The war in the Ukraine – what you are not told – 2024 – updated July 25

TOS-1a firing

TOS-1a firing

October 2023 – Palestine’s ‘Tet’?

View of the world – up to end of 2022

View of the world – 2023

View of the world – 2024

Ukraine – what you weren’t told – 2022

Ukraine – what you weren’t told – 2023

01 January 2024

Russia resumes massive missile strikes as Ukraine continues to rely on deadly, senseless PR stunts.

03 January 2024

The British and Americans were involved in organizing terrorist attack in Belgorod! Russian presentation to the UN.

04 January 2024

Ukraine war increasingly seen as ‘fought by the poor’, as Zelensky raises taxes and proposes strict mobilisation laws. [The first time in almost two years that this ‘academic’ has written an objective article about the war in the Ukraine.]

04 January 2024

A freezing nightmare is approaching ukraine from the north. Military summary and analysis.

04 January 2024

Russian asset seizure scheming: EU and Euro as US war proxies would take most risk; USD assets only $4.6 billion.

07 January 2024

Why giving Ukraine longer-range missiles will make no difference – New Atlas.

07 January 2024

The EU’s efforts to silence Hungary show how NATO objectives continue to eclipse any pretense of European democracy.

08 January 2024

Kiev mayor buys $6 million mansion in Germany.

08 January 2024

Russian missile strike rocks Ukraine; Zelensky admits Ukrainian air defences depleted; Kiev plans new Dneiper offensive – which will almost certainly be suicidal; Ukraine banking on ‘game changer’ F16s arrival. [After minutes 56 Mercouris starts to talk about Palestine – an area of which he demonstrably understands nothing.]

10 January 2024

Why Ukraine’s 2024 strategy will fail and why isolating Crimea is impossible – New Atlas.

11 January 2024

Pentagon report finds failure to track $1 billion in weaponry for Ukraine.

14 January 2024

Ukraine to defend UK ‘within 24 hours’ if attacked – so we in the UK can now sleep soundly in our beds knowing the the Ukrainian Nazis have our back.

15 January 2024

Death of Gonzalo Lira, crumbling Ukrainian air defenses, growing Russian military capabilities – New Atlas.

15 January 2024

Russian missiles hit Kharkov; Kremlin denies Ukrainian claims of an A-50 and IL22 being shot down; Zelensky ‘peace’ plan fails at Davos.

16 January 2024

Russian advances alarm Stoltenberg; no proof of A-50 aircraft loss; G7/Ukraine bizarre scheme on how to steal Russian frozen assets; Iranian strikes in Iraq, Syria and Pakistan.

17 January 2024

Russian major attacks on Ukrainian frontlines; still nothing definite about the ‘downed’ Russian aircraft; Modi tells Putin India backs Russia and the BRICS; Putin meets DPRK foreign minister; sabre rattling by various western commentators about Iran.

17 January 2024

Why Kyiv is cock-a-hoop about shooting down two Russian aircraft – although not providing proof and just taking Ukrainian claims at face value.

18 January 2024

Talk of Russian spring offensive raises fears that Kyiv is ill-prepared to face it. [The so-called ‘academic’ is probably correct here in his analysis but the way he gets there means he distorts the facts – not surprisingly. As always, follow the money.]

18 January 2024

NATO personnel in Ukraine now ‘fair game’ for Russia – Ritter.

19 January 2024

Russia advances as Ukraine retreats, according to Financial Times; Ukraine losing Krynky; comparison of both sides defence structure; admission by Ukraine of crucial ammunition shortage; Medvedev suggests possible outcome will be the end of Ukraine as a state; Western/Ukrainian failings in strategic planning in the winter of 2022/2023; Saudi plan on Palestine alarms Israel.

19 January 2024

Zelenskyy sold Ukraine to US corporate? Kennedy’s nephew adds to Russia’s explosive claim. [A bit of a messy video (I think) but it gets the idea across that whoever owns the Ukraine after the hostilities end it won’t be the Ukrainians.]

19 January 2024

INTEL Roundtable: Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern: CIA and Neocon Intransigence. Judge Napolitano.

20 January 2024

The Russians entered Avdiivka from the south. Military summary and analysis.

21 January 2024

Ukraine seeks PR ‘wins’ as West admits war may be lost.

21 January 2024

Orbán outfoxes the EU in nationalism vs. technocracy fight.

21 January 2024

Donetsk: Deadly blast hits market in Russia-held Ukraine city, officials say. [How the BBC reports Ukrainian terrorist attacks. This didn’t stay on the homepage for very long, substituted by old Gaza news.]

21 January 2024

Death toll spikes in Ukrainian shelling of Russian city. [How RT reports Ukrainian terrorist attacks.]

21 January 2024

The Ukraine charade, revisited.

22 January 2024

Kiev and the West panic over Avdeyevka breakdown and Russian advances; Budanov rumours about change in the command of the Ukrainian army; a West/Ukraine ‘insurgency plan’ after Russian victory.

22 January 2024

Larry Johnson: Zelenskyy should end Ukraine war now. Judge Napolitano.

22 January 2024

Ukrainians surrender en masse; air defense base has fallen. Military Summary and Analysis.

23 January 2024

Mark Sleboda: Putin just changed everything as Russia’s Military overwhelms Ukraine. Danny Haiphong. [With a reference to how matters developed at the beginning of the Special Military Operation.]

26 January 2024

FPV drones and Artificial Intelligence: How Russia is transforming drone warfare.

27 January 2024

Why does Russia produce more ammunition than the US?

28 January 2024

US seeks ‘new’ strategy for Ukraine as reality of Russia’s advantages sets in.

01 February 2024

Aaron Maté: (The GrayZone) – Ukraine on its last legs. Judge Napolitano.

01 February 2024

Ukraine war: corruption scandals and high-level rifts could become an existential threat as Kyiv asks for more military aid. [Milo Minderbender working in the Ukraine. Another analysis of the situation in the Ukraine from our favourite so-called ‘academic’ working in the UK. After two years of attempting to talk up the Ukraine he now has to, reluctantly, accept that it is rotten to the core.]

01 February 2024

Prof. John Mearsheimer : Can Israel win in Gaza? – Judge Napolitano [the Ukraine at the beginning then Gaza from minute 14.]

02 February 2024

Former Google CEO wants to build AI drone army for Ukraine.

02 February 2024

Ukraine: breakthrough on all fronts ahead of schedule.

02 February 2024

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: America the Bully. Judge Napolitano.

04 February 2024

Dialogue Now, Russia demilitarizing NATO, Larry C. Johnson – and an analysis of the disintegration of the ‘West’ and its supposed power.

04 February 2024

German establishment prepares to cross the Rubicon.

04 February 2024

‘Issue’ forces UK aircraft carrier to miss NATO drills

04 February 2024

Ukraine’s reported sinking of Russian missile boat distracts from Ukraine’s core weaknesses; US analysts believe Ukraine can use 2024 to ‘rebuild’ for 2025; US analysts share a misconception that Russia’s lack of territorial gains results from a lack of offensive potential; US analysts believe in the inherent superiority of Western military power.

