overwhelmingly strong and well equipped military force and, perhaps, it was no surprise that that initial attack was eventually defeated, causing heavy losses on the attacking forces. (See The Tet Mau Than 1968 Event in South Vietnam)

But what both events demonstrated is that the invading/occupying force was not all powerful. The attacks challenged the idea that, even though armed with superior equipment in terms of quantity as well as quality (taking as a starting point that technology leads to ‘superior’ force – something that isn’t always true) the enemy couldn’t be defeated. Basically what both attacks showed was that the arrogance and hubris of the invader/occupier hid their inbuilt vulnerability. They were, are and ever will be ‘paper tigers’.

The attacks showed that the invader/occupier wasn’t invincible. And this has a phycological impact upon both sides in the conflicts. And when we look at it we can see that there are similarities between the US and Israeli military forces. They are basically bullies and when faced with an organised and determined force their success is far from guaranteed.

We should remember that, even though the ‘most powerful military on the planet’, the US hasn’t won a war since the 19th century (if we don’t count their ‘victory’ in Grenada in 1983) and the vast majority of the Israeli military get their ‘training’ by insulting, abusing, beating up and killing unarmed men, women and children.

The most recent debacle for the US military was in Afghanistan when, after 20 years and an almost unbelievable amount of money, they left the country in a way that was similar to their ultimate, ignominious departure from Vietnam in 1975 – with their Afghan flunkies and collaborators clinging on to departing aircraft at Kabul airport in the same way as they did on the roof of the American Embassy in Saigon.

The ‘brave’ Zionist IDF is confident when, with overwhelming force, they assist in the illegal occupation of Palestinian land in the ‘West Bank’ by the fascist settlers and against children (there is even documented proof of them ‘arresting’ a five year old child for throwing stones) yet when faced with a properly organised and similarly armed force they back down and retreat to their holes in Palestine – as happened in 2006 in Lebanon against Hezbollah.

So probably the biggest effect of these two events was to undermine the confidence the invader/occupier had/has in their own power, in their own ability to defeat any opposing force – if they are just given enough time.

However, these ‘paper tigers’ are still very dangerous and as Tet in Vietnam in 1968 was followed by even more intense death and destruction rained upon the people of Indochina so we are seeing this taking place in Palestine now as the Zionist forces attempt genocide and ethnic cleaning in the Gaza whilst at the same time attacking those Palestinians in the ‘West Bank’ who have no connection with Hamas at all.

The ‘fact’ that has been constantly repeated (by all commentators, either pro-Zionist or otherwise – the latter because it has become obligatory to condemn Hamas when making any reference to the Zionist genocide attempt in Gaza) since the attack of October 7th is the number of ‘1400 civilians’ killed. Why no exact number? Surely after the chaos of that weekend subsided the true figures are known.

And then we have the repeated intention to reinforce the lie that all those who died on that day were, in fact, civilians. This ignores the number of military bases that were overrun and that a significant number of the casualties that day were military – who are legitimate targets when it is remembered that the Zionists are an occupational force and under international law an occupied people have the right to fight against their occupiers.

Then we have the fact that all Zionist kibbutzim are virtual civilian armed encampments. As they are situated on land stolen from the Palestinian people they maintain their legitimacy by armed force. Can we then really treat these ‘invaders’ as mere ‘innocent civilians’? Yes, they were defending themselves against the Palestinian attack but they were defending themselves from the very people from whom they had stolen the land.

Another fact (and this is a verifiable fact in that those settlers who survived the attacks on the kibbutzim in which they lived have given interviews to the effect) is that many of those who died were killed by the disorganised, panicked and confused Israeli Defence Force who – when they eventually arrived – fired at everyone and anyone they thought might have been an attacker. And this was with heavy arms, that is tanks and attack helicopters, equipment to which the Palestinians didn’t have access.

What is ‘forgotten’ in the so-called ‘discussion’ on the events of the 7th October is that the Palestinians only had access to light arms, AK47s and the like, with possibly a few grenades. The damage that was caused in both the military installations and the kibbutzim was well over and above what the attackers could have achieved. The burnt bodies of both the attackers and those attacked could only have been the result of the use of some of the most powerful weapons on the planet – which in this conflict are only in the hands of the Zionists. And, as stated above, this was what survivors of the attack testified to in interviews with the media in the days immediately following the attack

So many of those civilians who died were killed by their ‘own’ people. And as the information comes out that was sometimes intentionally (due to the infamous Zionist ‘Hannibal Directive‘) and sometimes as a result of the confusion that reigned when the Zionist military became involved.

So we have a situation where less and less of the mythical ‘1400’ were killed by Hamas and other Palestinian attackers. They were ‘collateral damage’ in a war between the occupied and the occupiers.

Here it should be noted that the claims made in the immediate aftermath of the attack of rapes and beheading of babies were merely the lies perpetuated by the Zionists to ‘justify’ their occupation of Palestinian land and which were repeated by the servile mass media in the west – as well as by the decrepit President of the US. There has never been a shred of evidence produced to substantiate any of this and it has never been accepted by those that disseminated such lies that the claims were groundless. They just let them fester and hope that those who read/heard these claims will remember this ‘information’ and close their minds to the reality on the ground.

Also, I’m not aware of any verifiable information that indicated any of those settlers killed on 7th October by the Palestinians didn’t die during the battles that ensued once they arrived at either the military of kibbutzim targets or during the ‘rescue’ attempts by the Zionist military. That is, there is no substantiated claim that the Palestinians summarily executed any of their prisoners.

Ever since the Hamas attack on 07 October 2023 is has seemingly been incumbent upon many (even those anti-Zionist, pro-Palestinian commentators) who address the genocide and ethnic cleaning taking place in Gaza to first condemn, using the most graphic and most emotional language, the Hamas action as being some sort of alien and unnatural occurrence, something which no human being would ever even contemplate implementing.

This attitude continues weeks into the Zionist settler state’s genocidal attack on what was the ‘world’s biggest concentration camp’ pre-October 7 2023.

This is despite the fact;

  • the assault is considered by many to be a brilliantly organised and executed military action;
  • the main force was directed against the Zionist settler state’s military locations and personnel;
  • that many of those killed were as a result of the Zionist settler state’s ‘friendly fire’;
  • that many of the statements made by the Zionist settler state were/are fabrications and part of that state’s long standing management of the ‘narrative’ and is pure propaganda.

Added to that the Palestinians have been systematically and institutionally brutalised since the 1930s (and especially so after the illegal declaration of the State of Israel in 1948).

There have been a number of references and comparisons of the Zionist settler state’s bloodlust in Gaza to that of the French in Algeria in the 1960s. However, for reasons I don’t really understand, no reference has been made to a seminal work that came out of that conflict. And that is the book ‘The wretched of the earth’ by Franz Fanon.

On re-reading this book it is amazing how easily Palestine, some 60 years later, could be substituted for Algeria in virtually all contexts. All that’s needed is to change the names of the places, the individuals and organisations concerned and you would think the book had been written yesterday. Especially relevant is Chapter 1 – ‘On Violence’ but also useful to read are some of the case studies in Chapter 5.

Perhaps before people consider they have to condemn the actions of Hamas before they can comment of what is happening today they should consider what settler colonisation does to those people who are brutalised on a daily basis. Perhaps westerners should look to themselves first.

[I came across this article, ‘Would Frantz Fanon have supported the October 7 massacre? His biographer isn’t so sure’ in early February 2024. I don’t think the biographer makes the case for the assumption but produce it here for people to make up their own minds. However, a few of points/comments. 1. The use of the word ‘massacre’ in the article heading. 2. The biographer is Jewish (Zionist?). 3. The article appeared in a popular Israeli newspaper. 4. The propaganda machine of the US-backed Zionist settler state never rests and looks for any way to sow doubts and divisions.]

Reference material

Some people who visit this page might be familiar with the terms that are commonly used in the articles, the links to which are provided below. However, some may not. That being the case it seems to be a good idea to give a few definitions of some of the more often used terminology. These definitions have been provided by Comrades at bannedthought, a site that also provides a great deal of material about revolutionary movements throughout the world.


‘Two-state solution’ (Palestine)

Zionism — and the creation of Israel

Zionism — and imperialism

‘Greater Israel’


For some of the documents that explain that what the US-backed Zionist settler state is now carrying out in Gaza (and also in the West Bank) is nothing new – and is the basis of Zionism and the illegal establishment of the state of Israel – you might find it interesting to go to The Facts about the Palestine ‘Problem’ and The History of Palestine from the time of the plan of the establishment of the Settler State of Israel.

The Hamas attack ‘unprovoked’?

‘Would you call this ethnic cleansing?’ Palestine’s ongoing catastrophe. Video released on 20 September 2023.

08 October 2023

The West’s hypocrisy towards Gaza’s breakout is stomach-turning.

08 October 2023

Gaza shatters the facade of ‘calm’.

09 October 2023

Israeli-Palestinian conflict erupts amid US proxy war in Ukraine – the New Atlas. [With the argument that we have to look at the real motives (and alliances) of Hamas – that Hamas is actually a tool of the US to strengthen Israel. If Belectic is correct, then this is yet another grave miscalculation by the west. Their arrogance that they can treat the rest of the world as a puppet show means they are forgetting that there may be serious negative consequences of their manipulation. In this circumstance the credibility of the Israeli Defence Forces has taken a serious blow.]

09 October 2023

The Gaza Ghetto Uprising.

09 October 2023

Is Israel weaker than widely seen in Hamas/Palestine ‘war’?

10 October 2023

Israeli airstrikes kill at least 140 Palestinian children in Gaza.

10 October 2023

Operation Gaza Truth Flood – The Grayzone

10 October 2023

Israel has ‘duty’ to respond to Hamas, says Biden.

10 October 2023

‘We are fighting human animals’, Israeli defence minister says.

10 October 2023

Scott Ritter: Are Hamas fighters using American weapons meant for Ukraine?

10 October 2023

Crazy talks on Israeli-Palestinian conflict prove US is enemy of world peace.

10 October 2023

Gaza seized the initiative: might vs willpower.

10 October 2023

‘A lot of adrenaline, a lot of unknowns‘: Reservists flock to join Israel’s fight.

10 October 2023

The Gaza War is lost: but will Netanyahu concede?

10 October 2023

Inside Kfar Aza where Hamas militants killed families in their homes – [No stories on the BBC – or any other western main stream media with a headline such as ‘Inside the Gaza Strip where the Israeli air force killed countless Palestinian families in their homes’.]

10 October 2023

‘Where do we go?’ – Nowhere safe in Gaza as Israeli strikes intensify.

10 October 2023

Elijah Magnier on Gaza war risks for Israel.

10 October 2023

UK may arrest people for waving Palestinian flags.

10 October 2023

Abbas Juma: Israel will suffer much more damage from this war than it might expect.

10 October 2023

Growing backlash over Harvard students’ pro-Palestine letter. [The growing, but certainly not new, campaign to silence any and all pro-Palestinian voices. And why is there an increasing number of so-called ‘educated’ people who don’t know how to use the Rnglish language in a proper manner and use words only for their propaganda effect. Was the ex-Harvard President actually physically sick on hearing about the letter? Were University ‘leaders’ actually ‘heartbroken’.]

10 October 2023

Israeli lawmaker calls for using ‘doomsday weapons’.

10 October 2023

The Gaza Strip − why the history of the densely populated enclave is key to understanding the current conflict.

11 October 2023

The silence of the bears – Russia is reorienting towards the Arabs.

11 October 2023

Cheap Hamas drones made Israel’s border wall ‘useless’ – New York Times

11 October 2023

326 Palestinian children killed as Israel plunges Gaza into darkness. [This not reported on the BBC. Perhaps Palestinian children are not important enough to mention.]

11 October 2023

EU gives Meta 24 hours to explain Hamas videos action.

11 October 2023

What does Israel expect? Chris Hedges.

11 October 2023

This is what Zionists think of our Arab brothers.

11 October 2023

Lest we forget: Palestine is still the issue. John Pilger – from a speech given in 2017.

11 October 2023

Israel’s one-state reality.

11 October 2023

Netanyahu is drawing the US into war with Iran.

11 October 2023

Who stands to profit from Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

11 October 2023

Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza is a crime.

11 October 2023

Everyone should be calling for a cease-fire in Palestine.

11 October 2023

‘Level the place’ declares Lindsey Graham as Israel does exactly that to Gaza

11 October 2023

Eric Draitser and Ramzy Baroud: Resistance and war in Palestine. Radio podcast.

11 October 2023

‘Israel’s 9/11’ is a slogan to rationalize open-ended killing of Palestinian civilians.

11 October 2023

Police in Manchester arrested a young pro-Palestinian protestor for wearing the Palestine flag.

12 October 2023

Israel-Gaza attacks: Uefa president Aleksander Ceferin expresses ‘profound sorrow’ about ‘violence’ in Israel. [Not a word of sympathy for the Palestinians in Gaza.]

12 October 2023

UK Palestine groups to defy Suella Braverman’s crackdown.

12 October 2023

Israeli Settlers aren’t pausing the expulsion and dispossession in the West Bank.

12 October 2023

Miko Peled on Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza

12 October 2023

Get this straight, Western media: Palestinians aren’t sub-human. [If the second video doesn’t work try this link Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations.

12 October 2023

Gaza, what future?

12 October 2023

Israel’s war crime.

12 October 2023

Israeli forces shoot, kill 16-year-old Palestinian boy near Hebron.

12 October 2023

The blood of Gaza is on the West’s hands as much as Israel’s.

12 October 2023

Gabor Mate speaks about Palestine and Israel. Podcast with Russell Brand.

12 October 2023

’40 babies’ beheaded bullshit: blatant propaganda in the Israeli war on Palestine.

12 October 2023

White House backtracks on Biden’s ‘beheaded babies’ claim.

12 October 2023

The geopolitics of Al-Aqsa Flood.

12 October 2023

Four evacuations in one day – safety is nowhere to be found for Palestinian families in Gaza.

13 October 2023

Genocide in Gaza, nearly 600 Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces.

13 October 2023

Israel’s use of white phosphorus verified – Human Rights Watch.

13 October 2023

Relations sour between US and Colombia over Colombian President Petro’s refusal to condemn Hamas.

13 October 2023

French police break up pro-Palestinian demo after ban.

13 October 2023

Israel detains, expels to West Bank hundreds of Gaza Palestinian workers.

13 October 2023

Scott Ritter: Israel is reaping the whirlwind (in video link).

13 October 2023

The Nakba that Israel has started will backfire.

13 October 2023

Getting away with murder.

13 October 2023

BBC journalists held at gunpoint by Israeli police.

13 October 2023

Israel accused of ‘blatant war crime’ as Human Rights Watch confirms white phosphorus used in Gaza.

13 October 2023

Israel and the myth of ‘self defence’. A video presentation by David Hearst, editor-in-chief of Middle East Eye.

13 October 2023

This is genocide: all out to end the war on Gaza.

13 October 2023

Operation Al-Aqsa: Middle East scholars weigh in on Gaza – Israel conflict.

13 October 2023

The savagery of the war against the Palestinian people.

13 October 2023

Lawless in Gaza: why Britain and the West back Israel’s crimes.

13 October 2023

Manufacturing consent: the western war media’s selective outrage and imperial amnesia.

14 October 2023

US running low on weapons as proxy wars target Russia, Iran, and China. [Discusses both the conflict in the Ukraine and the Israeli assault on Gaza. Israel the main focus after minute 18.20.] New Atlas.

14 October 2023

This way for the genocide, ladies and gentlemen – Chris Hedges.

14 October 2023

724 Palestinian children killed in Gaza as Israel targets civilians.

15 October 2023

Settlers take advantage of Gaza War to launch West Bank pogroms.

15 October 2023

Jeremy Corbyn: ‘We should condemn the targeting of civilians, no matter who does it’.

16 October 2023

Israel has killed 6 Hamas leaders in Gaza. It’s killed more than 800 children.

16 October 2023

Western media’s parroting of official lies is paving way to genocide in Gaza.

16 October 2023

Framing the language of carnage in Palestine: advantage Israel.

16 October 2023

A Jew in Ramallah.

16 October 2023

On solidarity and war crimes.

16 October 2023

Gaza has been blockaded for 16 years – here’s what a ‘complete siege’ and invasion could mean for vital supplies.

16 October 2023

It’s not the ‘Israel-Hamas war’, it’s the Israel-Gaza massacre.

16 October 2023

Israel – Gaza: savagery as entertainment.

16 October 2023

The world cannot stand by and watch this slaughter.

16 October 2023

Israel’s Final Solution their real plan for Palestine.

16 October 2023

U.S. memo warns diplomats: no Gaza ‘de-escalation’ talk.

16 October 2023

Sunak takes British support for Israel to new extreme.

16 October 2023

One Palestinian child in Gaza killed every 15 minutes by Israeli forces.

17 October 2023

Why did Colombia change its mind about expelling Israeli Ambassador over Israel’s ‘genocidal’ siege of Gaza?

17 October 2023

Pentagon: 2,000 U.S. troops to be deployed for Israel attack on Gaza.

