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Cuba from outside

At present a small collection of documents by non-Cubans on the development of the revolution in the country and how it effects the populace.

On Cuba

Socialism and Man in Cuba – The Great Debate, edited and with an introduction by Bertram Silverman, Atheneum, New York, 1971, 382 pages.

Cuba – Dictatorship or Democracy, How people’s power works, Marta Harnecker, Lawrence Hill, Westport, 1979, 145 pages.

Women and the Cuban Revolution, Speeches and documents by Fidel Castro, Vilma Espín and others, edited by Elizabeth Stone, Pathfinder, 1981, 83 pages.

Cuba – The Second Decade, edited by John Griffiths and Peter Griffiths, Writers and Readers, London, 1982, 147 pages.

History of a Takeover – The US Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Editora Politica, Havana, 1982, 55 pages.

History of a takeover, the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay, November 8th Publishing House, Ottawa 2023, 100 pages.

Cuba Moves On, Roberto Robaina, Jose Marti Press, Havana, 1991, 13 pages.

What is the FMC, Havana, N.D. 13 pages. The Federacíon de Mujeres Cubanas.

Solidarity Organisations

The New Man in Cuba – Britain-Cuba Association, London, 1969, 24 pages.

Cuba – Report by Newcastle Latin America Study Group of the visit April 1984, Newcastle 1984, 14 pages.

Cubatimes, Fall 1981, Cuba Resource Centre, New York

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Ukraine – what you’re not told