05 February 2024

Nuland leaves sense of foreboding in Kiev.

08 February 2024

Tucker-Putin Interview – this changes everything. It’s on! The legacy media are furious about Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin. But why? And does the new power axis of Tucker and Elon Musk now dwarf all legacy media combined? Russel Brand.

08 February 2024

Heads explode over Tucker interviewing Putin! Tucker Carlson recently traveled to Russia to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin, and heads in the establishment commentariat predictably exploded. The European Union is threatening to sanction Carlson as a result, while the Ukrainian government has placed Carlson’s name on the country’s ‘kill list’. Jimmy is joined by Due Dissidence’s Russell Dobular and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger to discuss the rank McCarthyism on display in this episode from the American liberal class. Jimmy Dore Show.

09 February 2024

Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin. With comments.

09 February 2024

Beneath the Rubble. Documenting Devastation and Loss in Mariupol. Human Rights Watch. [It will be interesting to see if HRW do a similar ‘in depth’ report and video about the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza by the US-backed Zionist settler state.]

09 February 2024

Ecuador pays a high price, in bananas and carnations, for giving Russian-made weapons to US (and by extension, Ukraine).

09 February 2024

Tucker Carlson’s Putin interview gave Russian leader a platform to boost his own cause – and that of Donald Trump. [The expected response to an interview with a leader of one of the most powerful and significant countries on the planet from another so-called ‘academic’. The British university structure is truly in a dire state.]

09 February 2024

Ground launched small diameter bombs: why this new munition can’t help Ukraine.

09 February 2024

Scott Ritter: Putin up close! [Commenting on the Carlson-Putin interview.] Judge Napolitano.

10 February 2024

Covering the Waterfront with the Judge. John Mearsheimer with Judge Napolitano. [Note the short clip of Hilary Clinton giving an ‘insightful’ analysis of the interview around minute 29.30.]

10 February 2024

Invented Peoples – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss Vladimir Putin’s stemwinding interview with Tucker Carlson, the continuing blowback from Biden’s Middle East policy, and the latest from the Gaza war.

10 February 2024

John Mearsheimer: ‘The Israel lobby is as powerful as ever’. The American international relations scholar on the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and power competition in the Middle East.

11 February 2024

Why US artillery shell production isn’t enough and why other munitions will fall far shorter still.

12 February 2024

Kyiv needs a fundamental rethink of its strategy, not just a reshuffle of military leadership. [As out favourite NATO-paid ‘academic’ writes more about what really is happening in the Ukraine he still maintains his pro-NATO bias.]

12 February 2024

Tucker Carlson’s first discussion since Putin interview.

The following two articles have ‘nothing’ to do with the Ukraine – but they do in that the Ukraine is only part of the story of the US seeking to maintain world ‘dominance’. One of the interesting aspects of these two articles, written by so-called ‘academics’ is the assumption that the ‘west’ has the right to try and restrict the economy of another sovereign state. European imperialism has been doing that for centuries and have the mindset they can do so for the next 500. However, now they are trying that on with states who are prepared, and have the ability, to fight back.

12 February 2024

As US-China tensions mount, the UK will need to work closer with Europe in the Indo-Pacific.

13 February 2024

China’s chip industry is gaining momentum – it could alter the global economic and security landscape.

13 February 2024

Heading into 3rd year of Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO reveals its true nature as an undertaker.

13 February 2024

Ukraine collapse starting. What happens next?

14 February 2024

How the US Air Force is preparing for war with China, and why it won’t work.

14 February 2024

Aaron Maté: Biden and his proxy wars – with Judge Napolitano.

15 February 2024

Ukraine disaster: Ukrainian troops in Avdeyevka surrounded and fronts collapse; Russian missile strike – possibly on large concentration of Azov troops; Zelensky, yet again, goes abroad.

15 February 2024

‘Heinous crime’ – Moscow slams Kiev for deadly strike on border city.

15 February 2024

Ukraine war’s 10th anniversary: it started 20 February 2014. Here’s how.

16 February 2024

West sends Ukraine 3D printers to make spare parts, but won’t solve critical logistics problems.

17 February 2024

No one uninvolved – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the death of Navalny; the US-Israeli assault on multilateral institutions seeking to prevent famine in Gaza; renewal of US starvation sanctions on Syria and the looming catastrophe in Rafah. Correction: In discussing Alexey Navalny, Aaron erroneously says that there is video of Navalny meeting with a British official to seek foreign funding. In fact, the person filmed meeting with the British official was not Navalny but one of his top aides, Vladimir Ashurkov.

17 February 2024

They finally killed Navalny

18 February 2024

European governments look for ways to send Ukrainian refugees home.

18 February 2024

Russia takes all of Avdeevka after Ukrainian forces begin fleeing crumbling defenses; change in Ukrainian military leadership; the Western media continues to depict Ukraine’s military deficiencies as resulting from delayed Western funding; western arrogance about ‘superior innovation’; attempts to increase production of air defense systems and artillery munitions are falling far short; claims that Ukraine will build up its own military industrial capacity is unrealistic. New Atlas.

18 February 2024

Russia declares victory in Avdeyevka; Russian offensive in Zaporozhye; Global South rejects NATO/Ukraine ‘Peace Plan’.

18 February 2024

Throwing good money after bad in Ukraine?

18 February 2024

Wikileaks reveals Alexei Navalny’s US funding as Washington exploits his death. Alexei Navalny’s political activities were funded by the US government through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as part of an effort to repeat US-backed 2014 Ukraine regime change inside Russia itself.

19 February 2024

The tragic end of Gonzalo Lira: a voice silenced in Ukraine. [An article that originally appeared on 13 January 2024. Compare the reaction of the west the death of the racist Navalny and that of Gonzalo who was reporting from ‘democratic’ Ukraine.]

19 February 2024

Amnesty strips Alexei Navalny of ‘prisoner of conscience’ status (24 February 2021). Although the BBC bends over backwards to try to exonerate the right-wing racist it still tells of how he sees migrants – and indicates his actual thinking. Remember this when all the plaudits are splashed around in the next few days.

19 February 2024

Cult of the drone: at the two-year mark, UAVs have changed the face of war in Ukraine – but not outcome.

19 February 2024

Perfidious Teutons and their Polish accomplices – how the Rosneft Refinery in Germany is being expropriated.

20 February 2024

Why the United States needs NATO – 3 things to know.

20 February 2024

What happened to Alexei Navalny this time round.

20 February 2024

The west is at a crossroads – double down on aid to Kyiv, accept a compromise deal, or face humiliation by Russia. [This blog’s ‘favourite’ British ‘academic’ continues to accept the reality of the situation but still holds on to fantastical ideas.]

21 February 2024

Roger Waters slaps down Bono’s pro-war propaganda.

21 February 2024

Russia’s capture of Avdeevka will reverberate across Europe and accelerate geostrategic shifts.

22 February 2024

Navalny’s death: who is to blame?

22 February 2024

Wall Street Journal misinforms by omission in article on oil sanctions-buster by getting lost in weeds.