17 October 2023

So… another unprovoked war?

17 October 2023

Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says.

17 October 2023

History won’t forgive our leaders for supporting war crimes in Gaza.

17 October 2023

Judgment Day – The Grayzone live – video podcast. What is the ‘Hannibal Directive’?

17 October 2023

‘Gaza is being strangled’: why Israel’s evacuation order violates international law.

17 October 2023

What the media forgets to tell you about Israel and Gaza.

17 October 2023

An international law of double standards?

17 October 2023

International hypocrisy: the U.S., once again, leads the way.

17 October 2023

Nelson Mandela speaking on Palestine – in 1990.

17 October 2023

Ex-UK diplomat Craig Murray detained after declaring support for the people of Palestine.

17 October 2023

US proxy wars: Israel gears up for Gaza incursion as initiative passes to Russia in the Ukraine. [Discussing Palestine and Israel from minute 18.30 to the end.]

18 October 2023

Iran calls for Middle East states to start economic escalation via oil embargo on Israel.

18 October 2023

Biden speaks from Air Force One after Israel trip – auditioning for Peter Seller’s role in ‘Being there’.

18 October 2023

Biden gets Zelensky treatment in Middle East as Israel tries to escalate.

18 October 2023

Biden backs Israel’s account of deadly Gaza hospital explosion.

18 October 2023

After writing an anti-Israel letter, Harvard students are doxxed.

18 October 2023

‘Not in our name!’ Hundreds arrested at US Capitol as Jewish-led protest demands Gaza cease-fire.

18 October 2023

Hundreds of Palestinian men, women, and children killed at Al-Ahli Hospital.

18 October 2023

Not Hamas-Israeli conflict: The Palestinian cause belongs to the world.

18 October 2023

Israel is a terrorist state.

18 October 2023

Government has ‘no plans’ to stop arms sales to Israel despite civilian deaths.

18 October 2023

Speech by Mary Lou McDonald (Sinn Féin) on Palestine.

18 October 2023

Israel’s culture of deceit. Chris Hedges. Audio version.

19 October 2023

The British roots of the conflict in Palestine.

19 October 2023

I will not be silent when Israel commits its crimes against the Palestinians’. Norman Finkelstein.

19 October 2023

Norman Finkelstein blasts Israel’s ‘extermination’ plan. Katie Halper

19 October 2023

Israeli settler attacks are increasing. Canada won’t condemn the Israeli military’s complicity.

19 October 2023

The situation in the Middle East and the Occupied Palestinian Territories – address by Matt Carthy (Sinn Féin) on Palestine.

19 October 2023

The anti-imperialist movement that supports Palestinian liberation—and runs part of the UK.

19 October 2023

Professor Ilan Pappé – crisis in Zionism, opportunity for Palestine?

19 October 2023

Ben Shapiro’s ghoulish Gaza take dismantled by Bassem Youssef on Piers Morgan’s Show.

19 October 2023

Europe’s largest news aggregator orders editors to play down Palestinian deaths.

20 October 2023

The explosion of Israel’s formaldehyde strategy in Gaza.

20 October 2023

Are Muslims second-class citizens in the West?

20 October 2023

Meet the Hamas massacre survivors opposing Israeli brutality in Gaza.

20 October 2023

A State Department official explains why he quit over Israel-Hamas.

20 October 2023

Palestinian Trade Unions call for an end to arming Israel.

20 October 2023

US can easily reveal who bombed Gaza hospital – Lavrov.

20 October 2023

Scott Ritter: Both Hamas and Israel could have reasons to hide the truth about the deadly hospital blast in Gaza.

20 October 2023

UK arms Israel as it bombards Gaza.

20 October 2023

As a British Jew, I say: not in my name.

21 October 2023

UK political leaders bring shame on the country.

21 October 2023

Palestinian journalist rips western media narrative on Israel’s Gaza slaughter.

21 October 2023

‘The most successful land-grab strategy since 1967’ as settlers push Bedouins off West Bank territory.

21 October 2023

Israel intends to make Gaza uninhabitable by cutting power permanently.

21 October 2023

Going all-in for Israel may make Biden complicit in genocide.

21 October 2023

True anti-Semites.

21 October 2023

Israel’s urge for revenge is aimed at all Palestinians.

21 October 2023

Nobody is safe – The Grayzone live, devoted to the genocide and ethnic cleansing taking place in Gaza.

21 October 2023

AP erases Israeli pledge to attack Gaza like ‘Axis Power’ as officials threaten Palestinians with ‘Dresden’ doctrine.

22 October 2023

Israel ‘incapacitates’ Syria’s main airports – state media

22 October 2023

Ireland stands proudly with the people of Palestine.

22 October 2022

Past Israeli ground operations and the limits of Israeli military power. New Atlas.

22 October 2023

Memo on the Final Solution for one state – Israel or Palestine.

22 October 2023

Let them eat cement – Chris Hedges. Audio version.

23 October 2023

Fred Hahn deserves our full support against pro-Israeli smears.

23 October 2023

2,055 Palestinian children killed in Gaza, more than 800 missing.

23 October 2023

Israel is caught lying time and again. And yet we never learn.

23 October 2023

Middle Easterners have words for the western press who’ve been lying about them.

23 October 2023

Gaza besieged: why Israel’s genocidal strategy won’t destroy the Palestinian Resistance.

23 October 2023

Israel’s role in Hamas’ creation and its retaliatory genocide in Gaza.

23 October 2023

Biden returns from Israel empty-handed.

23 October 2023

Cable news keeps inviting defense industry shills to explain the war on Gaza.

23 October 2023

‘We don’t know if they are dead or alive’: the missing Palestinian workers.

24 October 2023

Joe Biden’s Armageddon, from Gaza to Ukraine.

24 October 2023

Israel has killed some 2,000 children in Gaza. Joe Biden is still opposing a cease-fire.

24 October 2023

305 Palestinian children killed in Gaza in 24 hours.

24 October 2023

What crimes have these babies committed?

24 October 2023

What really happened on 7th October? Evidence is now emerging that up to half the Israelis killed were combatants; that Israeli forces were responsible for some of their own civilian deaths; and that Tel Aviv disseminated false ‘Hamas atrocities’ stories to justify its devastating air assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

24 October 2023

From Balfour to now, western duplicity covers Israeli state terrorism and genocide.

24 October 2023

Tucker Carlson talks about the possibility of war with Iran with Douglas Mcgregor.

24 October 2023

Biden election strategy: ‘Let’s fight three wars at once!’

24 October 2023

Are the walls finally closing in on Ursula von der Leyen?

24 October 2023

The humanitarian case for another Arab oil embargo.

24 October 2023

Zionist think tank publishes blueprint for Palestinian genocide.

25 October 2023

Israel’s Kristallnacht.

25 October 2023

When accusations of anti-Semitism become a tool of repression.

25 October 2023

How the west is laundering lies through ‘experts’ to target Gaza. New Atlas.

25 October 2023

Celtic fans defy club appeal over Palestinian flag display.

25 October 2023

Bobby Kennedy, Israel, and the hypocrisy of Peace and Diplomacy. Scott Ritter.

25 October 2023

Zionist think tank publishes blueprint for Palestinian genocide.

25 October 2023

How Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza would play out – and why it will fail.

25 October 2023

Students at 100 campuses walkout for ceasefire.

25 October 2023

Israel’s coming attack on Gaza: boundary conditions and delay.

25 October 2023

US asks Qatar to ‘tone down’ Al Jazeera – Axios.

25 October 2023

Queen Rania: There’s a ‘glaring double standard’ in how world treats Palestinians. [Two points in relation to this clip; why has it taken Jordan such a long time to challenge what Israel is doing when she makes reference to there being 75 years of Israeli abuses and; notice how the cretinous CNN interviewer attempts to push all the replies to get a condemnation of Hamas.]

26 October 2023

Israel’s war of self-deceit.

26 October 2023

The Palestinian tragedy: cui bono?

26 October 2023

Domicide: the destruction of homes in Gaza reminds me of what happened to my city.

26 October 2023

2,913 Palestinian children killed in Gaza with U.S. approval.

26 October 2023

‘Human animals’: the sordid language behind Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

26 October 2023

The everyday violence of life in occupied Palestine.

26 October 2023

Gaza hospital massacre and the marketing of Israeli lies.

26 October 2023

In one way, Palestinians are modern-day ‘negroes’.

27 October 2023

Israel’s long-held plan to drive Gaza’s people into Sinai is now within reach.

27 October 2023

The gods are going against the Chosen People — Mammon against Israel, Mars against the Pentagon.

27 October 2023

‘People of Darkness’ – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the ongoing war in Palestine, Israel’s gruesome assault on Gaza’s civilians and its desperate campaign for sympathy on the world stage. They will also cover US airstrikes on northeastern Syria and the looming threat of regional war. Includes, at minute 50.55, video clips of Zionists mocking shortages in Gaza.

27 October 2023

Israeli state terrorism over the years

27 October 2023

When the journalists are gone, the stories will disappear. [But these are not the western ‘journalists’ – who just spew out pre-Israeli and western capitalist state propaganda.]

27 October 2023

Don’t silence Palestinian voices.

27 October 2023

October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles. Video where this issue is discussed.

27 October 2023

Israeli targets journalists, kills their families as Big Tech and Biden administration silence Palestinians.

27 October 2023

A ceasefire in Gaza is just the first step toward Liberation.

28 October 2023

With Hamas gone, Gaza still wouldn’t be free.

28 October 2023

Exterminate all the brutes.

28 October 2023

Hundreds arrested as thousands storm and occupy Grand Central Terminal to demand ceasefire in Gaza.

28 October 2023

Calls for cease-fire fill Grand Central Terminal.

29 October 2023

Anti-Zionist Jewish community flying Palestinian flags in Jerusalem – On December 21, 2022, during a week of police raids and harassments of peaceful anti-Zionist activists in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood of Jerusalem, a large group of police entered the neighbourhood to remove a Palestinian flag from a lamp post. The police have been met with strong protest. [That was then – would it be the same today?]

29 October 2023

Is the two-state solution dead?

29 October 2023

No safety in the south – 10 days of displacement in Gaza

29 October 2023

Jonathan Freedland’s enduring bad faith.

30 October 2023

Reports expose US billionaires and corporate profiteers enabling Israel’s war on Gaza.

30 October 2023

‘McCarthyite backlash’: response to criticism of Israel alarms Rights Groups.

30 October 2023

40 percent of Palestinians killed in Gaza are children.

30 October 2023

Nakba 2.0 revives the neocon wars.

30 October 2023

This is what it was like to be indifferent to Nazi genocide.

30 October 2023

This was an act of resistance against the occupation army’: Hanan Ashrawi.

30 October 2023

The children of Gaza.

30 October 2023

Biden’s bungles over Gaza.

30 October 2023

Update on Ukraine and the 2009 US plan for Iran war sees new opportunity in Israeli Gaza Operations. [I don’t agree with Baletic’s analysis about the Hamas attack of October 7th but is included here to get an understanding of how others are seeing the present conflict.]

30 October 2023

Canadian labour is lining up in support of Palestinians.

31 October 2023

This is a moment of great moral clarity.

31 October 2023

What gives Israel the right to annihilate Gaza?

31 October 2023

Zelensky’s corruption exposed: ‘Stealing like there’s no tomorrow’ in Ukraine Government.

31 October 2023

Joe Biden is engaging in atrocity denialism for Israel. It has a long history.

31 October 2023

House GOP wants to pair Israel military aid with IRS cuts that help rich tax cheats.

31 October 2023

In Gaza, the US is an active partner in genocide.

31 October 2023

The world does not need illegal sanctions. The world needs peace and development.

01 November 2023

Mounting evidence suggests Israel may be ready to ‘cleanse’ Gaza.

01 November 2023

Israeli ground operations begin in Gaza as wider US-led regional war looms. New Atlas.

01 November 2023

Do you condemn Israel?

01 November 2023

Israel and Palestine – through the lens of facts. Video.

01 November 2023

U.S. quietly expands secret military base in Israel.

01 November 2023

It is forbidden to even empathize with innocent Gazans.

01 November 2023

The Gaza Manifesto: why America’s old Middle East is crumbling.

01 November 2023

Is there such a thing as a ‘just war’?

01 November 2023

Biden is a genocide denier and the ‘enabler in chief’ for Israel’s ongoing war crimes.

01 November 2023

What does it mean to call Israel an apartheid state?

01 November 2023

Israeli rabbi describes settler rampages across West Bank before and after October 7.

02 November 2023

The Trudeau Government has condemned every peaceful method of Palestinian resistance.

02 November 2023

3,760 Palestinian children killed, twice as many injured in Gaza.

02 November 2023

When ‘never again’ becomes a war cry.

02 November 2023

Despite intimidation, union voices get louder for ceasefire in Gaza.

02 November 2023

One person’s terrorist? Reflections on Zohra Drif’s memoir of the Algerian Revolution’.

02 November 2023

What the BBC fails to tell you about October 7.

02 November 2023

Türkiye’s middle ground position becomes untenable as US intensifies conflicts.

02 November 2023

Egypt is playing an extremely high-stakes game in Gaza that could end in genocide.

02 November 2023

Blinken jeered as a war criminal, protestors demand ceasefire during Senate hearing.

02 November 2023

The British relationship with Zionism, Israel and its consequences for Palestinians.

02 November 2023

Starmer’s new Israel problem.

02 November 2023

US stands isolated in backing Gaza massacre.

02 November 2023

The ‘rising anti-Semitism’ narrative is a distraction from genocide.

02 November 2023

Russia’s UN Ambassador drops a bombshell – ‘Israel has no right to self-defence in Palestine as the occupying power’.

02 November 2023

Judging Freedom – with former CIA Phil Giraldi on Gaza and Ukraine.

02 November 2023

Is Zelensky done for? A new Time Magazine cover story indicates changing American attitudes to Ukrainian leader.

02 November 2023

In Gaza, Biden is an equal partner in Israel’s mass murder.

02 November 2023

Gaza debacle: Biden hints at a ceasefire; States sever relations with Israel; from minute 53 Ukraine – Zaluzhny admits failure.

02 November 2023

The road to freedom runs through Palestine.

02 November 2023

Israel’s far-right government is suffocating domestic dissent.

02 November 2023

Two-fifths of Keir Starmer’s cabinet have been funded by pro-Israel lobbyists.

03 November 2023

The Chris Hedges Report Show with former Congressman and former presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich on endless war and our acceleration into the abyss.

03 November 2023

Gaza City surrounded; Blinken talks about Israel ‘humanitarian pause’; is there going to be a Netanyahu regime change; Ukraine from 1.01.0, Kiev and the Avdeyevka crisis; what is the rationale for giving the Ukraine another $61 billion.

03 November 2023

All options on the table – The Grayzone live, discussing the Nazi state of Israel.

03 November 2023

House approves $14.3 billion military aid package for Israel.

03 November 2023

These are the children extracted after the bombardment of Gaza’s Jabalya Refugee Camp.

03 November 2023

Eyeless in Gaza.

03 November 2023

Israel’s Final Solution for the Palestinians.

03 November 2023

The invisible slaughter of Palestinian children.

03 November 2023

White Nationalists are capitalizing on the Gaza Crisis.

03 November 2023

‘Turning Gaza into ashes’: Israeli Hasbara vs the World.

03 November 2023

The Left as Israel’s sacrificial lamb.

03 November 2023

How Houthi attacks affect both the Israel-Hamas conflict and Yemen’s own civil war – and could put pressure on the US and Saudi Arabia.

03 November 2023

U.S. General admits Israel is starving out Gaza – on CNN. During a recent segment on CNN, Retired Brigadier General Steven Anderson admitted to the hosts that Israel was committing — and poised to commit more — war crimes, stating that ‘This is a war’. Meanwhile, former CNN anchor Marc Lamont Hill, now with Al Jazeera, confronted a former Israeli Foreign Minister with indisputable evidence that Israel was engaging in collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza, also a war crime.

03 November 2023

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah gives Gaza speech.

03 November 2023

The ICC must investigate British ministers for Gaza war crimes. Here’s how.

04 November 2023

Pentagon acknowledges flying unarmed drones over Gaza.

04 November 2023

UN official resigns over ‘prima facie case of genocide’ in Gaza.

04 November 2023

Nasrallah’s speech confirms that ‘MAD’ has been reached between Israel-US and the Resistance Axis.

04 November 2023

Why do UK media insist Palestinians condemn Hamas but not that Israelis condemn Israel?

04 November 2023

Israel encircles Gaza City, US forces already in Gaza and a closer look at Hamas past and present.

05 November 2023

The moral complexities of bombing a concentration camp full of children.

05 November 2023

Nothing screams Christian values like massacres and mass weapons sales.

05 November 2023

Targeting Palestine – from Australia.

05 November 2023

Diabolical double-think… Washington touts Israeli genocide of Palestinians as self-defense.

05 November 2023

The Gaza genocide continues.

05 November 2023 – but first published in 2010

Caught on tape: what Netanyahu really thinks of the US.

