Republic of Georgia
Although geographically a beautiful country the prime importance for this blog is the fact that the Republic of Georgia was the birth place of Comrade Joseph Stalin, the place he developed his revolutionary practice which established the road upon which he walked of the rest of his life.
The fact he was born in a country that was being oppressed by the Russian (Tsarist) Empire was also instrumental in his ability to analyse and develop the ideas of how such dominated nationalities should be incorporated into the revolution of the proletariat and peasantry. This resulted in an early publication of his, Marxism and the National Question (1913), which was used as the basis for the Bolshevik approach to nationalities after the success of the October Revolution in 1917.
Being the homeland of Comrade Stalin it’s perhaps not a surprise that in the town in which he was born (Gori) there’s a museum to his life and work. However, although constantly criticised for promoting the so-called ‘cult of the individual’ this museum didn’t exist in his lifetime and was only established in response to the denunciation of Stalin, at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, by the arch-traitor and revisionist Nikita Khrushchev.
Conflicts with the now capitalist Russian Federation have meant that a number of Soviet memorials (especially the memorial complex to the fallen in the Great Patriotic War in Vake Park in Tbilisi) have been allowed to fall into a shameful state of disrepair although they are around if you look for them.
It is hoped to indicate and describe as many as possible on this page.
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
JV Stalin pamphlets, compilations, articles, correspondence and commentaries
JV Stalin – Biographies, Reminiscences and Appraisals
21st December – Anniversary of the birth of Comrade Stalin
Bolshevik Illegal Printing Press – Tbilisi
Murals by Bodorna Hydroelectric Plant, Tbilisi
Vake Park, Tomb of the Unknown Warrior and the Mother of the Place
Soviet-Georgian Friendship Monument
Rediscovered statues of Joseph Stalin
The Great Patriotic War Museum and War Memorial
Tskaltubo’s abandoned Spas, Springs and Sanatoria
Joseph Stalin’s private bath house