22 February 2024

John Mearsheimer: Ukraine can’t win – but can it avoid defeat?

22 February 2024

Ex-NATO official reveals the lies of Neocon warmongers to German public.

22 February 2024

Experts analyze state of Ukraine war 2 years into Russia’s invasion. ‘Ukraine has already lost the war’. John J. Mearsheimer.

23 February 2024

Russia-Ukraine two years on: towards an endless and wider war? UpFront – Al Jazeera, with Aaron Maté.

23 February 2024

John Mearsheimer on the US role in Ukraine (from minute 23) but also some interesting clips before that about the Democrats in the US and genocide.

23 February 2024

The fatal flaw undermining America’s defense industrial base. New Atlas.

23 February 2024

Putin just exposed an evil lie by Blinken.

23 February 2024

Is the west plotting a false flag provocation in Poland to blame on Russia and Belarus?

24 February 2024

The basic difference between today’s ‘The West’ and today’s Russia.

25 February 2024

It’s a turning point in the war: Russian army captured Petrovskoye and forced Abrams tanks to flee. [With an interesting comment about Ukrainian ‘shell starvation’.]

25 February 2024

Pentagon admits Ukraine aid unsustainable and why neutrality is Ukraine’s only (good) option. New Atlas.

26 February 2024

Russia’s victory in Ukraine resonates in Central Asia.

26 February 2024

NATO freakout over crumbling Ukraine military: Poland threatens us with nuclear development if no aid package.

26 February 2024

Mark Sleboda: NATO is being destroyed and Putin will finish it.

26 February 2024

Mayor of London wants assets of Russian ‘oligarchs’ seized. [- for housing for Ukrainian ‘refugees’ but says nothing about the genocide and ethnic cleansing by the US-backed Zionist settler state in Gaza – and doesn’t come up with any ideas about the housing crisis in London.]

26 February 2024

Biden calls China’s Xi ‘head of Russia’.

26 February 2024

Scott Ritter: Explaining Ukraine’s military failures – also on Gaza. Judge Napolitano.

27 February 2024

NATO’s debate over whether to conventionally intervene in Ukraine shows its desperation.

27 February 2024

‘Won’t let Russia win’: NATO nation [France] declares readiness to deploy troops in Ukraine.

28 February 2024

Who’s brain-dead now, Macron?

29 February 2024

Scholz slammed for revealing UK troop presence in Ukraine.

29 February 2024

More anti-Russian hysteria from the New York Times.

29 February 2024

The Ukrainian Intelligence Committee is preparing for the worst-case scenario.

29 February 2024

Macron now jump-starts Trump’s plans for NATO and the Ukraine.

29 February 2024

Sanctions: To Russia with Love – JK Galbraith.

01 March 2024

China resumes shuttle diplomacy as Ukraine war drums are getting louder.

01 March 2024

Scorching the earth westward — what comes next as the Ukraine army collapses.

01 March 2024

Amid Russia’s streak of wins in Ukraine, Putin aide’s message for UK for helping Zelensky.

01 March 2024

The ongoing disasters in Gaza and the Ukraine with the Judge Napolitano. John Mearsheimer.

01 March 2024

Russian aggressive attrition and the limits of western analysis.

01 March 2024

Intel roundtable with Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern: Is Putin right to threaten NATO? Judge Napolitano.

02 March 2024

Scholz’s slip of the tongue spilled the beans on Ukraine’s worst-kept secret.

02 March 2024

Leaked Crimean Bridge attack conversation is real – Berlin.

03 March 2024

Democratic rights are no excuse for airing Russian perspectives in Europe.

03 March 2024

Full transcript of German top military officials’ leaked plot to attack Crimean bridge.

03 March 2024

Ukraine losing ground as weapons wear out and ammunition is depleted. New Atlas.

04 March 2024

Putin’s nuclear warning is direct and explicit.

04 March 2024

Jens Stoltenberg: ‘Putin’s Puppet’.

04 March 2024

One step closer to crossing the line of no return: confrontation within NATO.

04 March 2024

Armenia freezes participation in collective security treaty organization, further poisoning ties with Russia.

05 March 2024

Farmer protests engulf Europe – and the importance of the ‘Ukraine effect’.

05 March 2024

The NATO hydra is raising its heads.

05 March 2024

British troops operating on the ground in Ukraine – what international law says. [Yet another British ‘academic’ supporting the US/UK/EU/NATO in the Ukraine.]

06 March 2024

Finland’s new president — a CIA asset — invites US nuclear missiles into Finland 500 miles from Moscow.

06 March 2024

The ideology of war in Ukraine and Israel.

06 March 2024

Victoria Nuland, major force behind failed Project Ukraine, retires unexpectedly.

06 March 2024

Containing China: US using Taiwan as East Asian ‘Ukraine’.

06 March 2024

German military officials on the wire.

06 March 2024

John Mearsheimer – US blind support of Ukraine – The West: collective suicide.

07 March 2024

Is ground beneath Biden’s Russia policy shifting?

07 March 2024

Nothing in Nuland’s life became her like the leaving of it.

07 March 2024

Was Nuland fired for her role in the Ukraine debacle?

08 March 2024

Germany and NATO caught red-handed in war planning.

08 March 2024

Empire decline and costly delusions.

09 March 2024

Putin’s State of the Union address, to compare with Biden’s on March 7th.

11 March 2024

Wannabe Napoleon: Macron humiliates himself.

11 March 2024

Are France and the UK plotting a Ukrainian power play right under Germany’s nose?

11 March 2024

Russia bars UK fleet from vital fishing grounds.

11 March 2024

Britain’s flagship aircraft carrier catches fire en route for repairs.

11 March 2024

From isolation to containment: Washington’s economic war against Russia gets a rebrand.

12 March 2024

New storyline in Wall Street Journal: ‘Russia is running out of missiles’ shifts to ‘Russia can’t keep up production forever’.

12 March 2024

Will Trump election bring back isolationism and threaten NATO?

12 March 2024

Germany undermines the European security.

12 March 2024

Europe is destroying its economy for NATO and Russia is the big winner.

13 March 2024

Phil Giraldi: How dangerous is Israel to the US? Judge Napolitano. Also about Victoria Nuland and the Ukraine.

13 March 2024

Sink the Hessen! Russia doesn’t have to strike beyond the Ukrainian battlefield – the German, French, British and US governments are sinking themselves.

13 March 2024

The internal struggle within the Deep State over whether to escalate to nuclear war.

13 March 2024

Aaron Maté – (The GrayZone) : Nuland and the leaked German plot. Judge Napolitano.

13 March 2024

Kiev’s drones losing electronic war – New York Times.

14 March 2024

Moscow estimates number of foreign mercenaries killed in Ukraine.

14 March 2024

Germany falls into deindustrialization, as United States cheers on.

14 March 2024

Cenotaph honouring SS veterans won’t return to Oakville cemetery [Ontario, Canada].

14 March 2024

Confident Dragon lays out modernization roadmap – [although primarily about China the situation in the Ukraine, and its machinations, determines much of China’s policy].

14 March 2024

Are we stumbling into World War III in Ukraine?