05 November 2023

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East – as established in 1982!

05 November 2023

UK poised to brand dissent as ‘extremism’.

05 November 2023

Protestors assault US air base in Türkiye.

05 November 2023

The growing pro-Palestine protests are becoming a mass movement.

06 November 2023

The impossibility of negotiated settlements in the Gaza and Ukraine conflicts.

06 November 2023

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah speaks: supports Palestinians but won’t rush to Hamas’ aid.

06 November 2023

I was born and raised in Jabalia refugee camp where Israel killed 23 of my relatives.

06 November 2023

Generation of vipers.

06 November 2023

US says it’s powerless to stop the genocide that it is directly funding and supplying.

06 November 2023

Jeremy Corbyn; The ICC must investigate the crime of genocide in Gaza.

06 November 2023

On Palestine, the Palestine Liberation Movement, and USA Imperialism: A Marxist-Leninist View.

06 November 2023

U.S. diplomats slam Israel policy in leaked memo.

06 November 2023

Palestinian workers return to Gaza after expulsion from Israel.

06 November 2023

Israel’s Gazan slaughter, Bernie Sanders and a ceasefire.

06 November 2023

Politicians are lying about the swastika at Ottawa Palestine rally.

07 November 2023

Western propaganda gets more desperate as world majority sides with China and Russia against the US over Gaza.

07 November 2023

What is the Canadian military up to in Israel?

07 November 2023

The politics of the slaughter of everybody.

07 November 2023

Iran’s proposed embargo could cause chaos in oil markets.

07 November 2023

Starmer’s Gaza stance has unmasked British democracy as a sham.

07 November 2023

4,237 Palestinian children killed as Gaza becomes ‘graveyard for children’.

07 November 2023

Why Israel wants to erase context and history in the war on Gaza.

07 November 2023

Why Israel slept.

07 November 2023

Norman Finkelstein responds to Bernie Sanders statement opposing Gaza ceasefire.

07 November 2023

Scott Ritter: Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, China war. The end of Gaza?

07 November 2023

Americans need to hear more Palestinian voices.

07 November 2023

I live in Gaza. Israel’s horrific bombing campaign is like nothing I’ve ever seen before.

07 November 2023

When Britain aided Israel’s ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Palestine.

08 November 2023

Letter to the children of Gaza. Chris Hedges.

08 November 2023

Where is our humanity?

08 November 2023

After weeks of Israeli war crimes, Rashida Tlaib is the one getting censured.

08 November 2023

What did the Houthis’ attempted bombing of Israel aim to achieve?

08 November 2023

Calling for a ‘pause’ in Israel’s assault on Gaza isn’t enough.

08 November 2023

Phil Giraldi (former CIA): unpardonable and unpunishable war crimes in the Ukraine and Gaza.

08 November 2023

Gaza is but the latest shameful episode in British foreign policy.

08 November 2023

Hall of shame: Over 500 MPs back Israel’s bombing of Gaza.

09 November 2023

Dismantle Israel and the entire US empire.

09 November 2023

Biden and western media telling outrageous lies

09 November 2023

Why do we let Israel and Ukraine wag the US dog?

09 November 2023

Israel’s military is part of the U.S. war machine.

09 November 2023

Who’s drinking Netanyahu’s Amalek Kool-Aid?

09 November 2023

Will the UK press Israel over illegal settlers’ reign of terror in the West Bank?

09 November 2023

‘From the river to the sea’ is a call for democracy and equality.

09 November 2023

Metropolitan Police linked to Israel as it gears up for pro-Palestine protests.

10 November 2023

Rob Urie: Biden visits Hitler’s Bunker, sends for a decorator: Israel and Ukraine edition.

10 November 2023

Former British soldier demolishes Remembrance Day hypocrites.

10 November 2023

Condemn if you wish, but Palestinians will pay a heavy price.

10 November 2023

Biden’s ‘personal attachment to Israel’ fuels its massacres in Gaza.

10 November 2023

More than 500 Biden campaign alumni want a Gaza ceasefire.

10 November 2023

Revealed: BBC failed to declare interviewee’s links to the Israeli army.

10 November 2023

I’m a veteran. Armistice Day is the perfect time to march for a ceasefire.

10 November 2023

US-Iran war risks; Deir Ezzor battle; US diplomats slam Biden policy; Putin visits HQ; Ukraine out of troops. [Gaza to minute 50, Ukraine after that to end.]

10 November 2023

A small boy and Israel.

10 November 2023

Americans want a ceasefire; it’s our politicians who are out of touch.

10 November 2023

RAF admits to making 17 military flights to Israel since Gaza bombing began.

10 November 2023

The Biden Administration says it can’t do anything to stop the war on Gaza. That’s a lie.

10 November 2023

A list of some people in Canada fired for pro-Palestine views.

11 November 2023

The Chris Hedges Report with Code Pink activist Medea Benjamin on the stranglehold the Israel lobby has over our political system and how it blocks a ceasefire resolution in Congress.

11 November 2023

The horror, the horror. Chris Hedges.

11 November 2023

The British roots of the conflict in Palestine.

11 November 2023

Gaza in focus as Arab leaders and Iran President meet in Saudi Arabia.

11 November 2023

Rishi Sunak condemns violence on day of protests in London. ‘Rishi Sunak has condemned ‘violent, wholly unacceptable’ actions by far-right groups and ‘Hamas sympathisers’ after protests and clashes in London.’ [But then the article, nor Sunak, give examples of where the ‘Hamas sympathisers’ initiated any violence. Another example of the BBC’s ‘impartiality.]

11 November 2023

Palestine solidarity activists reject claims about Concordia altercations – Canada.

12 November 2023

We are Spartacus. John Pilger.

12 November 2023

Israeli Apache helicopters killed own soldiers, civilians on 7 October: Report.

12 November 2023

Why Palestinian resistance cannot be subdued.

12 November 2023

The Israel exception to free speech.

12 November 2023

Israel is ‘Daddy’ to the U.S. Congress.

12 November 2023

Unconstitutional killings – in Ukraine, Gaza and throughout the world.

12 November 2023

Ukraine makes huge mistake! Also on Gaza. With former CIA analyst Ray McGovern.

12 November 2023

Russia’s public pivot to Palestine.

12 November 2023

President al-Assad: Gaza was never the issue.

12 November 2023

Ukraine proxy war and Gaza genocide fatally expose western hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy.

12 November 2023

The war according to Hamas. Chris Hedges.

12 November 2023

Norman Finkelstein, historian and radical leftist icon, and Aaron Maté, of The Grayzone and Useful Idiots, in a provocative discussion about Israel’s war on Gaza, the meaning of Hamas’ atrocities, the question of genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and U.S. complicity.

12 November 2023

Cornel West calls for Gaza ceasefire, criticises US stance.

12 November 2023

In both Israel and in Gaza, they didn’t deserve to die.

13 November 2023

From proud Irish son to Genocide Joe… Biden denounced in ancestral home for Gaza genocide.

13 November 2023

Is Israel attacking Gaza for oil and gas?

13 November 2023

British fighters in Israel’s military: Is it legal?

13 November 2023

‘Breaking AIPAC’.

13 November 2023

The familiar propaganda of US media makes horrors in Gaza possible.

13 November 2023

Israel’s actions reconciled Iran with Saudi Arabia and framed all US military bases.

13 November 2023

U.S. military plane crashes in Middle East after Hezbollah warning; five troops killed.

13 November 2023

Calgarians continue calls for Palestinian freedom despite organizer’s arrest.

13 November 2023

By censuring Rashida Tlaib, Congress reveals ‘Palestine exception’ to Free Speech.

13 November 2023

Eyal Sivan: ‘If Israel is a model of democracy for the west, that scares me‘.

13 November 2023

Why does the US support Israel?

13 November 2023

Wave of suppression targets Palestinian-Canadian workers.

14 November 2023

Israel is targeting the British public with war propaganda.

14 November 2023

My tense exchange on a train with [Democratic] Senator Chris Coons over Gaza. Aaron Mate.

14 November 2023

The unspoken ‘elephant in the room’ of Netanyahu’s intent in Gaza.

14 November 2023

What exactly are US special forces doing in Israel?

14 November 2023

Israel’s nuclear weapons in the spotlight. [This issue discussed after minute 7.30 in the video between Scott Ritter and Andrew Neapolitano.]

14 November 2023

Why is Israel bombing Gaza hospitals and ambulances? It’s all about ‘Winning’.

14 November 2023

Longing for peace and justice.

14 November 2023

The two-state solution for Palestine has long been a ‘joke’ even in United Nations circles.

14 November 2023

There’s nothing ‘humanitarian’ about a humanitarian pause in Gaza.

14 November 2023

US foreign policy establishment is instrumentalizing Islamophobia, report shows.

14 November 2023

As the death toll rises, so does the profits of arms manufacturers.

14 November 2023

Gaza: unlawful Israeli hospital strikes worsen health crisis.

14 November 2023

Israel can’t win peace militarily. Palestinian democracy is the solution.

15 November 2023

Don’t be fooled. Biden is fully signed up to genocide in Gaza – Jonathan Cook.

15 November 2023

Israel continues operations in Gaza, storms hospital– US continues arming IDF.

15 November 2023

Israeli elite combat engineers storm Gaza HQ.

15 November 2023

The long view of Palestine, Israel and war.

15 November 2023

Moshe Dayan: ‘What cause have we to complain about their hatred of us?’

15 November 2023

Why the US needs this war in Gaza.

15 November 2023

Cartoons that kill: the art and imagery of genocide.

15 November 2023

False accusations of anti-Semitism exploit a healthy impulse to advance a profoundly sick one.

15 November 2023

UK Prime Minister’s (Sunak’s) family to rake in billions from Gaza oil.

15 November 2023

An Epistle to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

15 November 2023

‘Price of defending apartheid’: AIPAC set to spend $100 million against squad.

15 November 2023

Israel’s attack on Gaza is ‘indiscriminate’, warns ex-British Army brigadier.

16 November 2023

‘From the river to the sea’ – a Palestinian historian explores the meaning and intent of scrutinized slogan.

16 November 2023

The Israeli attack on Palestinian health workers in Gaza and the failure of the American Medical Association.

16 November 2023

Beyond rhetoric: Iraq’s resistance front expands to US-Israeli war on Gaza.

16 November 2023

Communist Palestinian citizen of Israel arrested for organizing protest.

17 November 2023

‘I want our house to have walls’, a Palestinian child and his family displaced in Khan Younis.

17 November 2023

Israel is shutting down its human laboratory in Gaza.

17 November 2023

Act now against these companies profiting from the genocide of the Palestinian people.

17 November 2023

From Gaza with rage.

17 November 2023

The IDF is coming up almost empty in search for underground Hamas ‘Pentagon’.

17 November 2023

When anti, anti-Zionism becomes anti-Semitism.

17 November 2023

The Strip is already occupied: the two Gazas that Israel cannot break.

17 November 2023

The Chris Hedges Report with reporter Max Blumenthal on how the Israeli military launched a series of attacks on Oct. 7 designed to kill Hamas gunmen along with their Israeli hostages.

Since the publication of this interview, an Israeli police investigation has confirmed that Israeli Apache helicopters killed numerous Israeli citizens at and around the Nova electronic music festival, and that Hamas did not know in advance about the festival. The Israeli government has also acknowledged that 200 of those it counted as Israeli casualties were, in fact, Hamas militants killed by its forces on October 7, and that it may have marketed images of their charred bodies to the public as proof of Hamas’ brutality.

17 November 2023

U.S. military is secretly supplying weapons to Israel using UK base on Cyprus.

17 November 2023

Israeli ‘Communist’ leader: The Netanyahu government has no answers. [We’ll ignore, for the time being, what a Communist is doing on stolen and occupied land of another people.]

18 November 2023

Scott Ritter: all lost, total failure achieved in Gaza and the Zionist settler state of Israel. [One of the best analyses that Ritter has made. Also includes an update on the situation in the Ukraine where the western alliance of the US/UK/EU/NATO has lost.]

19 November 2023

Israel doesn’t have a Gen-Z problem, it has a morality problem.

19 November 2023

Israel’s war on American student activists.

19 November 2023

Collective punishment in Gaza will not bring Israel security.

19 November 2023

Conqueror’s self defense.

19 November 2023

‘License to kill’: why the ICC will never prosecute Netanyahu for Gaza.

20 November 2023

Israel propaganda vs Palestine propaganda.

20 November 2023

Flagship British firms set to profit amid Israel’s war on Gaza.

20 November 2023

UK government blocks MP questions about Gaza-related activity at its Cyprus base.

20 November 2023 – but first online in November 2018.

The historical roots of Christian Zionism, its theological basis and political agenda. In this talk, Reverend Dr. Stephen Sizer discusses how the movement of Christian Zionism preceded Jewish Zionism by at least 50 years and facilitated the establishment of the State of Israel.

20 November 2023

Israel’s war on hospitals – Chris Hedges.

20 November 2023

Gaza war: how investigators would go about finding and verifying underground military complexes.

20 November 2023

The real reason Israel is attacking Gaza’s hospitals.

20 November 2023

Israel’s war on hospitals. The Grayzone. With exclusive footage from inside the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, Al-Shifa, The Grayzone examines the Israeli military’s policy of attacking and eliminating medicare care centers across the northern part of the besieged Palestinian territory as it seeks to expel its residents. By Max Blumenthal, Mohamed El-Saife and Anya Parampil.

20 November 2023

Genocidal Hospital – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate return to cover the latest grisly and absurd developments in Israel’s assault on Gaza, and the dramatic political fallout at home. Also discussion on the possibility that many Israelis were killed by ‘friendly fire’. And more information about the ‘Hannibal Directive‘.

21 November 2023

Israel and its allies are repurposing the goals and lies of 1948 – in Gaza in 2023. Jonathan Cook.

21 November 2023

‘From the river to the sea’ is genocide, but actual genocide is not genocide. Caitlin Johnstone.

21 November 2023

‘Israel’s’ war on Gaza: War of ethnic cleansing.

21 November 2023

Americans are bankrolling Israel’s unfolding genocide in Gaza.

21 November 2023

Israel’s nuclear threat: the dangers only multiply.

21 November 2023

Why does the UK give Israel unqualified backing?

22 November 2023

While a fire rages in Gaza, the West Bank smolders.

22 November 2023

Hamas-Israel hostage deal only a pause in destruction of Gaza.

22 November 2023

‘The darkest thing I’ve seen’ Dr. Gabor Maté on western countries supporting Israel’s Gaza slaughter.

22 November 2023

‘Never again is NOW!’ State of Palestine UN Representative, Nada Abu Tarbush.

22 November 2023

Palestinians file emergency motion to block US aid for Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

22 November 2023

White House fears pause in fighting will let journalists see what’s been happening in Gaza. Caitlin Johnstone.

22 November 2023

This is the real face of the US Empire. Caitlin Johnstone.

22 November 2023

Analysis: How the UK and US media dehumanise Palestinians.

22 November 2023

US weapons shipments to Israel are enabling war crimes.

22 November 2023

Israeli children sing for genocide.

23 November 2023

How Israel created a water crisis for Palestinians.

23 November 2023

Scott Ritter: Hamas winning battle for Gaza.

23 November 2023

This Israel has no future in the Middle East.

23 November 2023

US weapons shipments to Israel are enabling war crimes.

23 November 2023

The ‘human shields’ defense of bombing Gaza’s civilians is morally bankrupt.

23 November 2023

Israelis receive ‘Public Service’ Award as Gaza death toll passes 14,000.

23 November 2023

Never stop being shocked by the depravity of the Empire.

23 November 2023

The UK companies arming – and the people resisting – the occupation of Palestine.

23 November 2023

Israel is assassinating journalists in Gaza.

24 November 2023

Putin was declared a war criminal for *relocating* the same number of children Israel just *killed*.

24 November 2023

The Chris Hedges Report Show with Dylan Saba, an attorney with Palestine Legal, on the censorship of those who defend Palestinian rights and condemn Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

24 November 2023

When is ‘a humanitarian pause’ genocidal?

24 November 2023

Israel’s genocidal anti-Semitism against the Arab civilians of Gaza.

24 November 2023

How Gaza united the world.

24 November 2023

U.S. flies ‘routine’ spy flights from UK’s Cyprus base near Gaza for ‘third party governments’.

25 November 2023

Israel has damaged Israel’s reputation far worse than its enemies ever have.

25 November 2023

Biden endorses Israel’s war to eliminate Gaza. Aaron Mate

25 November 2023

Two-state solution no longer practical in Palestine.

26 November 2023

Aaron Maté speaks to Al Jazeera about Gaza – on the Israel-Hamas hostage deal, prospects for long-term peace, and the Biden administration’s role in the Gaza crisis.

26 November 2023

The Harvard Law Review refused to run this piece about genocide in Gaza.

27 November 2023

A ceasefire is far from lasting peace – a national security expert on the Israel-Hamas deal.

27 November 2023

How a slogan became bigger news than the murder of babies in Gaza.

