Tories return to the old normal before the country gets used to the ‘new normal’

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Tories return to the old normal before the country gets used to the ‘new normal’

The relative success of the vaccination programme is starting to make the Tories (and their Buffoon of a leader) more confident as they see, perhaps, some light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to the pandemic.

For almost a year they’ve been inept, incompetent and making so many U turns they must be getting dizzy themselves.

But there’s a possibility that, at least in Britain, many restrictions might be lifted in the not too distant future.

What this provides for the Tories is an opportunity to get back to business as usual and that is to dismantle the welfare state, which they have been doing for many years. This is the same welfare state which created the National Health Service they’ve been cynically lauding over the last 11 months.

The proposals have yet to be fully published but they will in no way improve the NHS. This has never been the Tories aim. Since the 1940s, up to and including the gang that are now in control, the Tories have been the same anti-working class,racist bunch of privileged public school boys (and girls) who were around at the time of Churchill.

As well as changes to the National Health Service they have started to talk about changing the whole concept of ‘free speech’. But this will be just freedom for the ruling classes to say what they want and to promote their version of history.

Also, the appointment of the new Children’s Commissioner will mean a greater emphasis upon privately run Academies and the taking of even what limited control remains away from local government. The Academies, in many circumstances, have shown themselves to be more expensive and have created education ghettos for those young people who live in the wrong place or don’t have the opportunities provided by more well-off parents.

Those who have been most effected by the social consequences of lock downs and the closure of workplaces are the young, those in their 20s and 30s, mainly due to the insecure work regimes that have become the norm for millions.

The impact of a lack of any real strategy to somehow claw back the time in education lost by a huge proportion of the school age population will not become obvious years down the line and so can be, conveniently, brushed under the carpet and forgotten. That will be someone else’s problem.

As is always the case this all depends on the people of Britain. They were foolish enough to give the Buffoon a five-year mandate in December 2019 and they have been living with the consequences of that decision to the tune of 120,000 excess deaths. However, that doesn’t seem to have changed their minds as the Tories still lead in the opinion polls. (It doesn’t help that the ‘Too little, too late’ Party have little to offer as an alternative.)

If the British people are prepared to accept these attacks upon what has been fought for by workers in the past then they will no longer have any right to complain about the dire future for their children and should certainly not complain about the ineptness and unpreparedness of the country for the next pandemic when it comes, whether that be one, two, ten or twenty years in the future.

Following the science?

If so not in the early days and definitely not when it came to preparing for what has been considered inevitable for a number of years – a pandemic. Matters, vaccine wise, might be going well at the moment – but they could have been better if the successive British Governments hadn’t failed to heed the virus alerts.

It’s important to remember that although the Buffoon and his Government have been totally inept in the last eleven months the ‘Too little, too late’ Labour Party wouldn’t have been any better. And neither of the two major political parliamentary parties in Britain were conscious of preparing for the inevitable pandemic – whether in power or opposition.

This is a strange article as it conflates two entirely separate concept – one of anticipating the pandemic and the other is popularity in the opinion polls. However, on the latter issue the questions asked are strange and designed to provide a favourable response to the present Government. The vaccination programme has been (surprisingly) successful but that doesn’t mean to say the government was responsible for the success and that it will continue till the end of the crisis.

Saying the vaccination is working well does not equate to saying that the Government is also doing well.

For all their bluster the Scottish nationalists were no better prepared than the Buffoon’s Government south of the border. Inadequate preparations for covid, says watchdog, Audit Scotland.

Vaccination programme

Five unanswered questions about the vaccine roll out.

Union Jacks wave high, noses are snubbed across the Channel, xenophobes and racists celebrate but Britain’s ‘victory’ over the European Union on covid vaccination is not what it seems.

UK hits target for vaccinating most vulnerable – but who should be prioritised next?

Virus ‘variants’

After leading the world in the number of deaths per thousand and the level of incompetence of its government, Britain’s version of the virus (or the southern Britain’s version in a north-south divided nation) is ‘on course to sweep world’.

Some of the potential problems with variants.

Not sure how there can be enough people who have had two doses of the vaccine when the policy (as far as I understood it) was to give as many people as possible one dose and then come back for round two) to make any study reliable. However, supposedly, Pfizer vaccine found to give strong immune response to new covid variants.

New covid variant with potentially worrying mutations found in UK.

Did the virus kill them – or successive British Governments?

A huge proportion of the UK’s covid deaths have been disabled people.

The ‘reform’ of the National Health Service (NHS)

‘My colleagues think it sort of beggars belief really, that this is happening at this time when the NHS is in turmoil.’ Dr David Wrigley, vice-chair of the British Medical Association.