14 March 2024

The helpless Biden Administration faces twin disasters in Gaza and Ukraine – John Mearsheimer.

14 March 2024

Professor Jeffrey Sachs on CIA shenanigans and the Ukraine debacle.

15 March 2024

Russia under cyber-attacks.

15 March 2024

Ukraine is facing the scenario of asymmetrical partition.

15 March 2024

Ten years after Putin annexed Crimea, Russia’s grip on the peninsula looks shaky. [It’s really our favourite British ‘academic’ whose arguments are ‘shaky’.]

15 March 2024

Will BRICS launch a new world in 2024?

16 March 2024

New evidence the German Taurus attack plan was leaked by the US Air Force.

16 March 2024

European powers stab each other in the back over Ukraine proxy war defeat.

16 March 2024

Germany prepares for war, but what is the point?

16 March 2024

Sweden closing Nordsteam investigation shocking cover up.

16 March 2024

How does Russia keep hitting high value targets? [See comments to qualify some of these assertions.]

17 March 2024

Collapse on the EU Home Front.

17 March 2024

Ukraine’s costly cross-border PR stunt; Russia continues out-producing collective west.

18 March 2024

Putin’s talk of setting up a ‘sanitary/security zone’ in Ukraine hints at a potential compromise.

19 March 2024

US government-funded polling validates 2024 Russian elections – West simply doesn’t like the outcome.

19 March 2024

France goes all-in; an entire platoon of the Ukrainian army surrendered to the Russians in Georgievka.

20 March 2024

Russia has spoken… and the elitist west grumbles.

21 March 2024

Polish-Ukrainian cooperation: troubles in paradise?

21 March 2024

What is necessary for the Ukrainian ‘sanitary zone’ to be sanitary?

22 March 2024

Who stands for what?

22 March 2024

France will likely seek to secure Ukraine’s Black Sea coast if it conventionally intervenes.

22 March 2024

Türkiye offers to host Russia-Ukraine Summit: retrospective view on 2022 Istanbul talks.

22 March 2024

RFK Jr. makes CNBC heads explode over Nordstream truth! ‘Of course, we blew it up!’

22 March 2024

West admits Russian glide bombs might actually be ‘game-changer’.

22 March 2024

Terrorist attack on Moscow – Ukraine committing suicide? Larry Johnson with first impressions of the attack on the concert venue outside of Moscow.

23 March 2024

It’s war: the real meat grinder starts now.

23 March 2024

Furious Putin; Crocus gunmen captured; terror network destroyed; big Ukrainian defeat as Ivanivske falls.

23 March 2024

Understanding the implications of today’s terrorist attack in Russia. Larry Johnson.

24 March 2024

Russia mourns Crocus dead; gunmen talk; 3rd big Russian missile strike, Ukrainian defence collapsing in Chasov Yar. In the first part of the video Mercouris casts doubt that the attack on Moscow was solely an Islamic/ISIS operation.

26 March 2024

The CIA don’t do things like this any more. (The terrorist attack in Moscow.)

26 March 2024

Is the West scapegoating Islamic State over Moscow attack?

26 March 2024

This was the last straw for Ukraine, it’s over’. Colonel Douglas MacGregor says this attack on Moscow was the last desperate move from a desperate Zelensky and they will pay the price. [I have to reiterate every so often that although I can find little fault with McGregor’s military analysis at foundation he’s still a right-wing headbanger.]

26 March 2024

ISIS-K: the ultimate can of worms.

26 March 2024

Europe sleepwalks through its own dilemmas.

26 March 2024

On the Moscow terror attack. John Mearsheimer.

26 March 2024

Moscow attack reminds us of the links between Islamists and Kiev’s fundamentalist nationalists.

26 March 2024

Ukraine’s F-16s: too little, too late.

26 March 2024

Ten years since its annexation, Crimea serves as a grim warning to any Ukrainian lands that fall under Russian occupation. [This is the normal type of article produced by The Conversation when it comes to Russia/The Ukraine. Very little in the way of facts (or citations for assumptions) – typical of The Conversation’s ‘academics’ when it comes to discussing those countries that don’t kow tow to the west – but included here to see how matters develop in the future.

26 March 2024

SS veteran in [Canadian] Parliament scandal receives award named after Nazi collaborator.

27 March 2024

So many Ukraine peace initiatives, yet so little progress (I).

27 March 2024

The evidence on the Crocus gang attack in Moscow.

27 March 2024

Russian Crocus City investigation focuses on Ukraine; Ukrainian intelligence chief Danilov resigns/sacked; Russian heaviest bombing of Kharkov; Odessa suffers blackouts.

27 March 2024

US backed itself into corner by blaming IS for Crocus City Hall terror attack.

28 March 2024

The biggest U.S. and allied lies about the war in Ukraine.

28 March 2024

The Crocus City Hall attack – an operational failure.

28 March 2024

Putin says Russia will not attack NATO.

28 March 2024

Intel round table with Johnson and McGovern on the Moscow attack and the west’s response – within 55 minutes of it taking place. Judge Napolitano.

28 March 2024

Moldova: Russia continues its mischief-making in breakaway Transnistria. [Oyr favourite British ‘academic’ again. Not having learnt that he got it all wrong about the Ukraine he now starts to pontificate about Moldova. However, have a look at the second to last paragrapgh. After two years arguing the US/UK/EU/NATO line that Russia is poised to take over all of Europe he admits that Russia would have serious difficulties in occupying Transnistria – even if it wanted to. ‘There is no evidence that the Kremlin has any concrete plans, let alone any capabilities, for military action against Moldova’.

29 March 2024

So many Ukraine peace initiatives, yet so little progress (II).

29 March 2024

Does the fate of US arms in Ukraine create pause for thought ahead war with China?

30 March 2024

Unfortunately, Europe does not exist as an independent player! Lavrov on Russia and the Ukraine.

30 March 2024

The fantasized ‘end of history’ is now long gone. So: what’s left?

30 March 2024

West failed to defeat Russia.

01 April 2024

The EU’s internal reasons for ‘fighting to the last Ukrainian’, Arta Moeini.

01 April 2024

Did the US first catch wind of the Crocus terrorist attack by spying on Kiev?

01 April 2024

Germany as collateral damage in America’s New Cold War.

02 April 2024

How the electric war is redrawing the Ukraine map – in black.

02 April 2024

Ukraine: an oligarchy turned autocracy standing for democracy.

02 April 2024

Israel kills aid workers and seeks war with Iran; GOP caves on Ukraine. Aaron mate with Judge Napolitano.

03 April 2024

Yellen trip to China: Biden Administration presumption and cluelessness on display.

03 April 2024

Electric war goes west – depopulation turns into displacement turns into civil war in Galicia.

04 April 2024

By now, it’s conclusive that the US government blew up the Nord Stream pipelines and blamed Russia.

04 April 2024

This was deliberate murder by the Israelis. [The Ukraine from 23.30 minutes.]

05 April 2024

Ukraine plan of Crocus City Hall attack to start ethnic pogroms, civil war in Russia.

05 April 2024

Biden and his toy soldiers.