27 November 2023

The Old and New Nakba.

27 November 2023

Letter from Israeli ‘hostage’ to Hamas.

27 November 2023

Marching for Israel? – Philip Giraldi

27 November 2023

The BBC is not providing a public service over Gaza.

28 November 2023

Spanish government threatens to break ranks with EU and unilaterally recognise Palestine. What gives?

28 November 2023

Israel arms the world’s autocrats—with weapons tested on Palestinians.

28 November 2023

Israeli government has Haaretz newspaper in its sights as it tightens screws on media freedom.

28 November 2023

War is not abstracted anymore.

28 November 2023

Biden and Trump give Israel blank check to commit war crimes.

28 November 2023

Will the US step in to save ‘Israel’ before it is too late?

28 November 2023

With ceasefire calls growing, Israeli military launches closed-door ‘PR blitz’ on Capitol Hill.

28 November 2023

No outcry over Rishi Sunak’s family investments in Israel.

29 November 2023

Gaza conflict: end game not in sight.

29 November 2023

One small, red triangle: Palestine, we are finally looking.

29 November 2023

Which side are you on? The false binary of the Israel-Hamas war.

29 November 2023

Hamas is not as popular in Gaza as it seems. But Israel’s tactics will ensure their survival. [I don’t hold much faith in the argument of this article, especially the idea in the first sentence of the title. The clip referenced that appeared on the BBC could well be a fabrication that has become the trade mark of the Zionist settler state. Added here for interest.]

29 November 2023

Are there any paranoids in the stadium tonight? Two nights in Santiago with Roger Waters.

29 November 2023

How Britain made Cyprus complicit in Gaza’s slaughter.

29 November 2023

The West’s love for Israel erases the Middle East’s real history.

30 November 2023

Israel’s savagery is so shocking it’s sometimes hard to take in. Caitlin Johnstone.

30 November 2023

The thousand boat blockade-busting operation changes everything on the Gaza front – if it materialises. [Although it was first talked about over a week ago – and it’s not that far from Türkiye and Gaza.]

30 November 2023

A better understanding of the violence on both sides might give us a chance at a solution. [What the author ignores is that the Israel is a Zionist settler state. The aim of that state is to take over all of what was Palestine, from the river to the sea – and more. It also ignores the ‘training’ in terrorism that the indigenous population have been forced to endure for more than 75 years.]

30 November 2023

Calling for genocide.

30 November 2023

Canadian public servants angered by government’s anti-Palestinian bias.

30 November 2023

‘A mass assassination factory’: inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza. Permissive airstrikes on non-military targets and the use of an artificial intelligence system have enabled the Israeli army to carry out its deadliest war on Gaza.

30 November 2023

Scott Ritter: from ceasefire to crossroads: decoding Israel’s strategic choices.

30 November 2023

Can US threats prevent a wider war in the Middle East?

30 November 2023

Drone footage shows shocking Gaza destruction.

01 December 2023

US postures over Türkiye alleged failure to curb Hamas funders.

01 December 2023

Netanyahu says he is ‘only one who will prevent a Palestinian state’.

01 December 2023

Israel reopens the Gaza slaughterhouse. Chris Hedges.

01 December 2023

Israel planning global assassination campaign.

01 December 2023

The Fools on Capitol Hill.

01 December 2023

Will the Israelis perpetrate a clandestine 9/11-style terrorist attack in the US?

01 December 2023

Condemn Hamas? It’s time we flipped the script.

01 December 2023

United for Gaza: time now for Palestinians to protect their collective Sumud.

01 December 2023

U.S. spies have ‘wide range’ of facilities on UK’s Cyprus base near Gaza—and share material ‘daily’ with Israel.

02 December 2023

Yanis Varoufakis: ‘As bombs are raining down on Gaza again, it is no longer about Hamas or Netanyahu. It is about our humanity being tested.

02 December 2023

The goal is ethnic cleansing not defeating Hamas. Caitlin Johnstone.

02 December 2023

Definitions matter – according to pro-Israel groups it is unacceptable to refer to what Israel is doing in Gaza as ‘genocide’ or ‘terrorism’, as if there were better terms to use to describe: the indiscriminate bombing of heavily populated areas.

02 December 2023

United Auto Workers calls for ceasefire in Gaza.

02 December 2023

In pictures: ‘Hell on Earth’ in Gaza.

02 December 2023

‘The Horror! The Horror!’, revisited in Palestine.

02 December 2023

The death rattle of American domination.

02 December 2023

The Chris Hedges Report with Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi on Zionism’s 100-year war against Palestinians.

02 December 2023

Netanyahu and his cabinet are taking ‘Israel’ to Biblical Armageddon.

02 December 2023

Israel deserves every bit of the global public criticism it is receiving.

02 December 2023

Columbia suspended pro-Palestine student groups. The faculty revolted.

03 December 2023

‘Against Muslims today means against Jews again tomorrow’.

03 December 2023

If I were going to commit a genocide. Caitlin Johnstone.

03 December 2023

Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom in UK Higher Education.

04 December 2023

Its human toll will be incalculable – with comparison with India.

04 December 2023

An Iraqi confrontation grows between the US and PMU (Popular Mobilization Units).

04 December 2023

Dublin City Council agrees to fly Palestinian flag in act of solidarity with Gaza.

04 December 2023

History of Gaza: on conquerors, resurgence and rebirth.

04 December 2023

How Israel got an endless supply of U.S.-made smart bombs.

05 December 2023

The horrors in Gaza are happening because the US empire wants them to happen. Caitlin Johnstone.

05 December 2023

Canadian health workers rally for Palestine.

05 December 2023

How Israel uses an AI genocide program to obliterate Gaza.

05 December 2023

Israel can’t defeat Hamas in battle, so what’s next?

05 December 2023

Unable to defeat Palestinian resistance, Israeli regime intensifies killing and torturing children.

05 December 2023

The House of Representatives rules that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.

05 December 2023

Israel’s use of disproportionate force is a long-established tactic – with a clear aim.

05 December 2023

US seeking plausible deniability as US-armed Israel erases Gaza.

06 December 2023

There’s nothing you can say to make me accept the murder of thousands of children.

06 December 2023

US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor reveals truth about Israel – Israel has more power in Washington than Biden.

06 December 2023

‘How many kids did you kill today?’: An episode in the ongoing Nakba.

06 December 2023

When the lie’s so big – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate cover the latest from the Gaza war as Israel embarks on one of history’s most expensive and cynical propaganda campaigns to justify its similarly unprecedented slaughter of innocent civilians. They will also discuss the ignominious final act of the Ukraine proxy war.

06 December 2023

Scandal-stained Israeli ‘rescue’ group fuels October 7 fabrications.

06 December 2023

Chris Hedges ‘The genocide in Gaza’.

07 December 2023

The official story of October Seventh. Caitlin Johnstone.

07 December 2023

Israel: strikes on journalists in Lebanon apparently deliberate.

07 December 2023

UN Secretary-General invokes Article 99 on Gaza.

07 December 2023

If the pro-Israel position was based on truth and morality, it wouldn’t depend on lies and slander. Caitlin Johnstone.

07 December 2023

Predicting pestilence.

07 December 2023

‘Where is your humanity?’ Labour Party leader Keir Starmer confronted on a train.

07 December 2023

Under occupation, armed resistance will never end.

07 December 2023

How Israel has grown up as the spoiled boy of the world.

07 December 2023

Haley: TikTok increasing young adults’ anti-Semitism. [She was the US ambassador to the UN and could be a presidential candidate in 2024. And she was applauded for these comments! Can you do anything but despair?]

07 December 2023

Israel, Gaza, and the struggle for oil.

08 December 2023

Video shows stripped Palestinian men detained in Gaza. [But being the BBC there’s no comment about how this is supposed to be unacceptable in conflict and is, in fact, a war crime.]

08 December 2023

The evil Israel does is the evil Israel gets.

08 December 2023

The Chris Hedges Report with reporter Antony Loewenstein on how Israel tests new weapons and surveillance technology on Palestinians before selling them to countries around the globe.

08 December 2023

Dying to be free: releasing Palestinian captives is not a numbers game.

08 December 2023

‘We want freedom’: Refaat Alareer, Gaza scholar and activist killed by Israeli strike, in his own words.

08 December 2023

Postmedia called out for publishing Israeli propaganda as ‘news’. Canada.

08 December 2023

A Wall and a Watchtower: Why is Israel failing? – Ilan Pappe.

08 December 2023

How anti-Zionist American Jews are organizing for a ceasefire in Gaza.

08 December 2023

Terrorism investigations on campus and the new McCarthyism.

09 December 2023

I will not look away.

09 December 2023

Only truth and clear seeing can lead us to peace and harmony.

10 December 2023

Israel supporters would defend literally any Israeli atrocity. Caitlin Johnstone.

10 December 2023

Why Arab states aren’t using oil as a weapon against Israel.

10 December 2023

Former Israeli advisor on Netanyahu, Qatar and irreversible damage in Gaza. Ash meets Daniel Levy. From advising former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak to heading up the US / Middle East Peace Project, Daniel Levy has had a front row seat at some of the most consequential peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine in the last two decades. He sat down with Ash to talk about genocide, the central role of gulf monarchies and why zionism does little to increase safety for Jews.

11 December 2023

The West agonises over an ‘atrocity upsurge’ while backing Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

11 December 2023

Israel’s genocide in Gaza has Biden’s green light.

11 December 2023

Israel apologizes for ‘Abu Ghraib’ POW images [– not].

11 December 2023

Ethnic cleansing of Gaza: The unambiguous goal of Israel’s genocidal assault.

11 December 2023

The new McCarthyism on US campuses.

11 December 2023

We are no strangers to human suffering, but we’ve seen nothing like the siege of Gaza.

11 December 2023

The selective silencing of campus speech.

12 December 2023

Israel apologists are psychopaths. Caitlin Johnstone.

12 December 2023

The West Bank after October 7: repression and ethnic cleansing. In this exclusive report for The Grayzone, Jeremy Loffredo provides an on-the-ground look at the fear and violence that has consumed occupied Palestinian communities across the West Bank, from the Jordan Valley to the Christian village of Taybeh, as settlers and the Israeli army exploit the shock of October 7 to carry out dispossession on a mass scale.

12 December 2023

Heart of darkness.

12 December 2023

Have WE no decency? John Mearsheimer.

12 December 2023

‘Palestine must be obliterated’: ‘Times of Israel publishes, [then] deletes article calling for genocide – but this article appeared in May 2023, long before the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023.

12 December 2023

Moscow and Gaza: is Russia ready for a major shift in its Middle East policy?

12 December 2023

BRICS and the Resistance Axis: a convergence of goals.

12 December 2023

Did Biden just say the U.S. can’t protect Jews?

12 December 2023

What Israel doesn’t want you to know about Hamas’ captives – Katie Halper. Susan Abulhawi and Katie react to how Hamas really treated its hostages and compares that treatment to how Israel treats its prisoners. [Includes a outright lie perpetrated by the BBC.]

12 December 2023

Elise Stefanik, proponent of Great Replacement Theory, is no foe of racial bigotry against Jews or anyone else.

12 December 2023

It’s time for Gaza’s journalists to be treated like the heroes they are.

12 December 2023

Britain secretly sent 500 extra troops to Cyprus base being used to supply weapons to Israel.

12 December 2023

Let it be a tale – The Grayzone live – Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the Biden administration’s deepening diplomatic debacle as bloodshed and recriminations mount around Gaza. They will also discuss Zelensky’s visit to Washington today and remember Palestinian writer Refaat Alareer.

13 December 2023

Gaza is deliberately being made uninhabitable.

13 December 2023

The moral bankruptcy of US policy in Palestine.

13 December 2023

What next after the General Assembly vote?

13 December 2023

Scott Ritter: We suck as a society. Scott Ritter and Alex from Reporterfy Media.

13 December 2023

Masha Gessen’s Hannah Arendt Prize has been canceled because of their essay on Gaza.

14 December 2023

Getting serious about halting Israeli genocide.

14 December 2023

Biden staffers demand cease-fire at ‘historic’ White House vigil.

14 December 2023

Gaza war: deadlock in the security council shows that the UN is no longer fit for purpose.

14 December 2023

‘Let it be a tale’: on Refaat Alareer and the martyrdom of the Gaza intellectual.

14 December 2023

Biden has damned the United States over Israel’s Gaza genocide.

14 December 2023

How one British business could stop Israeli jets bombing Gaza.

15 December 2023

Biden intends to keep participating in the incineration of Gaza.

15 December 2023

CNN goes to Gaza.

15 December 2023

‘Faith in Israel’s strength has been shaken’: RT speaks with Hezbollah about Gaza war.

15 December 2023

Why is the media ignoring evidence of Israel’s own actions on 7 October?

15 December 2023

Unmasking media complicity: the urgent call for truth in Gaza.

15 December 2023

Both Biden and Bibi could be victims of the Israeli war against Hamas.

15 December 2023

The sinister career of Ariel Sharon: from Sabra and Shatila to Gaza.

15 December 2023

On Gaza, Biden is violating international law.

15 December 2023

A week like no other – Washington’s shameful behavior marks a new low for the Biden Administration.

16 December 2023

The no-state solution becomes more and more real as Israel’s permanent Nakba continues.

16 December 2023

All the propaganda is splattering against a solid wall of reality.

16 December 2023

‘Palestinian terror operative’ means anyone still alive.

16 December 2023

Biden says his father lived on a kibbutz??? It’s getting really bad now.

16 December 2023

As the Arabs see the Jews, by His Majesty King Abdullah. [Written in 1947. Presented here for its historical background.]

17 December 2023

The death of Israel. Settler colonial states have a terminal shelf life. Israel is no exception.

17 December 2023

The IDF are so good at killing Israelis they should consider joining Hamas.

17 December 2023

‘The hostages weren’t our top priority’: How Israel’s bombing frenzy endangered captives in Gaza.

18 December 2023

Hamas ‘mass rape’ claim lacks evidence. But it’s being used to justify genocide.

18 December 2023 – first broadcast 04 December 2023

Debunking Israel’s ‘mass rapes’ atrocity propaganda.

18 December 2023

Gaza massacres: Don’t look away!

18 December 2023

UK media are suppressing mentions of Israel’s ‘genocide’ in Gaza.

18 December 2023

Israeli tank-fired shell kills Palestinian girl in Gaza hospital.

18 December 2023

A night on which the Zionists wept.

18 December 2023

Out-of-control Israeli regime killing own people… well, why not?

18 December 2023

Pro-Israel billionaires are spending big to oust socialists from office.

18 December 2023

These journalists are reporting from Gaza amid Israeli bombardment.

18 December 2023

British elites have long been a barrier to peace in the Middle East.

18 December 2023

Some facts for the unconvinced: why we need a Gaza ceasefire now.

19 December 2023

Going mask-off about the Two-State solution lie.

19 December 2023

Israel’s latest weapon against Palestine is Egypt’s debt.

19 December 2023

War on Gaza: I am not Palestinian. But if you are not grieving, something is wrong.

19 December 2023

Red Sea’s gateway of tears… as usual, Uncle Sam’s Euro vassals pay the price.

19 December 2023

The cost of US fighting Houthis in the Red Sea just went up.

19 December 2023

Conflating antisemitism and anti-zionism emboldens the far right.

19 December 2023

UK universities take millions from defence companies arming Israel.

19 December 2023

Who are Yemen’s Houthi rebels attacking Israeli ships?

20 December 2023

The evil Israel does is the evil Israel gets.

20 December 2023

US and allies opening new front in Middle East with escalation against Houthis over shipping lanes.

20 December 2023

The atrocities in Gaza are the perfect embodiment of ‘western values’.

20 December 2023

Palestinian child released from Israeli prison spent 30 days in solitary confinement.

20 December 2023

How Israel’s genocidal war against Palestinians is a colonial tradition.

20 December 2023

UN Office details alleged IDF ‘summary killing’ of Gaza men in front of families.

20 December 2023

Meta: systemic censorship of Palestine content.

20 December 2023

Gas, Gaza, and Western imperialism.

21 December 2023

Israeli occupation forces bulldoze cemetery in eastern Gaza, crushing the dead.

21 December 2023

Urinating on prisoners: why humiliation is functional in Israel’s war on Palestinians.

22 December 2023

In unprecedented slaughter of Gaza civilians, US claims Israel is the ‘victim’.

22 December 2023

At this point we have to always assume Israel is lying until proven otherwise.

22 December 2023

Netanyahu wanted to ‘collapse’ Hamas. This war could collapse Israel.

22 December 2023

Israeli propaganda inadvertently reveals stunning Gaza tunnels.

22 December 2023

The anti-Semitic moment.

22 December 2023

Israel and genocide: not only in Gaza.

22 December 2023

The anatomy of Zionist genocide.

22 December 2023

Point of no return – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate will cover the latest developments from the Gaza-Israel war as Israel’s military tallies historical records with its brutality towards Palestinians and kills more of its own civilians while failing to achieve it owns stated objectives. Will Israel’s refusal to negotiate an end to the war lead it to a point of no return, where it must expand the theater to Lebanon? And will a coming regional war soon engulf Yemen as well?