Quarantine for those arriving in the UK

Chaos, uncertainty and irrationality plague this idea – even before it started on 15th February – as the hotel quarantine booking system crashes.

Is it ethical to quarantine people in hotel rooms?

Heathrow says hotel quarantine plan has ‘gaps’.

You say tomato I say tomato

It loses something when written down but corruption and nepotism is such however much it might be disguised. Those the electorate of this country have allowed themselves to be governed by are a group of people who have honed the task of skimming off the people for centuries and are such an incestuous group that – even in ‘normal’ times – it’s always jobs for the boys (and now the girls) of those who are running this country for their own financial ends.

Dominic Cummings defends polling contract. What’s interesting about this particular article is the short paragraph;

Former Labour MP Natascha Engel, who is now a partner at Public First, defended the firm’s involvement.

‘Too little, too late’ Starmer’s Labour Party would have been no different. Once in the coterie they are all rushing to feed from the trough.

Cummings’ role in handing covid contract to firm run by ‘friends’.

Poverty in Britain

Yet another report on poverty in Britain and the way in which the pandemic has both highlighted the issue and also how it has made life even worse for those caught in the poverty trap. Will anything be done to resolve this issue come the return to ‘normality’? Perhaps so if the poor start to fight against their situation instead of putting their faith in lying politicians. Also the working class as a whole needs to get involved in the fight as they should be aware by now, if they weren’t before, that most people are only ‘one wage packet away from destitution’.

This one is by the Living Wage Foundation and is entitled; Life on Low Pay in the Pandemic.

South Wales valleys’ high death rates ’caused by poverty’.

Known about for decades – another report just brings matters up-to-date. Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) uses excessive surveillance on suspected fraudsters.

We asked 70,000 people how coronavirus affected them – what they told us revealed a lot about inequality in the UK.

‘Collateral damage’

How the pandemic may damage children’s social intelligence.

After the virus a food poisoning epidemic? At-home food selling concerning, says Food Standards Agency.

NHS workers will need help to manage the trauma of the pandemic.

Make children priority after pandemic, Anne Longfield (outgoing Children’s Commissioner) says. A couple of interesting aspects of this article.

A Government ‘spokesman’ said;

‘Anne Longfield has been a tireless advocate for children, and we’re grateful for her dedication and her challenge on areas where we can continue raising the bar for the most vulnerable.’

That’s a euphemism that she did her job protecting the rights of children so it’s fortunate she’s on her way out.

And she will be replaced by a Tory place-holder, who comes from running ‘a multi-academy trust’. So we can anticipate what sort of support she will be giving to the interest of the majority of children.


Still dropping down the popularity scale but this could be interesting for the future; Graphene could one day be used to make quick, reliable tests for viruses like SARS-CoV-2 (or as we know it, covid-19).

What about those with lasting complications

A public health expert’s campaign to understand the disease – especially the idea of ‘long covid’.

A solution to the ‘Housing Crisis?

Manchester’s developers and charities are proposing to house the homeless in shipping containers.

Keeping the windows open in the winter

The case for ventilation of indoor spaces – even in the winter.

The battle of the playgrounds

Ministers accused of removing ‘last vestige of hope’ for parents in playgrounds row

The winners and losers in the covid race – or how to distract from your own incompetence

The New York Times is certainly aware of the propaganda value of pointing to China as a scary danger.

Tory politicians return to form

For the last year the Buffoon and his Government have ‘been on the back foot’, ‘behind the curve’ and all the other crass cliches that hide the fact that they haven’t had a clue about what they were doing. Now they have the ‘success’ of the vaccination programme (which is really not down to them at all, all they did was to splash out public money and buy expensive vaccines – when they didn’t even know if they would work or not). To say they were correct in their choices is no more than saying that the once a year gambler is an expert in horse racing after picking the winner of the Grand National by sticking a pin in the list of runners in the newspaper.

Now they think the pressure is off they are back to their nasty tricks. First we had the proposals to reorganise the NHS – together with the lies that this would result in a reversal of the creeping privatisation of the last two or more decades and now they are hiding behind the concept of ‘free speech’ to clamp down on anyone who criticises their moribund imperialist and capitalist past and present. This latest concept all coming from right wing so-called ‘think tanks’, aka academics who are the lapdogs of privilege and economic and political power.

Free speech plan to tackle ‘silencing’ views on university campus. Here the ‘impartial’ BBC giving succour to the extreme right wing.

The Tories want a war on the woke – as if there’s nothing better to do.

More on covid pandemic 2020-2?

View of the world

Ukraine – what you’re not told

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