05 April 2024

Ukraine’s ‘wonder weapon’ captured by Russia.

05 April 2024

Professor John Mearsheimer : US Troops in Taiwan? [The second half of this video.}

06 April 2024

Jeffrey Sachs excoriates Biden on Ukraine-Russia war.

08 April 2024

Ukraine’s ammunition crisis persists as Western desperation grows.

08 April 2024

Ukraine’s drone strikes against Russian oil refineries complicate Biden’s re-election bid.

08 April 2024

Ukraine suffers shortage of manpower, mobilization, NATO troops or refugees?

08 April 2024

Why many NATO countries are thinking of introducing conscription and the issues that involves.

08 April 2024

Ukrainian drone attack on nuclear plant a ‘dangerous provocation’ – Kremlin.

09 April 2024

Desperados… NATO cranks up false-flag mode.

09 April 2024

Oh! ISIS-K. Riiiight.

10 April 2024

Aaron Maté :Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis.

10 April 2024

Americans can’t tell us who blew up Nord Stream, but they solved the Moscow terror attack case in 15 minutes?

11 April 2024

Terrorism, Burisma, and the White House.

11 April 2024

Ukraine committing suicide – Scott Ritter.

11 April 2024

How thousands of Ukrainian men are trying to dodge the conflict. [Note that the interviewer doesn’t point it out but the 3rd Assault Brigade, for which ‘the smiling volunteer’ is signing up, is the renamed Azov Brigade, that is he is joining a Nazi formation and probably holds those ideological views. What the mainstream media oft times omits is just as (or even more) important than what it includes.]

11 April 2024

US artillery capabilities fall victim to ‘profit over purpose’, no solution in sight.

11 April 2024

Russia delivers major blow to Ukraine by destroying Kiev’s biggest power plant.

Another pair of British so-called ‘academics’ make an ‘analysis’ of the current situation of the Special military operation in Ukraine without (seemingly) recognising that the ‘West’ doesn’t have the arms and ammunition to give to the Ukraine – even if the money was made available. If they do recognise this issue and chose to ignore it then it just demonstrates the dire straights into which British academia has fallen. ‘Academics’ that write for The Conversation are merely paid propagandists of the State.

11 April 2024

Russia’s devastating use of Soviet-era ‘glide bombs’ shows how urgently Kyiv needs air defence systems.

11 April 2024

Battlefield tipping in Russia’s favour as Kyiv begs allies for more arms.

Don’t think I posted the article below in May 2023. reproducing it here (just under a year later) so that readers will be able to compare the analysis of a (this time Australian) ‘academic’ just before the Ukraine’s much vaunted ‘counter-offensive’ of last year and the situation, on the ground, now.

12 April 2024 – but first published 03 May 2023

Why Ukraine’s fate rests on its imminent counteroffensive. [Even the ‘imminent’ in his heading was wrong.]

12 April 2024 – came out about a month ago but still relevant today.

How America destroyed the German economy.

12 April 2024

Ukraine could face defeat in 2024. Here’s how that might look. [For more than two years Barrons hasn’t had a clue about what has been happening in the Ukraine. Anyone remember him confidently predicting the ‘million man army’ of the Ukraine ready to sweep away the Russian invaders? Now he accepts the reality but still has to throw in unsubstantiated claims made all the time by the pro-west propagandists.]

12 April 2024

DragonFire: UK laser could be used against Russian drones on Ukraine front line. [But this ‘game changing’ system will not be operable until 2027 – at the earliest. By then the Ukraine, due to NATO intransigence, won’t exist as a functioning country.]

12 April 2024

John Mearsheimer: Ukraine’s new counteroffensive, Zelensky guarantees victory?

16 April 2024

Lenin revised — Russian military power means de-electrification and unconditional surrender of the Kiev regime.

17 April 2024

Russia’s meat grinder soldiers – 50,000 confirmed dead. [But pro-Ukrainian commentators, whose words have often been reported by the BBC, have for long been arguing that the figures are ten times what the BBC now ‘confirms’. So why didn’t the BBC ‘journalists’ make a comment upon that fact in the past? And the BBC, so concerned with ‘factual evidence’, even repeats Zelensky’s fantastical figure of 31,000 Ukrainian dead to ‘demonstrate’ that Russia is losing in the death stakes.]

17 April 2024

Ukraine is losing the war and the west faces a stark choice: help now or face a resurgent and aggressive Russia. [Yet the same ‘academic’ was saying that Russia would fail if it tried to takeover Transistria, Moldova.]

17 April 2024

NATO is losing the proxy war against Russia, so expect surge in false-flag terrorism – John Kiriakou.

17 April 2024

UK insurers refuse to pay Nord Stream because blasts were ‘government’ backed.

21 April 2024

ATACMS, what exactly does the voted US aid mean for Ukraine?

22 April 2024

Russia warns of direct clash with West over Ukraine military support.

22 April 2024

Angela Merkel and François Hollande’s crime against peace.

22 April 2024

US$60 billion in US military aid a major morale boost but no certain path to victory. [The well known ‘academic expert’ on the Ukraine war still living in cloud cuckoo land.]

22 April 2024

Georgia is sliding towards autocracy after government moves to force through bill on ‘foreign agents’. [What would be the response if organisations that wanted to change the government in the UK were found to be funded by Russia or China – or, indeed any other foreign power. The hypocrisy of the west is unbounded’]

22 April 2024

‘Put those damn flags away!’

22 April 2024

US passes $61 billion Ukraine spending bill but lacks arms/ammunition to send in sufficient amounts.

23 April 2024

The US’ long-delayed aid to Ukraine might prevent its collapse but won’t push Russia back

24 April 2024

Is it game, set, match to Moscow? Douglas Mcgregor

24 April 2024

Final nail in America’s coffin?

24 April 2024

NATO endangers security of the whole world – German Parliamentarian Sevim Dagdelen.

24 April 2024

Will the Anglo-American axis deploy nukes to Poland?

24 April 2024

Mark Sleboda: Russia has destroyed Ukraine’s army and Putin’s next move has NATO worried.

25 April 2024

Why Ukraine is doomed on the battlefield with or without the U.S. aid package.

25 April 2024

Trying to make sense of the Ukraine war with the Judge – John Mearsheimer.

29 April 2024

Mark Sleboda: Putin and China issue devastating warning to Blinken, Neocons and they’re not bluffing.

30 April 2024

How 10 years of US meddling in Ukraine undermined democracy and fueled war.

01 May 2024

Britain’s ‘newest’ tank: Challenger 3, failing to learn lessons from Ukraine.

01 May 2024

Mark Sleboda: Putin and China issue devastating warning to Blinken, Neocons and they’re not bluffing.

02 May 2024

Vladimir Putin warned he could ‘lose his life’ as Ukraine prepares huge attack in war. [I don’t know what’s more amazing with this article. What it says (which is plainly ludicrous) or that the so-called ;journalist’ put his name to it.]

02 May 2024

Washington moves on to Plan B.

02 May 2024

Panic deepens: Macron – NATO will intervene if Kiev asks; Russian strikes kill top Ukrainian officials in Odessa; Israel, the US and the ICC.