22 December 2023

A look inside Gaza as mass famine spreads.

22 December 2023

Media research shows BBC is very far from ‘biased against Israel’.

23 December 2023

Yemen ready to stare down a new imperial coalition.

23 December 2023

US people are funding illegal settlements in the West Bank.

23 December 2023

The cost of bearing witness. There are scores of Palestinian writers and photographers, many of whom have been killed, who are determined to make us see the horror of this genocide. They will vanquish the lies of the killers.

24 December 2023

The real Israeli history of 1948. Jewish historian Ilan Pappe. [A presentation given on 13 September 2028.]

24 December 2023

I am Gaza City’s mayor. Our lives and culture are in rubble.

24 December 2023

Scott Ritter and Larry Johnson: Yemen exposes US, NATO military weakness in Red Sea – with Danny Haiphong.

24 December 2023

Who is funding Canary Mission? Inside the doxxing operation targeting anti-Zionist students and professors.

24 December 2023

This war could collapse Israel.

24 December 2023

Merry Christmas! We all belong in prison at The Hague.

25 December 2023

Murder Christmas.

25 December 2023

The Yemenis know the U.S. is bluffing… here’s why.

25 December 2023

Member of European Parliament, Clare Daly, called Ursula Von Der Leyen ‘Frau Genocide’. Daly added Von Der Leyen was elevated to power without a single vote from citizens. This after Von Der Leyen has repeatedly voiced support for Israel amid the war against hamas.

26 December 2023

Honey trap for Israelis and Americans in the Red Sea.

26 December 2023

Dehumanizing Palestinians.

27 December 2023

‘Are we the baddies?’ Western support for genocide in Gaza means the answer is yes.

27 December 2023

President Biden: learn the names of children you’ve helped Israel to murder.

27 December 2023

Netanyahu looking for countries ‘to absorb’ ethnically cleansed Palestinians.

27 December 2023

France, Spain and Italy embarrass U.S. by abandoning coalition of Operation Prosperity Guardian in the Red Sea.

27 December 2023

Erdogan says Netanyahu literally ‘Hitler’.

27 December 2023

What is wrong with Israelis? The Grayzone. The true face of Zionist settler fascism.

27 December 2023

The sources for the October 7th fake Hamas stories broadcasted by the mainstream media.

27 December 2023

Health workers in the UK shut down the headquarters of a Gaza war profiteer.

28 December 2023

Christmas Eve massacre in Gaza refugee camp.

28 December 2023

Returning to Gaza after kidnapping and torture by Israel.

28 December 2023

Born in Gaza.

28 December 2023

Gaza, a ravaged land and people.

28 December 2023

There’s no way to ‘explain’ the degree of death and destruction in Gaza.

28 December 2023

The long war on Gaza.

29 December 2023

Because of Israel’s war against Palestine, there are no innocent ships at sea.

29 December 2023

Israel says it’s anti-Semitic to invoke the genocide convention over Gaza.

29 December 2023

Max Blumenthal: (The GrayZone) – What the IDF did on Christmas. Judge Napolitano.

29 December 2023

The torture never stops – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the expansion of Israel’s genocidal ground war in Gaza as mainstream outlets declare its far-reaching objectives to be delusional. They cover new October 7 atrocity allegations and malicious attacks by a columnist for The Nation against The Grayzone for debunking Israeli propaganda. And they will discuss the Biden administration’s seeming concession to reality in Ukraine after months of abject failure.

29 December 2023

Global leaders must find the courage to hit Israel and the US where it hurts.

29 December 2023

Israel’s genocide betrays the Holocaust.

29 December 2023

Is Israel stealing body parts from Gaza casualties?

29 December 2023

Yemen just changed everything as US-NATO war coalition falls apart.

29 December 2023

Dead End: Israel gets lost in Gaza.

29 December 2023

‘What do you say on behalf of a people enduring genocide?’ Majed Bamya, Deputy Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the UN. Compare this statement to the racist, manic and theatrical rants of representatives of the Zionist settler state in the same forum.

30 December 2023

No, Biden is not being played by Netanyahu. U.S. imperialist policy is the systematic problem.

01 January 2024

Unmitigated horror: Guernica, the Warsaw Ghetto, and now Gaza.

02 January 2024

They’re calling ethnic cleansing ‘voluntary migration’ now.

02 January 2024

I don’t care what religion the genocidal child murderers are.

02 January 2024

The US will one day pay the price for its unquestioned support for Israel.

02 January 2024

Blood money: the top ten politicians taking the most Israel lobby cash.

02 January 2024

How Yemen changed everything.

02 January 2023

Democratic backlash as Biden bypasses Congress for 2nd time to arm Israel.

02 January 2024

‘Progressive’ Jewish organizations have abandoned Palestine. It’s time to abandon them.

03 January 2024

US admonishes Israeli officials for saying the quiet part out loud about ethnic cleansing

03 January 2024

Israeli genocide and the International Criminal Court: tales of hypocrisy.

03 January 2024

Advocating one person/one vote for Israel is antisemitic.

03 January 2024

Family of key case in New York Times October 7 sexual violence report renounces story, says reporters manipulated them.

03 January 2024

We all see the horrific videos of suffering in Gaza. We must not look away.

03 January 2024

Blocking Israel’s supply chain.

03 January 2024

Israel’s Gaza withdrawal, a prelude to full-out war.

03 January 2024

Washington Post erases Israeli minister’s far-fetched October 7 rape claim at his request.

04 January 2024

Gaza, Saudi, Iran, Venezuela and more.

04 January 2024

Palestine: The greatest moral issue of our time.

04 January 2024

I could have been one of those who broke through the siege on October 7.

04 January 2024

CNN runs Gaza coverage past Jerusalem team operating under shadow of IDF censor.

04 January 2024

‘Beheaded babies’ – How UK media reported Israel’s fake news as fact.

05 January 2024

Israel shifts to targeted escalation, with justification for entry into Lebanon one likely aim.

05 January 2024

It’s insane that anyone is still supporting Israel.

05 January 2024

Kirby calls South Africa’s genocide accusations against Israel ‘meritless’.

05 January 2024

Guilty as charged.

05 January 2024

The U.S. and Israel: two self-proclaimed chosen countries in need of demythologizing.

05 January 2024

Rage over Gaza: Washington will pay for its support of Israel.

05 January 2024

The Tulkarem Brigade’s ‘men in the sun’ resist in search of freedom.

05 January 2024

In Gaza genocide, US defends Israel’s ‘aura of power’.

05 January 2024

The Chris Hedges Report with Israeli historian Ilan Pappé on Israel’s end game in Gaza and the future of the Israeli apartheid state.

05 January 2024

Who is behind the deadly Iran bombing and why? How the US backed terrorism in Iran for years – with reference to a 2009 ‘think tank’ document talking to US tactics in destabilising Iran.

05 January 2024

The Grayzone live – Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the thuggish pro-Israel billionaire campaign to control academia, fallout from new Epstein revelations as Israel’s most obscene propaganda stunt collapses, the wave of Israeli assassinations and bombings across the region, and the latest on the Ukraine proxy war. Also a very bizarre ‘October 7th fashion show’ at 1:49:20.

06 January 2024

Israeli minister outlines plans for Gaza after war.

06 January 2024

Rumours Jeffrey Epstein worked for Israel won’t go away.

06 January 2024

The voices that really matter are the journalists on the ground.

06 January 2024

International community rejects Israeli calls for Gaza ethnic cleansing as assault nears three-month mark.

06 January 2024

CNN and Washington Post busted for pro-Israel propaganda shenanigans.

06 January 2024

Putin citizenship decree violates children’s rights, Ukraine says. [Compare this ‘outrage’ – and the way it’s reported in the ‘west’ to the lack of coverage (or ‘outrage’) at the murder of Palestinian children by the US-backed, Zionist settler state.]

06 January 2024

Mohammed El-Kurd and Ahmad Alnaouq on the complicity of mainstream media in Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza.

06 January 2024

The U.S. can’t blindly support Israel and prevent escalation in the region at the same time.

07 January 2024

I want for you what you want for the Palestinians.

07 January 2024

‘Body parts strewn on the ground’: Israeli airstrike kills 7 in Jenin, including 4 brothers.

07 January 2024

Why we have to make the Jewish Ghetto comparison.

07 January 2024

Israel surpasses three months of Gaza bombing campaign, UN warns of starvation.

07 January 2024

Every U.S. Senator has taken American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) money.

08 January 2024

As US backs Gaza genocide, ‘grassroots diplomats’ rally support for South Africa case.

08 January 2024

Tony Blinken is a cold-blooded sociopath.

08 January 2024

Calling for a ceasefire while still making the bombs: an open letter to the UAW.

08 January 2024

Israel seen as even more likely to launch war with Lebanon as fate of ICJ suit uncertain due to China and Russia doubts.

08 January 2024

To defend Israel as ‘moral society’, Knesset member backs South Africa‘s ICJ genocide case.

08 January 2024

Genocide in Gaza – John J. Mearsheimer.

08 January 2024

The abject failure of nearly every member of Congress on Gaza.

08 January 2024

Is Uncle Sam being duped into fighting Israel’s war?

08 January 2024

All CNN Gaza coverage seen by bureau monitored by IDF before publication.

08 January 2024

Israeli forces kill four-year-old girl in occupied West Bank; Gaza’s children face brunt of the genocide.

08 January 2024

Norman Finkelstein on South Africa’s case against Israel.

09 January 2024

Poll: Americans have no idea what Biden means when he says he is a Zionist, or what Israel’s ideology is.

09 January 2024

The West will stand in the dock alongside Israel at the genocide court.

09 January 2024

Westerners have an absolutely psychotic view of airstrikes.

09 January 2024

Fighting continues to expand into Lebanon as Israel assassinates senior Hezbollah commander.

09 January 2024

Which countries back South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at ICJ?

09 January 2024

Thomas Friedman is wrong (again) on who failed peace in Israel/Palestine.

09 January 2024

A ‘genocidal maniac’: What is Netanyahu’s ultimate goal in the Middle East?

09 January 2024

Coverage of Gaza war in the New York Times and other major newspapers heavily favored Israel, analysis shows.

09 January 2024

Video shows ‘assassination’ of 3 young Palestinian men, Israeli jeep running over a body.

09 January 2024

Don’t believe Haaretz and the NYT. Israeli society fully supports the Gaza genocide.

09 January 2024

The key to protecting students? Divest from genocide and uphold free speech.

10 January 2024

This genocide is being live-streamed. We can’t say we didn’t know.

10 January 2024

Israeli group claims it’s working with big tech insiders to censor ‘inflammatory’ wartime content.

10 January 2024

Netanyahu: Let me be clear — Israel has no intention of displacing Gaza’s population – what the US-backed, Zionist settler state tells its own people.

10 January 2024

BRICS member South Africa takes Zionism to court.

10 January 2024

Congress backers of Gaza war received most from pro-Israel donors. [Although here The Guardian ‘follows’ other’s work.]

10 January 2024

A crack in the 75-year-old wall of impunity: South Africa’s court challenge of Israeli genocide.

10 January 2024

Gaza: what is victory?

10 January 2024

Israel to face genocide charges at ICJ, battles rage on in northern Gaza.

10 January 2024

An international law expert explains why South Africa’s case at the ICJ is so important.

10 January 2024

Israel’s genocide in Gaza exposes the racism of the international system.

10 January 2024

Victimhood should not be a condition for Palestine solidarity.

10 January 2024

We have a tool to stop Israel’s war crimes: BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) – yet no mention of legislation going through the British parliament, to make BDS illegal in the UK, at the very time she was writing this article.

10 January 2024

Why I risked prison to shut Elbit down.

10 January 2024

Screams without proof: questions for New York Times about shoddy ‘Hamas mass rape’ report.

11 January 2024

Biden is everything people feared Trump would be.

11 January 2024

Israeli bombardment continues in Gaza even as South Africa presents arguments to the ICJ.

11 January 2024

UK’s chief rabbi gives his blessing to war crimes in Gaza.

11 January 2024

‘Israel capitulates at the start of International Court of Justice genocide hearing’ – NOT.

11 January 2024

A chance to hold Israel–and the US–to account for genocide.

11 January 2024

The morality of the West on trial.

11 January 2024

First day of ICJ hearing on South Africa’s genocide case against Israel.

11 January 2024

Reaction to South Africa’s UN Court case against Israel’s war in Gaza.

11 January 2024

Reality of genocide in Gaza

11 January 2024

Irish lawyer’s stunning speech at The Hague accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.

11 January 2024

Will the ICJ find Israel guilty of genocide?

11 January 2024

In genocide case against Israel at The Hague, the U.S. is the unnamed co-conspirator.

11 January 2024

Biden admin deployed air force team to Israel to assist with targets, document suggests.

11 January 2024

Biden’s strikes in Yemen are unconstitutional, bipartisan members of Congress say.

11 January 2024

South Africa’s 84-page allegation against Israel, which accuses the Jewish state of breaching the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in its aerial and ground bombardment of Gaza in response to Hamas’ cross-border attack on October 7.

11 January 2024

UK quietly expands secret spy base near Iran.

12 January 2024

Half a million Gazans are suffering from acute hunger. Let that sink in.

12 January 2024

Western Empire bombs Yemen to protect Israel’s genocide operations in Gaza.

12 January 2024

U.S. and UK forces hit military targets in Yemen.

12 January 2024

The case for genocide – Chris Hedges.

12 January 2024

Israel claims ‘self defense’ at ICJ, as U.S. and U.K. launch air strikes on Yemen.

12 January 2024

Israel responds to the charge of genocide: Day 2 of South Africa v. Israel.

12 January 2024

South Africa honored the Palestinian plight, and the world was forced to listen.

12 January 2024

South Africa’s genocide case against Israel: Both sides play heavy on emotion in ICJ hearing. [Yet another example of the BBC ‘impartiality’.]

12 January 2024

Israel raises major procedural problem with South Africa filing, challenges ‘genocidal intent’ by citing policies, relief.

12 January 2024

Mainstream media covers up Israeli calls to drive two million Palestinians into permanent exile.

12 January 2024

Making Gaza unliveable – the Zionist attack on the environment (as well as the people).

12 January 2024

All Israelis are Jews; all Jews are Israelis: Israel’s false tautology.

12 January 2024

Israel faces justice in The Hague.

12 January 2024

From Gaza to Congo: on Zionism and the unlearned history of genocide.

12 January 2024

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East.

12 January 2024

With attack on Yemen, the U.S. is shameless: ‘We make the rules, we break the rules’.

12 January 2024

Bombing Yemen – As British as afternoon tea.

12 January 2024

The Devil’s Advocate – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss South Africa’s case against Israel under the Genocide Convention, the US-UK strikes on Yemen, and more.

12 January 2024

Don’t turn away from the charges of genocide against Israel.

12 January 2024

German elites are redefining anti-Semitism so they can be the victims.

13 January 2024

We could try simply not provoking a wider war via the continued destruction of Gaza

13 January 2024

Israel’s war on Palestine and the global upsurge against it.

13 January 2024

Yet another Gaza hospital runs out of power, as demonstrators across the globe call for ceasefire.

13 January 2024

If you’ve just started paying attention to US foreign policy.

13 January 2024

US uses conflict with Iran as scapegoat for its genocidal crimes.

13 January 2024

There is no U.S. interest in backing a genocide and bombing Yemen.

14 January 2024

The Chris Hedges Report with Miko Peled, the son of an Israeli general who served in the Special Forces in the Israeli army, on the racist indoctrination and militarization of Israeli society.

14 January 2024 – first published 06 October 2022, posted here for historical background and context.

Britain’s covert war in Yemen.

14 January 2024 – first published 05 January 2023, posted here for historical background and context.

Former UN envoy to Yemen linked to MI6, a party to the war.

14 January 2024

Nearly 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, injured, or are missing since October 7.

14 January 2024

Celebrities back South Africa’s claims of Israeli genocide

14 January 2024

At The Hague, Aharon Barak will play Dr. Jekyll to Israel’s Mr. Hyde.

15 January 2024

Turns out ‘Israel has a right to defend itself’ meant ‘Israel has a right to commit genocide’.

15 January 2024

Netanyahu vows to defy International Court of Justice as Israel moves to tighten control over southern Gaza border.

15 January 2024

The collapse of Gaza’s health sector the ‘worst man-made medical disaster in modern history’.

15 January 2024

Biden, Israel’s accomplice in Gaza, pretends to be a bystander.

15 January 2024

Professor Mearsheimer: Israel’s unsuccessful legal assertions at the International Court of Justice.

15 January 2024

Scott Ritter: Yemen, Iran join the war and US military is not ready for Israel/Middle East powder keg – Danny Haiphong

15 January 2024

Attacking Yemen.

15 January 2024

Netanyahu defies the International Court of Justice – ‘Nobody will stop us’.

15 January 2024

Israel’s war on Palestine and the global upsurge against it.