03 May 2024

The UN is afraid of fingering ‘whodunnit’ on the Nordstream pipelines. Spoiler alert, it was the USA! And what’s happening on US university campuses. George Galloway with Larry Johnson.

04 May 2024

Putin humiliated after special forces wiped out and army losses hit catastrophic levels. [As has been the case since the very beginning of the Special Military Operation these ‘facts’ have been taken from Ukrainian sources without any independent verification. The Express doesn’t even make a possible disclaimer, thereby giving the ‘news’ validity – to the ignorant and stupid who read the Express.]

05 May 2024

Ukraine’s Donbass lines collapsing – Russia’s strategy of attrition comes full circle – New Atlas.

05 May 2024

Ukraine is preparing for peace talks with Russia. [But in 2025! The war will be over by then.]

06 May 2024

Remembering a day the West wants to forget.

06 May 2024

Blinken’s hypocrisy in China.

06 May 2024

NATO’s soon-impending surrender to Russia in the battlefields of Ukraine.

06 May 2024

Israel attacks Rafah; Ukraine pays proxy war’s cost.

06 May 2024

Larry Johnson: US supplied ATACMS target troops inside Russia.

06 May 2024

Scott Ritter : Russia’s next move: unpacking the future of the Ukraine conflict.

06 May 2024

Colonel Douglas MacGregor: Ukraine front lines buckled, will Russian troops push deeper? Daniel Davis, Deep Dive.

07 May 2024

Russia and North Korea: developing relations in new geopolitical realities.

07 May 2024

Eating the seed corn – intervention threats and responses.

07 May 2024

The Russia–Iran–China search for a new global security order.

08 May 2024

Ukraine: where reality goes to die.

08 May 2024

Is Zelensky’s life in danger now that he’s on Russia’s wanted list?

09 May 2024

Russian missiles destroy Ukrainian power stations, power cuts; NATO draft statement: no NATO troops in Ukraine.

10 May 2024

Ukraine is set to abolish human rights.

10 May 2024

Ukraine a ‘corrupt s**thole’ – ex-Boris Johnson adviser.

11 May 2024

Graduation day – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss rising repression against student protest encampments, the looking Israeli assault on Rafah and Biden’s pathetic attempts to limit its savagery.

11 May 2024

On the front lines with Ukrainian forces.

12 May 2024

‘Zelensky conned us’: Ex-British PM adviser blasts West, says ‘Putin knew we were jokers before war’.

14 May 2024

Shoigu’s promotion makes perfect sense if seen from Putin’s perspective.

16 May 2024

Xi, Putin hold talks, sign joint statement on deepening ties.

16 May 2024

Biden and Congress seek to ‘Trump-proof’ permanent war in Ukraine.

17 May 2024

USA: Common sense? No, never heard of it.

17 May 2024

A former Ukrainian MP blew the whistle on Burisma’s connections to terrorism.

17 May 2024

Intel Round table with Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern: Weekly wrap up. Judge Napolitano.

18 May 2024

Ukraine can’t win. NATO must negotiate – ex-German general Harald Kujat.

18 May 2024

The drive for war.

19 May 2024

The West has decided to sort things out on the battlefield! Russia is ready! Lavrov.

19 May 2024

Ray McGovern: Russia and China — two against one.

19 May 2024

Washington and Western allies turn on India over Russia and China.

20 May 2024

Assassination attempt on Slovak PM highlights dangers of constant EU demonization of project Ukraine opponents and hypocrisy of ‘misinformation’ crackdown.

20 May 2024

China and Russia (Chinussia or Russchina) announce their foreign policy.

20 May 2024

‘The peace conference’ on Ukraine – an attempt to accuse Russia of unprovoked aggression.

20 May 2024

Promising the impossible: Blinken’s out of tune performance in Kyiv.

22 May 2024

Ukraine seeks more US help to strike Russia. Aaron Maté on Judging Freedom with Andrew Napolitano.

24 May 2024

Meanwhile, we’re still way too close to nuclear Armageddon.

24 May 2024

Boris Johnson pictured holding Ukrainian neo-Nazi banner.

24 May 2024

Intel round table: Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern – weekly wrap up with Judge Napolitano. On the recent ruling of the International Court of Justice.

24 May 2024

Yes, but they’re our bastards – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the British parliament’s hosting of actual neo-Nazis from Ukraine, the push in Washington for Ukrainian strikes deep into Russia, the new ICJ ruling on Rafah, the Biden admin’s pathetic withdrawal of another red line on Israeli violence, and Trump’s disturbing Veepstakes.

25 May 2024

Ukraine attacked key element of Russia’s nuclear umbrella [with US knowledge and assistance] — Russian senator.

26 May 2024

No country can survive conflict with Russia alone – Zelensky.

29 May 2024

Talking about Escalation Dominance with ‘The Spectator’.

30 May 2024

Prof. John J. Mearsheimer: How Ukraine war started. Judge Napolitano.

31 May 2024

Biden authorizes Ukraine to make ‘limited’ strikes on Russia with US weapons.

31 May 2024

Biden lets Ukraine strike Russia with US weapons while Ukraine attacks Russian nuclear defenses.

01 June 2024

Meet newly invented Russian ethnic group: how CIA tries to fragment Russia’s identity.

01 June 2024

Peace talks without Russia ‘laughable’ – John Mearsheimer.

01 June 2024

Scott Ritter: Russia’s victory over Ukraine is drawing near.

02 June 2024

US ‘green lights’ strikes on Russia; reality behind Kerch Port attack; Czech ammo bid falls short. New Atlas.

03 June 2024

The U.S. Government’s many lies about the war in Ukraine.

03 June 2024

Italy pipes up against NATO escalation as court ruling could cut off Russian gas sooner than expected.

04 June 2024

Scott Ritter removed from plane to Russia and had passport seized with no explanation.

04 June 2024

Russia’s victory over Ukraine is drawing near.

04 June 1024

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs : Why the west hates Russia.

04 June 2024

The Five Goals of the US’ reportedly impending anti-Russian propaganda campaign in Scandinavia.

04 June 2024

‘State of panic’ as Putin realises he cannot win in Ukraine – Yuri Felshtinsky. [Including this tripe and Gorgonzola from Times Radio (sic) as a demonstration for those who might not have seen it before how weak and prejudice is the reporting in the UK. It won’t happen again.]

04 June 2024

Scott Ritter : on my way to Russia I met Big Brother and the extension of the use of western supplied weapons on Russian soil.

04 June 2024

The demise of the Liberal International Order and more, The Duran.

05 June 2024

Buried in Steel: military production and NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine.

05 June 2024

Russia prepares Kharkov battle; Russia jams US black sea drones; Ukrainian troops untrained; Turkey wants BRICS.

05 June 2024

Ukrainians’ claims on the origin of Odessa City are baseless. And here is why.

05 June 2024

Col. Larry Wilkerson on Scott Ritter and Russia’s devastating warning to NATO.

05 June 2024

Land of the free, home of the grave – George Galloway talks to Scott Ritter.