15 January 2024

Black activists began traveling to Palestine in the 1960s. They never stopped.

16 January 2024

The ‘rules-based international order’.

16 January 2024

Kremlin tries to sit on the fence in the middle of the Red Sea.

16 January 2024

Unions are critical in the fight against Israeli apartheid.

16 January 2024

Western racism laid the foundations for Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

16 January 2024

Bombing Gaza isn’t fighting sexual violence.

16 January 2024

Israel pulls thousands of forces from Gaza as Hamas announces death of two captives.

16 January 2024

Democratic illusions: elite unity on Israel.

16 January 2024

Zionism and colonial modernity.

16 January 2024

Life in Jerusalem under Israel’s military dictatorship.

16 January 2024

Too controversial for U.K. Media – the build-up of military equipment at RAF Akrotiri on Cyprus, and a big increase in flights from the base to Israel.

17 January 2024

The shocking inhumanity of Israel’s crimes in Gaza.

17 January 2024

In Gaza, the West is enabling the most transparent genocide in human history.

17 January 2024

Gaza will be the grave of the Western-led world order.

17 January 2024

Scott Ritter: How the US misleads the world about its involvement in Yemen.

17 January 2024

World wants more US intervention – Washington via Blinken. [You couldn’t make it up.]

17 January 2024

Israel’s argument at The Hague: We are incapable of genocide.

17 January 2024

Irish politician Clare Daly labels US President Biden a ‘butcher’.

17 January 2024

Israeli army attacks vicinity of southern Gaza hospital, kills 7 in West Bank drone strikes.

17 January 2024

The US, Israel have lost battlefield control – Houthis have attacked US destroyer, hit Greek-US owned bulker; Iran has hit US base in Kurdish Capital, Erbil.

17 January 2024

Israeli settlers already planning to move into Gaza! ‘Palestinians have no right to live in Gaza’.

17 January 2024

Airport cops interrogate UK teen over Palestine protests.

17 January 2024

Rishi Sunak is ninth UK Prime Minister to bomb Yemen from air.

18 January 2024

Genocide in my living room.

18 January 2024

The Gaza Strip: a struggle for daily survival amid death, exhaustion and despair.

18 January 2024

Britain has flown 50 spy missions over Gaza in support of Israel.

18 January 2024

Why is the real story of October 7 off-limits to western, but not Israeli, media?

18 January 2024

Israel’s unrelenting assault continues – ‘If we’re not killed by bombs, we die from the cold, starvation, or disease‘.

18 January 2024

When Yemen does it it’s terrorism, when the US does it it’s ‘the rules-based order’.

18 January 2024

EU Gaza resolution slammed as ‘green light for butchery to continue’.

18 January 2024

Erdogan’s double game: Praising Palestine, aiding Israel.

18 January 2024

Why South Africa is leading the legal and moral charge against Israel’s genocidal actions.

18 January 2024

Israeli army gassed my son ‘’like Auschwitz’, mother of slain Israeli soldier says.

18 January 2024

Drone strikes, mass arrests, and demolitions: Massive Israeli raid kills at least 11 Palestinians in northern West Bank.

18 January 2024

Safeguarding Zionist fragility on British campuses.

18 January 2024

Biden’s ‘day after’ plan for Gaza reflects ignorance and incompetence.

18 January 2024

Decoding Iran’s missile, drone strikes.

18 January 2024

‘Different rules’: special policies keep US supplying weapons to Israel despite alleged abuses.

18 January 2024

‘The Death of Israel’ – A talk Given by Chris Hedges at The Islamic Society of Central New Jersey

19 January 2024

Bibi rejects Palestinian statehood, Biden says bombing Yemen doesn’t work but will continue anyway.

19 January 2024

100 days of war and resistance: legendary Palestinian resistance will be Netanyahu’s downfall.

19 January 2024

Why the Guardian’s ‘Hamas mass rape’ story doesn’t pass the sniff test.

19 January 2024

The Chris Hedges Report with cartoonist Joe Sacco about his iconic books Palestine and Footnotes in Gaza and how Israel’s repeated slaughter of Palestinians in the past led to the current genocide.

19 January 2024

Paradigm shift: a time of universal lunacy and deceit.

19 January 2024

Israel destroys Gaza’s last university as Netanyahu doubles down on rejection of a Palestinian state.

19 January 2024

Netanyahu just said Israel will permanently occupy the land ‘from the river to the sea’. The U.S. [and U.K.] media is covering it up.

19 January 2024

If you’re surprised by Netanyahu’s ‘river to the sea’ comment, you haven’t been paying attention.

19 January 2024

Then as farce – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss Biden’s acknowledgment that strikes on Yemen are ineffectual but must continue, Blinken’s Davos handwringing over Gaza, the political meltdown inside Israel as its military continues its genocidal rampage, and the ongoing collapse of Ukraine’s military.

19 January 2024

The Houthis may have checkmated Biden in Red Sea standoff.

19 January 2024

War on Yemen? Don’t expect a cakewalk.

20 January 2024

Welcome to the Empire.

20 January 2024

Israel bombs Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, U.S. bombs Yemen.

20 January 2024 [first broadcast on 02 December 2023 but only now has it been brought to our attention]

Why is the Auschwitz museum justifying Israel’s genocide?

20 January 2024

Palestine awakens the revolution.

20 January 2024

Rutgers Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is reinstated and still defiant.

20 January 2024

Why Israel’s violence gets so much notice (it’s not anti-Semitism).

20 January 2024

After House Speaker Mike Johnson pushed through Israel aid package, AIPAC cash came flowing in.

21 January 2024

Israel bombs two more hospitals in Gaza as official death toll crosses 25,000.

21 January 2024

The Four Horsemen of Gaza’s Apocalypse.

21 January 2024

Amid Gaza protests, universities are cracking down on a celebrated protest tactic: sit-ins.

21 January 2024

How Zionism indoctrinated the West with Ahmed Paul Keeler.

21 January 2024

The battle for Jerusalem plays out in the Armenian Quarter.

22 January 2024

Biden has started another US war.

22 January 2024

Why don’t more countries take action against Israel?

22 January 2024

Main documents in the International Court of Justice South Africa v. Israel Case.

22 January 2024

Israel is systematically obliterating Gaza, section by section.

22 January 2024

Israeli colonel who backed illegal settlers invited to London arms fair.

22 January 2024

Bloody red line: Israel risks dragging another Arab country into war.

22 January 2024

EU agrees on Yemen ‘mission’.

22 January 2024

Further discussion of the South Africa genocide case against Israel: evaluating what the court might do.

22 January 2024

‘Our goal is to stop the genocide’: Houthi spokesman meets The Grayzone.

22 January 2024

Columbia scolds students for ‘unsanctioned’ Gaza rally where they were attacked with chemicals.

23 January 2024

The Biden Administration’s absurd justification for its Yemen war.

23 January 2024

Israeli forces storm Al-Khair Hospital, bomb Palestinians sheltering in tents in Khan Younis.

23 January 2024

Aaron Maté: Biden boxed in – an interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano on Gaza, Israel, and Biden’s role.

23 January 2024

Why there will never be a two-state solution.

23 January 2024

Columbia University Apartheid Divest coalition statement on chemical skunk attack.

23 January 2024

From the ‘Unity Uprising’ to silence amid genocide: the political domestication of Palestinian citizens of Israel.

23 January 2024

Groups condemn alleged instruction to report school students for criticizing Israel. (Canada)

23 January 2024

UK struggles to prove Houthis attacked its trade ships.

24 January 2024

Sinn Féin’s Imelda Munster exposes world leaders’ hypocrisy and cowardice on Palestine.

24 January 2024

Many say they want peace when what they really want is obedience.

24 January 2024

Israeli forces encircle Khan Younis as Gazans risk famine.

24 January 2024

For South Africa, defending Palestine is personal.

24 January 2024

Gaza is exposing western liberals for the frauds they are.

24 January 2024

Who funds Labour Friends of Israel – and why won’t it say?

24 January 2024

For Palestinians, U.S. talk of a ‘revitalized’ PA in Gaza is code for outsourced oppression.

24 January 2024

Gaza’s economy has been erased. Famine and black markets are all that remain.

24 January 2024

The Hypocrisy Oath: The double standards of American health institutions on Gaza.

24 January 2024

Ironclad support for starving, blinding, shattering children.

24 January 2024

The United States and Israel are blowing up the Mideast to conceal their disastrous defeat in Gaza.

24 January 2024

Biden must choose between a ceasefire in Gaza and a regional war.

24 January 2024

US and UK continue to skirt accountability in Yemen.

24 January 2024

Palestinian journalists are stopping their reporting for ‘a world that doesn’t know the meaning of humanity’.

Compare with the so-called ‘academic’ response from the west.

25 January 2024

Gaza: high numbers of journalists are being killed but it’s hard to prove they’re being targeted.

25 January 2024

Starmer rewards Israel’s genocide with a veto on Palestinian statehood.

25 January 2024

Is anti-Semitism ‘rampant’ at Harvard? The closer you look, the less you see.

25 January 2024

Hospitals under siege, UNRWA shelter bombed in southern Gaza.

25 January 2024

Trudeau government accused of sowing confusion over Israel military exports. (Canada)

25 January 2024

Israel, the United States, and the rhetoric of the War on Terror from September 11, 2001, to October 7, 2023 (and beyond).

25 January 2024

Israel and US military operations in the Middle East going wobbly under multi-front pressure.

25 January 2024

Palestinians are taking the Biden administration to court this week.

25 January 2024

What to look for in the ICJ’s ‘provisional measures’ ruling on genocide in Gaza.

25 January 2024

David Lammy: Friend of Israel.

26 January 2024

The war on journalism in Belmarsh, the war on journalism in Gaza.

26 January 2024

Russian Foreign Ministry ties Red Sea blockade to Gaza blockade, backs Houthis in Moscow meeting.

26 January 2024

In a historic moment, ICJ moves forward with genocide case against Israel.

26 January 2024

ICJ orders Israel to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza and punish calls for incitement.

26 January 2024

It may be genocide, but it won’t be stopped.

26 January 2024

Eyewitness to Columbia University skunk attack says campus activists fear for safety.

26 January 2024

Biden is following Netanyahu off a cliff

26 January 2024

International Court of Justice rules forcefully against Israel in landmark genocide ruling, including restricting military action.

26 January 2024

Ordered to prevent genocide – The Grayzone live. International legal expert and ex-UN Office of Human Rights Commissioner whistleblower Craig Mokhiber joins the Grayzone’s Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal to discuss the ICJ’s landmark ruling ordering Israel to prevent genocide by its forces in the besieged Gaza Strip.

26 January 2024

Genocide in Gaza as an opportunity: what Ben-Gvir wants in the West Bank.

26 January 2024

Paradigm shift.

26 January 2024

Yeh man, the U.S. has an addiction to war and Empire.

26 January 2024

‘I have lost everything’: in federal court, Palestinians accuse Biden of complicity in genocide.

26 January 2024

ICJ ruling on Gaza genocide is a historic victory for the Palestinians that Israel vows to defy.

26 January 2024

West Bank settler extremists widen campaign against Palestinians.

27 January 2024

The World Court has put Israel and its allies on trial for genocide.

27 January 2024

Israel accuses the ICJ of (you guessed it) anti-Semitism.

27 January 2024

A day after ICJ ruling, U.S. and allies withdraw funding to UNRWA.

27 January 2024

The Chris Hedges Report with Craig Mokhiber, former director of the N.Y. office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, on the ICJ ruling, U.N. failures, and U.S. complicity with genocide.

27 January 2024

‘Dear children of Gaza’, says viral letter, ‘I am sorry’.

27 January 2024

South Africa scored an astonishing win against Zionism.

27 January 2024

US court on Biden’s complicity in Gaza genocide.

27 January 2024

Open letter on the anti-Palestinian and Islamophobic environment at Emory University.

27 January 2024

Stop the suppression of Palestine advocacy across Big Ten Universities.

27 January 2024

The failure of Zionism and the triumph of the Israel lobby.

27 January 2024

Grieving Palestinian dragged from Labour Party meeting.

28 January 2024

Commemorating a past holocaust while cheerleading the current one.

28 January 2024

UN chief urges Western countries to restore funding to UNRWA.

28 January 2024

White guilt and Biden’s support for the genocide in Gaza.

28 January 2024

The Palestinian Authority’s role has become to delegitimize Palestinian resistance.

28 January 2024

New York Times puts ‘daily’ episode on ice amid internal firestorm over Hamas sexual violence article.

28 January 2024

American Jews have fought for Palestinian rights since Israel was born.

28 January 2024

Russia and Iran finalize 20-year deal that will change the Middle East forever.

29 January 2024

More US-driven escalations toward war in the Middle East.

29 January 2024

The Tower-22 strike in Jordan triggers US, Israel into all-front war – the Arabs and Iran are ready, the Russians too.

29 January 2024

Israel pushes Gazans further south; U.S threatens further regional violence.

29 January 2024

Hamas releases 16-page report on ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ refuting Israeli claims. [This article, and the Hamas report, were published at least a week ago. Why has there been no mention of this in any media source. I’ve been following things as closely as I can but have not even heard mention of this report – even from those people who are vehemently opposed to the US-backed Zionist settler state’s genocide and ethnic cleaning in Gaza.]

29 January 2024

Our narrative – Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. The Hamas report on what happened on October 7th 2023.

29 January 2024

Will Israel self-destruct? Could the International Court of Justice’s latest ruling truly topple Israel’s moral high ground? Join me, Judge Andrew Napolitano, alongside Alistair Crook, as we dissect the court’s findings which suggest a plausible case for genocide by Israel, casting a shadow over the Western world’s narrative of moral superiority.

29 January 2024

Nine Tory MPs accept Israel lobby money amid Gaza genocide.

29 January 2024

The Rorschach test of Palestine in international law.

29 January 2024

The ICJ just took the Holocaust monopoly away from Israel.

29 January 2024

Smearing ceasefire protesters, Pelosi combines devotion to Israel with Cold-War mania.

29 January 2024

How to read the ICJ decision and end genocide, war and settler colonialism.

29 January 2024

The ICJ’s ruling on ‘plausible genocide’ in Gaza: an incomplete victory.

30 January 2024

In waging war on the UN refugee agency, the West is openly siding with Israeli genocide.

30 January 2024

Everything Israel wants to destroy is Hamas.

30 January 2024

The crisis in the West Bank.

30 January 2024

Genocide and the politics of false equivalencies.

30 January 2024

Israeli forces carry out assassination raid inside Jenin hospital disguised as doctors.

30 January 2024

Executed in their sleep: How Israeli forces assassinated three Palestinians in a raid on a West Bank hospital.

30 January 2024

Israel plans to attack Lebanon because Israel is not winning against Hamas.

30 January 2024

Giving birth in the Gaza genocide.

30 January 2024

Chicago City Council set to vote on ceasefire resolution despite multiple efforts to postpone.

30 January 2024

U.S. military personnel in Iraq put on standby to support ground involvement in Israel’s war on Gaza.

30 January 2024

Will the U.S. block the ICJ on Gaza? It’s thwarted the Court before.

30 January 2024

Scott Ritter: War with Iran is coming and the U.S. will lose.

30 January 2024

Is US’s suspension of UNRWA funding retaliation for ICJ’s Interim Ruling?

30 January 2024

For western media, Israel’s bombing of Gaza is not ‘deadly’.

30 January 2024

Explaining Israel’s ‘intelligence failure’ on Hamas.

31 January 2024

The Silence of the Damned. [The complicity of the medical profession, worldwide, in the Zionist settler state’s genocide and ethnic cleansing.] Chris Hedges.

31 January 2024

Israel besieges Nasser Hospital for tenth consecutive day.

31 January 2024

South Africa’s gift to the world.

31 January 2024

Meet the Washington Post’s leading apologist for Israeli genocide.

31 January 2024

Genocide and War.

31 January 2024

Europe exposed: is the EU a direct partner in the Israeli genocide in Gaza?

31 January 2024

‘An act of assassination’: Mustafa Barghouti slams undercover Israeli raid on Jenin Hospital.

31 January 2024

‘Shameful’: panel votes to expel Israeli lawmaker Ofer Cassif for backing genocide case.

31 January 2024

Iraqi militia suspends attacks on US forces, paving way for troop withdrawal.

31 January 2024

Testimonies describe forced displacement campaign in northern Gaza.

31 January 2024

Inside the campaign to undermine DEI and Palestine solidarity at the University of Minnesota: an interview with Dr. Sima Shakhsari.

31 January 2024

How the genocide in Gaza shattered my family.

31 January 2024

Will US troops leave Syria or Iraq? What a US withdrawal might mean… New Atlas

31 January 2024

Here are the laws plausibly broken by Israel in its raid on a West Bank hospital.

31 January 2024

Tory lobby group secretly funded by Israeli state-affiliated institute.

31 January 2024

Foreign Office feared Tory Israel lobby chief was ‘dangerous’.

31 January 2024

Ceasefire vote narrowly passes Chicago City Council, revealing deep divisions among Democrats.