05 June 2024

Kiev regime tortured US journalist [Gonzalo Lira] to death – Putin.

05 June 2024

Putin outlines Russian response to long-range strikes.

06 June 2024

Biden’s plans to start WW3 either in Ukraine or in Taiwan.

06 June 2024

Does Poland fear that Ukraine might one day make irredentist claims against it?

06 June 2024

Putin, Russian strike back will possibly mean arming various western enemies; Zelensky illegitimate; Kharkov offensive and Russian considering a return to Kherson.

07 June 2024

Who might Russia arm as an asymmetrical response to the west arming Ukraine?

07 June 2024

Myanmar civil war: US proxy war to contain China.

07 June 2024

The cautious US escalation against Russia is developing not necessarily to US advantage.

07 June 2024

A slippery slope to World War III?

08 June 2024

Black Sea port becomes geopolitical battleground between China and the EU.

09 June 2024

Will French jets, additional US arms help change the tide in Ukraine? New Atlas.

09 June 2024

The war racket in Germany.

10 June 2024

Larry Johnson: my week in Russia.

10 June 2024

How Germany’s Government is either insane or outright evil.

10 June 2024

Ray McGovern: will Biden heed Putin’s warnings?

10 June 2024

Obama’s guilt for Ukraine’s war.

10 June 2024

The Military-Industrial Complex is killing us all.

10 June 2024

A Navy admiral’s bribery charges are just part of a system of corrupt dealings.

11 June 2024

Buzzer beater – Russian General Staff aims at ending the Ukraine by electric war.

11 June 2024

Kiev’s plan to store F-16s in NATO states raises the risk of World War III.

11 June 2024

Scott Ritter: Why did it take Russia so long to realize Donbass was worth fighting for?

12 June 2024

Truth, Ukraine, Burisma and the Biden Family.

12 June 2024

On poking dragons.

12 June 2024

Biden’s falsification of history: exploiting D-Day for anti-Russia agenda.

12 June 2024

Arming Ukrainian neo-Nazis a sign of US desperation – ex-Pentagon official.

12 June 2024

With Russia not attending, what can this weekend’s Ukraine peace summit achieve?

12 June 2024

‘Historical Estonian territory’? Why the Balts can’t accept they have nothing of their own.

12 June 2024

The Grayzone targeted in US govt-backed ‘enemies of Ukraine’ list.

13 June 2024

How to justify NATO’s aggression against Russia.

13 June 2024

Big embarrassment for Zelensky at German Parliament; MPs boycott speech – ‘President of war’.

13 June 2024

Taiwan slides toward US-engineered ‘Ukraine-ization’.

13 June 2024

John Mearsheimer: political winds shift against Ukraine war support, with Daniel Davis

14 June 2024

Milei’s latest plan to embroil Argentina in Ukraine conflict involves sending five French fighter jets that cannot fly.

14 June 2024

Western officials and press starting to acknowledge impact of Russian electric war on Ukraine.

14 June 2024

Putin names conditions for Ukraine peace talks.

14 June 2024

Putin’s speech at the Ministry of International Affairs: an olive branch.

14 June 2024

Orban got what he wanted from NATO and ensured Hungary’s objective national interests.

14 June 2024

Two European thorns in the Empire’s side: Rightist Orban and Leftist Fico (and look what happened to him).

14 June 2024

‘We must go after everything Russian’ – UK’s Cameron.

15 June 2024

NYT publishes alleged draft of failed Russia-Ukraine peace deal.

15 June 2024

Putin is sending another signal to the world.

15 June 2024

The US’ security pact with Ukraine is a consolation for not approving its NATO membership.

15 June 2024

Why NATO weapons are way overpriced.

16 June 2024

Propaganda vs. Pragmatism: can US ATACMS clear the way for F-16 warplanes in Ukraine?

16 June 2024

Russia traps Ukrainians in Volchansk; Russian-EU gas exports overtake US LNG; Hollow Swiss ‘Piss’ Summit; G7 targets China.

16 June 2024

Twelve states refuse to sign Zelensky ‘peace conference’ declaration.

16 June 2024

The summer of living dangerously.

17 June 2024

The Russian ‘phenomenon’ through the eyes of the western media.

17 June 2024

Conscription squads send Ukrainian men into hiding.

17 June 2024

Next stage – the General Staff’s targets after Putin’s feint.

17 June 2024

Michael Hudson: Agricultural imperialism in the EU.

18 June 2024

The US’ sharp rebuke of Vietnam for hosting Putin later this week was ridiculous.

18 June 2024

Ukraine summit fails to provide a path to peace for Kyiv and its allies. [Our favourite academic starts to accept reality – but is still ‘straw clutching’.]

18 June 2024

Confused Biden clips are ‘deepfakes’ – White House.

18 June 2024

The US is preparing for WWIII while expanding draft registration.

19 June 2024

Never ending troubles for Uncle Sam. John Mearsheimer.

19 June 2024

Netanyahu’s tantrum; Russia’s new offer and Ukraine’s new excuse.

20 June 2024

The history of Baltic ‘sovereignty’: three myths about Baltic statehood.

20 June 2024

Behind the myth of ‘billions in arms’ flowing into Ukraine.

21 June 2024

Russia and Ukraine trade drone strikes on energy facilities.

21 June 2024

The Russian-Vietnamese strategic partnership checks US influence in Southeast Asia.

21 June 2024

Trump points to ‘cause’ of Ukraine conflict.

21 June 2024

Reality has changed: the Ukraine war slams Europe rightward.

21 June 2024

Peace, peace, when there is no peace – The Grayzone live. Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal discuss new mainstream coverage of negotiations between Ukraine and Russia back in 2023 amid Zelensky’s bogus peace summit, Russian retaliation against US arming of Ukraine, new threats by Netanyahu against a cowering Biden administration, and Israel’s continuing onslaught against Gaza.

22 June 2024

Why NATO is now in a Rutte.

22 June 2024

US may have secretly trained Ukrainian neo-Nazis.

23 June 2024

Is Ukraine using an ‘elastic defense’? Or just losing the war?

24 June 2024

Ray McGovern: The attack on the Crimean beach – first 13.5 minutes.

24 June 2024

Civilians killed on Sevastopol beach were ‘occupiers’ – top Zelensky aide. [And the ‘civilians’ in Zionist occupied Palestine?]

24 June 2024

Between the Kremlin cup and the General Staff lip after Sunday’s Crimea and Dagestan attacks.

24 June 2024

Scott Ritter on Ukraine’s shelling of Sevastopol: it’s a direct attack on Russia by US and NATO.

24 June 2024

New terrorist attacks in Russia. The US and Ukraine are responsible.

25 June 2024

The Duran – Dangerous escalation with Brian Berletic.

26 June 2024

Biden likely to allow US contractors to deploy in Ukraine – CNN.

26 June 2024

Is EU’s fuzzy natural gas math leading to major minuses in the Caucasus?

26 June 2024

Aaron Maté: Who sabotaged the Istanbul deal? Also the attack on the Crimea.