01 February 2024

Netanyahu approves post-war Gaza plan: Report.

01 February 2024

Israel’s crime minister.

01 February 2024

Freedom of navigation: Houthi attacks only part of how a historical anomaly is unwinding.

01 February 2024

Democrats are demented genocidal war sluts.

01 February 2024

Cutting aid to refugees, US advances Israel’s war on Palestinian existence.

01 February 23024

The International Court of Justice censures Israel for its genocidal war.

01 February 2024

The unthinkable looms: nuclear-armed Israel is at war.

01 February 2024

Prof. John Mearsheimer : Can Israel win in Gaza? – Judge Napolitano [but also with a section on the Ukraine at the beginning.]

01 February 2024

We deserve the truth about what happened on October 7.

01 February 2024

Why the U.S. must restore funding to UNRWA.

01 February 2024

U.S. court: Biden administration should reflect on its ‘unflagging support’ for ‘plausible’ genocide in Gaza.

01 February 2024

Inside the Israel lobby’s new $90 million war chest.

01 February 2024

After historic ruling, lawyers vow to keep fighting Biden over complicity in Gaza genocide.

01 February 2024

Israeli military planes have landed at four locations in Britain since 7 October.

01 February 2024

New York Times pulls Hamas rape story from podcast over internal turmoil over shoddy reporting: Max Blumenthal. The Hill.

02 February 2024

Five things liberals say to avoid taking a real position on Gaza.

02 February 2024

Biden sacrifices American troops, and Mideast security, for US-Israeli hegemony.

02 February 2024

Palestinian babies aren’t all that innocent.

02 February 2024

It’s only Israeli lives that matter.

02 February 2024

The Chris Hedges Report with human rights attorney and author Professor Noura Erakat on Israel’s manipulation of legal systems to perpetuate its campaign of erasure of the Palestinians.

02 February 2024

Israel vows to push forward into Rafah, leaving Palestinians with nowhere left to flee.

02 February 2024

Breaking Points – CNN catches IDF cemetery atrocity lie.

02 February 2024

Angela Davis: South Africa standing up for Palestine has created new hope in the world.

02 February 2024

Israel has killed nearly 900 Palestinians since ICJ order to prevent acts of genocide.

02 February 2024

Rishi Sunak’s mission creep in Yemen.

03 February 2024

Biden says the US ‘does not seek conflict in the Middle East’ while actively dropping bombs there.

03 February 2024

Never before has The Empire been so exposed.

03 February 2024

Gaza’s economy in shambles amid fears of escalating regional tensions.

03 February 2024

Here we go again in the Holy Land.

03 February 2024

Israel’s starvation strategy.

03 February 2024

Israeli media became a wartime government propaganda arm.

03 February 2024

Benjamin Netanyahu shows Joe Biden who’s boss.

03 February 2024

Silwan faces escalating home demolitions in fight against messianic settlers.

03 February 2024

U.S. admits it hasn’t verified Israel’s UNRWA claims, media ignores it.

04 February 2024

Israel kills more than 1,000 Palestinians since ICJ ruling; U.S. bombs Yemen.

04 February 2024

The ‘Guardian’ exposes how CNN slants the Gaza news.

04 February 2024

Following months of citywide protests, Chicago becomes largest U.S. city to call for Gaza ceasefire.

05 February 2024

However bad you think Israel is, it’s worse

05 February 2024

CNN’s CEO is making staff churn out Israel propaganda.

05 February 2024

Red Sea chaos highlights problems with Italy’s plan to be European energy hub.

05 February 2024

Endless killings and despair in Gaza.

05 February 2024

Is the I.C.C’s Karim Khan compromised?

05 February 2024

Zionist monsters: unintended consequences.

05 February 2024

Beware the Iran ‘Pearl Harbor’ moment.

05 February 2024

Bring US troops home from Iraq and Syria now.

05 February 2024

Alastair Crooke: Washington’s Theater of the Absurd – Judge Napolitano. [The Ukraine takes up the first few minutes.]

05 February 2024

More signs of US impotence in Middle East: overkill yet ineffective strikes, deluded ‘reshaping the Middle East’ planted piece, Hamas blame pre-positioning for probable ceasefire negotiation fail.

05 February 2024

Animal Planet – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the twisted logic behind the Biden admin’s latest round of strikes in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, and the growing political crises in US-backed proxies Israel and Ukraine as their military campaigns fail to deliver.

05 February 2024

Activists establish protest camp outside Antony Blinken’s home as demonstrations escalate against the Biden administration.

05 February 2024

Biden Executive Order on West Bank violence more likely to be used against Palestinians than Israeli settlers.

05 February 2024

History, olive trees and football: what keeps Palestinians strong.

05 February 2024

German media giant Axel Springer makes money on Israel’s illegal settlements

05 February 2024

White House falsely declared it warned Iraq of impending airstrikes

05 February 2024

Top uni accused of fuelling racist abuse of Black colleague who condemned Israel.

06 February 2024

New testimonies emerge of Israel torturing detained Palestinians in Gaza.

06 February 2024

Landmark victory in employment case for Professor David Miller against Bristol University.

06 February 2024

The western press are just printing straight up Nazi propaganda about Middle Easterners now.

06 February 2024

Words that kill: How Western spin doctors dehumanize select peoples to justify war.

06 February 2024

Police violence will not deter our stand for Palestine.

06 February 2024

New Senate funding bill would send $14 billion to Israel and cut all funding to UNRWA.

06 February 2024

US bombing spree won’t reverse decline of US primacy in Middle East.

06 February 2024

The psychology of the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

06 February 2024

Israeli government’s lies about Gaza shouldn’t be a surprise.

06 February 2024

Who should we bomb next?

07 February 2024

The Empire depends on our unwillingness to look at its crimes.

07 February 2024

Hamas propose 135-day truce to exchange captives and end war.

07 February 2024

Netanyahu’s war on truth – Israel’s ruthless propaganda campaign to dehumanize Palestinians.

07 February 2024

Prosecutors drop charges against Northwestern students for pro-Palestine school paper parody

07 February 2024

Thomas Friedman and the Red Lines in journalism on Israel and Palestine

07 February 2024

Joe Biden leads a western ‘coalition of the killing’ in backing Israel’s Gaza war

07 February 2024

‘No evidence’ of UNRWA Hamas allegations

07 February 2024

From Rule Britannia to decrepit old bulldog

07 February 2024

Aaron Maté (The GrayZone) on UNRWA, Gaza, Mideast strikes, and Ukraine proxy war panic; Congress wants war without declaring it. Judge Napolitano.

07 February 2024

Breaching the ‘Iron Wall’: How Palestinians crushed Jabotinsky’s century-old ideas

07 February 2024

With airstrikes on Houthi rebels, are the US and UK playing fast and loose with international law?

07 February 2024

Gaza is now the frontline of a global information war. [Don’t have the time to pick this apart from if you read it you can see that the overall intention is to cast doubt on what is happening in Gaza – although it throws in a few sops about false pro-US-backed Zionist settler state fabrications for ‘impartiality’. Another UK ‘academic’ on the side of the British state’s narrative.]

07 February 2024

Israeli groups demand Gaza cease-fire as Netanyahu rejects Hamas deal. [But how much these demands are based upon Gaza suffering is open to question.]

07 February 2024

Azerbaijan’s attacks on Armenian heritage aim to erase an entire culture. [Compare with what is being said, and not said, here with the present situation in Gaza.]

07 February 2024

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Can Israel survive its failures? Judge Napolitano.

07 February 2024

Love, but not for the colonized: responding to repression of Palestine solidarity at CUNY.

07 February 2024

SOAS alumni speak out against the suppression of Palestine solidarity.

07 February 2024

Pro-Israel Patriots owner Robert Kraft spends $7M to use Super Bowl as political soapbox.

07 February 2024

Arrest rate at ‘openly criminal’ Palestine protests is lower than Glastonbury.

07 February 2024

Leaked documents show pro-Israel bias at major newswire.

07 February 2024

Did Israel bomb British doctors with UK-supplied weaponry?

08 February 2024

Israeli Government’s lies about Gaza shouldn’t be a surprise.

08 February 2024

The US keeps bombing people while saying it doesn’t want to fight.

08 February 2024

Israel rejects ceasefire proposal, plans to expand ground invasion into Rafah.

08 February 2024

The dangers of complicity: the US courts, Gaza and genocide.

08 February 2024

Why the US is the warring state in Israel.

08 February 2024

Biden, Netanyahu and the Voices in the Rubble.

08 February 2024

The orphans of Gaza.

08 February 2024

Israel is losing this war.

08 February 2024

How I get through just one day in Gaza.

08 February 2024

Yemeni Houthi Official Statement.

08 February 2024

Let them eat dirt. Chris Hedges.

08 February 2024

Jerusalem: Jewish settler movement makes bid for large slice of Armenian quarter. [But no mention of the words ‘ethnic cleansing’ nor any real criticism of the US-backed Zionist settler state.]

08 February 2024

Michigan Muslims and Arabs are over Biden.

08 February 2024

The unthinkability of slave revolt.

08 February 2024

Chicago area activists shut down weapons manufacturer implicated in Gaza genocide.

08 February 2024

A Palestinian aid worker describes a harrowing 18-day siege inside a Gaza hospital.

08 February 2024

Meta considering increased censorship of the word ‘Zionist’.

08 February 2024

UK admits nine Israeli military planes have visited Britain since Gaza bombing began.

09 February 2024

A dementia patient is President because it doesn’t matter who the President is.

09 February 2024

U.S. claims it won’t support ‘unplanned’ ground operation in Rafah, Israel escalates attacks anyway.

09 February 2024

Inside Gaza: from paradise to rubble.

09 February 2024

CNN’s Israel bias has been laid bare. But CNN is the norm, not the exception.

09 February 2024

Biden is dragging the United States deeper into the Middle East.

09 February 2024

What’s next for Gazans?

09 February 2024

Dehumanization and misinformation in service of genocide.

09 February 2024

CNN’s bias toward Israel starts at the top.

09 February 2024

How Israel turned a teacher into a traitor.

09 February 2024

‘Logistics’ outpost in Jordan where 3 US troops died is secretly a drone base.

09 February 2024

Gaza shows Britain is an oligarchy: Let’s stop pretending it isn’t.

09 February 2024

Rafah evacuation plans catastrophic, unlawful.

10 February 2024

Pushing Gazans into Rafah and then attacking Rafah, killing UNRWA funding without evidence.

10 February 2024

‘Should I stay or should I go?’ – US stuck in the Middle East, devoid of deterrence power.

10 February 2024

Body found of 6 year old Palestinian girl killed by IDF.

10 February 2024

These are the Jewish megadonors helping fund Biden’s re-election campaign.

10 February 2024

‘Elderly man with a poor memory’: special counsel explains why Biden won’t face charges over classified docs.

10 February 2024

The Biden administration has helped kill 85 members of my family. Of course I refused to meet with Antony Blinken.

10 February 2924

The Gaza genocide is just an instrument in Israel’s larger colonial project.

10 February 2024

Growing international alarm over Israeli plans to invade Rafah.

10 February 2024

John Mearsheimer: ‘The Israel lobby is as powerful as ever’. The American international relations scholar on the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and power competition in the Middle East.

11 February 2024

‘In the war of propaganda, it is very difficult to defeat the United States’.

11 February 2024

U.S. mainstream media ignores ‘Guardian’ exposé on CNN’s pro-Israel bias.

11 February 2024

Galloway’s Rochdale campaign off to a flyer – where the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza will be a central point if his campaign.

12 February 2024

Israel bombards Rafah, killing more than 60 in a night.

12 February 2024

The Chris Hedges Report with Dr. Ahmed Alhussaina, vice president of Israa University in Gaza, on Israel’s demolition of every university, along with hundreds of schools and cultural centers, in Gaza.

12 February 2024

Israel weaponizes sympathy and victimhood.

12 February 2024

U.K is training Israeli military in Britain.

12 February 2024

Attempts to discredit UNRWA threatens its funding.

12 February 2024

The last American war.

12 February 2024

On mourning.

12 February 2024

Israeli settlements stand in the way of peace. Biden can defund them all.

12 February 2024

Things that should but can’t be said – US leaders still delusional despite Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.

12 February 2024

UK won’t say when or if it will restart aid to Gaza despite reports of famine.

13 February 2024

Ignore what western officials say about Israel; watch their actions instead.

13 February 2024

The UN is complicit in the forced displacement of the Palestinians.

13 February 2024

US chooses to back genocide and war.

13 February 2024

Egypt reveals alleged Israeli plan to evacuate Rafah civilians.

13 February 2024

Dear white liberals, genocide is not complicated.

13 February 2024

Who profits off US-Israeli genocide?

13 February 2024

U.S. Senate votes to send additional $14 billion to Israel as catastrophic ground invasion of Rafah appears imminent.

13 February 2024

Trudeau government authorized $28.5 million of new military exports to Israel.

13 February 2024

The world will not be able to say ‘We didn’t know’ about what Israel will do in Rafah.

13 February 2024

Dutch court orders government to stop providing F-35 parts to Israel.

13 February 2024

Rafah on the precipice.

13 February 2024

Irish politician Clare Daly slams EU, US for backing genocide in Gaza.

13 February 2024

Victoria’s [Australia] ties with Israel’s defence industry.

13 February 2024

‘Where can we go?’: Terror and panic set in as Israel readies to invade Rafah.

13 February 2024

Labour MPs have accepted over £280,000 from Israel lobby.

14 February 2024

Continuing to support Israel at this point just means you’re a garbage human being.

14 February 2024

Israeli snipers force dozens to evacuate Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, Israel steps up bombing in Lebanon.

14 February 2024

There is no place for the Palestinians of Gaza to go.

14 February 2024

Defunding UNRWA: The last phase of Israeli genocide.

14 February 2024

IDF sent in handcuffed prisoner to evacuate hospital, then killed him when he left.

14 February 2024

What would make Egypt open its border to Palestinians?

14 February 2024

UK accused of being ‘complicit’ in Gaza deaths after giving Elbit new contract.

14 February 2024

Weaponising antisemitism: The gift that keeps on giving.

15 February 2024

Biden is mad at Netanyahu? Spare me.

15 February 2024

Lowkey exposes Israel’s secret role in Britain.

15 February 2024

Reflections of horror, remembrance and our refusal to forgive.

15 February 2024

Israel bombards Nasser hospital, reports of Egypt preparing ‘buffer zone’ ahead of Gaza expulsion.

15 February 2024

We think this dystopia is normal like people in abusive relationships think it’s normal.

15 February 2024

Former Mossad official: Children in Gaza over the age of 4 deserve to be starved.

15 February 2024

From the cities to the countryside, armed resistance is spreading in the West Bank.

15 February 2024

Art world takes the stage to defend a Palestinian theater.

15 February 2024

Israel’s symbolic ‘ban’ must not distract from atrocity crimes in Gaza: UN expert.

16 February 2024

The perfect recipe for a real anti-Semitism crisis.

16 February 2024

Israeli siege has placed Gazans at risk of starvation − prewar policies made them vulnerable in the first place.

16 February 2024

The killing fields of Gaza. Genocide as spectator sport.

16 February 2024

Over a million Palestinians are about to be forced into Egypt at gunpoint.

16 February 2024

U.S. foreign policy seems to have nowhere to go.

16 February 2024

The disasters in Gaza and the Ukraine with the Judge – John J. Mearsheimer.

16 February 2024

Israel cuts electricity to critical Nasser Hospital patients, forces staff to evacuate.

16 February 2024

A cry in the darkness: ‘Please come, come take me’.

16 February 2024

Toward decolonization in Palestine: an interview with Tareq Baconi.

16 February 2024

The unrepentant west: Germany’s Olaf Scholz and the right to commit genocide in Gaza.

16 February 2024

Academics form national group to advocate for justice in Palestine.

17 February 2024

Biden claims to push for temporary ceasefire, as US authorizes more weapons to Israel.

17 February 2024

Good Christians, bad Christians.

17 February 2024

The bloodshed in Gaza excludes Israel from the civilised world.

18 February 2024

Israel’s war on Gaza’s hospitals continues.

18 February 2024

Palestinians in Gaza do have somewhere to go.

18 February 2024

The world must force peace on Israel.

18 February 2024

Fleeing Rafah.

19 February 2024

Nobody who gets Gaza wrong is worth listening to.

19 February 2024

For Biden, ending Israel’s mass murder in Gaza is a ‘non-starter’.

19 February 2024

Netanyahu approves Ramadan restrictions on Al-Aqsa Mosque.

19 February 2024

‘If this is not apartheid, what is?’ Palestine tells top UN court Israel’s occupation is illegal.

19 February 2024

Nancy Pelosi claims no U.S. weapons have been used to carry out Israeli atrocities in Gaza.

19 February 2024

Egypt’s Sinai construction does not provide safety for Palestinians, it supports Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

19 February 2024

Day after the Gaza Genocide: the unpromising future of the Palestinian Authority.

19 February 2024

ADL pushed BMG to drop Roger Waters by threatening to weaponize company’s Nazi past.

20 February 2024

As Israeli forces fire on starving Palestinians, US again vetoes UN cease-fire resolution.

20 February 2024

You only need to cage a bird if it knows that it can fly.

20 February 2024

Benjamin Netanyahu on borrowed time.

20 February 2024

Israel 4Q GDP fell at 20% rate; downward trajectory set to continue as war drags on and Israel readies Lebanon invasion.

20 February 2024

Feeble BBC Hamas ‘exposé’ achieved one thing: obscuring genocide.

20 February 2024

Feckless and complicit: Biden and the Gaza Genocide.

20 February 2024

Israel builds highway cutting Gaza Strip in two.

20 February 2024

My medical colleagues in Gaza are exhausted, and terrified of what is to come.

20 February 2024

Popular enforcement of International Law from Vietnam to Gaza.

20 February 2024

Social media users say their Palestine content is being shadow banned – here’s how to know if it’s happening to you.

20 February 2024

The destruction of Gazaʼs historic buildings is an act of ‘urbicide’.

20 February 2024

Sarah Jama’s plan as an Independent MPP (Canada).

21 February 2024

Arundhati Roy – Churchill about Palestinians.

21 February 2024

How Haaretz has aided Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

21 February 2024

The reasons for Canada’s ‘unwavering’ support for Israel.

21 February 2024

The context for October 7 is apartheid, not the Holocaust.

21 February 2024

Blaming Israel for October 7 Hamas attack makes peace less – not more – likely. [Even the so-called Left in the settler state still doesn’t want to accept its illegitimacy.]

21 February 2024

Bombing Muslims for peace.

21 February 2024

The Palestinian Resistance is winning: the movement must expose and defeat Netanyahu’s ‘Final Solution’ to the Palestinian Question.

21 February 2024

Israel is assaulting hospitals in Gaza with full U.S. Support.

21 February 2024

U.S. vetoes another UN resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza.

21 February 2024

The neglected history of the state of Israel.

21 February 2024

Are Canadian journalists accomplices to Israel’s genocide?

21 February 2024

How the ADL’s [Anti-Defamation League] anti-Palestinian advocacy helped shape U.S. terror laws.

22 February 2024

As Palestinians in north Gaza starve, Israel attacks MSF building in Rafah.

22 February 2024

A Parliament against Palestine.

22 February 2024

Israeli lies about a ‘land bridge’ to the Gulf show the Yemeni blockade is working.

22 February 2024

How Keir Starmer placed his political image over the lives of those in Gaza.

22 February 2024

Will Canada’s Foreign Affairs Ministry try to withhold Israel military export documents?

22 February 2024

The follies of US foreign policy with Katie Halper and Aaron Maté. [Gaza comes in at 1:03:45.] John Mearsheimer.

22 February 2024

New Israeli report alleging ‘systematic and intentional rape’ by Hamas relies on debunked Western media reports.

23 February 2024

British Medical Journal decries necrocide in Gaza as UN describes ‘shocking, desperate conditions’; Johns Hopkins estimates escalation would produce 85,000 more deaths in 6 months.

23 February 2024

The Chris Hedges Report with Rabbi Shaul Magid on Zionism and the subversion of Judaism.

23 February 2024

UN experts urge countries to stop arming Israel as Netanyahu unveils postwar plan.

23 February 2024

Two Palestinians killed, 14 injured by Israeli drone strike on vehicle in Jenin refugee camp.

23 February 2024

The fates of Gaza and Julian Assange are sealed together.

23 February 2024

Over 2/3 of Jewish Israelis oppose humanitarian aid to Palestinians starving in Gaza.

23 February 2024

Biden won’t let Israel’s rejection of a Palestinian state interfere with his delusions.

23 February 2024

Aaron Maté : Netanyahu wants to own Gaza. Judge Napolitano.

23 February 2024

Palestine lights the way forward.

23 February 2024

Palestine is a nuclear issue – why is Hiroshima silent?

23 February 2024

AIPAC ally slams ‘uncommitted’ voters warning Biden to change course on Gaza.

23 February 2024

The Axis of Asymmetry takes on the ‘rules-based order’.

23 February 2024

State Department downplays reports of Israeli soldiers sexually abusing, slaughtering Palestinian women.

24 February 2024

Bernie Sanders called out for denying Gaza genocide!

24 February 2024

Israel supporters are some of the worst people in the world.

24 February 2024

Israel attacks civilian shelter in Deir el-Balah as ceasefire talks continue in Paris.

25 February 2024

You can’t be a ‘lesser evil’ when you’re sponsoring a genocide.

25 February 2024

UN experts call for immediate arms embargo on Israel.

25 February 2024

Extraordinary charges of bias emerge against New York Times reporter Anat Schwartz.

25 February 2024

Yanis Varoufakis: here’s what the west actually stands for.

25 February 2024

Kneecap confirm they flouted agreement with RTÉ not to wear pro-Palestinian emblems during Late Late Show debut.

26 February 2024

The most American thing that has ever happened.

26 February 2024

Aaron Bushnell burned himself alive to make you turn your eyes to Gaza.

26 February 2024

Meloni’s conspiracy theory about a Russian-Hamas connection has ulterior geopolitical motives.

26 February 2024

Gaza famine is ‘man-made’, says UNRWA Chief.

26 February 2024

Why would anyone kill themselves to stop a war?

26 February 2024

After setting himself on fire, US airman Aaron Bushnell dies declaring ‘Free Palestine’.

26 February 2024

Thirty years after Baruch Goldstein’s massacre, his followers are now carrying out a genocide.

26 February 2024

World Court hearing on legality of Israeli occupation ends following week of testimony.

26 February 2024

‘I will no longer be complicit in genocide’: U.S. soldier dies of self-immolation in protest of war on Gaza.

26 February 2024

While Gaza burns – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the latest developments in the grinding Gaza war, including Israel’s plans to attack Rafah, the incendiary protest at the Israeli embassy by one active duty US serviceman, and the deepening scandal at the New York Times over its discredited investigation into sexual assault by Hamas on October 7. They will also cover the fallout from Alexei Navalny’s death and more.

26 February 2024

Israel’s far right finally gets the war it has always wanted.

27 February 2024

Arab League shocks the world, humiliates Israel at the ICJ (International Court of Justice). [The Arab League has stood by and watched the persecution of the Palestinians for decades. Better later than never?]

27 February 2024

Will Egypt sell out Palestinians for $10 billion loan package?

27 February 2024

Gaza and Israel, a new word association game.

27 February 2024

US airman Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation outside the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C.

27 February 2024

Heartbroken by Israel.

27 February 2024

Israel and Hamas contradict Biden claim that Gaza ceasefire is close.

27 February 2024

‘Don’t give up’: community groups discuss suppression of pro-Palestinian voices – Canada.

27 February 2024

Palestine Action activists hit with felony charges over New Hampshire Elbit protest.

27 February 2024

New reports confirm months of Israeli torture, abuse, and sexual violence against Palestinian prisoners.

27 February 2024

American media keep citing Zaka — though its October 7 atrocity stories are discredited in Israel.

27 February 2024

Has Ruth Anderson censored Index on Censorship?

28 February 2024

A profound act of sincerity – the self immolation of Aaron Bushnell.

28 February 2024

Israeli forces kill 3 Palestinians, including Tubas Brigade Commander in northern West Bank. [As you will see in the article when the IDF enter a location everyone in the vicinity gets affected, i.e., violent searches, raids on homes, damage to local infrastructure, etc.]

28 February 2024

Hamas warns Israel and U.S. of ‘political machinations’ amid ceasefire talks.

28 February 2024

PBS (Public Service Broadcasting) and NPR (national Public Radio) leave out key facts in their Israel stories.

28 March 2024

‘Between the Hammer and the Anvil’.

28 February 2024

‘Israel arms embargo now’: protesters launch coordinated blockades of Canadian manufacturers.

28 February 2024

Aaron Bushnell, who self-immolated for Palestine, had grown deeply disillusioned with the military

28 February 2024

Aaron Mate. US provokes Moscow and Middle East – with judge Napolitano.

28 February 2024

Israel’s cruelty by design, an interview with Joshua Frank.

28 February 2024

Chaos in the Mother of Parliaments.

28 February 2024

Palestine is the issue in Rochdale.

29 February 2024

Rishi Sunak orders crackdown on protests despite court challenge.

29 February 2024

Rothschild: how bankers divided the Middle East to create Israel.

29 February 2024

Israeli forces massacre civilians waiting for humanitarian aid.

29 February 2024

U.S. has launched 230 attacks on Houthis over Red Sea disruption.

29 February 2024

On Aaron Bushnell, methinks the Israel apologist doth protest too much.

29 February 2024

In our thousands, in our millions: On Aaron Bushnell’s final act.

29 February 2024

Violating intimacies.

29 February 2024

The real threat to British democracy, Peter Oborne.

October 2023 – Palestine’s ‘Tet’?

October 2023 – Palestine’s ‘Tet’? – from March to end of May 2024

The war in the Ukraine – what you’re not told – 2024

The ‘Palestinian Problem’ is really the Israeli Problem

Attack on Gaza

Attack on Gaza

More on Palestine

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

The ‘Palestinian Problem’ is really the Israeli Problem

The biggest problem of the ‘Palestinian Problem’ is that the world doesn’t really give a toss what happens in Palestine until the Zionist, Israeli Settler State enjoys another period of slaughter of the Palestinian people. And even then criticism of the ‘ethnic cleansing’ is muted.

The fact that Palestinians, on a daily basis, are treated like second class citizens, who really don’t have a right to live in their own land is forgotten. The fact that they are probably being treated in a manner which makes the white supremacist South African apartheid regime pre-1990s seem quite ‘civilised’ is ignored. The fact that Palestinian land is being stolen from those whose families have lived there for generations – against all international ‘laws’, supposedly adopted to prevent such activity – happens on a daily basis with impunity. The fact that Palestinian children are dying and being injured at the hands of the Israeli military and police in numbers which would be received with shock and horror in those countries who seek to determine what happens in the Middle East and passes by without comment. The fact that Zionist fascist thugs roam the streets of the Palestinian occupied land, reminiscent of what occurred in Germany in the 1930s, isn’t even considered newsworthy.

It’s shameful that it was only shortly before the 73rd anniversary of the Nabka that two reports were published (one by the Jewish organisation B’ Tselem, This is apartheid, published in January 2021 and the other, A threshold crossed – Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution, published by Human Rights Watch in May 2021) which openly condemned Israel as being an apartheid state.

For decades the Zionists had cynically hidden behind the Holocaust whenever their activities were challenged. They had become so confident (probably over-confident) in their propaganda exercise that they had started to conflate, and equate, criticism of the Settler State of Israel with anti-Semitism. This has had the effect, in the last year or so, of stifling debate about the rights of the Palestinians. That charade is starting to look slightly thin now when the forced evictions in East Jerusalem (highlighted by the Palestinian refusal to let it happen quietly) has made it difficult for the Zionists to deny the accusation that their racist state has been applying a policy of apartheid and ‘ethnic cleansing’ for decades.

It took the world a long time, far too long a time, to universally criticise and ostracise the racist South African regime. For the capitalist and imperialist countries (most of whom were racist in many respects) the existence of a tame attack dog in Africa which was willing to fight against any national liberation movements and stem the move toward Socialism was worth more than the local, national inconvenience of supporting a racially, unjust society. When the apartheid regime had run out of its usefulness changes in the society were accepted by the capitalists – although they did so in a manner which meant that capitalism wasn’t seriously challenged in the most industrially developed country on the African continent. (It should also be remembered that at the height of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa Israel was that country’s closest military and diplomatic ally.)

Now Israel plays the slavish (but willing) role of imperialism’s attack dog in a part of the world that is politically and economically crucial for the short term existence of imperialism The more the Zionists crow about their right to live on stolen land; the more they spout about independence as a State; the more they prowl around the Middle East like an over-confident bully and gangster the more the reality they only exist due to the grace of the imperialist powers, mainly the United States of America, becomes evident.

How long will it be before the world opens its eyes to the crimes of the Zionist Settler State of Israel?

One of the other consequences when the simmering war goes on the boil is that there are a lot more articles from those who support the Palestinians in their fight for freedom and from injustice. Not that they’re not out there generally but when peoples’ concentration is directed to the situation in Palestine then more comments and information is forthcoming.

Below are links to some articles which have been published in the last week or so with salient comments to make on the reality of the past 73 years, on how the world sees Palestine and the biased manner in which Israel is treated by capitalist politicians and media.

However, although it is reasonable to condemn the approach of the leaders of the capitalist countries that doesn’t mean the people of the world, workers and peasants, equally maltreated by the economic and political system they live under, are totally blameless. Those politicians are in positions of power due to the action or inaction of the populace. Whether by crimes of commission or omission we are all guilty of what has happened, is happening and likely to continue happening if something is not done to prevent it for the foreseeable future in Palestine.

Long Live Palestine!

For further background information (mainly material from the 1960s-1980s) on Palestine you can click here.

(Notwithstanding the recent ‘cease fire’ the issue will not just go away. All those matters addressed below won’t disappear because the guns have fallen silent. A long term solution will have to be found and it will mean the State of Israel having to substantially change. The so-called ‘two state’ solution has been dead in the water for a long time.)

Sheikh Jarrah Shows that Palestine’s Nakba Never Ended

Two residents of Sheikh Jarrah write about their community’s fight against eviction – and why this month’s Palestinian uprising is just the latest chapter in a decades-long struggle against dispossession.

Another Nakba: ‘This Is My House, This Is My Door, You Are a Thief’

In the days leading up to the 73rd anniversary of the Nabka the aggressiveness and arrogance of the Israeli settlers in East Jerusalem was such that it would have been a surprise if matters did not reach a head close to the time of the date of the establishment of the Israeli Settler (and apartheid) State. (Note the contempt expressed in the faces of the young Zionists in the top picture.)

The Palestinian Body Is Whole Once Again

Palestinians disconnected from each other have struggled immensely to maintain a national project with clear objectives. Now, struggling together across the entire geography of historic Palestine, the Palestinian body is coming back together.

A Nightmare of Terror Across the Landscape of Palestine

As Israeli lynch mobs roam the streets attacking Palestinians, and as Israeli war planes drop bombs on Gaza, it’s essential to understand how we arrived at this moment.

On Palestine, the Media Is Allergic to the Truth

This article looks at how the media in the vast majority of capitalist countries falls over itself in support of the Israeli Settler State by always addressing matters as if the ‘both sides’ in the battle were on an equal footing – and forgetting the history of the conflict in general and always looking at matters as if they were all short term flare-ups.

Nine children killed in Gaza Strip as violence escalates

Although events got worse before they got ‘better’ – an uncertain cease fire – this article documents the cavalier attitude the Israeli Defence Forces have towards the lives of Palestinian children.

How the United States helps to kill Palestinians

U.S. policy has perpetuated the crisis and atrocities of the Israeli occupation by unconditionally supporting Israel in three distinct ways: militarily, diplomatically and politically.

Israeli forces kill 17-year-old Palestinian in Arroub refugee camp

The Israeli Defence Forces have been killing children on a regular basis for years. This is just yet another example where extreme and deadly force is being used against young people.

Gaza conflict: no matter how powerful Israel’s military becomes it still can’t win

‘ …. an apt summary is of a state that is impregnable in its insecurity. It is impregnable in the sense that it cannot be defeated, but insecure in that the underlying threats will not go away – as is evident in the current violent confrontations.’

Peaceful Coexistence in Israel hasn’t been shattered – it’s always been a myth

‘As a Palestinian from within Israel I have long been a second-class citizen, denied basic rights.’

Life inside Gaza during 11 days of bombardment

Guardian journalist Hazem Balousha describes living in, and reporting from, Gaza, under heavy bombardment until a ceasefire began on Friday, while historian Rashid Khalidi discusses the history of the Palestinian struggle for statehood. (Podcast)

Israeli social fabric is ripping at the seams

Israel has reached apartheid, the antithesis of Judaism’s long tradition of social justice.

Palestinian youth are leading a Popular Uprising to end Israeli Apartheid

The latest Palestinian uprising firmly rejects the conquest and division of our people legally and geographically, into separate, besieged, apartheid parcels of land similar to the Bantustans of Apartheid South Africa.

Why is accountability for alleged war crimes so hard to achieve in the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

‘The failure of the international community to bring about a resolution in the decades-long conflict reflects the highly politicised nature of international law.’

Likud Must Pay for Its Criminal Culture

The ruling party’s rap sheet is too long to be tolerated any longer.

And taking another historical perspective on Palestine;

What we did: How the Jewish Communist Left failed the Palestinian Cause

Although this article concentrates on the attitude of the Jewish Left in the United States in the late 1940s – at the time of the establishment of the Settler Sate of Israel – a similar approach would have been taken by many Communist parties throughout the world when the Soviet Union changed its approach to the ‘two state’ ‘solution’ of the situation in Palestine. Although a long term supporter of Comrade Stalin (and still am) this is one policy decision I have been unable to reconcile with his world view in general.

More on Palestine

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told