26 June 2024

New ICC warrants issued for Ukraine crimes. [Watch how this develops in comparison with those issue against leaders of the Zionist settler state.]

26 June 2024

Freedom isn’t free – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the release of Julian Assange from 14 years in captivity and what it means for the future of antiwar journalism. They will also cover the Israel lobby’s opening salvo in the 2024 campaign and the latest from the war in Gaza and start with the recent attempted military coup in Bolivia.

27 June 2024

John Mearsheimer: U. S. leaders impotent – war escalation risk grows. With Daniel Davis on Deep Dive.

27 June 2024

New evidence US blocked Ukraine-Russia peace deal, and a new Ukrainian excuse for walking away.

27 June 2024

Mounting troubles for Uncle Sam and his friends in Israel and Ukraine.

28 June 2024

Russia’s response to Ukraine’s US-backed bombing of beach goers wasn’t what many expected.

30 June 2024

West admits Ukraine’s growing manpower crisis and the evolution of Russia’s FAB-3000 bomb.

30 June 2024

Russia strikes New York in Donbass with giant bomb.

01 July 2024

America’s AP (Associated Press) model for corrupt ‘news’ media: lying about history.

01 July 2024

Visit to North Korea: will the west conceive Putin’s clear signal?

02 July 2024

Confronting NATO’s war summit in Washington.

02 July 2024

Keep an eye on Ukraine’s military build-up along the Belarusian border.

02 July 2024

Destroying Ukraine with idealism.

03 July 2024

World Bank finally reclassifies Russia to top category: ‘high income country’.

03 July 2024

Kyiv rejects Orbán ceasefire plan but global security deals offer hope. [Our favourite British ‘academic’ still presents delusional ideas and continues to be selective in his facts.]

03 July 2024

Russia toughens up draft law to round-up more people for the frontlines. [Another British ‘academic’ being selective in their choice of ‘facts’ – relying on unverifiable declarations that have become unsubstantiated myths.]

03 July 2024

Prof. John Mearsheimer : China in the wings.

04 July 2024

The descendants of Ukrainian Nazis are calling on ethnic Ukrainian-Russians to become terrorists.

05 July 2024

Trump’s reported plan for NATO is already being partially implemented.

05 July 2024

Washington’s ‘Hellscape’ drone war vs China and its 1000 drone arms deal with Taiwan Admin.

07 July 2024

Spook scholarship: a prominent former CIA analyst and project Ukraine backer moonlights as a collegiate textbook co-author.

07 July 2024

Western mercenaries killed Russian POWs – German medic.

07 July 2024

Ukraine asks West for submarines.

07 July 2024

West admits Ukraine is out of air defenses and losing ground, with no way to reverse it.

08 July 2024

What would a Russian victory in Ukraine look like?

08 July 2024

NATO state could shoot down Russian missiles – Zelensky [Although refuted by the Poles some time later – at least for a while.]

08 July 2024

Mike Pompeo about CIA : ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole’. [Archive, from 5 years ago.]

09 July 2024

EU undershoots 155mm shell capacity target by more than half, blames all sorts of things besides lack of operational capability.

09 July 2024

Saudi Arabia threatened to sell off European debt if G-7 seized Russian assets.

09 July 2024

Xi and Putin talk up growth of their Eurasian bloc organisation as counterweight to NATO. [Our favourite ‘academic’ actually does some real analysis here – yet doesn’t accept that NATO aggressive expansion is the cause of many of the present ills.]

10 July 2024

Michael Hudson: Russia and China crush NATO’s plan as Ukraine falls apart.

10 July 2024

Why the news media’s job is to groom us.

11 July 2024

Baltic Syndrome: why the Balts worship Nazism.

11 July 2024

Prof. John Mearsheimer: Ukraine collapsing.

12 July 2024

Interpreting the Polish military chief’s decision to prepare for ‘full-scale conflict’.

12 July 2024

Tulsi Gabbard reacting to Biden’s dangerous NATO speech.

12 July 2024

NATO is shocked by Kyiv’s claims that North Korean troops entered Ukraine and attacked Toretsk Front. [Not too sure of some of the conclusions of this piece but interesting nonetheless.]

12 July 2024

‘We love you Joe, but…’: Hollywood’s advice to President Biden.

12 July 2024

Chain of fools – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss plans announced by NATO at its Washington DC summit to escalate conflicts across the globe and its expand its ranks, the vindication of their reporting on Israel’s scandalous Hannibal Directive, the ongoing meltdown over Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, and much more.

12 July 2024

Prof John Mearsheimer NATO declares Ukraine’s membership irreversible.

13 July 2024

Why George Clooney, Peter Welch, and the New York Times, are dangerous.

14 July 2024

NATO’s 2024 Summit fails to deliver as Russia continues grinding Ukraine down.

15 July 2024

As NATO bids farewell to reality, Moscow and Beijing pursue win-win deals with Türkiye.

15 July 2024

How the West double-crossed — and aims to conquer — Russia.

15 July 2024

‘Big Boy’ Biden in his own words.

16 July 2024

Views in the West on the prospects for resolving the Ukrainian crisis.

17 July 2024

China dumps US debt, fearing a capitalist Armageddon, Richard Wolff.

17 July 2024

Crisis in the West, opportunity for the rest?

18 July 2024

Space-based warfare: America’s dominance challenged.

18 July 2024

Auschwitz Museum responds to RT’s Ukrainian Nazi exposé.

18 July 2024

Russia accuses Ukraine of using chemical weapons.

18 July 2024

A Trump-Vance White House could undermine European security – and end up pushing Russia and China closer. [I thought our favourite ‘academic’ had started to accept the reality of what is happening in the Ukraine. From being a mere NATO propagandist he was starting to (even within his meagre abilities) to analyse the facts. But what he has really done is resorted to outright lies to ‘make his case’. In this article he states that it was Russia that reneged on the Minsk agreements of 2014 and 2015 when it was the West that used the agreements to arm the Ukrainians – witness the statements made by Merkel and Hollande in 2022.]

19 July 2024

What happens with the war in Ukraine if Trump wins?

20 July 2024

War ‘to the last Ukrainian’: why Kiev will resort to provocations to continue fighting Russia.

20 July 2024

Government by gunplay – The Grayzone live. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the high and lowlights of the RNC, the Democratic Party elite’s push for Joe Biden to drop out of the race, the CrowdStrike IT disaster, Max Boot-gate, and the latest from Gaza.

21 July 2024

The US vassal state of Germany comes apart.

21 July 2024

West admits Ukraine is losing, encourages Ukrainians to fight on anyway. New Atlas.

23 July 2024

UK must be ready for war in three years, head of British Army warns. [At its current level the British Army wouldn’t be ready for war in 30 years.]

23 July 2024

Mark Sleboda: Putin drops bombshell on NATO as Russia sends 200,000 troops to finish Ukraine’s army.

24 July 2024

NATO’s civilian bases.

October 2023 – Palestine’s ‘Tet’?

View of the world – up to end of 2022

View of the world – 2023

View of the world – 2024

Ukraine – what you weren’t told – 2022

Ukraine – what you weren’t told – 2023